ENTRY C1759 20241031 C243C175900000001 SUBENT C1759001 20241031 C243C175900100001 BIB 11 26 C175900100002 TITLE Activation Analysis for Oxygen and Other Elements by C175900100003 Helium-3-induced Nuclear Reactions C175900100004 AUTHOR (S.S.Markowitz,J.D.Mahony) C175900100005 REFERENCE (J,AC,34,329,1962) C175900100006 #doi:10.1021/ac60183a009 C175900100007 INSTITUTE (1USAUCX) C175900100008 FACILITY (LINAC,1USABRK) The heavy-ion linear accelerator, C175900100009 HILAC. C175900100010 SAMPLE 0.00025-inch (0.93 mg. per sq.cm.) stacked foils of C175900100011 Mylar. Mylar, a polyester, contains 33.2% oxygen, C175900100012 62.7% carbon, and 4.1% hydrogen. C175900100013 DETECTOR (PROPC,NAICR) The positron emission rate of the Mylar C175900100014 foils was measured with end-window gas-flow C175900100015 proportional methane-filled counters. The counters C175900100016 were calibrated with a 3x3 inch NaI(Tl) scintillation C175900100017 counter. C175900100018 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA) C175900100019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimates of errors indicate that C175900100020 accuracies of +-10% should be possible, the per cent C175900100021 errors being standard deviations. C175900100022 CORRECTION The correction to the counting rate for C175900100023 self-absorption of positrons in the Mylar was C175900100024 determined by an empirical curve. This correction was C175900100025 1.7%. C175900100026 HISTORY (20171129C) BP C175900100027 (20241024A) OS. DECAY-DATA corrected in Sub.2 C175900100028 ENDBIB 26 0 C175900100029 COMMON 1 3 C175900100030 DATA-ERR C175900100031 PER-CENT C175900100032 10.0 C175900100033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C175900100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C175900199999 SUBENT C1759002 20241031 C243C175900200001 BIB 4 4 C175900200002 REACTION (8-O-16(HE3,X)9-F-18,CUM,SIG) C175900200003 DECAY-DATA (9-F-18,109.7MIN,B+,650.,0.97) C175900200004 STATUS (CURVE,,S.S.Markowitz+,J,AC,34,329,1962) Fig.1, p.333. C175900200005 HISTORY (20241024A) DECAY-DATA: Energy corrected C175900200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C175900200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C175900200008 DATA 3 19 C175900200009 EN EN-ERR DATA C175900200010 MEV MEV MB C175900200011 2.339 6.401E+00 C175900200012 3.907 1.502 6.895E+01 C175900200013 4.736 1.376E+02 C175900200014 5.419 2.720E+02 C175900200015 6.050 3.056E+02 C175900200016 6.681 3.372E+02 C175900200017 7.263 3.962E+02 C175900200018 7.942 3.926E+02 C175900200019 8.571 0.921 3.370E+02 C175900200020 8.958 3.026E+02 C175900200021 10.168 2.439E+02 C175900200022 12.298 0.727 1.896E+02 C175900200023 14.864 1.266E+02 C175900200024 18.253 0.582 7.383E+01 C175900200025 22.757 0.485 4.543E+01 C175900200026 26.680 0.436 2.977E+01 C175900200027 26.873 2.771E+01 C175900200028 29.925 2.173E+01 C175900200029 30.264 0.582 2.399E+01 C175900200030 ENDDATA 21 0 C175900200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C175900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C175999999999