ENTRY C1544 20241031 C243C154400000001 SUBENT C1544001 20241031 C243C154400100001 BIB 9 19 C154400100002 INSTITUTE (2UK SSX,1USAYAL,2UK DAR,2UK KEU) C154400100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,75,014309,2007) C154400100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.75.014309 C154400100005 AUTHOR (F.M.Prados Estevez,A.M.Bruce,M.J.Taylor,H.Amro, C154400100006 C.W.Beausang,R.F.Casten,J.J.Ressler,C.J.Barton, C154400100007 C.Chandler,G.Hammond) C154400100008 TITLE Isospin purity of T=1 states in the A=38 nuclei studiedC154400100009 via lifetime measurements in 38K C154400100010 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAYAL) ESTU tandem accelerator at the Wright C154400100011 Nuclear Structure Laboratory at Yale University. C154400100012 INC-SPECT A deuteron beam energy of 4.5 MeV. C154400100013 SAMPLE The 220 micro-g/cm2 40Ca target was supported on a C154400100014 1 mg/cm2 Ni backing and had a flash of gold on the C154400100015 front face to prevent oxidation C154400100016 DETECTOR (GE) gamma rays were measured in an array of eight C154400100017 Clover detectors C154400100018 HISTORY (20070413C) DR C154400100019 (20241024A) OS. 1st author's name corrected, INSTITUE C154400100020 updated C154400100021 ENDBIB 19 0 C154400100022 COMMON 1 3 C154400100023 EN C154400100024 MEV C154400100025 4.5 C154400100026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C154400100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C154400199999 SUBENT C1544002 20070413 C080C154400200001 BIB 3 3 C154400200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(D,A)19-K-38,PAR,SIG,G,REL) C154400200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information C154400200004 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from Table 1 C154400200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C154400200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C154400200007 DATA 4 12 C154400200008 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C154400200009 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C154400200010 329.1 0.2 100.0 0.3 C154400200011 426.3 0.4 10.5 0.5 C154400200012 459.4 0.4 1.5 0.3 C154400200013 468.2 0.3 17. 1. C154400200014 1043.9 0.3 100. 20. C154400200015 1076.3 0.7 46. 15. C154400200016 1172.1 0.8 57.8 0.7 C154400200017 1944.3 0.5 100. 3. C154400200018 2273.1 1.4 10. 3. C154400200019 2413.1 0.5 100. 1. C154400200020 2700.3 0.8 100.0 0.5 C154400200021 2872.7 0.4 31.4 0.5 C154400200022 ENDDATA 14 0 C154400200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C154400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C154499999999