ENTRY            C0807   20010629                             0000C080700000001 
SUBENT        C0807001   20010629                             0000C080700100001 
BIB                 14         32                                 C080700100002 
INSTITUTE  (1CANUWO,1CANTMF)                                      C080700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,39,1189,198903)                                C080700100004 
           (J,PL/B,179,20,198610)                                 C080700100005 
AUTHOR     (W.P.Alford,R.Helmer,R.Abegg,A.Celler,D.Frekers,       C080700100006 
           O.Hausser,R.Henderson,K.Hicks,K.P.Jackson,R.Jepperson, C080700100007 
           C.A.Miller,M.Vetterli)                                 C080700100008 
TITLE      Zero degree cross section for the reaction             C080700100009 
            14C(p,n)14N(2.31), 14N(3.95) at 200, 300 and 450 MeV  C080700100010 
FACILITY   (MESON,1CANTMF)                                        C080700100011 
SAMPLE     Elemental carbon enriched to 89% 14C contained in      C080700100012 
            natural nickel can. Total carbon thickness 170        C080700100013 
            mg/cm2.                                               C080700100014 
DETECTOR   (MWPC)                                                 C080700100015 
MONITOR    (3-LI-6(P,N)4-BE-6,PAR,DA) Cross section assumed       C080700100016 
            the same for all 3 bombarding energies.               C080700100017 
           (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,DA) Ratio of 2 states.          C080700100018 
MONIT-REF  (,WATSON+,J,BAP,32,1578,1987)                          C080700100019 
           (C0810002,ALFORD+,J,PL/B,179,20,1986)                  C080700100020 
ANALYSIS   Count rates under peaks summed and measurements of     C080700100021 
            ratio of cross section to the 2 states were used      C080700100022 
            to obtain the seperate cross sections.                C080700100023 
CORRECTION Corrected for detector efficiencies and dead time.     C080700100024 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty given include uncertainties     C080700100025 
            due to:                                               C080700100026 
            . counting statistics,                                C080700100027 
            . beam integration (about 4%),                        C080700100028 
            . cross section ratios of 2 levels (4% at 200 MeV,    C080700100029 
              7% at 300 MeV, 16% at 450 MeV).                     C080700100030 
           Additional systematic uncertainties in 7Li(p,n) cross  C080700100031 
            section (7%), and 14C target thickness (9%).          C080700100032 
STATUS     No reply received from W.P. Alford to author proof.    C080700100033 
HISTORY    (20010510C) VM                                         C080700100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 C080700100035 
COMMON               5          3                                 C080700100036 
ANG        E-LVL-NRM  E-LVL-NRM  MONIT      MONIT-ERR             C080700100037 
ADEG       MEV        MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                 C080700100038 
  0.         0.         0.43      35.         3.                  C080700100039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C080700100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 C080700199999 
SUBENT        C0807002   20010629                             0000C080700200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 C080700200002 
REACTION   (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,DA)                             C080700200003 
STATUS     Data taken from table I in main reference.             C080700200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 C080700200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C080700200006 
DATA                 4          6                                 C080700200007 
EN         E-EXC      DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C080700200008 
MEV        MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                            C080700200009 
200.         2.31       1.0        0.06                           C080700200010 
200.         3.95      18.3        0.7                            C080700200011 
300.         2.31       0.9        0.08                           C080700200012 
300.         3.95      19.5        1.0                            C080700200013 
450.         2.31       1.2        0.21                           C080700200014 
450.         3.95      20.3        1.2                            C080700200015 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C080700200016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 C080700299999 
SUBENT        C0807003   20010629                             0000C080700300001 
BIB                  2          3                                 C080700300002 
REACTION   ((6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,DA)//                          C080700300003 
           (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,DA))                            C080700300004 
STATUS     Data taken from table I in Phys.Lett. B 179 reference. C080700300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C080700300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C080700300007 
DATA                 5          1                                 C080700300008 
EN         E-EXC-NM   E-EXC-NM   DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              C080700300009 
MEV        MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                C080700300010 
400.         3.95       2.31      17.9        1.5                 C080700300011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C080700300012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 C080700399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C080799999999