ENTRY C1835 20240611 C239C183500000001 SUBENT C1835001 20240611 C239C183500100001 BIB 8 20 C183500100002 TITLE Physical characterization of neutron beams produced C183500100003 by protons and deuterons of various energies C183500100004 bombarding beryllium and lithium targets of several C183500100005 thicknesses C183500100006 AUTHOR (H.I.Amols,J.F.Dicello,M.Awschalom,L.Coulson, C183500100007 S.W.Johnsen,R.B.Theus) C183500100008 REFERENCE (J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500100009 #doi:10.1118/1.594347 C183500100010 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,1USANAL,1USADAV) C183500100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USADAV) Experiments were performed using the C183500100012 76-in. isochronous cyclotron at the University of C183500100013 California, Davis. C183500100014 DETECTOR (SCIN) The neutron detector was a cylindrical NE213 C183500100015 liquid scintillator, with length of 5.08 cm and C183500100016 diameter of 5.08 cm, mounted coaxially in the neutron C183500100017 base. C183500100018 METHOD (TOF,PSD) Neutron energy was determined by time-of- C183500100019 flight C183500100020 HISTORY (20110530C) Compiled by S.H. C183500100021 (20240611A) BP: Updated entry, added doi, sub. 6-9. C183500100022 ENDBIB 20 0 C183500100023 COMMON 1 3 C183500100024 ANG C183500100025 ADEG C183500100026 0.0 C183500100027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C183500100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C183500199999 SUBENT C1835002 20240611 C239C183500200001 BIB 6 19 C183500200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH) C183500200003 SAMPLE Natural beryllium target: 4.46, 4.09, 3.63, 2.96, and C183500200004 2.17 g/cm**2 for 65.4, 65.4, 65.4, 65.4, and 35.0 MeV, C183500200005 respectively. C183500200006 FLAG (1.) Natural beryllium target, thicknes 2.41 cm C183500200007 (2.) Natural beryllium target, thicknes 2.21 cm C183500200008 (3.) Natural beryllium target, thicknes 1.96 cm C183500200009 (4.) Natural beryllium target, thicknes 1.60 cm C183500200010 (5.) Natural beryllium target, thicknes 1.16 cm C183500200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainty in the yield, C183500200012 including beam current integration and detector C183500200013 efficience, is +/- 25%. C183500200014 STATUS (DEP,C1835007) C183500200015 (TABLE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500200016 Table II, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500200017 HISTORY (20240611A) BP: Updated reaction string, moved target C183500200018 thicknesses into SAMPLE, added dependency. C183500200019 ERR-ANALYS changed, ERR-T repaced by DATA-ERR. C183500200020 FLAG added. C183500200021 ENDBIB 19 0 C183500200022 NOCOMMON 0 0 C183500200023 DATA 5 5 C183500200024 EN E-MIN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG C183500200025 MEV MEV PRD/MUC/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM C183500200026 65.4 9.1 8.8E+10 25.0 1. C183500200027 65.4 9.1 9.4E+10 25.0 2. C183500200028 65.4 9.1 8.8E+10 25.0 3. C183500200029 65.4 9.1 7.0E+10 25.0 4. C183500200030 35.0 5.1 1.6E+10 25.0 5. C183500200031 ENDDATA 7 0 C183500200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C183500299999 SUBENT C1835003 20240611 C239C183500300001 BIB 6 19 C183500300002 REACTION (3-LI-0(P,X)0-NN-1,PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH) C183500300003 SAMPLE Natural lithium target: 4.27, 3.92, 3.47, 2.95, and C183500300004 2.05 g/cm**2 for 65.4, 65.4, 65.4, 65.4, and 35.0 MeV, C183500300005 respectively. C183500300006 FLAG (1.) Natural lithium target, thicknes 7.99 cm C183500300007 (2.) Natural lithium target, thicknes 7.34 cm C183500300008 (3.) Natural lithium target, thicknes 6.50 cm C183500300009 (4.) Natural lithium target, thicknes 5.33 cm C183500300010 (5.) Natural lithium target, thicknes 3.84 cm C183500300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainty in the yield, C183500300012 including beam current integration and detector C183500300013 efficience, is +/- 25%. C183500300014 STATUS (DEP,C1835006) C183500300015 (TABLE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500300016 Table II, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500300017 HISTORY (20240611A) BP: Updated reaction string, moved target C183500300018 thicknesses into SAMPLE, added dependency. C183500300019 ERR-ANALYS changed, ERR-T repaced by DATA-ERR. C183500300020 FLAG added. C183500300021 ENDBIB 19 0 C183500300022 NOCOMMON 0 0 C183500300023 DATA 5 5 C183500300024 EN E-MIN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG C183500300025 MEV MEV PRD/MUC/SR PER-CENT NO-DIM C183500300026 65.4 9.1 10.6E+10 25.0 1. C183500300027 65.4 9.1 10.9E+10 25.0 2. C183500300028 65.4 9.1 10.7E+10 25.0 3. C183500300029 65.4 9.1 9.4E+10 25.0 4. C183500300030 35.0 5.1 1.7E+10 25.0 5. C183500300031 ENDDATA 7 0 C183500300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C183500399999 SUBENT C1835004 20240611 C239C183500400001 BIB 5 11 C183500400002 REACTION (4-BE-9(D,X)0-NN-1,PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH) C183500400003 SAMPLE Natural beryllium target, 2.15 g/cm**2. C183500400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainty in the yield, C183500400005 including beam current integration and detector C183500400006 efficience, is +/- 25%. C183500400007 STATUS (DEP,C1835009) C183500400008 (TABLE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500400009 Table II, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500400010 HISTORY (20240611A) BP: Updated reaction string, moved target C183500400011 thicknesses into SAMPLE, added dependency. C183500400012 ERR-ANALYS changed, ERR-T repaced by DATA-ERR. C183500400013 ENDBIB 11 0 C183500400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C183500400015 DATA 4 1 C183500400016 EN E-MIN DATA DATA-ERR C183500400017 MEV MEV PRD/MUC/SR PER-CENT C183500400018 35.0 5.0 19.1E+10 25.0 C183500400019 ENDDATA 3 0 C183500400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C183500499999 SUBENT C1835005 20240611 C239C183500500001 BIB 5 11 C183500500002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)0-NN-1,PAR,PY/DA,,TT/CH) C183500500003 SAMPLE Natural lithium target, 2.05 g/cm**2. C183500500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainty in the yield, C183500500005 including beam current integration and detector C183500500006 efficience, is +/- 25%. C183500500007 STATUS (DEP,C1835008) C183500500008 (TABLE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500500009 Table II, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500500010 HISTORY (20240611A) BP: Updated reaction string, moved target C183500500011 thicknesses into SAMPLE, added dependency. C183500500012 ERR-ANALYS changed, ERR-T repaced by DATA-ERR. C183500500013 ENDBIB 11 0 C183500500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C183500500015 DATA 4 1 C183500500016 EN E-MIN DATA DATA-ERR C183500500017 MEV MEV PRD/MUC/SR PER-CENT C183500500018 35.0 5.0 21.3E+10 25.0 C183500500019 ENDDATA 3 0 C183500500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C183500599999 SUBENT C1835006 20240613 C239C183500600001 BIB 5 7 C183500600002 REACTION (3-LI-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH) C183500600003 SAMPLE Natural lithium target, 2.05 g/cm**2. C183500600004 STATUS (CURVE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500600005 Fig. 3, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500600006 COMMENT Compiler's comment: Continuous curves, points were C183500600007 chosen by the compiler. C183500600008 HISTORY (20240611C) BP C183500600009 ENDBIB 7 0 C183500600010 COMMON 1 3 C183500600011 EN C183500600012 MEV C183500600013 35.0 C183500600014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C183500600015 DATA 2 38 C183500600016 E DATA C183500600017 MEV P/MEVMUCSR C183500600018 5.658 9.759E+08 C183500600019 6.277 9.183E+08 C183500600020 6.827 8.607E+08 C183500600021 7.444 7.873E+08 C183500600022 7.787 7.428E+08 C183500600023 8.268 6.956E+08 C183500600024 8.680 6.537E+08 C183500600025 9.368 6.013E+08 C183500600026 9.988 5.593E+08 C183500600027 11.161 5.200E+08 C183500600028 11.989 4.937E+08 C183500600029 13.024 4.727E+08 C183500600030 13.991 4.569E+08 C183500600031 15.512 4.672E+08 C183500600032 16.896 4.828E+08 C183500600033 18.003 5.010E+08 C183500600034 18.972 5.245E+08 C183500600035 20.287 5.480E+08 C183500600036 21.325 5.662E+08 C183500600037 22.294 5.871E+08 C183500600038 23.332 6.053E+08 C183500600039 24.439 6.235E+08 C183500600040 25.546 6.418E+08 C183500600041 26.583 6.521E+08 C183500600042 27.967 6.625E+08 C183500600043 29.072 6.598E+08 C183500600044 30.177 6.440E+08 C183500600045 30.867 6.203E+08 C183500600046 31.211 5.968E+08 C183500600047 31.485 5.522E+08 C183500600048 31.690 5.025E+08 C183500600049 31.963 4.527E+08 C183500600050 32.168 4.082E+08 C183500600051 32.372 3.532E+08 C183500600052 32.645 3.008E+08 C183500600053 32.849 2.458E+08 C183500600054 33.053 1.935E+08 C183500600055 33.257 1.411E+08 C183500600056 ENDDATA 40 0 C183500600057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 C183500699999 SUBENT C1835007 20240613 C239C183500700001 BIB 5 7 C183500700002 REACTION (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH) C183500700003 SAMPLE Natural beryllium target, 2.15 g/cm**2. C183500700004 STATUS (CURVE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500700005 Fig. 3, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500700006 COMMENT Compiler's comment: Continuous curves, points were C183500700007 chosen by the compiler. C183500700008 HISTORY (20240611C) BP C183500700009 ENDBIB 7 0 C183500700010 COMMON 1 3 C183500700011 EN C183500700012 MEV C183500700013 35.0 C183500700014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C183500700015 DATA 2 36 C183500700016 E DATA C183500700017 MEV P/MEVMUCSR C183500700018 4.974 1.094E+09 C183500700019 5.250 1.075E+09 C183500700020 5.662 1.039E+09 C183500700021 6.212 9.838E+08 C183500700022 6.554 9.183E+08 C183500700023 6.895 8.554E+08 C183500700024 7.099 7.978E+08 C183500700025 7.441 7.323E+08 C183500700026 7.783 6.826E+08 C183500700027 8.403 6.354E+08 C183500700028 8.953 5.856E+08 C183500700029 9.780 5.436E+08 C183500700030 10.953 5.148E+08 C183500700031 12.197 5.042E+08 C183500700032 13.718 5.093E+08 C183500700033 14.894 5.275E+08 C183500700034 16.140 5.536E+08 C183500700035 17.524 5.770E+08 C183500700036 18.977 6.031E+08 C183500700037 20.360 6.213E+08 C183500700038 21.951 6.316E+08 C183500700039 22.988 6.289E+08 C183500700040 24.093 6.157E+08 C183500700041 25.267 5.999E+08 C183500700042 26.164 5.789E+08 C183500700043 27.061 5.526E+08 C183500700044 27.958 5.211E+08 C183500700045 28.716 4.792E+08 C183500700046 29.473 4.294E+08 C183500700047 29.954 3.848E+08 C183500700048 30.504 3.377E+08 C183500700049 30.985 2.879E+08 C183500700050 31.466 2.329E+08 C183500700051 31.877 1.752E+08 C183500700052 32.219 1.228E+08 C183500700053 32.768 5.473E+07 C183500700054 ENDDATA 38 0 C183500700055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 C183500799999 SUBENT C1835008 20240613 C239C183500800001 BIB 5 7 C183500800002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)0-NN-1,,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH) C183500800003 SAMPLE Natural lithium target, 2.05 g/cm**2. C183500800004 STATUS (CURVE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500800005 Fig. 3, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500800006 COMMENT Compiler's comment: Continuous curves, points were C183500800007 chosen by the compiler. C183500800008 HISTORY (20240611C) BP C183500800009 ENDBIB 7 0 C183500800010 COMMON 1 3 C183500800011 EN C183500800012 MEV C183500800013 35.0 C183500800014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C183500800015 DATA 2 49 C183500800016 E DATA C183500800017 MEV P/MEVMUCSR C183500800018 5.227 7.011E+09 C183500800019 5.574 7.299E+09 C183500800020 6.269 7.796E+09 C183500800021 7.032 8.214E+09 C183500800022 7.725 8.606E+09 C183500800023 8.558 9.076E+09 C183500800024 9.459 9.468E+09 C183500800025 10.152 9.886E+09 C183500800026 10.847 1.038E+10 C183500800027 11.333 1.080E+10 C183500800028 11.888 1.114E+10 C183500800029 12.582 1.159E+10 C183500800030 13.137 1.193E+10 C183500800031 14.107 1.234E+10 C183500800032 14.730 1.247E+10 C183500800033 15.766 1.232E+10 C183500800034 16.387 1.205E+10 C183500800035 17.145 1.163E+10 C183500800036 17.695 1.129E+10 C183500800037 18.246 1.090E+10 C183500800038 18.796 1.048E+10 C183500800039 19.416 1.011E+10 C183500800040 19.690 9.721E+09 C183500800041 20.378 9.145E+09 C183500800042 20.790 8.699E+09 C183500800043 21.272 8.280E+09 C183500800044 21.683 7.808E+09 C183500800045 22.164 7.337E+09 C183500800046 22.507 6.865E+09 C183500800047 22.988 6.341E+09 C183500800048 23.606 5.739E+09 C183500800049 24.019 5.346E+09 C183500800050 24.569 4.926E+09 C183500800051 24.912 4.533E+09 C183500800052 25.394 4.219E+09 C183500800053 26.014 3.799E+09 C183500800054 26.565 3.406E+09 C183500800055 27.185 3.065E+09 C183500800056 27.874 2.724E+09 C183500800057 28.701 2.357E+09 C183500800058 29.390 2.042E+09 C183500800059 30.287 1.649E+09 C183500800060 31.184 1.386E+09 C183500800061 32.288 1.097E+09 C183500800062 33.254 8.872E+08 C183500800063 34.290 7.031E+08 C183500800064 35.533 5.711E+08 C183500800065 36.777 4.391E+08 C183500800066 38.297 2.807E+08 C183500800067 ENDDATA 51 0 C183500800068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 C183500899999 SUBENT C1835009 20240613 C239C183500900001 BIB 5 7 C183500900002 REACTION (4-BE-9(D,X)0-NN-1,,PY/DA/DE,,TT/CH) C183500900003 SAMPLE Natural beryllium target, 2.15 g/cm**2. C183500900004 STATUS (CURVE,,H.I.Amols+,J,MED,4,486,1977) C183500900005 Fig. 3, page 488 of J,MED,4,486,1977. C183500900006 COMMENT Compiler's comment: Continuous curves, points were C183500900007 chosen by the compiler. C183500900008 HISTORY (20240611C) BP C183500900009 ENDBIB 7 0 C183500900010 COMMON 1 3 C183500900011 EN C183500900012 MEV C183500900013 35.0 C183500900014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C183500900015 DATA 2 45 C183500900016 E DATA C183500900017 MEV P/MEVMUCSR C183500900018 5.094 7.901E+09 C183500900019 5.580 8.267E+09 C183500900020 5.997 8.660E+09 C183500900021 6.483 9.026E+09 C183500900022 6.970 9.418E+09 C183500900023 7.594 9.705E+09 C183500900024 8.425 1.002E+10 C183500900025 8.980 1.028E+10 C183500900026 9.673 1.062E+10 C183500900027 10.090 1.093E+10 C183500900028 10.576 1.135E+10 C183500900029 11.270 1.174E+10 C183500900030 11.894 1.208E+10 C183500900031 12.518 1.240E+10 C183500900032 13.625 1.261E+10 C183500900033 14.453 1.237E+10 C183500900034 15.280 1.200E+10 C183500900035 15.761 1.153E+10 C183500900036 16.380 1.093E+10 C183500900037 16.792 1.051E+10 C183500900038 17.342 1.006E+10 C183500900039 17.823 9.513E+09 C183500900040 18.441 8.832E+09 C183500900041 18.990 8.256E+09 C183500900042 19.471 7.706E+09 C183500900043 19.951 7.155E+09 C183500900044 20.501 6.605E+09 C183500900045 20.706 6.291E+09 C183500900046 21.256 5.688E+09 C183500900047 21.668 5.321E+09 C183500900048 22.080 4.824E+09 C183500900049 22.768 4.300E+09 C183500900050 23.387 3.723E+09 C183500900051 24.144 3.251E+09 C183500900052 24.902 2.779E+09 C183500900053 25.728 2.334E+09 C183500900054 26.556 1.966E+09 C183500900055 27.521 1.599E+09 C183500900056 28.487 1.258E+09 C183500900057 29.453 9.691E+08 C183500900058 30.350 7.065E+08 C183500900059 31.386 4.962E+08 C183500900060 32.560 3.119E+08 C183500900061 33.941 2.060E+08 C183500900062 35.669 9.977E+07 C183500900063 ENDDATA 47 0 C183500900064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 C183500999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 C183599999999