ENTRY            C1145   20170905                             C170C114500000001 
SUBENT        C1145001   20170905                             C170C114500100001 
BIB                 14         44                                 C114500100002 
TITLE      Measurement of angle-dependent differential cross      C114500100003 
            sections of 2H(t,n)4He with triton energies from      C114500100004 
            5.97 to 16.41 MeV                                     C114500100005 
AUTHOR     (M.Drosg)                                              C114500100006 
REFERENCE  (R,INDC(AUS)-21,2017)                                  C114500100007 
           (C,94CRETE,,145,1994) Plotted as T(d,n)4He  data sets  C114500100008 
INSTITUTE  (2AUSVIE)                                              C114500100009 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USALAS) The Ion Beam Facility (IBF)             C114500100010 
SAMPLE     Deuterium gas (0.13 mg/cm2 for 16.41 MeV, 0.21 mg/cm2  C114500100011 
            for other energies, 3.0 cm length) with a Mo entrance C114500100012 
            foil (5.3 mg/cm2) and Au beam stop (0.076 cm thick).  C114500100013 
           Hydrogen contamination was on the order of 1% at all   C114500100014 
            energies.                                             C114500100015 
ANALYSIS   The angular distribution is normalized to the absolute C114500100016 
            D(t,n)4He cross section calculated by DROSG 2000.     C114500100017 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) 2" x 2" liquid scintillator (NE213). Its        C114500100018 
            half-opening angle is less than 0.3 deg at 0 deg.     C114500100019 
           The energy dependence of the efficiency was determined C114500100020 
            point-wise by                                         C114500100021 
            (1) 2H(t,n)4He and 1H(t,n)3He at about 30 neutron     C114500100022 
                energies between 2.2 and 36.9 MeV, and            C114500100023 
            (2) comparing with DROSG-2000v12.01.                  C114500100024 
REL-REF    (M,,M.Drosg,J,NIM,105,573,1972)                        C114500100025 
            Detector efficiency determination                     C114500100026 
           (M,,M.Drosg+,J,NIM,176,477,1980)                       C114500100027 
            Detector efficiency determination                     C114500100028 
METHOD     (TOF) 3.53 m between the centre of the gas target and  C114500100029 
            the centre of the detector                            C114500100030 
CORRECTION Corrected for hydrogen contamination of the deuterium  C114500100031 
            gas which was on the order of 1% at all energies.     C114500100032 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Individual uncertainty due to               C114500100033 
            - mass (gass pressure, 0.2%)                          C114500100034 
            - statistics                                          C114500100035 
            - random background subtraction                       C114500100036 
            - systematic background subtraction                   C114500100037 
            - energy dependence of efficiency,                    C114500100038 
           but the following scale uncertainties (<1.8%) are      C114500100039 
           excluded:                                              C114500100040 
            - reference cross section from DROSG2000 (1.5%)       C114500100041 
            - adjustment uncertainty                  (<1%).      C114500100042 
           (ERR-1) Accuracy of reference cross section (1.5%)     C114500100043 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by M.Drosg (2014-08-12, 2017-09-05)   C114500100044 
HISTORY    (20141205C) BP                                         C114500100045 
           (20170905A) On. 002-004 merged to 002. Data updated.   C114500100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 C114500100047 
COMMON               2          3                                 C114500100048 
ANG-RSL    ERR-1                                                  C114500100049 
ADEG       PER-CENT                                               C114500100050 
 0.1        1.5                                                   C114500100051 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C114500100052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 C114500199999 
SUBENT        C1145002   20170905                             C170C114500200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 C114500200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(T,N)2-HE-4,,DA)                                 C114500200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II of INDC(AUS)-21, 2017                 C114500200004 
HISTORY    (20141205R) BP                                         C114500200005 
           (20170905A) On. Data replaced with the final one.      C114500200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C114500200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C114500200008 
DATA                 4         37                                 C114500200009 
EN         ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR                         C114500200010 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C114500200011 
  5.97        0.1      11.94      0.29                            C114500200012 
  5.97       14.9      11.52      0.19                            C114500200013 
  5.97       29.9       9.99      0.19                            C114500200014 
  5.97       44.9       7.96      0.17                            C114500200015 
  5.97       59.9       5.86      0.14                            C114500200016 
  5.97       74.9       4.97      0.13                            C114500200017 
  5.97       89.9       5.40      0.13                            C114500200018 
  5.97      100.1       5.45      0.14                            C114500200019 
  5.97      119.9       6.07      0.14                            C114500200020 
  5.97      144.9       7.32      0.25                            C114500200021 
  7.47        0.1      11.67      0.39                            C114500200022 
  7.47       14.9      11.60      0.24                            C114500200023 
  7.47       29.9      10.26      0.24                            C114500200024 
  7.47       59.9       4.98      0.16                            C114500200025 
  7.47       74.9       4.36      0.16                            C114500200026 
  7.47       90.0       5.06      0.16                            C114500200027 
  7.47      119.9       5.80      0.19                            C114500200028 
  7.47      144.9       7.71      0.32                            C114500200029 
 10.45        0.1      10.14      0.20                            C114500200030 
 10.45       15.2      10.01      0.17                            C114500200031 
 10.45       29.9       8.57      0.16                            C114500200032 
 10.45       59.9       3.93      0.10                            C114500200033 
 10.45       75.4       4.51      0.08                            C114500200034 
 10.45       89.9       5.39      0.12                            C114500200035 
 10.45      100.0       5.15      0.11                            C114500200036 
 10.45      110.0       4.39      0.11                            C114500200037 
 10.45      129.8       4.22      0.11                            C114500200038 
 10.45      144.9       5.97      0.20                            C114500200039 
 16.41        0.0      13.39      0.81                            C114500200040 
 16.41       15.0      10.18      0.41                            C114500200041 
 16.41       30.0       6.54      0.31                            C114500200042 
 16.41       45.2       3.79      0.19                            C114500200043 
 16.41       59.9       2.31      0.20                            C114500200044 
 16.41       75.2       3.28      0.19                            C114500200045 
 16.41       90.0       5.07      0.24                            C114500200046 
 16.41      120.0       1.95      0.18                            C114500200047 
 16.41      144.9       3.45      0.31                            C114500200048 
ENDDATA             39          0                                 C114500200049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 C114500299999 
NOSUBENT      C1145003   20170905                             C170C114500300001 
NOSUBENT      C1145004   20170905                             C170C114500400001 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 C114599999999