ENTRY            C1298   20181107                             C181C129800000001 
SUBENT        C1298001   20181107                             C181C129800100001 
BIB                 10         18                                 C129800100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USACOL)                                              C129800100003 
REFERENCE  (J,RSI,28,56(2),1957)                                  C129800100004 
AUTHOR     (K.W.Jones,T.H.Kruse,J.L.Weil,J.A.Baicker,L.J.Lidofsky)C129800100005 
TITLE      Neutron production from proton and deuteron            C129800100006 
           bombardment of nickel                                  C129800100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USACOL)                                          C129800100008 
INC-SOURCE Deuteron beam, calibrated with a Ra-Be neutron source  C129800100009 
DETECTOR   (LONGC) Long counter                                   C129800100010 
SAMPLE     Natural nickel foil targets with densities of          C129800100011 
           2.33 mg/cm2 and 0.60 mg/cm2, backed by a thick         C129800100012 
            (580 mg/cm2) gold beam stop, were used                C129800100013 
CORRECTION The cross sections have not been corrected for any     C129800100014 
           energy dependence of the long counter because of the   C129800100015 
           presence of several neutron groups of different        C129800100016 
           energies.                                              C129800100017 
HISTORY    (20050805C) DR                                         C129800100018 
           (20120624A) SD: Title was added; BIB update.           C129800100019 
           (20181104U) OS. Minor BIB corrections                  C129800100020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C129800100021 
COMMON               1          3                                 C129800100022 
ANG                                                               C129800100023 
ADEG                                                              C129800100024 
0.                                                                C129800100025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C129800100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 C129800199999 
SUBENT        C1298002   20181107                             C181C129800200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 C129800200002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(D,N),,DA)                                     C129800200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties  C129800200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received on table from author, obtained   C129800200005 
            from Fig.1                                            C129800200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C129800200007 
COMMON               1          3                                 C129800200008 
DATA-ERR                                                          C129800200009 
PER-CENT                                                          C129800200010 
40.                                                               C129800200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C129800200012 
DATA                 2         42                                 C129800200013 
EN         DATA                                                   C129800200014 
MEV        MB/SR                                                  C129800200015 
1.095      0.016                                                  C129800200016 
1.190      0.048                                                  C129800200017 
1.310      0.088                                                  C129800200018 
1.540      0.016                                                  C129800200019 
1.650      0.032                                                  C129800200020 
1.690      0.016                                                  C129800200021 
1.755      0.016                                                  C129800200022 
1.890      0.024                                                  C129800200023 
1.990      0.032                                                  C129800200024 
2.090      0.088                                                  C129800200025 
2.215      0.184                                                  C129800200026 
2.275      0.152                                                  C129800200027 
2.355      0.216                                                  C129800200028 
2.420      0.200                                                  C129800200029 
2.510      0.416                                                  C129800200030 
2.585      0.320                                                  C129800200031 
2.745      0.272                                                  C129800200032 
2.855      0.336                                                  C129800200033 
2.950      0.656                                                  C129800200034 
3.045      0.496                                                  C129800200035 
3.150      0.520                                                  C129800200036 
3.260      0.832                                                  C129800200037 
3.360      0.776                                                  C129800200038 
3.470      1.27                                                   C129800200039 
3.560      1.19                                                   C129800200040 
3.670      1.62                                                   C129800200041 
3.750      1.70                                                   C129800200042 
3.860      2.04                                                   C129800200043 
3.960      2.66                                                   C129800200044 
4.075      2.55                                                   C129800200045 
4.180      2.73                                                   C129800200046 
4.275      3.12                                                   C129800200047 
4.380      3.42                                                   C129800200048 
4.485      4.00                                                   C129800200049 
4.590      4.16                                                   C129800200050 
4.700      5.22                                                   C129800200051 
4.820      5.46                                                   C129800200052 
4.900      5.93                                                   C129800200053 
5.005      7.06                                                   C129800200054 
5.120      6.68                                                   C129800200055 
5.235      7.27                                                   C129800200056 
5.305      7.57                                                   C129800200057 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 C129800200058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 C129800299999 
SUBENT        C1298003   20181107                             C181C129800300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 C129800300002 
REACTION   (28-NI-0(P,N),,DA)                                     C129800300003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties  C129800300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received on table from author, obtained   C129800300005 
            from Fig.2                                            C129800300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C129800300007 
COMMON               1          3                                 C129800300008 
DATA-ERR                                                          C129800300009 
PER-CENT                                                          C129800300010 
40.                                                               C129800300011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C129800300012 
DATA                 2         93                                 C129800300013 
EN         DATA                                                   C129800300014 
MEV        MB/SR                                                  C129800300015 
1.550      0.0015                                                 C129800300016 
1.595      0.0015                                                 C129800300017 
1.670      0.0015                                                 C129800300018 
1.740      0.0015                                                 C129800300019 
1.820      0.0015                                                 C129800300020 
1.900      0.0135                                                 C129800300021 
1.975      0.0075                                                 C129800300022 
2.060      0.0045                                                 C129800300023 
2.145      0.0045                                                 C129800300024 
2.245      0.0060                                                 C129800300025 
2.315      0.0135                                                 C129800300026 
2.395      0.0150                                                 C129800300027 
2.500      0.0210                                                 C129800300028 
2.590      0.0315                                                 C129800300029 
2.665      0.0390                                                 C129800300030 
2.770      0.0405                                                 C129800300031 
2.870      0.0495                                                 C129800300032 
2.945      0.0450                                                 C129800300033 
3.045      0.0510                                                 C129800300034 
3.135      0.0630                                                 C129800300035 
3.235      0.0735                                                 C129800300036 
3.325      0.0870                                                 C129800300037 
3.395      0.113                                                  C129800300038 
3.430      0.0975                                                 C129800300039 
3.490      0.0780                                                 C129800300040 
3.555      0.0930                                                 C129800300041 
3.620      0.100                                                  C129800300042 
3.690      0.105                                                  C129800300043 
3.750      0.108                                                  C129800300044 
3.810      0.114                                                  C129800300045 
3.870      0.123                                                  C129800300046 
3.935      0.122                                                  C129800300047 
4.000      0.123                                                  C129800300048 
4.065      0.149                                                  C129800300049 
4.130      0.173                                                  C129800300050 
4.185      0.159                                                  C129800300051 
4.240      0.211                                                  C129800300052 
4.320      0.312                                                  C129800300053 
4.370      0.213                                                  C129800300054 
4.440      0.197                                                  C129800300055 
4.500      0.216                                                  C129800300056 
4.565      0.263                                                  C129800300057 
4.630      0.354                                                  C129800300058 
4.695      0.372                                                  C129800300059 
4.750      0.354                                                  C129800300060 
4.810      0.423                                                  C129800300061 
4.945      0.605                                                  C129800300062 
5.000      0.658                                                  C129800300063 
5.060      0.728                                                  C129800300064 
5.130      0.786                                                  C129800300065 
5.180      0.837                                                  C129800300066 
5.215      0.765                                                  C129800300067 
5.235      0.690                                                  C129800300068 
5.255      0.835                                                  C129800300069 
5.270      0.883                                                  C129800300070 
5.325      0.976                                                  C129800300071 
5.355      1.09                                                   C129800300072 
5.395      1.25                                                   C129800300073 
5.420      1.23                                                   C129800300074 
5.430      1.13                                                   C129800300075 
5.455      1.15                                                   C129800300076 
5.495      1.16                                                   C129800300077 
5.520      1.20                                                   C129800300078 
5.520      1.29                                                   C129800300079 
5.550      1.32                                                   C129800300080 
5.550      1.33                                                   C129800300081 
5.570      1.37                                                   C129800300082 
5.590      1.48                                                   C129800300083 
5.605      1.40                                                   C129800300084 
5.650      1.48                                                   C129800300085 
5.650      1.51                                                   C129800300086 
5.680      1.50                                                   C129800300087 
5.700      1.63                                                   C129800300088 
5.720      1.73                                                   C129800300089 
5.730      1.61                                                   C129800300090 
5.750      1.75                                                   C129800300091 
5.765      1.79                                                   C129800300092 
5.770      1.65                                                   C129800300093 
5.780      1.82                                                   C129800300094 
5.800      1.92                                                   C129800300095 
5.820      1.89                                                   C129800300096 
5.830      1.97                                                   C129800300097 
5.850      2.15                                                   C129800300098 
5.870      2.02                                                   C129800300099 
5.880      2.06                                                   C129800300100 
5.880      2.13                                                   C129800300101 
5.910      2.04                                                   C129800300102 
5.940      2.03                                                   C129800300103 
5.945      1.79                                                   C129800300104 
5.960      2.22                                                   C129800300105 
5.990      2.03                                                   C129800300106 
6.000      2.45                                                   C129800300107 
6.030      2.41                                                   C129800300108 
ENDDATA             95          0                                 C129800300109 
ENDSUBENT          108          0                                 C129800399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C129899999999