ENTRY            C1765   20091217                             C111C176500000001 
SUBENT        C1765001   20091217                             C111C176500100001 
BIB                  9         13                                 C176500100002 
TITLE      Gamma-ray spectroscopy study of states in 27Si         C176500100003 
           relevant for the 26mAl(p,g)27Si reaction in novae      C176500100004 
           and supernovae                                         C176500100005 
AUTHOR     (G.Lotay,P.J.Woods,D.Seweryniak,M.P.Carpenter,         C176500100006 
           R.V.F.Janssens,S.Zhu)                                  C176500100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USAANL)                                              C176500100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,80,055802,2009)                                C176500100009 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USAANL)                                        C176500100010 
SAMPLE     12C target with thickness of 150 mu-g/cm2              C176500100011 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)Gamma decays were detected with the              C176500100012 
           Gammasphere array                                      C176500100013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given                        C176500100014 
HISTORY    (20091217C) Compiled by S.H.                           C176500100015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 C176500100016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C176500100017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 C176500199999 
SUBENT        C1765002   20091217                             C111C176500200001 
BIB                  3          5                                 C176500200002 
REACTION  1(13-AL-26(P,0),,EN)                                    C176500200003 
          2(13-AL-26(P,0),,J)                                     C176500200004 
          3(13-AL-26(P,0),,PTY)                                   C176500200005 
CORRECTION Level energies corrected for compound nucleus recoil   C176500200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference        C176500200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 C176500200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C176500200009 
DATA                 4         28                                 C176500200010 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA      3                      C176500200011 
KEV        KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           C176500200012 
  6.0            6.0       2.5         1.0                        C176500200013 
 68.3            7.0       2.5         1.0                        C176500200014 
 94.0           30.0       1.5         1.0                        C176500200015 
126.7            8.0       4.5         1.0                        C176500200016 
188.6            4.0       5.5         1.0                        C176500200017 
230.8            9.0       2.5         1.0                        C176500200018 
241.3            3.0       3.5        -1.0                        C176500200019 
276.3            4.0       4.5         1.0                        C176500200020 
331.8           19.0       3.5         1.0                        C176500200021 
368.5            4.0       4.5        -1.0                        C176500200022 
374.6            3.0       0.5         1.0                        C176500200023 
436.0            8.0       2.5         1.0                        C176500200024 
446.1            7.0       1.5         1.0                        C176500200025 
503.3            8.0       2.5         1.0                        C176500200026 
568.5           11.0       2.5         1.0                        C176500200027 
606.6           30.0       1.5        -1.0                        C176500200028 
676.0            6.0       0.5                                    C176500200029 
693.5           35.0       3.5                                    C176500200030 
705.2           20.0       5.5         1.0                        C176500200031 
720.5            4.0       1.5        -1.0                        C176500200032 
736.8            7.0       0.5                                    C176500200033 
746.0           22.0       3.5        -1.0                        C176500200034 
763.0           30.0       3.5         1.0                        C176500200035 
831.0           40.0       3.5                                    C176500200036 
860.0           25.0       0.5                                    C176500200037 
881.5           10.0       3.5                                    C176500200038 
893.0           25.0       1.5         1.0                        C176500200039 
912.5            9.0       2.5                                    C176500200040 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 C176500200041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 C176500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C176599999999