ENTRY C0990 20230112 C227C099000000001 SUBENT C0990001 20230112 C227C099000100001 BIB 10 17 C099000100002 TITLE Excitation Function for Na22 from Deuterons on AluminumC099000100003 AUTHOR (S.O.Ring,L.M.Litz) C099000100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,97,427,1955) C099000100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.97.427 C099000100006 (R,LRL-108,1954) Preliminary report. C099000100007 INSTITUTE (1USACRD) C099000100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USALRL) 184-inch cyclotron C099000100009 SAMPLE Aluminum foil targets, 0.002-inch thick, sandwiched C099000100010 between 2 1/2-mil Al foils. C099000100011 DETECTOR (GEMUC) C099000100012 METHOD (ACTIV) C099000100013 CORRECTION Corrected for: C099000100014 . self-absorption and self-scattering, C099000100015 . backscattering, C099000100016 . air and window absorption. C099000100017 HISTORY (20040325C) SD + VM C099000100018 (20230112A) BP: Update entry, added report and doi. C099000100019 ENDBIB 17 0 C099000100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 C099000100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C099000199999 SUBENT C0990002 20230112 C227C099000200001 BIB 8 12 C099000200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) C099000200003 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-22,2.6YR,B+,540.) C099000200004 MONITOR (13-AL-27(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) C099000200005 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,15.HR,B-,1400.) C099000200006 CORRECTION Not corrected for contribution of 27Al(n,alpha) 24Na C099000200007 below 50 MeV. C099000200008 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error in energy. C099000200009 (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error in data. C099000200010 FLAG (1.) Cross sections too low due to contributions to C099000200011 24Na cross section from 27Al(n,alpha)24Na. C099000200012 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 428 of J,PR,97,427,1955. Data wereC099000200013 scanned at IAEA-NDS. C099000200014 ENDBIB 12 0 C099000200015 COMMON 2 3 C099000200016 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG C099000200017 MEV MB C099000200018 0.5 0.06 C099000200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C099000200020 DATA 3 23 C099000200021 EN DATA FLAG C099000200022 MEV MB NO-DIM C099000200023 29.8 0.192 1. C099000200024 30.1 0.594 1. C099000200025 40.3 29.459 1. C099000200026 40.6 29.995 1. C099000200027 55.2 18.245 C099000200028 55.2 15.037 C099000200029 70.4 25.281 C099000200030 70.4 24.679 C099000200031 84.9 26.765 C099000200032 85.0 26.364 C099000200033 99.6 21.432 C099000200034 99.6 20.831 C099000200035 114.2 27.930 C099000200036 114.5 27.464 C099000200037 129.7 25.075 C099000200038 129.8 24.139 C099000200039 144.4 25.223 C099000200040 144.7 24.623 C099000200041 160.0 23.705 C099000200042 160.2 24.442 C099000200043 175.4 24.793 C099000200044 190.2 24.207 C099000200045 190.3 23.071 C099000200046 ENDDATA 25 0 C099000200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 C099000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C099099999999