ENTRY            C1464   20140418                             C141C146400000001 
SUBENT        C1464001   20140418                             C141C146400100001 
BIB                 10         23                                 C146400100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAFSU,2FR SAC,2FR STR,3POLWWA,3VENUSB)              C146400100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PL/B,640,13,2006)                                   C146400100004 
AUTHOR     (O.A.Momotyuk,N.Keeley,K.W.Kemper,B.T.Roeder,A.M.Crisp,C146400100005 
            W.Cluff,B.G.Schmidt,M.Wiedeking,F.Marechal,K.Rusek,   C146400100006 
            S.Yu.Mezhevych,J.Liendo)                              C146400100007 
TITLE      Target structure independent 7Li elastic scattering at C146400100008 
            low momentum transfers                                C146400100009 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USAFSU) FSU Tandem/Linac accelerator.           C146400100010 
INC-SPECT  A polarized 7Li beam was produced by the Florida State C146400100011 
            University (FSU) optically pumped lithium ion source  C146400100012 
            and accelerated to 42 MeV by the FSU Tandem/Linac     C146400100013 
            accelerator. The beam polarizations were: t10 =       C146400100014 
            0.76+/-0.07 and t20 = 0.37+/-0.07.                    C146400100015 
SAMPLE     The targets were enriched in 6Li to 95% and transferredC146400100016 
            under vacuum to the main scattering chamber.          C146400100017 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR)                                                C146400100018 
METHOD     Absolute cross section normalizations were obtained    C146400100019 
            using the target thicknesses determined by comparison C146400100020 
            of proton elastic scattering measurements with        C146400100021 
            previously accurately determined absolute cross       C146400100022 
            sections                                              C146400100023 
HISTORY    (20070223C) DR                                         C146400100024 
           (20140418U) SD: INSTITUTE code corrected.              C146400100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 C146400100026 
COMMON               1          3                                 C146400100027 
EN                                                                C146400100028 
MEV                                                               C146400100029 
42.                                                               C146400100030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C146400100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 C146400199999 
SUBENT        C1464002   20070313                             C080C146400200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C146400200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(3-LI-7,EL)3-LI-7,,DA)                          C146400200003 
STATUS     Data received by email from N.Keeley, February 22,2007 C146400200004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C146400200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C146400200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C146400200007 
DATA                 3         20                                 C146400200008 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                                       C146400200009 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       C146400200010 
22.        82.1267    2.68                                        C146400200011 
24.        95.8872    3.21                                        C146400200012 
26.        81.0231    3.49                                        C146400200013 
28.        67.5937    3.01                                        C146400200014 
32.        20.8186    1.32                                        C146400200015 
34.         9.27834   1.04                                        C146400200016 
36.         6.73804   0.66                                        C146400200017 
38.        10.898     0.56                                        C146400200018 
46.         8.3229    0.51                                        C146400200019 
48.         5.24847   0.35                                        C146400200020 
50.         4.94567   0.3                                         C146400200021 
54.         2.3356    0.15                                        C146400200022 
58.         1.35613   0.11                                        C146400200023 
60.         1.41499   0.11                                        C146400200024 
62.         1.34994   0.11                                        C146400200025 
64.         1.11607   0.1                                         C146400200026 
66.         1.00811   0.09                                        C146400200027 
68.         0.631192  0.07                                        C146400200028 
70.         0.640577  0.06                                        C146400200029 
74.         0.410638  0.06                                        C146400200030 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 C146400200031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 C146400299999 
SUBENT        C1464003   20070313                             C080C146400300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C146400300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(3-LI-6,EL)3-LI-7,,DA)                          C146400300003 
STATUS     Data received by email from N.Keeley, February 22,2007 C146400300004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C146400300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C146400300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C146400300007 
DATA                 3         52                                 C146400300008 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                                       C146400300009 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       C146400300010 
 14.09     2259.6879   10.2145                                    C146400300011 
 15.17     1677.5345    6.6301                                    C146400300012 
 16.26     1042.8082    3.7370                                    C146400300013 
 17.34      667.4625    0.7049                                    C146400300014 
 18.43      384.5574    0.4893                                    C146400300015 
 19.51      167.4338    0.3233                                    C146400300016 
 20.60      102.7759    0.8691                                    C146400300017 
 21.69       53.2179    0.4643                                    C146400300018 
 22.77       44.3148    0.3372                                    C146400300019 
 23.85       54.2944    0.4221                                    C146400300020 
 24.95       63.9979    0.3254                                    C146400300021 
 26.03       85.0301    0.2160                                    C146400300022 
 28.21       77.7208    0.1794                                    C146400300023 
 30.39       79.5730    1.9390                                    C146400300024 
 31.48       72.9875    1.3989                                    C146400300025 
 32.57       58.3096    0.8939                                    C146400300026 
 33.66       43.3358    0.1716                                    C146400300027 
 34.75       35.7472    0.1512                                    C146400300028 
 34.75       36.4033    0.1591                                    C146400300029 
 35.85       20.9561    0.1162                                    C146400300030 
 36.94       18.2421    0.3712                                    C146400300031 
 38.03       10.0639    0.1313                                    C146400300032 
 39.13        6.6957    0.1331                                    C146400300033 
 40.22        4.6095    0.1252                                    C146400300034 
 41.32        2.8966    0.0705                                    C146400300035 
 42.41        2.5967    0.0385                                    C146400300036 
 43.51        2.6506    0.0480                                    C146400300037 
 45.71        3.4715    0.0817                                    C146400300038 
 46.81        3.4846    0.0539                                    C146400300039 
 47.91        3.8130    0.0545                                    C146400300040 
 49.01        3.6540    0.0416                                    C146400300041 
 50.11        3.7018    0.0582                                    C146400300042 
 51.22        3.0351    0.0470                                    C146400300043 
 52.32        3.2396    0.0541                                    C146400300044 
 53.43        2.2889    0.0412                                    C146400300045 
 54.53        2.4069    0.0451                                    C146400300046 
 55.64        1.8548    0.0359                                    C146400300047 
 56.75        1.7099    0.0437                                    C146400300048 
 57.86        1.4258    0.0421                                    C146400300049 
 58.97        1.1768    0.0290                                    C146400300050 
 60.09        0.9359    0.0293                                    C146400300051 
 61.20        0.9340    0.0244                                    C146400300052 
 62.32        0.7521    0.0391                                    C146400300053 
 63.43        0.8765    0.0218                                    C146400300054 
 64.55        0.8381    0.0263                                    C146400300055 
 66.80        1.0035    0.0313                                    C146400300056 
 69.05        1.0009    0.0311                                    C146400300057 
 71.31        1.0319    0.0306                                    C146400300058 
 73.57        0.8788    0.0324                                    C146400300059 
 75.85        0.7766    0.0244                                    C146400300060 
 78.14        0.7003    0.0220                                    C146400300061 
 80.43        0.5912    0.0186                                    C146400300062 
ENDDATA             54          0                                 C146400300063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 C146400399999 
SUBENT        C1464004   20070313                             C080C146400400001 
BIB                  3          8                                 C146400400002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(3-LI-6,EL)3-LI-7,,POL/DA,,VAP/FCT)             C146400400003 
            Polarization quantities in a coordinate where beam    C146400400004 
            polarization axis is along to z-axis. The leading     C146400400005 
            "T" superscript in this case refers to the fact that  C146400400006 
            the analysing powers are in the "transverse" referenceC146400400007 
            frame. See article for more details, Fig. 2           C146400400008 
STATUS     Data received by email from N.Keeley, February 22,2007 C146400400009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C146400400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C146400400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C146400400012 
DATA                 3         21                                 C146400400013 
ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                                       C146400400014 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C146400400015 
15.17      -0.206     0.039                                       C146400400016 
17.34      -0.299     0.057                                       C146400400017 
19.51      -0.354     0.067                                       C146400400018 
21.68       0.191     0.041                                       C146400400019 
23.85       0.354     0.068                                       C146400400020 
26.03       0.15      0.03                                        C146400400021 
28.21       0.03      0.008                                       C146400400022 
30.39      -0.091     0.018                                       C146400400023 
32.57      -0.199     0.04                                        C146400400024 
34.75      -0.237     0.046                                       C146400400025 
39.12      -0.294     0.059                                       C146400400026 
41.31      -0.027     0.029                                       C146400400027 
43.51       0.385     0.078                                       C146400400028 
45.7        0.132     0.053                                       C146400400029 
47.9       -0.003     0.018                                       C146400400030 
52.32      -0.317     0.065                                       C146400400031 
56.75      -0.103     0.06                                        C146400400032 
61.2        0.456     0.106                                       C146400400033 
65.67       0.698     0.14                                        C146400400034 
74.71       0.181     0.046                                       C146400400035 
79.28       0.092     0.04                                        C146400400036 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 C146400400037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 C146400499999 
SUBENT        C1464005   20070313                             C080C146400500001 
BIB                  3          8                                 C146400500002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(3-LI-7,EL)3-LI-7,,POL/DA,,VAP/FCT)             C146400500003 
            Polarization quantities in a coordinate where beam    C146400500004 
            polarization axis is along to z-axis. The leading     C146400500005 
            "T" superscript in this case refers to the fact that  C146400500006 
            the analysing powers are in the "transverse" referenceC146400500007 
            frame. See article for more details, Fig. 2           C146400500008 
STATUS     Data received by email from N.Keeley, February 22,2007 C146400500009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C146400500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C146400500011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C146400500012 
DATA                 3         18                                 C146400500013 
ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                                       C146400500014 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C146400500015 
21.99       0.293     0.063                                       C146400500016 
23.99       0.124     0.035                                       C146400500017 
25.99       0.071     0.023                                       C146400500018 
27.99      -0.079     0.023                                       C146400500019 
29.99      -0.207     0.071                                       C146400500020 
31.99      -0.335     0.073                                       C146400500021 
33.99      -0.035     0.055                                       C146400500022 
35.99       0.189     0.081                                       C146400500023 
37.99       0.634     0.137                                       C146400500024 
39.99       0.665     0.135                                       C146400500025 
41.99       0.357     0.104                                       C146400500026 
44.         0.277     0.063                                       C146400500027 
48.         0.079     0.056                                       C146400500028 
52.         0.206     0.135                                       C146400500029 
56.         0.131     0.146                                       C146400500030 
60.         0.399     0.137                                       C146400500031 
68.         0.368     0.171                                       C146400500032 
72.         0.213     0.16                                        C146400500033 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 C146400500034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 C146400599999 
SUBENT        C1464006   20070313                             C080C146400600001 
BIB                  3          8                                 C146400600002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(3-LI-7,EL)3-LI-7,20,POL/DA,,TAP/MSC)           C146400600003 
            Polarization quantities in a coordinate where beam    C146400600004 
            polarization axis is along to z-axis. The leading     C146400600005 
            "T" superscript in this case refers to the fact that  C146400600006 
            the analysing powers are in the "transverse" referenceC146400600007 
            frame. See article for more details, Fig. 2           C146400600008 
STATUS     Data received by email from N.Keeley, February 22,2007 C146400600009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C146400600010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C146400600011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C146400600012 
DATA                 3         18                                 C146400600013 
ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                                       C146400600014 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C146400600015 
21.99       0.095     0.022                                       C146400600016 
23.99       0.028     0.017                                       C146400600017 
25.99       0.022     0.012                                       C146400600018 
27.99      -0.005     0.012                                       C146400600019 
29.99       0.013     0.038                                       C146400600020 
31.99      -0.014     0.023                                       C146400600021 
33.99       0.056     0.036                                       C146400600022 
35.99       0.318     0.056                                       C146400600023 
37.99       0.328     0.057                                       C146400600024 
39.99       0.29      0.044                                       C146400600025 
41.99       0.216     0.058                                       C146400600026 
44.         0.169     0.028                                       C146400600027 
48.         0.226     0.041                                       C146400600028 
52.         0.29      0.09                                        C146400600029 
56.         0.097     0.096                                       C146400600030 
60.         0.03      0.08                                        C146400600031 
68.         0.44      0.113                                       C146400600032 
72.        -0.156     0.105                                       C146400600033 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 C146400600034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 C146400699999 
SUBENT        C1464007   20070313                             C080C146400700001 
BIB                  3          8                                 C146400700002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(3-LI-6,EL)3-LI-7,20,POL/DA,,TAP/MSC)           C146400700003 
            Polarization quantities in a coordinate where beam    C146400700004 
            polarization axis is along to z-axis. The leading     C146400700005 
            "T" superscript in this case refers to the fact that  C146400700006 
            the analysing powers are in the "transverse" referenceC146400700007 
            frame. See article for more details, Fig. 2           C146400700008 
STATUS     Data received by email from N.Keeley, February 22,2007 C146400700009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C146400700010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C146400700011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C146400700012 
DATA                 3         22                                 C146400700013 
ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-S                                       C146400700014 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C146400700015 
15.17      -0.065     0.006                                       C146400700016 
17.34      -0.076     0.007                                       C146400700017 
19.51      -0.067     0.007                                       C146400700018 
21.68       0.071     0.014                                       C146400700019 
23.85       0.048     0.008                                       C146400700020 
26.03      -0.031     0.006                                       C146400700021 
28.21      -0.054     0.006                                       C146400700022 
30.39      -0.091     0.009                                       C146400700023 
32.57      -0.098     0.013                                       C146400700024 
34.75      -0.094     0.01                                        C146400700025 
36.93      -0.008     0.009                                       C146400700026 
39.12       0.075     0.014                                       C146400700027 
41.31       0.29      0.033                                       C146400700028 
43.51       0.217     0.028                                       C146400700029 
45.7       -0.157     0.034                                       C146400700030 
47.9       -0.237     0.025                                       C146400700031 
52.32      -0.34      0.035                                       C146400700032 
56.75      -0.066     0.037                                       C146400700033 
61.2        0.759     0.08                                        C146400700034 
65.67       0.81      0.081                                       C146400700035 
74.71       0.06      0.022                                       C146400700036 
79.28      -0.102     0.025                                       C146400700037 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 C146400700038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 C146400799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 C146499999999