ENTRY C1356 20230802 C231C135600000001 SUBENT C1356001 20230802 C231C135600100001 BIB 12 39 C135600100002 INSTITUTE (1USASC) C135600100003 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,219-220,317,2004) C135600100004 #doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2004.01.076 C135600100005 AUTHOR (J.F.Browning,J.C.Banks,W.R.Wampler,B.L.Doyle) C135600100006 TITLE Cross-sections for the elastic recoil of hydrogen C135600100007 isotopes for high energy helium ions C135600100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USASC) Sandia's 6 MV EN Tandem accelerator C135600100009 INC-SOURCE The incident helium beams current on target during the C135600100010 cross-section measurements was about 3 nano-Amperes. C135600100011 The projected beam profile on target, tilted at C135600100012 75 degree relative to the sample normal, is 1 mm x C135600100013 1.4 mm. C135600100014 METHOD (EDE) C135600100015 Energy loss in the target calculated with the C135600100016 SRIM-2000 code. C135600100017 DETECTOR (TELES) A particle telescope is used to separate and C135600100018 detect hydrogen isotopes. The particle telescope is C135600100019 composed of a 109 microm thick Mylar range foil C135600100020 followed by a curved aperture. C135600100021 (SIBAR) A thin silicon surface barrier detector, C135600100022 Ortec TD-040-300-75-S, of thickness 65.2 microm and C135600100023 active area 300mm2 is located behind the curved C135600100024 aperture. C135600100025 (SIBAR) A thick silicon surface barrier detector, C135600100026 Ortec BU-018-300-300, follows the thin DE detector. C135600100027 SAMPLE The target films used in this experiment were produced C135600100028 by e-beam deposition of 500 nm of erbium onto C135600100029 molybdenum substrates. Hydriding of the erbium was C135600100030 accomplished by exposure of the erbium layer to an C135600100031 overpressure of the appropriate gas at a prescribed C135600100032 temperature and pressure yielding target film C135600100033 stoichiometry of about 2:1 (i.e. ErH2, ErD2 and ErT2).C135600100034 MONITOR Beam energy calibration was carried out using the C135600100035 19F(p,g) resonance at the proton energy of 0.827 MeV C135600100036 as well as the two resonance reactions H(19F,g) and C135600100037 H(19F,g) at the fluorine energy of 16.440 MeV. C135600100038 PART-DET (A,P,D,T) C135600100039 HISTORY (20051101C) DR C135600100040 (20230726A) OS. REACTION coding corrected in subs.2-4 C135600100041 ENDBIB 39 0 C135600100042 COMMON 1 3 C135600100043 ANG C135600100044 ADEG C135600100045 30. C135600100046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C135600100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 C135600199999 SUBENT C1356002 20230802 C231C135600200001 BIB 4 8 C135600200002 REACTION (1-H-1(A,EL)1-H-1,,DA,P) C135600200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error: contribution to the C135600200004 uncertainty in the cross-sections due to target tilt C135600200005 angle is estimated to be +/-1.0 %. C135600200006 (ERR-T) The uncertainty in each cross section is C135600200007 estimated to be +/-3.2 % C135600200008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.F.Browning+,J,NIM/B,219-220,317,2004) Table 1C135600200009 HISTORY (20230726A) Left side of tautology reaction deleted C135600200010 ENDBIB 8 0 C135600200011 COMMON 2 3 C135600200012 ERR-SYS ERR-T C135600200013 PER-CENT PER-CENT C135600200014 1.0 3.2 C135600200015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C135600200016 DATA 2 22 C135600200017 EN DATA C135600200018 MEV MB/SR C135600200019 9.33 646.66 C135600200020 9.43 630.90 C135600200021 9.53 637.78 C135600200022 9.63 652.51 C135600200023 9.73 646.96 C135600200024 9.83 615.68 C135600200025 9.93 625.79 C135600200026 10.03 610.63 C135600200027 10.14 585.16 C135600200028 10.24 600.40 C135600200029 10.34 588.52 C135600200030 10.44 560.31 C135600200031 10.54 559.37 C135600200032 10.64 560.38 C135600200033 10.74 552.68 C135600200034 10.84 553.87 C135600200035 10.94 541.76 C135600200036 11.04 521.33 C135600200037 11.14 518.87 C135600200038 11.24 520.00 C135600200039 11.35 496.42 C135600200040 11.45 512.70 C135600200041 ENDDATA 24 0 C135600200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 C135600299999 SUBENT C1356003 20230802 C231C135600300001 BIB 4 8 C135600300002 REACTION (1-H-2(A,EL)1-H-2,,DA,D) C135600300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error: contribution to the C135600300004 uncertainty in the cross-sections due to target tilt C135600300005 angle is estimated to be +/-1.0 %. C135600300006 (ERR-T) The uncertainty in each cross section is C135600300007 estimated to be +/-3.2 % C135600300008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.F.Browning+,J,NIM/B,219-220,317,2004) Table 2C135600300009 HISTORY (20230726A) Left side of tautology reaction deleted C135600300010 ENDBIB 8 0 C135600300011 COMMON 2 3 C135600300012 ERR-SYS ERR-T C135600300013 PER-CENT PER-CENT C135600300014 1.0 3.2 C135600300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C135600300016 DATA 2 18 C135600300017 EN DATA C135600300018 MEV MB/SR C135600300019 8.84 313.76 C135600300020 8.95 316.80 C135600300021 9.05 332.24 C135600300022 9.15 317.14 C135600300023 9.25 325.40 C135600300024 9.35 324.91 C135600300025 9.45 320.33 C135600300026 9.55 320.50 C135600300027 9.65 332.10 C135600300028 9.75 321.94 C135600300029 9.85 321.08 C135600300030 9.95 327.74 C135600300031 10.05 322.53 C135600300032 10.16 312.49 C135600300033 10.26 321.73 C135600300034 10.36 314.61 C135600300035 10.56 310.39 C135600300036 10.86 313.08 C135600300037 ENDDATA 20 0 C135600300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 C135600399999 SUBENT C1356004 20230802 C231C135600400001 BIB 4 8 C135600400002 REACTION (1-H-3(A,EL)1-H-3,,DA,T) C135600400003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error: contribution to the C135600400004 uncertainty in the cross-sections due to target tilt C135600400005 angle is estimated to be +/-1.0 %. C135600400006 (ERR-T) The uncertainty in each cross section is C135600400007 estimated to be +/-3.2 % C135600400008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.F.Browning+,J,NIM/B,219-220,317,2004) Table 3C135600400009 HISTORY (20230726A) Left side of tautology reaction deleted C135600400010 ENDBIB 8 0 C135600400011 COMMON 2 3 C135600400012 ERR-SYS ERR-T C135600400013 PER-CENT PER-CENT C135600400014 1.0 3.2 C135600400015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C135600400016 DATA 2 17 C135600400017 EN DATA C135600400018 MEV MB/SR C135600400019 8.809 148.72 C135600400020 8.910 163.78 C135600400021 9.011 180.88 C135600400022 9.112 193.73 C135600400023 9.213 204.58 C135600400024 9.315 216.40 C135600400025 9.416 215.22 C135600400026 9.517 219.35 C135600400027 9.618 218.00 C135600400028 9.719 220.55 C135600400029 9.820 210.66 C135600400030 9.921 203.46 C135600400031 10.022 187.84 C135600400032 10.123 175.89 C135600400033 10.224 161.07 C135600400034 10.325 149.53 C135600400035 10.829 89.30 C135600400036 ENDDATA 19 0 C135600400037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C135600499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C135699999999