ENTRY C1487 20230802 C231C148700000001 SUBENT C1487001 20230802 C231C148700100001 BIB 11 33 C148700100002 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,3ISLHEB,1USANWU) C148700100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,67,065809,2003) C148700100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.67.065809 C148700100005 AUTHOR (K.E.Rehm,A.H.Wuosmaa,C.L.Jiang,J.Caggiano,J.P.Greene, C148700100006 A.Heinz,D.Henderson,R.V.F.Janssens,E.F.Moore, C148700100007 G.Mukherjee,R.C.Pardo,T.Pennington,J.P.Schiffer, C148700100008 R.H.Siemssen) C148700100009 TITLE Branching ratio Galpha/Ggamma of the 4.033 MeV 3/2+ C148700100010 state in 19Ne C148700100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) C148700100012 INC-SPECT The 20Ne beam bombarded a 1.5-mm-long gas cell filled C148700100013 with 3He at 700 mbar. C148700100014 SAMPLE The gas target was cooled to liquid nitrogen C148700100015 temperature, resulting in a 3He thickness of 50 C148700100016 microg/cm2. The pressure in the 3He target was kept C148700100017 constant to better than 1%. C148700100018 DETECTOR (SIBAR) The outgoing a particles from the C148700100019 3He(20Ne,a)19Ne reaction were detected in a Si strip C148700100020 detector telescope consisting of a 500-mm-thick, 40x40C148700100021 mm2 DE detector backed by a 50x50 mm2, 300-mm-thick C148700100022 Eres detector tilted by an angle of 50 degree in orderC148700100023 to increase its effective thickness for the incident C148700100024 particles to about 500 mm. The DE detector was C148700100025 subdivided in the front and back into 32 vertical and C148700100026 horizontal strips (1-mm width) which were read out C148700100027 individually. C148700100028 METHOD Inverse kinematics C148700100029 (EDE) C148700100030 MONITOR The telescope was calibrated using a 228Th a source andC148700100031 energy resolutions of 45 keV for the DE and Eres C148700100032 detectors were obtained. C148700100033 HISTORY (20061217C) DR C148700100034 (20230726A) OS. REACTION correction in sub.2 C148700100035 ENDBIB 33 0 C148700100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 C148700100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C148700199999 SUBENT C1487002 20230802 C231C148700200001 BIB 4 9 C148700200002 REACTION 1(8-O-15(A,0),,EN) C148700200003 2(8-O-15(A,G),,WID) C148700200004 3(8-O-15(A,0),,J) C148700200005 4(8-O-15(A,0),,PTY) C148700200006 ERR-ANALYS2(+DATA-ERR) Total superior uncertainty C148700200007 (-DATA-ERR) Total inferior uncertainty C148700200008 STATUS (TABLE,,K.E.Rehm+,J,PR/C,67,065809,2003) Table 2 C148700200009 HISTORY (20230726A) SF3 corrected in REACTION 4; ERR-T changed C148700200010 to DATA-ERR C148700200011 ENDBIB 9 0 C148700200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C148700200013 DATA 6 6 C148700200014 DATA 1DATA 2+DATA-ERR 2-DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA 4C148700200015 MEV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM NO-DIM C148700200016 0.504 12. 9. 5. 1.5 +1. C148700200017 0.850 458. 92. 92. 4.5 -1. C148700200018 1.020 39. 34. 1.5 1.5 -1. C148700200019 1.071 101. 55. 55. 2.5 +1. C148700200020 1.183 43. 8. 8. 2.5 -1. C148700200021 1.563 196. 39. 39. 2.5 +1. C148700200022 ENDDATA 8 0 C148700200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C148700299999 SUBENT C1487003 20061218 C079C148700300001 BIB 4 7 C148700300002 REACTION 1(8-O-15(A,0),,EN) C148700300003 2(8-O-15(A,G),,WID/STR) C148700300004 ERR-ANALYS (+ERR-T) Total superior uncertainty C148700300005 (-ERR-T) Total inferior uncertainty C148700300006 FLAG (1.) Calculated assuming spectroscopic factors of 0.1 C148700300007 for the alpha width. C148700300008 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Table 2 C148700300009 ENDBIB 7 0 C148700300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C148700300011 DATA 5 8 C148700300012 DATA 1DATA 2+ERR-T 2-ERR-T 2FLAG C148700300013 MEV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM C148700300014 0.504 2.5E-02 C148700300015 0.611 5.7E-04 1. C148700300016 0.668 8.9E-03 1. C148700300017 0.850 2.9E+01 11. 11. C148700300018 1.020 4.E+00 3.5 1.5 C148700300019 1.071 9.0E+01 50. 50. C148700300020 1.183 1.10E+02 21. 21. C148700300021 1.563 5.30E+02 110. 110. C148700300022 ENDDATA 10 0 C148700300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C148700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C148799999999