ENTRY            C1701   20180216                             C173C170100000001 
SUBENT        C1701001   20180216                             C173C170100100001 
BIB                 14         31                                 C170100100002 
TITLE      Reaction T(He3,gamma)6Li in the energy range 0.5-11 MeVC170100100003 
AUTHOR     (S.L.Blatt,A.M.Young,S.C.Ling,K.J.Moon,C.D.Porterfield)C170100100004 
INSTITUTE  (1USAOHO)                                              C170100100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,176,1147,1968)                                   C170100100006 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USAOHO)                                          C170100100007 
SAMPLE     Targets of tritium in thin evaporated films of         C170100100008 
           titanium on copper backings.                           C170100100009 
METHOD     (EXTB,SITA)                                            C170100100010 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) 4-in.-diam x 6-in.-long NaI(Tl) spectrometer   C170100100011 
           surrounded by a NE102 plastic scintillator used in     C170100100012 
           anticoincidence.                                       C170100100013 
PART-DET   (G)                                                    C170100100014 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,3-LI-6)                                         C170100100015 
COMMENT    Gamma spectra from the radiative capture of 3He        C170100100016 
            particles by tritons have been obtained over the      C170100100017 
            energy range 0.5 < E(He3) < 11.0 MeV.  Excitation     C170100100018 
            curves and angular distributions are presented.       C170100100019 
           The integrated cross section for the inverse reaction  C170100100020 
            6Li(gamma0,t)3He up to E(g) = 25 MeV is found to be   C170100100021 
            9.3 (1.4) MeV*mb.                                     C170100100022 
           Strong transitions were seen to the ground and first   C170100100023 
            two excited states of 6Li.                            C170100100024 
           Evidence is also found for a transition to the second  C170100100025 
            t=1 state of 6Li the results are discussed in the     C170100100026 
            framework of the direct-capture model. Substantial    C170100100027 
            T+He-3 clustering is evident in the four observed 6Li C170100100028 
            final states.                                         C170100100029 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are presented.              C170100100030 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.I from Phys.Rev.176(1968)1147.             C170100100031 
HISTORY    (20180216T) SD: Entry created from M0259, excluding    C170100100032 
           Subent 005 (contains data from Subent 002 * 4Pi).      C170100100033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 C170100100034 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C170100100035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 C170100199999 
SUBENT        C1701002   20180216                             C173C170100200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C170100200002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(HE3,G)3-LI-6,PAR,DA)                            C170100200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C170100200004 
COMMON               2          3                                 C170100200005 
ANG        E-LVL                                                  C170100200006 
ADEG       MEV                                                    C170100200007 
    90.         0.                                                C170100200008 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C170100200009 
DATA                 3         16                                 C170100200010 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       C170100200011 
MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     C170100200012 
     0.51       0.38       0.06                                   C170100200013 
     1.10       1.5        0.2                                    C170100200014 
     1.65       2.6        0.4                                    C170100200015 
     1.92       4.5        0.7                                    C170100200016 
     2.73       7.2        1.1                                    C170100200017 
     3.25       7.9        1.2                                    C170100200018 
     3.77       9.2        1.4                                    C170100200019 
     4.03       9.8        1.5                                    C170100200020 
     4.28       9.8        1.5                                    C170100200021 
     4.54      10.7        1.6                                    C170100200022 
     4.8       10.6        1.6                                    C170100200023 
     5.30      11.2        1.7                                    C170100200024 
     6.34      10.8        2.1                                    C170100200025 
     7.86      10.4        2.1                                    C170100200026 
     9.38      11.2        2.2                                    C170100200027 
    11.0       12.6        2.5                                    C170100200028 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 C170100200029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 C170100299999 
SUBENT        C1701003   20180216                             C173C170100300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C170100300002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(HE3,G)3-LI-6,PAR,DA)                            C170100300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C170100300004 
COMMON               2          3                                 C170100300005 
ANG        E-LVL                                                  C170100300006 
ADEG       MEV                                                    C170100300007 
    90.         2.18                                              C170100300008 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C170100300009 
DATA                 3         12                                 C170100300010 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       C170100300011 
MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     C170100300012 
     0.51       0.10       0.02                                   C170100300013 
     1.10       0.34       0.06                                   C170100300014 
     1.65       0.64       0.12                                   C170100300015 
     1.92       1.2        0.2                                    C170100300016 
     2.73       1.8        0.3                                    C170100300017 
     3.25       1.9        0.3                                    C170100300018 
     3.77       2.5        0.4                                    C170100300019 
     4.03       2.7        0.4                                    C170100300020 
     4.28       2.7        0.4                                    C170100300021 
     4.54       3.1        0.5                                    C170100300022 
     4.8        2.6        0.4                                    C170100300023 
     5.30       3.1        0.5                                    C170100300024 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 C170100300025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 C170100399999 
SUBENT        C1701004   20180216                             C173C170100400001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C170100400002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(HE3,G)3-LI-6,PAR,DA)                            C170100400003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C170100400004 
COMMON               2          3                                 C170100400005 
ANG        E-LVL                                                  C170100400006 
ADEG       MEV                                                    C170100400007 
    90.         3.56                                              C170100400008 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C170100400009 
DATA                 3         12                                 C170100400010 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       C170100400011 
MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     C170100400012 
     0.51       0.07       0.02                                   C170100400013 
     1.10       0.24       0.05                                   C170100400014 
     1.65       0.45       0.10                                   C170100400015 
     1.92       0.86       0.18                                   C170100400016 
     2.73       1.3        0.3                                    C170100400017 
     3.25       1.5        0.3                                    C170100400018 
     3.77       1.4        0.3                                    C170100400019 
     4.03       1.7        0.3                                    C170100400020 
     4.28       1.5        0.3                                    C170100400021 
     4.54       1.6        0.3                                    C170100400022 
     4.8        1.6        0.3                                    C170100400023 
     5.30       1.5        0.03                                   C170100400024 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 C170100400025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 C170100499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 C170199999999