ENTRY            C1039   20040714                             C074C103900000001 
SUBENT        C1039001   20040714                             C074C103900100001 
BIB                 13         27                                 C103900100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USANOT,1USAMHG,1USAHPE,1USATAM)                      C103900100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PRL,92,232502,2004)                                 C103900100004 
           (J,NP/A,746,229,2004)                                  C103900100005 
AUTHOR     (G.V.Rogachev,P.Boutachkov,A.Aprahamian,F.D.Becchetti, C103900100006 
           J.P.Bychowski,Y.Chen,G.Chubarian,P.A.DeYoung,          C103900100007 
           V.Z.Goldberg,J.J.Kolata,L.O.Lamm,G.F.Peaslee,M.Quinn,  C103900100008 
           B.B.Skorodumov,A.Wohr)                                 C103900100009 
TITLE      Analog States of 7He via the 6He(p,n) Reaction         C103900100010 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,1USANOT) TwinSol radioactive nuclear beam       C103900100011 
            facility.                                             C103900100012 
INC-SOURCE 6He beam produced via the 2H(7Li,6He)3He reaction.     C103900100013 
SAMPLE     Polyethylene (CH2) target, 57.4 mg/cm2 thick.          C103900100014 
METHOD     (TOF) Neutron energy determined by time-of-flight.     C103900100015 
            Neutron spectrum measured in coincidence with 3.56    C103900100016 
            MeV gammas.                                           C103900100017 
           (TTM) Thick target method                              C103900100018 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) 4 large BaF2 detectors used to detect gammas.   C103900100019 
           (PSSCN) neutrons detected using position-sensitive     C103900100020 
            plastic-scintillator neutron wall.                    C103900100021 
CORRECTION Corrected for random background and contribution of    C103900100022 
            carbon in sample.                                     C103900100023 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes statistical uncertainty plus C103900100024 
            7% error in absolute normalization.                   C103900100025 
STATUS     Data received by email from G. Rogachev, 2004/7/1.     C103900100026 
           (APRVD) Approved by G. Rogachev, 2004/7/2.             C103900100027 
HISTORY    (20040701C) VM                                         C103900100028 
           (20050523A) DR Addition of method and new reference    C103900100029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 C103900100030 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C103900100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 C103900199999 
SUBENT        C1039002   20040702                             C074C103900200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 C103900200002 
REACTION   (2-HE-6(P,N)3-LI-6,PAR,DA)                             C103900200003 
COMMENT    The target thickness was sufficient to stop 6He ions   C103900200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 C103900200005 
COMMON               4          3                                 C103900200006 
EN-RSL-FW  E-EXC      ANG        ANG-ERR                          C103900200007 
KEV        MEV        ADEG       ADEG                             C103900200008 
750.         0.       180.         8.                             C103900200009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C103900200010 
DATA                 3         45                                 C103900200011 
EN-CM      DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C103900200012 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       C103900200013 
  0.95788     6.71546    3.71313                                  C103900200014 
  1.00469    26.35415    5.07389                                  C103900200015 
  1.05397    32.09664    5.37899                                  C103900200016 
  1.10502    48.65266    6.52999                                  C103900200017 
  1.15737   101.75143   10.36985                                  C103900200018 
  1.21071   165.27834   14.87026                                  C103900200019 
  1.26483   182.02383   15.99644                                  C103900200020 
  1.31956   142.71599   13.10372                                  C103900200021 
  1.37479    85.28914    8.90720                                  C103900200022 
  1.43041    46.37833    6.05156                                  C103900200023 
  1.48638    49.76654    6.25796                                  C103900200024 
  1.54262    24.74373    4.36506                                  C103900200025 
  1.59910    35.51383    5.13370                                  C103900200026 
  1.65578    20.39756    3.96037                                  C103900200027 
  1.71264    20.55540    3.94047                                  C103900200028 
  1.76965    13.59981    3.36469                                  C103900200029 
  1.82679    13.82461    3.35507                                  C103900200030 
  1.88404     9.27994    2.95747                                  C103900200031 
  1.94140    22.33079    3.99250                                  C103900200032 
  1.99885    11.78253    3.12183                                  C103900200033 
  2.05637    12.08187    3.12948                                  C103900200034 
  2.11398    14.06076    3.28112                                  C103900200035 
  2.17164    21.50406    3.88712                                  C103900200036 
  2.22936    10.78289    2.96625                                  C103900200037 
  2.28714    24.41379    4.11296                                  C103900200038 
  2.34497    15.77469    3.37692                                  C103900200039 
  2.40283     9.58825    2.79757                                  C103900200040 
  2.46074    16.08595    3.37890                                  C103900200041 
  2.51869    15.18365    3.27462                                  C103900200042 
  2.57666    13.49293    3.10058                                  C103900200043 
  2.63467    18.72186    3.57535                                  C103900200044 
  2.69271    14.32624    3.14912                                  C103900200045 
  2.75077    16.97007    3.39404                                  C103900200046 
  2.80886    31.92128    4.74439                                  C103900200047 
  2.86697    20.58818    3.73260                                  C103900200048 
  2.92510    21.45324    3.81864                                  C103900200049 
  2.98326    17.62544    3.44753                                  C103900200050 
  3.04142    18.85570    3.57884                                  C103900200051 
  3.09961    16.24323    3.31681                                  C103900200052 
  3.15781    22.28624    3.95359                                  C103900200053 
  3.21603    18.24213    3.56008                                  C103900200054 
  3.27426    17.35401    3.48619                                  C103900200055 
  3.33251    25.23787    4.33164                                  C103900200056 
  3.39076    17.41392    3.54581                                  C103900200057 
  3.44903    17.14194    3.54126                                  C103900200058 
ENDDATA             47          0                                 C103900200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 C103900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C103999999999