ENTRY            C1253   20120125                             C119C125300000001 
SUBENT        C1253001   20120125                             C119C125300100001 
BIB                 11         31                                 C125300100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USANCA,1USATNL,1USAORL)                              C125300100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,65,015801,2002)                                C125300100004 
AUTHOR     (S.E.Hale,A.E.Champagne,C.Iliadis,V.Y.Hansper,         C125300100005 
            D.C.Powell,J.C.Blackmon)                              C125300100006 
TITLE      Investigation of the 22Ne(p,g)23Na reaction via        C125300100007 
            (3He,d) spectroscopy                                  C125300100008 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USATNL) 20-MeV 3He2+ beam was provided by the   C125300100009 
            Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory FN tandem    C125300100010 
            accelerator.                                          C125300100011 
INC-SPECT  20-MeV 3He2+                                           C125300100012 
SAMPLE     22Ne targets used in this study were produced by       C125300100013 
            implanting singly charged 22Ne ions into              C125300100014 
            40 microg/cm2 nat C foils                             C125300100015 
MONITOR    (10-NE-22(HE3,EL)10-NE-22,,DA)                         C125300100016 
           The yield from elastic-scattering measured with the    C125300100017 
           monitor was also used to determine the absolute        C125300100018 
           cross-section scale for the (3He,d) data.              C125300100019 
           Absolute cross sections were determined by comparing   C125300100020 
           the elastic-scattering yield measured using the monitorC125300100021 
           detector with (3He, 3He) angular-distribution data     C125300100022 
           collected over the angular range of 15.-45. degr.      C125300100023 
           in steps of 5. degr.                                   C125300100024 
DETECTOR   (PS) The outgoing deuterons were momentum analyzed     C125300100025 
           with the TUNL Enge Split-Pole Spectrometer and detectedC125300100026 
           using a 42-cm long position-sensitive avalanche counterC125300100027 
           (TELES,SI,SI) The target was monitored using a dE-E    C125300100028 
            silicon telescope, mounted in the target chamber      C125300100029 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data were digitized from figs. in              C125300100030 
                                            PR/C,65,015801,2002   C125300100031 
HISTORY    (20050608C) DR                                         C125300100032 
           (20120125A) SD: year of ref. corrected. BIB update.    C125300100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 C125300100034 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C125300100035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 C125300199999 
SUBENT        C1253002   20050608                             C074C125300200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C125300200002 
REACTION   (10-NE-22(HE3,EL)10-NE-22,,DA,,RTH)                    C125300200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information                              C125300200004 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data read from Figure 4                        C125300200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C125300200006 
COMMON               1          3                                 C125300200007 
EN                                                                C125300200008 
MEV                                                               C125300200009 
20.                                                               C125300200010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C125300200011 
DATA                 3          7                                 C125300200012 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C125300200013 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C125300200014 
   1.72E+01   6.21E-01   5.99E-02                                 C125300200015 
   2.27E+01   4.04E-01   2.39E-02                                 C125300200016 
   2.86E+01   2.70E-01   1.93E-02                                 C125300200017 
   3.41E+01   4.12E-01   3.11E-02                                 C125300200018 
   3.97E+01   3.28E-01   2.62E-02                                 C125300200019 
   4.52E+01   1.32E-01   1.27E-02                                 C125300200020 
   5.06E+01   1.43E-01   1.08E-02                                 C125300200021 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 C125300200022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 C125300299999 
SUBENT        C1253003   20050608                             C074C125300300001 
BIB                  4          4                                 C125300300002 
REACTION   (10-NE-22(HE3,D)11-NA-23,PAR,DA)                       C125300300003 
EN-SEC     (E-EXC,11-NA-23)                                       C125300300004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              C125300300005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data read from Figures 5 and 6                 C125300300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C125300300007 
COMMON               1          3                                 C125300300008 
EN                                                                C125300300009 
MEV                                                               C125300300010 
20.                                                               C125300300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C125300300012 
DATA                 5         84                                 C125300300013 
E-EXC      ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S      DATA-MX-CM            C125300300014 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      MB/SR                 C125300300015 
7.751         5.54E+00   5.83E-01   6.41E-02                      C125300300016 
7.751         8.33E+00   5.76E-01                                 C125300300017 
7.751         1.13E+01   4.74E-01                                 C125300300018 
7.751         1.39E+01   4.17E-01                                 C125300300019 
7.751         1.68E+01   3.86E-01                                 C125300300020 
7.751         1.96E+01   3.86E-01   3.14E-02                      C125300300021 
7.751         2.52E+01   2.79E-01   3.48E-02                      C125300300022 
7.751         3.37E+01   1.62E-01   2.26E-02                      C125300300023 
7.891         5.63E+00   1.55E+01                                 C125300300024 
7.891         8.58E+00   1.29E+01                                 C125300300025 
7.891         1.12E+01   1.01E+01                                 C125300300026 
7.891         1.42E+01   8.89E+00                                 C125300300027 
7.891         1.69E+01   8.54E+00                                 C125300300028 
7.891         1.98E+01   7.02E+00                                 C125300300029 
7.891         2.25E+01   4.28E+00                                 C125300300030 
7.891         2.53E+01   3.38E+00                                 C125300300031 
7.891         2.81E+01   1.93E+00                                 C125300300032 
7.891         3.36E+01   1.32E+00                                 C125300300033 
7.891         3.92E+01   1.35E+00                                 C125300300034 
8.664         5.42E+00   2.39E+01                                 C125300300035 
8.664         8.39E+00   1.26E+01                                 C125300300036 
8.664         1.11E+01   5.06E+00                                 C125300300037 
8.664         1.39E+01   2.29E+00                                 C125300300038 
8.664         1.68E+01   1.91E+00                                 C125300300039 
8.664         1.97E+01   3.27E+00                                 C125300300040 
8.664         2.24E+01   3.77E+00                                 C125300300041 
8.664         2.53E+01   4.29E+00                                 C125300300042 
8.664         2.81E+01   3.78E+00                                 C125300300043 
8.664         3.37E+01   1.79E+00                                 C125300300044 
8.664         3.94E+01   7.35E-01                                 C125300300045 
8.830         5.64E+00   1.31E+00                                 C125300300046 
8.830         8.42E+00   5.45E-01                                 C125300300047 
8.830         1.12E+01   2.76E-01   3.48E-02                      C125300300048 
8.830         1.42E+01   1.62E-01   1.07E-01                      C125300300049 
8.830         1.69E+01   2.53E-01   7.15E-02                      C125300300050 
8.830         2.25E+01   3.42E-01                                 C125300300051 
8.830         2.53E+01   3.01E-01   2.72E-02                      C125300300052 
8.830         2.81E+01   2.58E-01                                 C125300300053 
8.830         3.38E+01   1.57E-01                                 C125300300054 
8.862         1.12E+01                         1.35E-02           C125300300055 
8.862         1.41E+01                         2.31E-02           C125300300056 
8.894         1.14E+01                         1.36E-02           C125300300057 
8.894         1.41E+01                         1.00E-02           C125300300058 
8.894         1.71E+01                         9.71E-03           C125300300059 
8.945         5.75E+00   1.72E-01   3.91E-02                      C125300300060 
8.945         8.60E+00   1.16E-01   4.10E-02                      C125300300061 
8.945         2.27E+01   5.39E-02   1.51E-02                      C125300300062 
8.972         5.83E+00   1.87E-01   3.54E-02                      C125300300063 
8.972         8.59E+00   6.37E-02   2.12E-02                      C125300300064 
8.972         2.28E+01   7.01E-02   1.56E-02                      C125300300065 
9.042         8.64E+00   2.34E-01   1.10E-01                      C125300300066 
9.042         1.15E+01   1.17E-01   2.61E-02                      C125300300067 
9.042         1.42E+01   1.24E-01   2.12E-02                      C125300300068 
9.211         5.59E+00   3.78E-01   9.72E-02                      C125300300069 
9.211         8.38E+00   2.92E-01   8.58E-02                      C125300300070 
9.211         1.12E+01   1.72E-01   3.81E-02                      C125300300071 
9.211         1.39E+01   6.79E-02   1.62E-02                      C125300300072 
9.252         8.50E+00   8.03E-01   1.65E-01                      C125300300073 
9.252         1.13E+01   4.57E-01   7.08E-02                      C125300300074 
9.252         1.41E+01   2.80E-01                                 C125300300075 
9.608         5.69E+00   1.86E+00   2.52E-01                      C125300300076 
9.608         8.56E+00   2.05E+00                                 C125300300077 
9.608         1.13E+01   1.38E+00                                 C125300300078 
9.608         1.42E+01   1.40E+00   1.45E-01                      C125300300079 
9.608         1.71E+01   1.11E+00                                 C125300300080 
9.608         3.39E+01   1.46E-01   1.52E-02                      C125300300081 
9.701         5.61E+00   2.43E+00   1.90E-01                      C125300300082 
9.701         8.41E+00   2.17E+00   2.14E-01                      C125300300083 
9.701         1.13E+01   1.70E+00   1.16E-01                      C125300300084 
9.701         1.41E+01   1.27E+00   1.25E-01                      C125300300085 
9.701         1.70E+01   9.57E-01   8.48E-02                      C125300300086 
9.701         1.97E+01   9.05E-01   1.08E-01                      C125300300087 
9.701         2.26E+01   6.95E-01   1.21E-01                      C125300300088 
9.701         2.55E+01   3.87E-01   9.39E-02                      C125300300089 
9.835         5.77E+00   2.31E+00   2.03E-01                      C125300300090 
9.835         8.72E+00   2.38E+00                                 C125300300091 
9.835         1.14E+01   1.62E+00   1.26E-01                      C125300300092 
9.835         1.42E+01   1.56E+00   1.05E-01                      C125300300093 
9.835         1.71E+01   1.60E+00                                 C125300300094 
9.835         1.99E+01   1.51E+00   1.03E-01                      C125300300095 
9.835         2.27E+01   8.17E-01   5.54E-02                      C125300300096 
9.835         2.56E+01   7.94E-01   7.81E-02                      C125300300097 
9.835         2.84E+01   5.16E-01   5.61E-02                      C125300300098 
9.835         3.39E+01   3.68E-01   4.77E-02                      C125300300099 
ENDDATA             86          0                                 C125300300100 
ENDSUBENT           99          0                                 C125300399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C125399999999