ENTRY            C1172   20120618                             C119C117200000001 
SUBENT        C1172001   20120618                             C119C117200100001 
BIB                 12         42                                 C117200100002 
           1USAORL)                                               C117200100004 
REFERENCE  (J,PL/B,596,54,2004)                                   C117200100005 
AUTHOR     (A.Shrivastava,Y.Blumenfeld,N.Keeley,T.Zerguerras,     C117200100006 
            T.Aumann,D.Bazin,M.Chromik,G.M.Crawley,T.Glasmacher,  C117200100007 
            K.W.Kemper,F.Marechal,D.J.Morrissey,T.Nakamura,       C117200100008 
            A.Navin,E.C.Pollacco,D.Santonocito,B.M.Sherrill,      C117200100009 
            T.Suomijarvi,M.Thoennessen,E.Tryggestad,R.L.Varner)   C117200100010 
TITLE      11Be continuum studied through proton scattering       C117200100011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU)                                        C117200100012 
METHOD     (EDE,COINC) Inverse kinematics                         C117200100013 
INC-SOURCE A pure secondary beam of 11Be with an intensity of     C117200100014 
           ~10**5 pps at an energy of 63.7A MeV was produced by   C117200100015 
           bombarding a 1100 mg/cm2 Be production target with a   C117200100016 
           13C beam accelerated to 100A MeV in the K1200 cyclotronC117200100017 
SAMPLE     CH2 target, 1mg/cm2                                    C117200100018 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SISD,CSICR) Array of eight telescopes, 5 x 5    C117200100019 
           cm2 active area. Each telescope was composed of a 300  C117200100020 
           mu-m thick Si strip detector with 16 vertical strips   C117200100021 
            (3 mm wide) backed by a 500 mu-m thick PIN diode      C117200100022 
           detector and a 1 cm thick stopping CsI detector read   C117200100023 
           out by 4 photodiodes.                                  C117200100024 
           (DRFTC,SCIN) in coincidence with the recoil protons,   C117200100025 
           the scattered fragments were detected in the S800      C117200100026 
           spectrometer equipped with its standard detection      C117200100027 
           system: a pair of position sensitive cathode readout   C117200100028 
           drift chambers for trajectory measurements followed    C117200100029 
           by a multi-segmented ion chamber and two large         C117200100030 
           plastic scintillators.                                 C117200100031 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from the author (A. Shrivastava) C117200100032 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The systematic error is approximately 10%,     C117200100033 
           mainly due to the uncertainty in the target thickness, C117200100034 
           while the incident beam particles were counted         C117200100035 
           individually with a drift chamber placed at the        C117200100036 
           entrance of the target chamber                         C117200100037 
           (DATA-ERR) The error bars shown are statistical        C117200100038 
           and take into account the errors on the carbon         C117200100039 
           target data which have been subtracted                 C117200100040 
HISTORY    (20050216C) DR                                         C117200100041 
           (20120618A) SD: heading E-EXC changed to E-LVL in      C117200100042 
           Subent  2. SF3=INL changed to SCT in Subent 2.         C117200100043 
           BIB update.                                            C117200100044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 C117200100045 
COMMON               3          3                                 C117200100046 
EN         ANG-RSL    ERR-1                                       C117200100047 
MEV/A      ADEG       PER-CENT                                    C117200100048 
63.7       0.8          10.0                                      C117200100049 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C117200100050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 C117200199999 
SUBENT        C1172002   20120618                             C119C117200200001 
BIB                  3          8                                 C117200200002 
REACTION   ((1-H-1(4-BE-11,SCT)1-H-1,PAR,DA)=                     C117200200003 
           (4-BE-11(P,SCT)4-BE-11,PAR,DA))                        C117200200004 
           quasi-elastic scattering defined as the sum of         C117200200005 
           elastic scattering and inelastic scattering to the     C117200200006 
           bound excited state at E = 320 keV.                    C117200200007 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,4-BE-11)                                        C117200200008 
HISTORY    (20120618A) SD: heading E-EXC changed to E-LVL and     C117200200009 
           SF3=INL changed to SCT.                                C117200200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C117200200011 
COMMON               2          3                                 C117200200012 
E-LVL      E-LVL                                                  C117200200013 
MEV        MEV                                                    C117200200014 
0.0        0.320                                                  C117200200015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C117200200016 
DATA                 3         10                                 C117200200017 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C117200200018 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       C117200200019 
14.6       462.0      21.                                         C117200200020 
15.7       470.0      19.                                         C117200200021 
17.6       360.0      16.                                         C117200200022 
19.1       277.3       6.9                                        C117200200023 
20.8       227.0       5.9                                        C117200200024 
22.5       167.6       4.9                                        C117200200025 
24.05      134.7       4.3                                        C117200200026 
25.8       100.0       3.6                                        C117200200027 
27.3        70.4       2.9                                        C117200200028 
29.0        34.1       1.9                                        C117200200029 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 C117200200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 C117200299999 
SUBENT        C1172003   20050216                             0000C117200300001 
BIB                  4          4                                 C117200300002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(4-BE-11,INL)1-H-1,PAR,DA)                       C117200300003 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,4-BE-11)                                        C117200300004 
ERR-ANALYS No information                                         C117200300005 
STATUS     Data received from the author (A. Shrivastava)         C117200300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C117200300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C117200300008 
DATA                 5         13                                 C117200300009 
E-EXC-MIN  E-EXC-MAX  ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              C117200300010 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                 C117200300011 
0.5        3.0        17.2       19.7       2.7                   C117200300012 
0.5        3.0        19.3       23.9       2.9                   C117200300013 
0.5        3.0        21.5       22.9       2.8                   C117200300014 
0.5        3.0        23.4       16.9       2.5                   C117200300015 
0.5        3.0        25.4       14.5       2.0                   C117200300016 
0.5        3.0        27.2       14.2       2.1                   C117200300017 
0.5        3.0        28.9       11.1       1.8                   C117200300018 
0.5        3.0        32.1        8.0       1.4                   C117200300019 
3.0        5.5        16.4        5.3       0.9                   C117200300020 
3.0        5.5        20.2       11.0       1.6                   C117200300021 
3.0        5.5        22.7       11.7       1.7                   C117200300022 
3.0        5.5        24.9       11.6       1.7                   C117200300023 
3.0        5.5        28.8       12.3       1.7                   C117200300024 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 C117200300025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 C117200399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C117299999999