ENTRY C1766 20220827 C218C176600000001 SUBENT C1766001 20220827 C218C176600100001 BIB 8 15 C176600100002 TITLE Production of 52Fe for medical use C176600100003 AUTHOR (M.W.Greene,E.Lebowitz,P.Richards,M.Hillman) C176600100004 REFERENCE (J,ARI,21,719,1970) C176600100005 #doi:10.1016/0020-708X(70)90081-5 C176600100006 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) C176600100007 DETECTOR (GELI) Lithium drifted germanium detector. C176600100008 SAMPLE Natural chromium metal, containing 83.7% chromium-52. C176600100009 Thin chromium deposits, 10-20 mg/cm2, were plated on C176600100010 0.025 mm thick aluminum foils. C176600100011 METHOD (ACTIV) Decay of the radioactivity of the iron C176600100012 samples was followed for more than twelve half lives. C176600100013 No radiocontamination was found other than the C176600100014 expected manganese-52 and manganese-52m daughters. C176600100015 HISTORY (20171129C) BP C176600100016 (20220827A) OS. DECAY-DATA in subs.2-5 corrected C176600100017 ENDBIB 15 0 C176600100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C176600199999 SUBENT C1766002 20220827 C218C176600200001 BIB 6 10 C176600200002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,3N)26-FE-52-G,,SIG) Run 1. C176600200003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAUSA) The Sloan Kettering Institute C176600200004 Cyclotron. C176600200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors in the cross section measurements C176600200006 include uncertainties due to counting statistics, C176600200007 half life determination, and estimation of the energy C176600200008 of the degraded beam. C176600200009 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-52-G,8.2HR,DG,165.0,1.0) C176600200010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 721. C176600200011 HISTORY (20220827A) Energy in DECAY-DATA corrected C176600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 C176600200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600200014 DATA 4 1 C176600200015 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C176600200016 MEV MEV MB MB C176600200017 22.263 1.342 3.403E-01 4.739E-02 C176600200018 ENDDATA 3 0 C176600200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C176600299999 SUBENT C1766003 20220827 C218C176600300001 BIB 7 11 C176600300002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,3N)26-FE-52-G,,SIG) Run 2. C176600300003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) The Brookhaven Cyclotron. C176600300004 INC-SOURCE The beam energy of the Brookhaven Cyclotron is known C176600300005 to within 1 per cent. C176600300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors in the cross section measurements C176600300007 include uncertainties due to counting statistics, C176600300008 half life determination, and estimation of the energy C176600300009 of the degraded beam. C176600300010 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-52-G,8.2HR,DG,165.0,1.0) C176600300011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 721. C176600300012 HISTORY (20220827A) Energy in DECAY-DATA corrected C176600300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C176600300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600300015 DATA 5 3 C176600300016 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C176600300017 MEV MEV MB MB MB C176600300018 32.749 0.928 4.530E+00 3.701E-01 9.505E-01 C176600300019 36.784 1.031 5.036E+00 6.705E-01 6.705E-01 C176600300020 42.034 0.930 3.673E+00 5.337E-01 5.337E-01 C176600300021 ENDDATA 5 0 C176600300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C176600399999 SUBENT C1766004 20220827 C218C176600400001 BIB 7 11 C176600400002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,3N)26-FE-52-G,,SIG) Run 3. C176600400003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) The Brookhaven Cyclotron. C176600400004 INC-SOURCE The beam energy of the Brookhaven Cyclotron is known C176600400005 to within 1 per cent. C176600400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors in the cross section measurements C176600400007 include uncertainties due to counting statistics, C176600400008 half life determination, and estimation of the energy C176600400009 of the degraded beam. C176600400010 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-52-G,8.2HR,DG,165.0,1.0) C176600400011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 721. C176600400012 HISTORY (20220827A) Energy in DECAY-DATA corrected C176600400013 ENDBIB 11 0 C176600400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600400015 DATA 5 3 C176600400016 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C176600400017 MEV MEV MB MB MB C176600400018 29.624 1.135 2.975E+00 4.321E-01 5.039E-01 C176600400019 33.789 1.238 5.077E+00 7.685E-01 7.685E-01 C176600400020 39.769 1.031 4.209E+00 6.119E-01 6.119E-01 C176600400021 ENDDATA 5 0 C176600400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C176600499999 SUBENT C1766005 20220827 C218C176600500001 BIB 5 5 C176600500002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,3N)26-FE-52-G,,TTY,,(PHY)) C176600500003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) The Brookhaven Cyclotron. C176600500004 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-52-G,8.2HR,DG,165.0,1.0) C176600500005 STATUS (TABLE) page 722. C176600500006 HISTORY (20220827A) Energy in DECAY-DATA corrected C176600500007 ENDBIB 5 0 C176600500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600500009 DATA 2 2 C176600500010 EN DATA C176600500011 MEV MUCI/MUAHR C176600500012 23.0 0.55 C176600500013 45.0 50. C176600500014 ENDDATA 4 0 C176600500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 C176600599999 SUBENT C1766006 20171129 C172C176600600001 BIB 4 8 C176600600002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) Run 1. C176600600003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAUSA) The Sloan Kettering Institute C176600600004 Cyclotron. C176600600005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors in the cross section measurements C176600600006 include uncertainties due to counting statistics, C176600600007 half life determination, and estimation of the energy C176600600008 of the degraded beam. C176600600009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 722. C176600600010 ENDBIB 8 0 C176600600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600600012 DATA 4 2 C176600600013 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C176600600014 MEV MEV MB MB C176600600015 16.759 0.914 1.218E+01 7.425E-01 C176600600016 22.212 1.117 2.194E+01 1.479E+00 C176600600017 ENDDATA 4 0 C176600600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 C176600699999 SUBENT C1766007 20171129 C172C176600700001 BIB 5 9 C176600700002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) Run 2. C176600700003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) The Brookhaven Cyclotron. C176600700004 INC-SOURCE The beam energy of the Brookhaven Cyclotron is known C176600700005 to within 1 per cent. C176600700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors in the cross section measurements C176600700007 include uncertainties due to counting statistics, C176600700008 half life determination, and estimation of the energy C176600700009 of the degraded beam. C176600700010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 722. C176600700011 ENDBIB 9 0 C176600700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600700013 DATA 5 5 C176600700014 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C176600700015 MEV MEV MB MB MB C176600700016 20.003 1.219 1.064E+02 8.510E+00 7.179E+00 C176600700017 25.455 1.218 1.943E+02 1.850E+01 9.269E+00 C176600700018 32.355 1.016 2.116E+02 1.531E+01 2.501E+01 C176600700019 36.315 1.016 2.059E+02 1.390E+01 1.390E+01 C176600700020 41.294 1.118 1.883E+02 1.392E+01 1.392E+01 C176600700021 ENDDATA 7 0 C176600700022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C176600799999 SUBENT C1766008 20171129 C172C176600800001 BIB 5 9 C176600800002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,X)25-MN-52,,SIG) Run 3. C176600800003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) The Brookhaven Cyclotron. C176600800004 INC-SOURCE The beam energy of the Brookhaven Cyclotron is known C176600800005 to within 1 per cent. C176600800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors in the cross section measurements C176600800007 include uncertainties due to counting statistics, C176600800008 half life determination, and estimation of the energy C176600800009 of the degraded beam. C176600800010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 722. C176600800011 ENDBIB 9 0 C176600800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600800013 DATA 5 4 C176600800014 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C176600800015 MEV MEV MB MB MB C176600800016 21.755 1.505 8.239E+01 5.665E+00 5.303E+00 C176600800017 29.147 1.183 2.425E+02 2.249E+01 1.222E+01 C176600800018 33.443 1.075 2.792E+02 2.364E+01 1.796E+01 C176600800019 39.466 1.290 2.205E+02 1.344E+01 1.112E+01 C176600800020 ENDDATA 6 0 C176600800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C176600899999 SUBENT C1766009 20171129 C172C176600900001 BIB 5 9 C176600900002 REACTION (24-CR-52(HE3,X)25-MN-52-M,,SIG) Run 3. C176600900003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) The Brookhaven Cyclotron. C176600900004 INC-SOURCE The beam energy of the Brookhaven Cyclotron is known C176600900005 to within 1 per cent. C176600900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors in the cross section measurements C176600900007 include uncertainties due to counting statistics, C176600900008 half life determination, and estimation of the energy C176600900009 of the degraded beam. C176600900010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 722. C176600900011 ENDBIB 9 0 C176600900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C176600900013 DATA 5 3 C176600900014 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C176600900015 MEV MEV MB MB MB C176600900016 29.220 1.219 2.063E+01 8.850E-01 1.791E+00 C176600900017 33.550 1.117 4.242E+01 2.585E+00 2.585E+00 C176600900018 39.527 1.219 5.540E+01 3.376E+00 3.376E+00 C176600900019 ENDDATA 5 0 C176600900020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C176600999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 C176699999999