ENTRY            C1745   20100506                             C100C174500000001 
SUBENT        C1745001   20100506                             C100C174500100001 
BIB                 11         33                                 C174500100002 
TITLE      Experimental study of the 11,12B(n,gamma) reactions    C174500100003 
           and their influence on r-process nucleosynthesis of    C174500100004 
           light elements                                         C174500100005 
AUTHOR     (H.Y.Lee,J.P.Greene,C.L.Jiang,R.C.Pardo,K.E.Rehm,      C174500100006 
           J.P.Schiffer,A.H.Wuosmaa,N.J.Goodman,J.C.Lighthall,    C174500100007 
           S.T.Marley,K.Otsuki,N.Patel,M.Beard,M.Notani,X.D.Tang) C174500100008 
INSTITUTE  (1USAANL,1USAWMU,2GERGSI,1USACSM,1USANOT)              C174500100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,81,015802,2010)    Main reference              C174500100010 
           (C,2008MACKIN,,(136),2008) Preliminary data            C174500100011 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USAANL) Experiment performed using the ATLAS   C174500100012 
           facility at Argonne National Laboratory                C174500100013 
SAMPLE     CD2 target with thickness of 150 mu-g/cm2              C174500100014 
DETECTOR   (SISD) Three double-sided silicon strip detectors      C174500100015 
           covered the backward angle of 110deg to 165deg in      C174500100016 
           the laboratory system. Detectors were 500 mu-m thick,  C174500100017 
           and were segmented into 16 annular rings on the front  C174500100018 
           and 16 azimuthal wedges on the back.                   C174500100019 
           (TELES,SI,SI) dE -E silicon telescope segmented into   C174500100020 
           four quadrants covered the forward angle range of      C174500100021 
           1.4deg - 7.2deg in the laboratory system. Telescope    C174500100022 
           detector consisted of a 75mu-m thick dE-detector       C174500100023 
           and 1000 mu-m of E-detector                            C174500100024 
METHOD     (EDE,COINC) Inverse kinematics used. Protons were      C174500100025 
           detected at backward angles in coincidence with        C174500100026 
           recoiling B ions in the forward detectors.             C174500100027 
INC-SOURCE (KINDT) Radioactive 12B beam was produced using the    C174500100028 
           in-flight method via the (d,p) reaction, by bombarding C174500100029 
           a deuterium gas cell with a 11B beam. The resulting    C174500100030 
           75 MeV 12B beam was selected using a dipole magnet.    C174500100031 
HISTORY    (20090925C)  Conference  paper compiled by S.H.        C174500100032 
           (20100312A) S.H. subs 2-7 updated from Phys.Rev. C     C174500100033 
                       Added subs 8-9                             C174500100034 
COMMENT    Data on neutron reactions compiled under entry 14249   C174500100035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 C174500100036 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C174500100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 C174500199999 
SUBENT        C1745002   20100506                             C100C174500200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 C174500200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(5-B-11,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA)                         C174500200003 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-12,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=1.0,PARITY=1.0)                 C174500200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of the main reference C174500200005 
                   sent by author (H.Y.L.)                        C174500200006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty including statistical     C174500200007 
           and beam normalization uncertainties.                  C174500200008 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-12)                                         C174500200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C174500200010 
COMMON               2          3                                 C174500200011 
EN         E-LVL                                                  C174500200012 
MEV        MEV                                                    C174500200013 
  81.0     0.0                                                    C174500200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C174500200015 
DATA                 4          6                                 C174500200016 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C174500200017 
ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C174500200018 
   7.5      2.5        6.38       1.62                            C174500200019 
  12.5      2.5        7.05       1.77                            C174500200020 
  17.5      2.5        5.06       1.27                            C174500200021 
  22.5      2.5        4.55       1.14                            C174500200022 
  27.5      2.5        2.55       0.64                            C174500200023 
  32.5      0.5        1.32       0.36                            C174500200024 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C174500200025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 C174500299999 
SUBENT        C1745003   20100506                             C100C174500300001 
BIB                  5          7                                 C174500300002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(5-B-11,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA)                         C174500300003 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-12,E-LVL=0.953,SPIN=2.0,PARITY=1.0)               C174500300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of the main reference C174500300005 
                   sent by author (H.Y.L.)                        C174500300006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty including statistical     C174500300007 
           and beam normalization uncertainties.                  C174500300008 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-12)                                         C174500300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C174500300010 
COMMON               2          3                                 C174500300011 
EN         E-LVL                                                  C174500300012 
MEV        MEV                                                    C174500300013 
  81.0     0.953                                                  C174500300014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C174500300015 
DATA                 4          5                                 C174500300016 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C174500300017 
ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C174500300018 
   7.5      2.5        8.93       2.27                            C174500300019 
  12.5      2.5        7.72       1.94                            C174500300020 
  17.5      2.5        5.44       1.36                            C174500300021 
  22.5      2.5        5.02       1.26                            C174500300022 
  27.0      2.5        2.91       0.73                            C174500300023 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 C174500300024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 C174500399999 
SUBENT        C1745004   20100506                             C100C174500400001 
BIB                  5          7                                 C174500400002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(5-B-11,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA)                         C174500400003 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-12,E-LVL=1.674,SPIN=2.0,PARITY=-1.0)              C174500400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of the main reference C174500400005 
                   sent by author (H.Y.L.)                        C174500400006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty including statistical     C174500400007 
           and beam normalization uncertainties.                  C174500400008 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-12)                                         C174500400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C174500400010 
COMMON               2          3                                 C174500400011 
EN         E-LVL                                                  C174500400012 
MEV        MEV                                                    C174500400013 
  81.0     1.674                                                  C174500400014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C174500400015 
DATA                 4          5                                 C174500400016 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C174500400017 
ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C174500400018 
   7.5      2.5       18.64       4.73                            C174500400019 
  12.5      2.5        8.65       2.17                            C174500400020 
  17.5      2.5        3.74       0.94                            C174500400021 
  22.5      2.5        2.56       0.64                            C174500400022 
  27.5      2.5        2.01       0.51                            C174500400023 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 C174500400024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 C174500499999 
SUBENT        C1745005   20100506                             C100C174500500001 
BIB                  5          8                                 C174500500002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(5-B-11,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA)                         C174500500003 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-12,E-LVL=2.621,SPIN=1.0,PARITY=-1.0)              C174500500004 
           (5-B-12,E-LVL=2.723,SPIN=0.0,PARITY=1.0)               C174500500005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty including statistical     C174500500006 
           and beam normalization uncertainties.                  C174500500007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of the main reference C174500500008 
                   sent by author (H.Y.L.)                        C174500500009 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-12)                                         C174500500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C174500500011 
COMMON               3          3                                 C174500500012 
EN         E-LVL      E-LVL                                       C174500500013 
MEV        MEV        MEV                                         C174500500014 
  81.0     2.621      2.723                                       C174500500015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C174500500016 
DATA                 4          5                                 C174500500017 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C174500500018 
ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C174500500019 
   7.5      2.5        7.62       1.99                            C174500500020 
  12.5      2.5        2.87       0.72                            C174500500021 
  17.5      2.5        1.47       0.37                            C174500500022 
  22.5      2.5        0.99       0.25                            C174500500023 
  27.5      2.5        0.56       0.16                            C174500500024 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 C174500500025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 C174500599999 
SUBENT        C1745006   20100506                             C100C174500600001 
BIB                  5          7                                 C174500600002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(5-B-11,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA)                         C174500600003 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-12,E-LVL=3.389,SPIN=3.0,PARITY=-1.0)              C174500600004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of the main reference C174500600005 
                   sent by author (H.Y.L.)                        C174500600006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty including statistical     C174500600007 
           and beam normalization uncertainties.                  C174500600008 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-12)                                         C174500600009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C174500600010 
COMMON               2          3                                 C174500600011 
EN         E-LVL                                                  C174500600012 
MEV        MEV                                                    C174500600013 
  81.0     3.389                                                  C174500600014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C174500600015 
DATA                 4          4                                 C174500600016 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C174500600017 
ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C174500600018 
   7.5      2.5        9.3        2.4                             C174500600019 
  12.5      2.5        8.2        2.1                             C174500600020 
  17.5      2.5        7.8        2.0                             C174500600021 
  22.5      2.5        5.3        1.3                             C174500600022 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 C174500600023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 C174500699999 
SUBENT        C1745007   20100506                             C100C174500700001 
BIB                  5          7                                 C174500700002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(5-B-11,P)5-B-12,PAR,DA)                         C174500700003 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-12,E-LVL=4.301,SPIN=1.0,PARITY=-1.0)              C174500700004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 2 of the main reference C174500700005 
                   sent by author (H.Y.L.)                        C174500700006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty including statistical     C174500700007 
           and beam normalization uncertainties.                  C174500700008 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,5-B-12)                                         C174500700009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C174500700010 
COMMON               2          3                                 C174500700011 
EN         E-LVL                                                  C174500700012 
MEV        MEV                                                    C174500700013 
  81.0     4.301                                                  C174500700014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C174500700015 
DATA                 4          4                                 C174500700016 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C174500700017 
ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C174500700018 
   7.5      2.5        0.61       0.44                            C174500700019 
  12.5      2.5        0.66       0.44                            C174500700020 
  17.5      2.5        1.61       0.5                             C174500700021 
  22.5      2.5        1.13       0.4                             C174500700022 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 C174500700023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 C174500799999 
SUBENT        C1745008   20100126                             C100C174500800001 
BIB                  4          6                                 C174500800002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(5-B-12,P)5-B-13,PAR,DA)                         C174500800003 
LEVEL-PROP (5-B-13,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.0)                C174500800004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 4 of the main reference C174500800005 
                   sent by author (H.Y.L.)                        C174500800006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty including statistical     C174500800007 
           and beam normalization uncertainties.                  C174500800008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C174500800009 
COMMON               2          3                                 C174500800010 
EN         E-LVL                                                  C174500800011 
MEV        MEV                                                    C174500800012 
  75.0     0.0                                                    C174500800013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C174500800014 
DATA                 4          6                                 C174500800015 
ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C174500800016 
ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C174500800017 
   7.5      2.5        12.1       3.5                             C174500800018 
  12.5      2.5        14.3       3.7                             C174500800019 
  17.5      2.5        12.2       3.1                             C174500800020 
  22.5      2.5        10.6       2.7                             C174500800021 
  27.5      2.5         6.0       1.5                             C174500800022 
  30.5      0.5         3.0       0.8                             C174500800023 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C174500800024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 C174500899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 C174599999999