ENTRY            C1802   20100525                             C101C180200000001 
SUBENT        C1802001   20100525                             C101C180200100001 
BIB                 12         35                                 C180200100002 
TITLE      Two-proton knockout from 32Mg: Intruder amplitudes     C180200100003 
           in 30Ne and implications for the binding of 29,31F     C180200100004 
AUTHOR     (P.Fallon,E.Rodriguez-Vieitez,A.O.Macchiavelli,A.Gade, C180200100005 
           J.A.Tostevin,P.Adrich,D.Bazin,M.Bowen,C.M.Campbell,    C180200100006 
           R.M.Clark,J.M.Cook,M.Cromaz,D.C.Dinca,T.Glasmacher,    C180200100007 
           I.Y.Lee,S.McDaniel,W.F.Mueller,S.G.Prussin,            C180200100008 
           K.Yoneda,B.A.Brown,T.Otsuka,Y.Utsuno)                  C180200100010 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,81,041302,2010)                                C180200100012 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) Experiment performed at the National   C180200100013 
           Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan       C180200100014 
           State University                                       C180200100015 
SAMPLE     9Be target with thickness of 565 mg/cm2 and 376 mg/cm2 C180200100016 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,SCIN)30Ne fragments were identified by          C180200100017 
           momentum and energy loss measurements at the S800      C180200100018 
           focal plane, and by time of flight between the A1900   C180200100019 
           and S800 focal plane scintillators.                    C180200100020 
           (HPGE)Gamma rays from reactions on the secondary       C180200100021 
           target were detected using SeGA (Segmented Germanium   C180200100022 
           Array), consisting of seventeen 32-fold segmented      C180200100023 
           germanium detectors situated 20 cm from the target     C180200100024 
           in two rings at 90deg and 37deg relative to the beam   C180200100025 
           axis.                                                  C180200100026 
METHOD     (EDE,TOF,COINC)                                        C180200100027 
INC-SOURCE (KINDT)32Mg ions were produced by fragmenting a 140    C180200100028 
           MeV/nucleon 48Ca beam on a 850 mg/cm2 9Be production   C180200100029 
           target.The A1900 fragment separator, operated with a   C180200100030 
           2% momentum acceptance, was used to select and         C180200100031 
           transport the 32Mg beam.                               C180200100032 
CORRECTION Corrections for the data acquisition dead time, the    C180200100033 
           S800 focal plane acceptance for 30Ne residues, and     C180200100034 
           detector efficiencies were applied.                    C180200100035 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given                        C180200100036 
HISTORY    (20100525C) Compiled by S.H.                           C180200100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 C180200100038 
COMMON               2          3                                 C180200100039 
EN-MAX     EN-MIN                                                 C180200100040 
MEV/A      MEV/A                                                  C180200100041 
99.7       86.7                                                   C180200100042 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C180200100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 C180200199999 
SUBENT        C1802002   20100525                             C101C180200200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 C180200200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(12-MG-32,X)10-NE-30,,SIG,,AV)                  C180200200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab.1 of the reference         C180200200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 C180200200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C180200200006 
DATA                 2          1                                 C180200200007 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               C180200200008 
MB         MB                                                     C180200200009 
0.22       0.04                                                   C180200200010 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C180200200011 
ENDSUBENT           10          0                                 C180200299999 
SUBENT        C1802003   20100525                             C101C180200300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C180200300002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(12-MG-32,X)10-NE-30,PAR,SIG,,AV)               C180200300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab.1 of the reference         C180200300004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,10-NE-30)                                       C180200300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C180200300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C180200300007 
DATA                 3          3                                 C180200300008 
E-LVL      DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C180200300009 
KEV        MB         MB                                          C180200300010 
   0.0     0.13       0.03                                        C180200300011 
 792.0     0.05       0.01                                        C180200300012 
2235.0     0.04       0.01                                        C180200300013 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 C180200300014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 C180200399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C180299999999