ENTRY            C1648   20120705                             C120C164800000001 
SUBENT        C1648001   20120705                             C120C164800100001 
BIB                  9         26                                 C164800100002 
TITLE      Proton decay of 18Ne states populated in the           C164800100003 
           14O+alpha resonance interaction                        C164800100004 
AUTHOR     (Changbo Fu,V.Z.Goldberg,A.M.Mukhamedzhanov,           C164800100005 
           G.G.Chubarian, G.V.Rogachev,B.Skorodumov,M.Mccleskey,  C164800100006 
           Y.Zhai,T.Al-Abdullah, G.Tabacam,L.Trache,R.E.Tribble)  C164800100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USATAM,1USAFSU,1USANOT)                              C164800100008 
REFERENCE  (S,AIP-1005,144,2008)                                  C164800100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USATAM)                                        C164800100010 
SAMPLE     Scattering chamber filled with 4He (99.99% pure) up    C164800100011 
           to a pressure of 0.85 atm, separated from the high     C164800100012 
           vacuum of MARS by a 3 mum Havar foil.                  C164800100013 
DETECTOR   (SI)The reaction products were observed by a           C164800100014 
           detector array which was composed of 4                 C164800100015 
           quadrant-silicon detectors (QSDs).                     C164800100016 
           QSD were mounted on a plane 90deg to the beam          C164800100017 
           axis and 295 mm from the entrance window. The          C164800100018 
           coordinates of the QSDs centers in the plane were      C164800100019 
           x,y=(+-42.5,+-37.5)mm. Each QSD consisted of 4 square  C164800100020 
           detectors (12.5 x 12.5 x 1 mm**3), and was followed    C164800100021 
           by a large size veto detector to eliminate events      C164800100022 
           that passed through the QSD.                           C164800100023 
METHOD     Thick target inverse kinematic method                  C164800100024 
HISTORY    (20080807C) Compiled by S.H.                           C164800100025 
           (20120705A) SD: Ref. corrected. REACTION code in       C164800100026 
            Subent 2 corrected; Subent 3 deleted - data moved to  C164800100027 
            Subent 2.                                             C164800100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 C164800100029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C164800100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 C164800199999 
SUBENT        C1648002   20120705                             C120C164800200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 C164800200002 
REACTION  1((2-HE-4(8-O-14,0),,EN,,MSC)=(8-O-14(A,0),,EN,,MSC))   C164800200003 
                        - Compound 18Ne* excitation energy        C164800200004 
          2((2-HE-4(8-O-14,2P),,WID)=(8-O-14(A,2P),,WID))         C164800200005 
          3(2-HE-4(8-O-14,2P)8-O-16,,SIG,,RES)                    C164800200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from Tab.1 of AIP-1005,144,2008     C164800200007 
HISTORY    (20120705A) SD: REACTION code (3) -added from Subent 3 C164800200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C164800200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C164800200010 
DATA                 3          7                                 C164800200011 
DATA-CM   1DATA-CM   2DATA      3                                 C164800200012 
MEV        MEV        MB                                          C164800200013 
 7.66       0.31         0.11                                     C164800200014 
 8.00       0.47         0.73                                     C164800200015 
 9.40       0.42         9.92                                     C164800200016 
10.12       0.54        29.2                                      C164800200017 
10.66       0.73        25.9                                      C164800200018 
11.29       0.66        49.9                                      C164800200019 
11.80       0.52        42.4                                      C164800200020 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 C164800200021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 C164800299999 
NOSUBENT      C1648003   20120705                             C120C164800300001 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C164899999999