ENTRY            C1827   20160809                             C161C182700000001 
SUBENT        C1827001   20160809                             C161C182700100001 
BIB                  8         39                                 C182700100002 
TITLE      Absolute determination of the 22Na(p,g)23Mg reaction   C182700100003 
           rate in novae                                          C182700100004 
AUTHOR     (A.L.Sallaska,C.Wrede,A.Garcia,D.W.Storm,T.A.D.Brown,  C182700100005 
           C.Ruiz,K.A.Snover,D.F.Ottewell, L.Buchmann,            C182700100006 
           C.Vockenhuber,D.A.Hutcheon,J.A.Caggiano,J.Jose)        C182700100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USAWAU,1CANTMF)                                      C182700100008 
           (2SPNSPN) Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia,    C182700100009 
           Barcelona,Spain                                        C182700100010 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,83,034611,2011) Main reference                 C182700100011 
           (C,2010HEIDLB,,(51),2010) Preliminary data             C182700100012 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USAWAU) The measurements were performed at the  C182700100013 
           Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and            C182700100014 
           Astrophysics (CENPA) of the University of Washington   C182700100015 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700100016 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700100017 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700100018 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Protective       C182700100019 
           layer of Cr with thickness of 20 nm was deposited      C182700100020 
           on target surface by vacuum evaporation. Two targets   C182700100021 
           with 22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci were used for          C182700100022 
           measurement.                                           C182700100023 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Two sets of detector systems were positioned at C182700100024 
           +-55 deg to the beam axis. Each system consisted of a  C182700100025 
           high-purity 100% germanium (HPGe) crystal Canberra     C182700100026 
           model GR10024 encased in cosmic-ray anticoincidence    C182700100027 
           shielding.                                             C182700100028 
           Because of the target radioactivity, 26 mm of lead     C182700100029 
           shielding was placed between the target and detector   C182700100030 
           system to reduce the event rate in the detectors to a  C182700100031 
           few tens of kHz.                                       C182700100032 
HISTORY    (20110408C) Compiled by S.H.                           C182700100033 
           (20111107A) OS. Author's name corr.,                   C182700100034 
            corrections in subs. 6,8,9                            C182700100035 
           (20120416A) S.H. Reference to prelimin. data presented C182700100036 
                       at the Heidelberg 2010 conference added    C182700100037 
                       Status of subs. 2-11 updated               C182700100038 
                       Reaction code of subs. 2-8 modified        C182700100039 
                       Order of data in subs. 2-8 corrected       C182700100040 
           (20160805U) OS. Minor correction in REFERENCE.         C182700100041 
ENDBIB              39          0                                 C182700100042 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C182700100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 C182700199999 
SUBENT        C1827002   20160709                             C159C182700200001 
BIB                  6         19                                 C182700200002 
REACTION   (11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT) 198 keV resonance  C182700200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig 12 of the main reference C182700200004 
                   PR/C sent by author (A.S.)                     C182700200005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              C182700200006 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detection efficiency C182700200007 
           (ERR-2) Systematic uncert. in normalized beam density  C182700200008 
           (ERR-3) Systematic uncertainty in number of target     C182700200009 
                   atoms                                          C182700200010 
METHOD     Reaction yield from 198 keV resonance determined by    C182700200011 
           gating on 7801+7350 keV gamma rays                     C182700200012 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700200013 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700200014 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700200015 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Protective       C182700200016 
           layer of Cr with thickness of 20 nm was deposited      C182700200017 
           on target surface by vacuum evaporation. Two targets   C182700200018 
           with 22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci were used for          C182700200019 
           measurement.                                           C182700200020 
HISTORY    (20160705A) REACTION code updated                      C182700200021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 C182700200022 
COMMON               6          3                                 C182700200023 
E          E          ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-3      C182700200024 
KEV        KEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   C182700200025 
7801.0     7350.0     6.0         10.0      5.6        -2.6       C182700200026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C182700200027 
DATA                 3          4                                 C182700200028 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       C182700200029 
KEV        PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL                                  C182700200030 
   198.74     1.84E-06   3.66E-06                                 C182700200031 
   202.76     8.57E-07   3.85E-06                                 C182700200032 
   206.77     5.82E-06   3.75E-06                                 C182700200033 
   210.78     2.18E-06   3.54E-06                                 C182700200034 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 C182700200035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 C182700299999 
SUBENT        C1827003   20160709                             C159C182700300001 
BIB                  6         19                                 C182700300002 
REACTION   (11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT) 213keV resonance   C182700300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig 10 of the main reference C182700300004 
                   PR/C sent by author (A.S.)                     C182700300005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              C182700300006 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detection efficiency C182700300007 
           (ERR-2) Systematic uncert. in normalized beam density  C182700300008 
           (ERR-3) Systematic uncertainty in number of target     C182700300009 
                   atoms                                          C182700300010 
METHOD     Reaction yield from 213 keV resonance determined by    C182700300011 
           gating on 7333 keV gamma ray                           C182700300012 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700300013 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700300014 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700300015 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Protective       C182700300016 
           layer of Cr with thickness of 20 nm was deposited      C182700300017 
           on target surface by vacuum evaporation. Two targets   C182700300018 
           with 22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci were used for          C182700300019 
           measurement.                                           C182700300020 
HISTORY    (20160705A) REACTION code updated                      C182700300021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 C182700300022 
COMMON               5          3                                 C182700300023 
E          ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-3                 C182700300024 
KEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              C182700300025 
7333.0      6.0         10.0      5.6        -2.6                 C182700300026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C182700300027 
DATA                 3          9                                 C182700300028 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       C182700300029 
KEV        PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL                                  C182700300030 
   212.83     9.72E-07   8.06E-06                                 C182700300031 
   214.83     3.00E-05   1.23E-05                                 C182700300032 
   216.84     3.33E-05   1.16E-05                                 C182700300033 
   218.85     4.87E-05   1.10E-05                                 C182700300034 
   220.86     7.34E-05   1.21E-05                                 C182700300035 
   222.86     7.42E-05   1.52E-05                                 C182700300036 
   224.87     6.98E-05   1.42E-05                                 C182700300037 
   228.89     5.62E-05   1.31E-05                                 C182700300038 
   232.90     3.86E-05   1.40E-05                                 C182700300039 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 C182700300040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 C182700399999 
SUBENT        C1827004   20160709                             C159C182700400001 
BIB                  6         16                                 C182700400002 
REACTION   (11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT) 232keV resonance   C182700400003 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700400004 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700400005 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700400006 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Target with      C182700400007 
           22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci used for measurement.       C182700400008 
METHOD     Reaction yield from 232 keV resonance determined by    C182700400009 
           gating on 5055 keV gamma ray                           C182700400010 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig 12 of the main reference C182700400011 
                   PR/C sent by author (A.S.)                     C182700400012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              C182700400013 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detection efficiency C182700400014 
           (ERR-2) Systematic uncert. in normalized beam density  C182700400015 
           (ERR-3) Systematic uncertainty in number of target     C182700400016 
                   atoms                                          C182700400017 
HISTORY    (20160705A) REACTION code updated                      C182700400018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 C182700400019 
COMMON               4          3                                 C182700400020 
E          ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                            C182700400021 
KEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         C182700400022 
5055.0     6.0         10.0      40.0                             C182700400023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C182700400024 
DATA                 3          4                                 C182700400025 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       C182700400026 
KEV        PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL                                  C182700400027 
   224.83     3.43E-06   2.97E-06                                 C182700400028 
   228.84     4.51E-06   2.82E-06                                 C182700400029 
   232.85     3.22E-07   2.53E-06                                 C182700400030 
   236.87    -1.58E-06   2.26E-06                                 C182700400031 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 C182700400032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 C182700499999 
SUBENT        C1827005   20160709                             C159C182700500001 
BIB                  6         19                                 C182700500002 
REACTION   (11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT) 284keV resonance   C182700500003 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700500004 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700500005 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700500006 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Protective       C182700500007 
           layer of Cr with thickness of 20 nm was deposited      C182700500008 
           on target surface by vacuum evaporation. Two targets   C182700500009 
           with 22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci were used for          C182700500010 
           measurement.                                           C182700500011 
METHOD     Reaction yield from 284 keV resonance determined by    C182700500012 
           gating on 5141 keV gamma ray                           C182700500013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig 10 of the main reference C182700500014 
                   PR/C sent by author (A.S.)                     C182700500015 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              C182700500016 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detection efficiency C182700500017 
           (ERR-2) Systematic uncert. in normalized beam density  C182700500018 
           (ERR-3) Systematic uncertainty in number of target     C182700500019 
                   atoms                                          C182700500020 
HISTORY    (20160705A) REACTION code updated                      C182700500021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 C182700500022 
COMMON               5          3                                 C182700500023 
E          ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-3                 C182700500024 
KEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              C182700500025 
5141.0      6.0         10.0       7.0       -14.0                C182700500026 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C182700500027 
DATA                 3         12                                 C182700500028 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       C182700500029 
KEV        PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL                                  C182700500030 
   283.09     2.56E-05   2.81E-05                                 C182700500031 
   285.09     2.78E-05   2.87E-05                                 C182700500032 
   287.10    -1.72E-06   1.55E-05                                 C182700500033 
   289.11     2.44E-04   6.11E-05                                 C182700500034 
   291.12     2.52E-04   5.77E-05                                 C182700500035 
   293.12     2.96E-04   7.02E-05                                 C182700500036 
   295.13     2.15E-04   5.17E-05                                 C182700500037 
   297.14     2.16E-04   5.74E-05                                 C182700500038 
   299.15     1.53E-04   4.50E-05                                 C182700500039 
   301.15     4.60E-05   3.39E-05                                 C182700500040 
   303.16     9.47E-05   3.47E-05                                 C182700500041 
   305.17     4.79E-05   3.73E-05                                 C182700500042 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 C182700500043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 C182700599999 
SUBENT        C1827006   20160709                             C159C182700600001 
BIB                  7         26                                 C182700600002 
REACTION  1(11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT) at the beginning ofC182700600003 
            bombardment                                           C182700600004 
          2(11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT/MSC) at the end of  C182700600005 
            irradiation after deposition of 17.0 C                C182700600006 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700600007 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700600008 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700600009 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Protective       C182700600010 
           layer of Cr with thickness of 20 nm was deposited      C182700600011 
           on target surface by vacuum evaporation. Two targets   C182700600012 
           with 22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci were used for          C182700600013 
           measurement.                                           C182700600014 
METHOD     Reaction yield from 456 keV resonance determined by    C182700600015 
           gating on 5300 keV gamma ray for different accumulated C182700600016 
           charges (MISC)                                         C182700600017 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the main reference C182700600018 
                   PR/C sent by author (A.S.)                     C182700600019 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              C182700600020 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detection efficiency C182700600021 
           (ERR-2) Systematic uncert. in normalized beam density  C182700600022 
           (ERR-3) Systematic uncertainty in number of target     C182700600023 
                   atoms                                          C182700600024 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Accumulated charge at the end of irradiation    C182700600025 
             in Curies                                            C182700600026 
HISTORY    (20111107A) OS. Reaction 2 corrected                   C182700600027 
           (20160705A) REACTION codes updated                     C182700600028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 C182700600029 
COMMON               6          3                                 C182700600030 
E          ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-3      MISC       C182700600031 
KEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   SEE TEXT   C182700600032 
5300.0     6.0         10.0       7.0       -14.0      17.0       C182700600033 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C182700600034 
DATA                 5         17                                 C182700600035 
EN         DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2           C182700600036 
KEV        PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL            C182700600037 
   452.71     1.51E-04   1.01E-04  -1.54E-05   1.02E-04           C182700600038 
   453.72     3.61E-04   1.56E-04                                 C182700600039 
   454.72     3.00E-06   8.65E-05   1.43E-04   9.81E-05           C182700600040 
   455.72     1.84E-04   1.60E-04   4.54E-04   1.67E-04           C182700600041 
   456.73     4.14E-04   1.41E-04   1.13E-03   1.92E-04           C182700600042 
   457.73     9.46E-04   1.62E-04                                 C182700600043 
   458.74     1.36E-03   2.07E-04   1.31E-03   2.26E-04           C182700600044 
   459.74     1.30E-03   2.39E-04                                 C182700600045 
   460.74     1.72E-03   2.33E-04   1.01E-03   1.99E-04           C182700600046 
   461.75     1.58E-03   2.40E-04                                 C182700600047 
   462.75     1.14E-03   2.00E-04   1.29E-03   2.07E-04           C182700600048 
   463.75     7.29E-04   1.75E-04                                 C182700600049 
   465.76     7.12E-04   1.56E-04   5.26E-04   1.44E-04           C182700600050 
   467.77     3.56E-04   1.23E-04                                 C182700600051 
   469.78     1.77E-04   1.21E-04   2.49E-04   1.13E-04           C182700600052 
   471.78     3.85E-05   9.04E-05                                 C182700600053 
   475.80     9.89E-05   1.08E-04   1.30E-04   1.36E-04           C182700600054 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 C182700600055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 C182700699999 
SUBENT        C1827007   20160709                             C159C182700700001 
BIB                  6         16                                 C182700700002 
REACTION   (11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT) 512keV resonance   C182700700003 
            gated on 10 810 keV gamma ray                         C182700700004 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700700005 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700700006 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700700007 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Protective       C182700700008 
           layer of Cr with thickness of 20 nm was deposited      C182700700009 
           on target surface by vacuum evaporation. Two targets   C182700700010 
           with 22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci were used for          C182700700011 
           measurement.                                           C182700700012 
METHOD     Reaction yield from 512 keV resonance determined by    C182700700013 
           gating on 10 810 keV gamma ray                         C182700700014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 16 of the main referenceC182700700015 
                   PR/C sent by author (A.S.)                     C182700700016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty                           C182700700017 
HISTORY    (20160705A) REACTION code updated                      C182700700018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 C182700700019 
COMMON               1          3                                 C182700700020 
E                                                                 C182700700021 
KEV                                                               C182700700022 
10810.0                                                           C182700700023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C182700700024 
DATA                 3         15                                 C182700700025 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C182700700026 
KEV        PRT/MUCOUL PRT/MUCOUL                                  C182700700027 
   500.00    -4.31E-06   2.56E-06                                 C182700700028 
   505.00    -3.38E-06   2.39E-06                                 C182700700029 
   507.00    -4.77E-06   4.00E-06                                 C182700700030 
   508.00     3.36E-05   2.53E-05                                 C182700700031 
   509.00     1.01E-05   2.01E-05                                 C182700700032 
   510.00     9.43E-05   3.72E-05                                 C182700700033 
   511.00     1.85E-04   4.84E-05                                 C182700700034 
   512.00     3.04E-04   5.95E-05                                 C182700700035 
   513.00     3.81E-04   6.88E-05                                 C182700700036 
   514.00     3.55E-04   6.59E-05                                 C182700700037 
   515.00     4.50E-04   7.57E-05                                 C182700700038 
   517.00     4.49E-04   8.17E-05                                 C182700700039 
   520.00     1.00E-04   4.28E-05                                 C182700700040 
   525.00     3.70E-05   2.98E-05                                 C182700700041 
   530.00     2.72E-05   2.59E-05                                 C182700700042 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 C182700700043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 C182700799999 
SUBENT        C1827008   20160709                             C159C182700800001 
BIB                  7         31                                 C182700800002 
REACTION  1(11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT/MSC) at the end     C182700800003 
                 of irradiation after deposition of accumulated   C182700800004 
                 charge of 3.0 C                                  C182700800005 
          2(11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT/MSC) at the end     C182700800006 
                 of irradiation after deposition of accumulated   C182700800007 
                 charge of 11.0 C                                 C182700800008 
          3(11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,PAR,MLT,,TT/MSC)at the end      C182700800009 
                 of irradiation after deposition of accumulated   C182700800010 
                 charge of 19.0 C                                 C182700800011 
SAMPLE     22Na target was produced by ion implantation, made     C182700800012 
           at TRIUMF-ISAC by implanting a 10-nA, 30-keV 22Na+     C182700800013 
           ion beam into a rectangular OFHC copper substrate      C182700800014 
           with dimensions 3 mm x 19 mm x 25 mm. Protective       C182700800015 
           layer of Cr with thickness of 20 nm was deposited      C182700800016 
           on target surface by vacuum evaporation. Two targets   C182700800017 
           with 22Na activity of 300 mu-Ci were used for          C182700800018 
           measurement.                                           C182700800019 
METHOD     Reaction yield from 613 keV resonance determined by    C182700800020 
           gating on 8162 keV gamma ray for different accumulated C182700800021 
           charges (MISC)                                         C182700800022 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 7 of the main reference C182700800023 
                   PR/C sent by author (A.S.)                     C182700800024 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              C182700800025 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detection efficiency C182700800026 
           (ERR-2) Systematic uncert. in normalized beam density  C182700800027 
           (ERR-3) Systematic uncertainty in number of target     C182700800028 
                   atoms                                          C182700800029 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Accumulated charge at the end of irradiation    C182700800030 
             in Curies                                            C182700800031 
HISTORY    (20111107A) OS. Reactions 2,3 corrected                C182700800032 
           (20160705A) REACTION codes updated                     C182700800033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 C182700800034 
COMMON               7          6                                 C182700800035 
E          ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      MISC      1MISC      2C182700800036 
MISC      3                                                       C182700800037 
KEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   SEE TEXT   SEE TEXT   C182700800038 
SEE TEXT                                                          C182700800039 
8162.0     6.0         10.0       2.6       3.0        11.0       C182700800040 
19.0                                                              C182700800041 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 C182700800042 
DATA                 7         13                                 C182700800043 
EN         DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2DATA      3C182700800044 
ERR-T     3                                                       C182700800045 
PRT/MUCOUL                                                        C182700800047 
   608.29    -2.63E-05   8.59E-05  -1.82E-05   5.38E-05           C182700800048 
   609.29     3.25E-04   1.16E-04                                 C182700800050 
   610.30     1.56E-04   1.16E-04   4.11E-04   1.17E-04   1.85E-04C182700800052 
   1.21E-04                                                       C182700800053 
   611.30     7.01E-04   1.69E-04   8.93E-04   1.51E-04   8.37E-04C182700800054 
   1.88E-04                                                       C182700800055 
   612.30     1.64E-03   2.45E-04   3.09E-03   2.73E-04   2.35E-03C182700800056 
   2.85E-04                                                       C182700800057 
   613.31     2.18E-03   2.76E-04                                 C182700800058 
   614.31     3.35E-03   3.53E-04   2.64E-03   2.79E-04   2.77E-03C182700800060 
   3.16E-04                                                       C182700800061 
   615.32     3.65E-03   3.46E-04                                 C182700800062 
   616.32     4.02E-03   3.57E-04   2.41E-03   2.51E-04   2.58E-03C182700800064 
   2.94E-04                                                       C182700800065 
   617.32     3.05E-03   3.03E-04                                 C182700800066 
   619.33     1.44E-03   2.22E-04   1.47E-03   1.87E-04   1.88E-03C182700800068 
   2.49E-04                                                       C182700800069 
   621.34     1.16E-03   2.03E-04                                 C182700800070 
   625.35     5.93E-05   9.88E-05   3.19E-04   1.02E-04   3.67E-04C182700800072 
   1.21E-04                                                       C182700800073 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 C182700800074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 C182700899999 
SUBENT        C1827009   20120505                             C117C182700900001 
BIB                  4          5                                 C182700900002 
REACTION   (11-NA-22(P,G),PAR,WID/STR)                            C182700900003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 3 of the main reference   C182700900004 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Statistical uncertainty in incident energy    C182700900005 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C182700900006 
HISTORY    (20111107A) OS. Level energy at 2nd data point corr.   C182700900007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 C182700900008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C182700900009 
DATA                 5         30                                 C182700900010 
EN-RES     E-LVL      DATA       ERR-S      DATA-MAX              C182700900011 
KEV        KEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV              C182700900012 
     198.0   2715.0                              0.30             C182700900013 
     209.0   2715.0                              0.26             C182700900014 
     213.0      0.0                              0.09             C182700900015 
     213.0    451.0          5.1      0.5                         C182700900016 
     213.0   2052.0          0.6      0.3                         C182700900017 
     213.0   2359.0                              0.24             C182700900018 
     213.0   2715.0                              0.33             C182700900019 
     213.0   2771.0                              0.17             C182700900020 
     213.0   2908.0                              0.24             C182700900021 
     232.0      0.0                              0.44             C182700900022 
     232.0    451.0                              1.04             C182700900023 
     288.0      0.0                              0.69             C182700900024 
     288.0    451.0          2.6      1.5                         C182700900025 
     288.0   2052.0         10.4      1.9                         C182700900026 
     288.0   2359.0          2.2      1.6                         C182700900027 
     288.0   2715.0         26.2      2.9                         C182700900028 
     288.0   2771.0                              0.52             C182700900029 
     288.0   2908.0                              0.81             C182700900030 
     454.0    451.0          5.3      1.7                         C182700900031 
     454.0   2052.0         74.7      5.2                         C182700900032 
     454.0   2359.0                              1.1              C182700900033 
     454.0   2715.0         85.9      5.5                         C182700900034 
     454.0   2771.0                              0.8              C182700900035 
     610.0      0.0        376.0      16.0                        C182700900036 
     610.0    451.0         97.0      16.0                        C182700900037 
     610.0   2052.0        118.0      13.0                        C182700900038 
     610.0   2359.0                             24.0              C182700900039 
     610.0   2715.0                             11.0              C182700900040 
     610.0   2771.0                             18.0              C182700900041 
     610.0   2908.0                             18.0              C182700900042 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 C182700900043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 C182700999999 
SUBENT        C1827010   20120505                             C117C182701000001 
BIB                  4          6                                 C182701000002 
REACTION   (11-NA-22(P,G),,WID/STR)                               C182701000003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 4 of the main reference   C182701000004 
           (DEP,C1827009) partial strength                        C182701000005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C182701000006 
FLAG       (1.0) Alternative value of resonance strength at       C182701000007 
                 198.0 keV resonance is  0.34+0.25-0.22 meV       C182701000008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C182701000009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C182701000010 
DATA                 8         10                                 C182701000011 
EN-RES-CM  EN-RES-ERR DATA       ERR-S      +ERR-S     -ERR-S     C182701000012 
DATA-MAX   FLAG                                                   C182701000013 
KEV        KEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   C182701000014 
MILLI-EV   NO-DIM                                                 C182701000015 
 198.0        1.8         0.34                0.25       0.22     C182701000016 
   0.51       1.0                                                 C182701000017 
 209.0        1.6                                                 C182701000018 
   0.40                                                           C182701000019 
 213.0        1.4         5.7                 1.6         0.9     C182701000020 
 232.0        2.3                                                 C182701000022 
   0.67                                                           C182701000023 
 288.0        1.1        39.0        8.0                          C182701000024 
 454.0        0.8       166.0       22.0                          C182701000026 
 503.0        2.0        93.0       36.0                          C182701000028 
 610.0        0.8       591.0                 103.0       74.0    C182701000030 
 740.0        2.0       913.0      174.0                          C182701000032 
 796.0        2.0       238.0       79.0                          C182701000034 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 C182701000036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 C182701099999 
SUBENT        C1827011   20120505                             C117C182701100001 
BIB                  4         10                                 C182701100002 
REACTION  1(11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,,SGV,,MXW/MSC) Resonances at    C182701100003 
            198 and 232 keV are excluded.                         C182701100004 
          2(11-NA-22(P,G)12-MG-23,,SGV,,MXW) All resonances       C182701100005 
            are included in calculation of reaction rates         C182701100006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 5 of the main reference   C182701100007 
           (DEP,C1827010)                                         C182701100008 
ANALYSIS   Reaction rate determined from resonance properties     C182701100009 
           determined in this work                                C182701100010 
MISC-COL   (MISC-MIN) Lower bound of reaction rate for reaction   C182701100011 
           (MISC-MAX) Upper bound of reaction rate for reaction   C182701100012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 C182701100013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C182701100014 
DATA                 7         22                                 C182701100015 
KT-K       DATA      1MISC-MIN  1MISC-MAX  1DATA      2MISC-MIN  2C182701100016 
MISC-MAX  2                                                       C182701100017 
K9         CM3/S/MOL  CM3/S/MOL  CM3/S/MOL  CM3/S/MOL  CM3/S/MOL  C182701100018 
CM3/S/MOL                                                         C182701100019 
   0.01        2.0E-30    2.7E-31    1.5E-29    2.0E-30    2.7E-31C182701100020 
    1.5E-29                                                       C182701100021 
   0.02        5.5E-20    1.9E-20    1.6E-19    5.5E-20    1.9E-20C182701100022 
    1.6E-19                                                       C182701100023 
   0.03        2.6E-16    1.3E-16    5.6E-16    2.6E-16    1.3E-16C182701100024 
    5.6E-16                                                       C182701100025 
   0.04        4.6E-14    2.0E-14    1.1E-13    4.6E-14    2.1E-14C182701100026 
    1.1E-13                                                       C182701100027 
   0.05        1.4E-12    6.4E-13    3.1E-12    1.4E-12    6.4E-13C182701100028 
    3.1E-12                                                       C182701100029 
   0.06        1.4E-11    7.1E-12    2.8E-11    1.5E-11    7.7E-12C182701100030 
    2.9E-11                                                       C182701100031 
   0.07        1.8E-10    1.3E-10    2.5E-10    2.7E-10    2.0E-10C182701100032 
    3.6E-10                                                       C182701100033 
   0.08        6.2E-09    4.7E-09    8.2E-09    9.7E-09    7.2E-09C182701100034 
    1.3E-08                                                       C182701100035 
   0.09        1.3E-07    1.0E-07    1.8E-07    2.0E-07    1.5E-07C182701100036 
    2.6E-07                                                       C182701100037 
   0.10        1.6E-06    1.2E-06    2.1E-06    2.2E-06    1.7E-06C182701100038 
    2.8E-06                                                       C182701100039 
   0.15        2.3E-03    1.9E-03    3.0E-03    2.9E-03    2.4E-03C182701100040 
    3.6E-03                                                       C182701100041 
   0.20        8.5E-02    7.1E-02    1.1E-01    1.0E-01    8.4E-02C182701100042 
    1.2E-01                                                       C182701100043 
   0.30        3.1E+00    2.7E+00    3.7E+00    3.5E+00    3.0E+00C182701100044 
    4.1E+00                                                       C182701100045 
   0.40        1.9E+01    1.7E+01    2.2E+01    2.1E+01    1.8E+01C182701100046 
    2.4E+01                                                       C182701100047 
   0.50        5.9E+01    5.1E+01    6.7E+01    6.3E+01    5.4E+01C182701100048 
    7.1E+01                                                       C182701100049 
   0.60        1.3E+02    1.1E+02    1.4E+02    1.3E+02    1.2E+02C182701100050 
    1.5E+02                                                       C182701100051 
   0.70        2.3E+02    2.0E+02    2.5E+02    2.4E+02    2.1E+02C182701100052 
    2.6E+02                                                       C182701100053 
   0.80        3.6E+02    3.2E+02    4.0E+02    3.7E+02    3.3E+02C182701100054 
    4.1E+02                                                       C182701100055 
   0.90        5.4E+02    4.8E+02    5.9E+02    5.5E+02    5.0E+02C182701100056 
    6.0E+02                                                       C182701100057 
   1.00        7.5E+02    6.8E+02    8.1E+02    7.6E+02    6.9E+02C182701100058 
    8.3E+02                                                       C182701100059 
   1.50        2.2E+03    2.1E+03    2.4E+03    2.2E+03    2.1E+03C182701100060 
    2.4E+03                                                       C182701100061 
   2.00        3.9E+03    3.6E+03    4.2E+03    3.9E+03    3.6E+03C182701100062 
    4.2E+03                                                       C182701100063 
ENDDATA             48          0                                 C182701100064 
ENDSUBENT           63          0                                 C182701199999 
ENDENTRY            11          0                                 C182799999999