ENTRY C0773 20240418 C236C077300000001 SUBENT C0773001 20240418 C236C077300100001 BIB 11 26 C077300100002 TITLE (p,n) Cross Sections and the Strength Functions for 3-C077300100003 to 5.5-MeV Protons on In and on Sn Isotopes C077300100004 AUTHOR (C.H.Johnson,R.L.Kernell) C077300100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,2,639,1970) C077300100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.2.639 C077300100007 (J,PRL,23,20,1969) C077300100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.23.20 C077300100009 REL-REF (N,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,20,2052,1979) Review article. C077300100010 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.20.2052 C077300100011 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) C077300100012 FACILITY (VDG,1USAORL) C077300100013 METHOD (BCINT) C077300100014 DETECTOR (BF3) 4pi graphite-sphere with eight BF3 counters C077300100015 embedded near its surface. C077300100016 CORRECTION Corrected for: C077300100017 . deadtime, C077300100018 . background, C077300100019 . energy averaging effects, C077300100020 . absorption in target holder, C077300100021 . contaminants in target and holder. C077300100022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty given. See table V C077300100023 in main reference for details on error contributions. C077300100024 HISTORY (20010122C) VM C077300100025 (20180718A) BP: Added doi, review article. C077300100026 (20240418A) OS. STATUS added in subs.4-9, deleted C077300100027 in sub.1 C077300100028 ENDBIB 26 0 C077300100029 COMMON 2 3 C077300100030 EN-ERR ERR-SYS C077300100031 PER-CENT PER-CENT C077300100032 0.01 4. C077300100033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C077300100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C077300199999 SUBENT C0773002 20010130 0000C077300200001 BIB 3 4 C077300200002 REACTION (49-IN-0(P,N),,SIG) C077300200003 SAMPLE Natural indium sample with areal density 3.74 mg/cm2. C077300200004 STATUS (COREL,C0775004) Data from earlier experiment (identifiC077300200005 as Experiment 3 in reference) was better data. C077300200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C077300200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300200008 NODATA 0 0 C077300200009 ENDSUBENT 8 0 C077300299999 SUBENT C0773003 20010130 0000C077300300001 BIB 3 4 C077300300002 REACTION (50-SN-0(P,N),,SIG) C077300300003 SAMPLE Natural tin sample with areal density 2.83 mg/cm2. C077300300004 STATUS (COREL,C0775004) Data from earlier experiment (identifiC077300300005 as Experiment 3 in reference) was better data. C077300300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C077300300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300300008 NODATA 0 0 C077300300009 ENDSUBENT 8 0 C077300399999 SUBENT C0773004 20240418 C236C077300400001 BIB 5 12 C077300400002 REACTION (50-SN-117(P,N)51-SB-117,,SIG) C077300400003 Experiments 1 and 2. C077300400004 SAMPLE Tin samples enriched to 89.2% 117Sn with areal C077300400005 densities of 5.28 (experiment 1) and 0.256 C077300400006 (experiment 2) mg/cm2. C077300400007 ANALYSIS Thicker sample normalized by a factor of 1.065 to C077300400008 thin sample data; normalization uncertainty 2%. C077300400009 Data given is average for both samples. C077300400010 STATUS (TABLE,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,2,639,1970) Table IV C077300400011 (COREL,T0132002) Later experiment with higher C077300400012 resolution C077300400013 HISTORY (20240418A) STATUS added C077300400014 ENDBIB 12 0 C077300400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300400016 DATA 2 17 C077300400017 EN DATA C077300400018 KEV MB C077300400019 2965. 0.032 C077300400020 3203. 0.095 C077300400021 3449. 0.26 C077300400022 3702. 0.64 C077300400023 3964. 1.41 C077300400024 4098. 2.05 C077300400025 4234. 2.92 C077300400026 4371. 4.35 C077300400027 4455. 6.00 C077300400028 4511. 6.53 C077300400029 4568. 7.35 C077300400030 4653. 8.1 C077300400031 4797. 10.3 C077300400032 4942. 13.8 C077300400033 5090. 18.0 C077300400034 5240. 22.5 C077300400035 5392. 28.2 C077300400036 ENDDATA 19 0 C077300400037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C077300499999 SUBENT C0773005 20240418 C236C077300500001 BIB 4 7 C077300500002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,N)51-SB-118,,SIG,,,DERIV) C077300500003 ANALYSIS Data derived from measurements on normal tin and C077300500004 117,119,120,122,124 isotopes. C077300500005 STATUS (TABLE,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,2,639,1970) Table IV C077300500006 (COREL,T0132003) Later experiment with higher C077300500007 resolution C077300500008 HISTORY (20240418A) STATUS added C077300500009 ENDBIB 7 0 C077300500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300500011 DATA 2 4 C077300500012 EN DATA C077300500013 KEV MB C077300500014 4591. 3.6 C077300500015 4879. 10.1 C077300500016 5175. 19.8 C077300500017 5326. 24.6 C077300500018 ENDDATA 6 0 C077300500019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C077300599999 SUBENT C0773006 20240418 C236C077300600001 BIB 5 9 C077300600002 REACTION (50-SN-119(P,N)51-SB-119,,SIG) C077300600003 Experiment 2. C077300600004 SAMPLE Tin samples enriched to 89.8% 119Sn with areal C077300600005 densities of 4.82 and 0.261 mg/cm2. C077300600006 ANALYSIS Data given average from both samples. C077300600007 STATUS (TABLE,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,2,639,1970) Table IV C077300600008 (COREL,T0132004) Later experiment with higher C077300600009 resolution C077300600010 HISTORY (20240418A) STATUS added C077300600011 ENDBIB 9 0 C077300600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300600013 DATA 2 17 C077300600014 EN DATA C077300600015 KEV MB C077300600016 2989. 0.059 C077300600017 3107. 0.093 C077300600018 3227. 0.157 C077300600019 3349. 0.238 C077300600020 3473. 0.369 C077300600021 3599. 0.555 C077300600022 3727. 0.82 C077300600023 3857. 1.19 C077300600024 3989. 1.71 C077300600025 4123. 2.44 C077300600026 4259. 3.45 C077300600027 4397. 4.99 C077300600028 4537. 7.00 C077300600029 4679. 9.85 C077300600030 4823. 12.7 C077300600031 4969. 16.1 C077300600032 5117. 20.8 C077300600033 ENDDATA 19 0 C077300600034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C077300699999 SUBENT C0773007 20240418 C236C077300700001 BIB 4 8 C077300700002 REACTION (50-SN-120(P,N)51-SB-120,,SIG) C077300700003 Experiment 2. C077300700004 SAMPLE Tin sample enriched to 98.4% 120Sn with areal C077300700005 density of 3.39 mg/cm2. C077300700006 STATUS (TABLE,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,2,639,1970) Table IV C077300700007 (COREL,T0132005) Later experiment with higher C077300700008 resolution C077300700009 HISTORY (20240418A) STATUS added C077300700010 ENDBIB 8 0 C077300700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300700012 DATA 2 13 C077300700013 EN DATA C077300700014 KEV MB C077300700015 3630. 0.47 C077300700016 3758. 0.87 C077300700017 3887. 1.37 C077300700018 4019. 2.05 C077300700019 4152. 2.92 C077300700020 4287. 4.18 C077300700021 4425. 5.66 C077300700022 4564. 7.81 C077300700023 4706. 10.3 C077300700024 4849. 13.6 C077300700025 4995. 18.1 C077300700026 5142. 23.3 C077300700027 5292. 29.5 C077300700028 ENDDATA 15 0 C077300700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C077300799999 SUBENT C0773008 20240418 C236C077300800001 BIB 4 8 C077300800002 REACTION (50-SN-122(P,N)51-SB-122,,SIG) C077300800003 Experiment 2. C077300800004 SAMPLE Tin sample enriched to 88.2% 122Sn with areal density C077300800005 of 3.39 mg/cm2. C077300800006 STATUS (TABLE,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,2,639,1970) Table IV C077300800007 (COREL,T0132006) Later experiment with higher C077300800008 resolution C077300800009 HISTORY (20240418A) STATUS added C077300800010 ENDBIB 8 0 C077300800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300800012 DATA 2 14 C077300800013 EN DATA C077300800014 KEV MB C077300800015 3029. 0.091 C077300800016 3265. 0.236 C077300800017 3511. 0.54 C077300800018 3764. 1.20 C077300800019 4025. 2.42 C077300800020 4295. 4.89 C077300800021 4432. 6.68 C077300800022 4572. 8.94 C077300800023 4713. 11.8 C077300800024 4799. 13.9 C077300800025 4856. 15.5 C077300800026 5002. 19.9 C077300800027 5091. 22.9 C077300800028 5150. 25.1 C077300800029 ENDDATA 16 0 C077300800030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C077300899999 SUBENT C0773009 20240418 C236C077300900001 BIB 4 8 C077300900002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,N)51-SB-124,,SIG) C077300900003 Experiment 2. C077300900004 SAMPLE Tin sample enriched to 96.0% 124Sn with areal density C077300900005 of 3.52 mg/cm2. C077300900006 STATUS (TABLE,,C.H.Johnson+,J,PR/C,2,639,1970) Table IV C077300900007 (COREL,T0132007) Later experiment with higher C077300900008 resolution C077300900009 HISTORY (20240418A) STATUS added C077300900010 ENDBIB 8 0 C077300900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077300900012 DATA 2 19 C077300900013 EN DATA C077300900014 KEV MB C077300900015 3024. 0.099 C077300900016 3141. 0.158 C077300900017 3260. 0.260 C077300900018 3381. 0.392 C077300900019 3505. 0.60 C077300900020 3630. 0.91 C077300900021 3757. 1.34 C077300900022 3887. 1.89 C077300900023 4018. 2.71 C077300900024 4152. 3.80 C077300900025 4287. 5.28 C077300900026 4425. 7.12 C077300900027 4564. 9.54 C077300900028 4706. 12.5 C077300900029 4849. 15.9 C077300900030 4995. 20.6 C077300900031 5142. 26.0 C077300900032 5292. 32.4 C077300900033 5352. 35.2 C077300900034 ENDDATA 21 0 C077300900035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 C077300999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 C077399999999