ENTRY            C1850   20180315                             C174C185000000001 
SUBENT        C1850001   20180315                             C174C185000100001 
BIB                  6          8                                 C185000100002 
TITLE      A search for an excited state of B9 near 1.7 MeV       C185000100003 
AUTHOR     (R.W.Bauer,J.D.Anderson,C.Wong)                        C185000100004 
REFERENCE  (J,NP,56,117,1964)                                     C185000100005 
           #doi:10.1016/0029-5582(64)90458-4                      C185000100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USALRL)                                              C185000100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USALRL) Livermore 230 cm variable energy       C185000100008 
           cyclotron.                                             C185000100009 
HISTORY    (20180315C) BP                                         C185000100010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C185000100011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C185000100012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 C185000199999 
SUBENT        C1850002   20180315                             C174C185000200001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185000200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000200003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000200004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000200005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000200006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000200007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000200008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000200009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000200010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185000200011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185000200012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185000200013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185000200014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185000200015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185000200016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185000200017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185000200018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185000200019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 121.                              C185000200020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185000200021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000200022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000200023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000200024 
       12.7       45.0                                            C185000200025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000200026 
DATA                 3         39                                 C185000200027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185000200028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185000200029 
      1.234  5.984E+00  2.496E-01                                 C185000200030 
      1.310  6.070E+00  3.352E-01                                 C185000200031 
      1.416  5.735E+00  3.931E-01                                 C185000200032 
      1.447  5.342E+00                                            C185000200033 
      1.477  4.975E+00                                            C185000200034 
      1.568  4.975E+00                                            C185000200035 
      1.644  5.047E+00  3.459E-01                                 C185000200036 
      1.705  4.768E+00  1.989E-01                                 C185000200037 
      1.750  4.701E+00                                            C185000200038 
      1.826  4.634E+00  1.933E-01                                 C185000200039 
      1.857  4.317E+00                                            C185000200040 
      1.902  4.317E+00  2.384E-01                                 C185000200041 
      1.948  4.137E+00  2.284E-01                                 C185000200042 
      2.008  3.692E+00  2.039E-01                                 C185000200043 
      2.039  3.343E+00  2.291E-01                                 C185000200044 
      2.115  2.860E+00  1.960E-01                                 C185000200045 
      2.145  2.446E+00                                            C185000200046 
      2.191  2.122E+00  1.455E-01                                 C185000200047 
      2.221  1.977E+00                                            C185000200048 
      2.251  1.841E+00                                            C185000200049 
      2.297  1.644E+00                                            C185000200050 
      2.327  1.426E+00  5.947E-02                                 C185000200051 
      2.358  1.273E+00                                            C185000200052 
      2.418  1.237E+00  8.480E-02                                 C185000200053 
      2.464  1.220E+00  8.360E-02                                 C185000200054 
      2.525  7.212E-01  3.983E-02                                 C185000200055 
      2.631  5.507E-01  3.041E-02                                 C185000200056 
      2.737  5.828E-01                                            C185000200057 
      2.752  9.052E-01  4.999E-02                                 C185000200058 
      2.783  2.005E+00                                            C185000200059 
      2.783  3.745E+00                                            C185000200060 
      2.798  1.027E+01                                            C185000200061 
      2.843  1.443E+01                                            C185000200062 
      2.919  1.252E+01                                            C185000200063 
      2.965  6.610E+00                                            C185000200064 
      3.026  2.626E+00                                            C185000200065 
      3.056  6.257E-01                                            C185000200066 
      3.086  4.204E-01                                            C185000200067 
      3.147  1.060E-01                                            C185000200068 
ENDDATA             41          0                                 C185000200069 
ENDSUBENT           68          0                                 C185000299999 
SUBENT        C1850003   20180315                             C174C185000300001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185000300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000300003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000300004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000300005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000300006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000300007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000300008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000300009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000300010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185000300011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185000300012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185000300013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185000300014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185000300015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185000300016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185000300017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185000300018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185000300019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 121.                              C185000300020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185000300021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000300022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000300023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000300024 
       14.3       86.0                                            C185000300025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000300026 
DATA                 3         35                                 C185000300027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185000300028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185000300029 
      2.115  6.274E+00                                            C185000300030 
      2.160  6.013E+00                                            C185000300031 
      2.236  5.005E+00                                            C185000300032 
      2.282  3.992E+00                                            C185000300033 
      2.327  3.010E+00                                            C185000300034 
      2.403  2.367E+00                                            C185000300035 
      2.449  2.085E+00                                            C185000300036 
      2.525  1.862E+00  1.023E-01                                 C185000300037 
      2.585  1.785E+00  9.804E-02                                 C185000300038 
      2.646  1.572E+00  8.633E-02                                 C185000300039 
      2.707  1.572E+00  1.072E-01                                 C185000300040 
      2.752  1.404E+00  9.571E-02                                 C185000300041 
      2.813  1.271E+00  5.276E-02                                 C185000300042 
      2.904  1.136E+00                                            C185000300043 
      2.965  9.860E-01  5.417E-02                                 C185000300044 
      3.041  1.043E+00  5.732E-02                                 C185000300045 
      3.102  7.977E-01                                            C185000300046 
      3.177  6.829E-01  2.834E-02                                 C185000300047 
      3.238  7.125E-01  4.859E-02                                 C185000300048 
      3.284  6.099E-01  4.957E-02                                 C185000300049 
      3.329  6.186E-01  4.218E-02                                 C185000300050 
      3.345  4.598E-01  3.737E-02                                 C185000300051 
      3.420  4.664E-01  3.790E-02                                 C185000300052 
      3.466  4.470E-01  2.456E-02                                 C185000300053 
      3.542  4.534E-01  2.491E-02                                 C185000300054 
      3.603  4.407E-01  2.421E-02                                 C185000300055 
      3.633  5.604E-01                                            C185000300056 
      3.739  2.334E+00                                            C185000300057 
      3.770  4.470E+00                                            C185000300058 
      3.815  6.829E+00                                            C185000300059 
      3.876  7.865E+00                                            C185000300060 
      3.967  4.598E+00                                            C185000300061 
      4.013  2.026E+00                                            C185000300062 
      4.073  5.076E-01                                            C185000300063 
      4.134  7.755E-02                                            C185000300064 
ENDDATA             37          0                                 C185000300065 
ENDSUBENT           64          0                                 C185000399999 
SUBENT        C1850004   20180315                             C174C185000400001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185000400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000400003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000400004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000400005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000400006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000400007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000400008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000400009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000400010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185000400011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185000400012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185000400013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185000400014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185000400015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185000400016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185000400017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185000400018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185000400019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 121.                              C185000400020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185000400021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000400022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000400023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000400024 
       16.0       90.0                                            C185000400025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000400026 
DATA                 3         64                                 C185000400027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185000400028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185000400029 
      2.175  9.047E+00  5.030E-01                                 C185000400030 
      2.206  8.303E+00                                            C185000400031 
      2.251  8.069E+00  3.389E-01                                 C185000400032 
      2.297  7.197E+00  3.023E-01                                 C185000400033 
      2.342  7.621E+00  4.237E-01                                 C185000400034 
      2.403  7.301E+00  3.066E-01                                 C185000400035 
      2.433  6.700E+00  1.889E-01                                 C185000400036 
      2.494  6.328E+00  3.518E-01                                 C185000400037 
      2.525  5.725E+00  1.614E-01                                 C185000400038 
      2.540  5.330E+00  2.963E-01                                 C185000400039 
      2.570  4.620E+00  3.188E-01                                 C185000400040 
      2.631  4.554E+00  2.532E-01                                 C185000400041 
      2.676  4.363E+00  2.426E-01                                 C185000400042 
      2.722  4.240E+00  2.926E-01                                 C185000400043 
      2.798  4.240E+00  2.357E-01                                 C185000400044 
      2.874  4.120E+00  2.291E-01                                 C185000400045 
      2.919  4.120E+00  2.291E-01                                 C185000400046 
      2.950  3.728E+00  2.073E-01                                 C185000400047 
      3.026  3.836E+00  2.133E-01                                 C185000400048 
      3.071  3.622E+00  2.500E-01                                 C185000400049 
      3.162  3.781E+00  2.610E-01                                 C185000400050 
      3.193  4.962E+00                                            C185000400051 
      3.223  7.301E+00                                            C185000400052 
      3.269  1.059E+01                                            C185000400053 
      3.329  1.137E+01                                            C185000400054 
      3.375  1.044E+01                                            C185000400055 
      3.420  6.895E+00                                            C185000400056 
      3.496  3.781E+00                                            C185000400057 
      3.527  2.498E+00                                            C185000400058 
      3.618  1.850E+00                                            C185000400059 
      3.663  1.370E+00  5.753E-02                                 C185000400060 
      3.724  1.430E+00                                            C185000400061 
      3.754  1.275E+00  7.090E-02                                 C185000400062 
      3.800  1.121E+00  3.162E-02                                 C185000400063 
      3.846  1.257E+00  8.676E-02                                 C185000400064 
      3.921  1.074E+00  5.972E-02                                 C185000400065 
      3.937  1.187E+00  6.601E-02                                 C185000400066 
      3.997  9.178E-01  6.334E-02                                 C185000400067 
      4.043  9.444E-01  3.966E-02                                 C185000400068 
      4.058  1.074E+00  5.972E-02                                 C185000400069 
      4.119  9.718E-01  2.740E-02                                 C185000400070 
      4.180  8.303E-01  6.828E-02                                 C185000400071 
      4.225  9.047E-01  5.030E-02                                 C185000400072 
      4.256  7.621E-01  4.237E-02                                 C185000400073 
      4.316  7.955E-01  6.541E-02                                 C185000400074 
      4.347  6.895E-01                                            C185000400075 
      4.423  6.328E-01  1.784E-02                                 C185000400076 
      4.423  6.994E-01  3.889E-02                                 C185000400077 
      4.468  6.062E-01                                            C185000400078 
      4.514  5.976E-01  4.914E-02                                 C185000400079 
      4.574  5.807E-01  4.008E-02                                 C185000400080 
      4.635  5.725E-01  3.183E-02                                 C185000400081 
      4.681  4.822E-01  3.328E-02                                 C185000400082 
      4.757  5.563E-01                                            C185000400083 
      4.757  4.822E-01  3.328E-02                                 C185000400084 
      4.817  9.718E-01                                            C185000400085 
      4.863  2.721E+00                                            C185000400086 
      4.893  7.301E+00                                            C185000400087 
      4.939  9.718E+00                                            C185000400088 
      4.969  1.029E+01                                            C185000400089 
      5.000  1.059E+01                                            C185000400090 
      5.045  6.895E+00                                            C185000400091 
      5.091  2.761E+00                                            C185000400092 
      5.136  5.254E-01                                            C185000400093 
ENDDATA             66          0                                 C185000400094 
ENDSUBENT           93          0                                 C185000499999 
SUBENT        C1850005   20180315                             C174C185000500001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185000500002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000500003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000500004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000500005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000500006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000500007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000500008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000500009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000500010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185000500011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185000500012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185000500013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185000500014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185000500015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185000500016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185000500017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185000500018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185000500019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 121.                              C185000500020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185000500021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000500022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000500023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000500024 
       18.3       90.0                                            C185000500025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000500026 
DATA                 3         57                                 C185000500027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185000500028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185000500029 
      3.679  5.148E+00                                            C185000500030 
      3.694  5.371E+00  4.751E-01                                 C185000500031 
      3.770  5.296E+00  3.611E-01                                 C185000500032 
      3.876  4.598E+00  3.136E-01                                 C185000500033 
      3.937  4.407E+00  3.006E-01                                 C185000500034 
      3.982  3.827E+00  1.588E-01                                 C185000500035 
      4.028  3.881E+00  2.132E-01                                 C185000500036 
      4.089  3.827E+00  3.110E-01                                 C185000500037 
      4.134  3.720E+00  2.044E-01                                 C185000500038 
      4.210  3.773E+00  2.573E-01                                 C185000500039 
      4.256  3.566E+00                                            C185000500040 
      4.301  3.566E+00  2.432E-01                                 C185000500041 
      4.347  3.096E+00  1.701E-01                                 C185000500042 
      4.377  3.276E+00  1.800E-01                                 C185000500043 
      4.453  3.096E+00  2.111E-01                                 C185000500044 
      4.529  3.466E+00  1.904E-01                                 C185000500045 
      4.650  3.185E+00  2.172E-01                                 C185000500046 
      4.726  4.470E+00                                            C185000500047 
      4.772  5.683E+00                                            C185000500048 
      4.832  6.546E+00                                            C185000500049 
      4.863  7.125E+00                                            C185000500050 
      4.908  6.926E+00                                            C185000500051 
      4.924  6.274E+00                                            C185000500052 
      4.984  4.797E+00                                            C185000500053 
      5.030  3.773E+00                                            C185000500054 
      5.091  2.175E+00                                            C185000500055 
      5.121  1.345E+00                                            C185000500056 
      5.151  1.058E+00                                            C185000500057 
      5.197  6.639E-01  5.395E-02                                 C185000500058 
      5.258  6.274E-01  3.447E-02                                 C185000500059 
      5.288  5.846E-01  8.200E-03                                 C185000500060 
      5.334  7.025E-01  4.790E-02                                 C185000500061 
      5.379  5.296E-01                                            C185000500062 
      5.425  4.935E-01  3.365E-02                                 C185000500063 
      5.501  5.148E-01                                            C185000500064 
      5.516  4.470E-01  2.456E-02                                 C185000500065 
      5.561  4.730E-01  3.844E-02                                 C185000500066 
      5.607  4.165E-01  2.840E-02                                 C185000500067 
      5.713  4.470E-01  2.456E-02                                 C185000500068 
      5.744  3.185E-01  2.172E-02                                 C185000500069 
      5.850  2.144E-01  1.462E-02                                 C185000500070 
      5.865  3.185E-01  2.172E-02                                 C185000500071 
      5.971  2.470E-01  1.684E-02                                 C185000500072 
      6.062  1.942E-01  1.325E-02                                 C185000500073 
      6.108  3.370E-01  2.298E-02                                 C185000500074 
      6.199  3.010E-01                                            C185000500075 
      6.245  6.829E-01                                            C185000500076 
      6.305  1.862E+00                                            C185000500077 
      6.351  3.140E+00                                            C185000500078 
      6.381  4.663E+00                                            C185000500079 
      6.396  5.604E+00                                            C185000500080 
      6.472  6.639E+00                                            C185000500081 
      6.609  6.099E+00                                            C185000500082 
      6.655  3.881E+00                                            C185000500083 
      6.700  1.345E+00                                            C185000500084 
      6.700  4.165E-01                                            C185000500085 
      6.791  5.764E-02                                            C185000500086 
ENDDATA             59          0                                 C185000500087 
ENDSUBENT           86          0                                 C185000599999 
SUBENT        C1850006   20180315                             C174C185000600001 
BIB                  4          9                                 C185000600002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000600003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000600004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000600005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000600006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000600007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000600008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000600009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000600010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 122.                              C185000600011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 C185000600012 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000600013 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000600014 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000600015 
       14.3       41.0                                            C185000600016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000600017 
DATA                 2         87                                 C185000600018 
E-CM       DATA-CM                                                C185000600019 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV                                              C185000600020 
      1.431  4.587E+00                                            C185000600021 
      1.475  5.038E+00                                            C185000600022 
      1.487  4.430E+00                                            C185000600023 
      1.537  4.329E+00                                            C185000600024 
      1.581  4.279E+00                                            C185000600025 
      1.612  4.645E+00                                            C185000600026 
      1.655  4.592E+00                                            C185000600027 
      1.674  4.812E+00                                            C185000600028 
      1.686  4.647E+00                                            C185000600029 
      1.730  4.870E+00                                            C185000600030 
      1.730  4.332E+00                                            C185000600031 
      1.780  4.929E+00                                            C185000600032 
      1.805  4.704E+00                                            C185000600033 
      1.836  4.760E+00                                            C185000600034 
      1.873  4.651E+00                                            C185000600035 
      1.873  4.285E+00                                            C185000600036 
      1.898  4.651E+00                                            C185000600037 
      1.911  4.762E+00                                            C185000600038 
      1.954  4.492E+00                                            C185000600039 
      1.985  4.440E+00                                            C185000600040 
      2.023  4.288E+00                                            C185000600041 
      2.035  4.654E+00                                            C185000600042 
      2.041  4.189E+00                                            C185000600043 
      2.079  3.998E+00                                            C185000600044 
      2.110  4.656E+00                                            C185000600045 
      2.147  4.767E+00                                            C185000600046 
      2.160  4.995E+00                                            C185000600047 
      2.172  5.682E+00                                            C185000600048 
      2.172  5.359E+00                                            C185000600049 
      2.190  6.096E+00                                            C185000600050 
      2.209  6.539E+00                                            C185000600051 
      2.240  6.934E+00                                            C185000600052 
      2.278  6.542E+00                                            C185000600053 
      2.290  6.170E+00                                            C185000600054 
      2.296  5.888E+00                                            C185000600055 
      2.309  5.619E+00                                            C185000600056 
      2.321  5.239E+00                                            C185000600057 
      2.334  4.941E+00                                            C185000600058 
      2.346  4.500E+00                                            C185000600059 
      2.353  3.957E+00                                            C185000600060 
      2.372  3.646E+00                                            C185000600061 
      2.384  3.480E+00                                            C185000600062 
      2.384  3.282E+00                                            C185000600063 
      2.397  3.096E+00                                            C185000600064 
      2.409  2.819E+00                                            C185000600065 
      2.435  2.366E+00                                            C185000600066 
      2.472  2.232E+00                                            C185000600067 
      2.522  1.963E+00                                            C185000600068 
      2.547  1.726E+00                                            C185000600069 
      2.597  1.767E+00                                            C185000600070 
      2.628  1.609E+00                                            C185000600071 
      2.684  1.610E+00                                            C185000600072 
      2.715  1.501E+00                                            C185000600073 
      2.765  1.450E+00                                            C185000600074 
      2.796  1.688E+00                                            C185000600075 
      2.840  1.433E+00                                            C185000600076 
      2.884  1.275E+00                                            C185000600077 
      2.927  1.417E+00                                            C185000600078 
      2.971  1.451E+00                                            C185000600079 
      3.002  1.122E+00                                            C185000600080 
      3.039  1.176E+00                                            C185000600081 
      3.096  1.084E+00                                            C185000600082 
      3.133  1.084E+00                                            C185000600083 
      3.177  8.579E-01                                            C185000600084 
      3.214  9.204E-01                                            C185000600085 
      3.264  6.952E-01                                            C185000600086 
      3.289  6.872E-01                                            C185000600087 
      3.345  6.955E-01                                            C185000600088 
      3.383  6.335E-01                                            C185000600089 
      3.433  6.118E-01                                            C185000600090 
      3.477  4.675E-01                                            C185000600091 
      3.514  4.515E-01                                            C185000600092 
      3.539  3.745E-01                                            C185000600093 
      3.639  3.617E-01                                            C185000600094 
      3.689  3.576E-01                                            C185000600095 
      3.701  3.704E-01                                            C185000600096 
      3.726  4.020E-01                                            C185000600097 
      3.762  8.909E-01                                            C185000600098 
      3.798  3.008E+00                                            C185000600099 
      3.847  6.363E+00                                            C185000600100 
      3.896  8.627E+00                                            C185000600101 
      3.946  7.766E+00                                            C185000600102 
      3.978  5.157E+00                                            C185000600103 
      4.028  2.711E+00                                            C185000600104 
      4.055  9.683E-01                                            C185000600105 
      4.094  2.351E-01                                            C185000600106 
      4.158  8.110E-02                                            C185000600107 
ENDDATA             89          0                                 C185000600108 
ENDSUBENT          107          0                                 C185000699999 
SUBENT        C1850007   20180315                             C174C185000700001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185000700002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000700003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000700004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000700005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000700006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000700007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000700008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000700009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000700010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185000700011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185000700012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185000700013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185000700014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185000700015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185000700016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185000700017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185000700018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185000700019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 123.                              C185000700020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185000700021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000700022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000700023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000700024 
       16.0       22.0                                            C185000700025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000700026 
DATA                 3         84                                 C185000700027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185000700028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185000700029 
      2.093  9.981E+00  7.492E-01                                 C185000700030 
      2.115  9.363E+00  5.791E-01                                 C185000700031 
      2.153  9.633E+00  4.014E-01                                 C185000700032 
      2.183  8.722E+00  4.812E-01                                 C185000700033 
      2.235  8.359E+00  4.049E-01                                 C185000700034 
      2.280  8.183E+00  4.514E-01                                 C185000700035 
      2.288  9.166E+00  4.440E-01                                 C185000700036 
      2.355  8.910E+00  3.713E-01                                 C185000700037 
      2.385  8.538E+00  4.711E-01                                 C185000700038 
      2.438  7.462E+00  5.110E-01                                 C185000700039 
      2.490  7.568E+00  5.183E-01                                 C185000700040 
      2.543  7.409E+00  4.582E-01                                 C185000700041 
      2.580  6.804E+00  5.108E-01                                 C185000700042 
      2.655  6.614E+00  4.529E-01                                 C185000700043 
      2.685  5.989E+00  3.704E-01                                 C185000700044 
      2.745  6.031E+00  4.130E-01                                 C185000700045 
      2.775  5.234E+00  2.887E-01                                 C185000700046 
      2.820  5.946E+00  4.072E-01                                 C185000700047 
      2.858  6.031E+00  3.730E-01                                 C185000700048 
      2.880  5.271E+00  3.260E-01                                 C185000700049 
      2.918  5.346E+00  3.661E-01                                 C185000700050 
      2.963  4.980E+00  3.080E-01                                 C185000700051 
      3.008  5.087E+00  2.807E-01                                 C185000700052 
      3.068  4.773E+00  2.952E-01                                 C185000700053 
      3.113  4.807E+00  3.292E-01                                 C185000700054 
      3.165  4.807E+00  2.973E-01                                 C185000700055 
      3.218  4.739E+00  2.931E-01                                 C185000700056 
      3.248  5.051E+00                                            C185000700057 
      3.293  5.234E+00                                            C185000700058 
      3.293  5.500E+00                                            C185000700059 
      3.345  5.780E+00                                            C185000700060 
      3.368  6.338E+00                                            C185000700061 
      3.375  6.661E+00                                            C185000700062 
      3.390  7.202E+00                                            C185000700063 
      3.405  7.622E+00                                            C185000700064 
      3.450  7.151E+00                                            C185000700065 
      3.465  6.521E+00                                            C185000700066 
      3.503  5.821E+00                                            C185000700067 
      3.510  5.016E+00                                            C185000700068 
      3.518  5.308E+00  2.572E-01                                 C185000700069 
      3.548  4.672E+00                                            C185000700070 
      3.563  4.291E+00  2.654E-01                                 C185000700071 
      3.578  3.568E+00  2.678E-01                                 C185000700072 
      3.593  2.172E+00  1.198E-01                                 C185000700073 
      3.600  3.074E+00                                            C185000700074 
      3.660  2.298E+00  1.268E-01                                 C185000700075 
      3.735  1.939E+00  9.391E-02                                 C185000700076 
      3.765  2.009E+00  1.108E-01                                 C185000700077 
      3.825  1.980E+00  1.225E-01                                 C185000700078 
      3.893  1.743E+00  9.616E-02                                 C185000700079 
      3.900  1.429E+00  7.884E-02                                 C185000700080 
      3.953  1.635E+00  1.011E-01                                 C185000700081 
      4.013  1.601E+00  9.900E-02                                 C185000700082 
      4.073  1.491E+00  8.226E-02                                 C185000700083 
      4.125  1.341E+00  7.396E-02                                 C185000700084 
      4.178  1.360E+00  8.410E-02                                 C185000700085 
      4.230  1.084E+00  7.420E-02                                 C185000700086 
      4.283  1.017E+00  6.962E-02                                 C185000700087 
      4.313  1.053E+00  8.595E-02                                 C185000700088 
      4.373  1.009E+00  7.577E-02                                 C185000700089 
      4.410  9.952E-01  9.408E-02                                 C185000700090 
      4.440  8.884E-01  5.495E-02                                 C185000700091 
      4.478  7.600E-01  4.701E-02                                 C185000700092 
      4.508  6.410E-01  3.537E-02                                 C185000700093 
      4.523  8.217E-01  5.627E-02                                 C185000700094 
      4.568  7.232E-01  4.473E-02                                 C185000700095 
      4.620  6.785E-01  4.646E-02                                 C185000700096 
      4.635  6.057E-01  4.148E-02                                 C185000700097 
      4.673  5.109E-01  2.818E-02                                 C185000700098 
      4.733  4.692E-01  3.829E-02                                 C185000700099 
      4.733  5.763E-01  5.449E-02                                 C185000700100 
      4.808  4.593E-01  4.046E-02                                 C185000700101 
      4.830  6.143E-01                                            C185000700102 
      4.883  9.811E-01                                            C185000700103 
      4.913  2.081E+00                                            C185000700104 
      4.965  5.123E+00                                            C185000700105 
      4.973  8.784E+00                                            C185000700106 
      5.040  1.235E+01                                            C185000700107 
      5.123  9.101E+00                                            C185000700108 
      5.168  5.618E+00                                            C185000700109 
      5.198  2.485E+00                                            C185000700110 
      5.228  1.214E+00                                            C185000700111 
      5.280  3.508E-01                                            C185000700112 
      5.317  1.254E-01                                            C185000700113 
ENDDATA             86          0                                 C185000700114 
ENDSUBENT          113          0                                 C185000799999 
SUBENT        C1850008   20180315                             C174C185000800001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185000800002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000800003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000800004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000800005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000800006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000800007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000800008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000800009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000800010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185000800011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185000800012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185000800013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185000800014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185000800015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185000800016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185000800017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185000800018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185000800019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 123.                              C185000800020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185000800021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000800022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000800023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000800024 
       16.0       30.0                                            C185000800025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000800026 
DATA                 3         78                                 C185000800027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185000800028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185000800029 
      1.894  8.781E+00  4.746E-01                                 C185000800030 
      1.937  9.357E+00  5.757E-01                                 C185000800031 
      1.987  9.507E+00  7.255E-01                                 C185000800032 
      2.072  9.065E+00  5.578E-01                                 C185000800033 
      2.123  9.283E+00  8.435E-01                                 C185000800034 
      2.157  8.440E+00  5.819E-01                                 C185000800035 
      2.199  8.440E+00  5.193E-01                                 C185000800036 
      2.250  8.440E+00  6.440E-01                                 C185000800037 
      2.292  8.440E+00  5.193E-01                                 C185000800038 
      2.368  8.373E+00  5.152E-01                                 C185000800039 
      2.444  7.552E+00  4.647E-01                                 C185000800040 
      2.495  7.316E+00  4.502E-01                                 C185000800041 
      2.537  6.651E+00  4.093E-01                                 C185000800042 
      2.580  6.292E+00  4.801E-01                                 C185000800043 
      2.597  5.812E+00  3.576E-01                                 C185000800044 
      2.647  5.675E+00  3.067E-01                                 C185000800045 
      2.681  6.443E+00  2.997E-01                                 C185000800046 
      2.698  6.047E+00  2.813E-01                                 C185000800047 
      2.732  5.242E+00  3.225E-01                                 C185000800048 
      2.791  5.242E+00  3.225E-01                                 C185000800049 
      2.859  4.998E+00  3.075E-01                                 C185000800050 
      2.918  4.766E+00  4.330E-01                                 C185000800051 
      2.952  4.617E+00  2.841E-01                                 C185000800052 
      2.994  4.617E+00  3.523E-01                                 C185000800053 
      3.045  4.728E+00  3.260E-01                                 C185000800054 
      3.079  4.544E+00  2.796E-01                                 C185000800055 
      3.087  3.908E+00  2.112E-01                                 C185000800056 
      3.130  4.098E+00  2.826E-01                                 C185000800057 
      3.181  4.066E+00  3.400E-01                                 C185000800058 
      3.248  4.034E+00  1.876E-01                                 C185000800059 
      3.274  4.919E+00  3.392E-01                                 C185000800060 
      3.316  6.047E+00  4.169E-01                                 C185000800061 
      3.341  7.087E+00  6.440E-01                                 C185000800062 
      3.401  7.433E+00  4.574E-01                                 C185000800063 
      3.451  7.433E+00  3.457E-01                                 C185000800064 
      3.468  5.497E+00  3.791E-01                                 C185000800065 
      3.502  4.333E+00  3.306E-01                                 C185000800066 
      3.544  3.414E+00  2.855E-01                                 C185000800067 
      3.587  2.486E+00  1.714E-01                                 C185000800068 
      3.604  2.296E+00  8.934E-02                                 C185000800069 
      3.646  1.824E+00  1.257E-01                                 C185000800070 
      3.688  1.685E+00  1.409E-01                                 C185000800071 
      3.714  1.619E+00  1.236E-01                                 C185000800072 
      3.764  1.556E+00  1.301E-01                                 C185000800073 
      3.798  1.349E+00  8.299E-02                                 C185000800074 
      3.832  1.472E+00  7.956E-02                                 C185000800075 
      3.866  1.403E+00  9.677E-02                                 C185000800076 
      3.934  1.286E+00  1.075E-01                                 C185000800077 
      4.010  1.055E+00  8.048E-02                                 C185000800078 
      4.086  1.046E+00  6.438E-02                                 C185000800079 
      4.162  1.055E+00  1.331E-01                                 C185000800080 
      4.196  8.856E-01  7.405E-02                                 C185000800081 
      4.238  8.927E-01  6.155E-02                                 C185000800082 
      4.289  9.070E-01  6.254E-02                                 C185000800083 
      4.357  7.738E-01  5.905E-02                                 C185000800084 
      4.399  8.311E-01  8.149E-02                                 C185000800085 
      4.416  7.148E-01  7.008E-02                                 C185000800086 
      4.475  7.556E-01  7.948E-02                                 C185000800087 
      4.560  6.655E-01  5.078E-02                                 C185000800088 
      4.585  7.320E-01  5.047E-02                                 C185000800089 
      4.619  6.245E-01  6.124E-02                                 C185000800090 
      4.653  5.633E-01  4.710E-02                                 C185000800091 
      4.695  5.286E-01  5.560E-02                                 C185000800092 
      4.755  4.267E-01  2.942E-02                                 C185000800093 
      4.805  4.656E-01  3.553E-02                                 C185000800094 
      4.848  4.922E-01  3.756E-02                                 C185000800095 
      4.890  5.861E-01                                            C185000800096 
      4.915  1.685E+00                                            C185000800097 
      4.932  3.667E+00                                            C185000800098 
      4.983  7.087E+00                                            C185000800099 
      5.017  1.005E+01                                            C185000800100 
      5.051  1.187E+01                                            C185000800101 
      5.085  9.357E+00                                            C185000800102 
      5.152  5.812E+00                                            C185000800103 
      5.186  2.913E+00                                            C185000800104 
      5.229  1.328E+00                                            C185000800105 
      5.245  6.396E-01                                            C185000800106 
      5.305  2.088E-01                                            C185000800107 
ENDDATA             80          0                                 C185000800108 
ENDSUBENT          107          0                                 C185000899999 
SUBENT        C1850009   20180315                             C174C185000900001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185000900002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185000900003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185000900004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185000900005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185000900006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185000900007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185000900008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185000900009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185000900010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185000900011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185000900012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185000900013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185000900014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185000900015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185000900016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185000900017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185000900018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185000900019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 123.                              C185000900020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185000900021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185000900022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185000900023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185000900024 
       16.0       60.0                                            C185000900025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185000900026 
DATA                 3         74                                 C185000900027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185000900028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185000900029 
      1.717  1.019E+01  6.612E-01                                 C185000900030 
      1.748  1.039E+01  5.804E-01                                 C185000900031 
      1.778  9.262E+00  4.332E-01                                 C185000900032 
      1.840  9.174E+00  5.124E-01                                 C185000900033 
      1.881  8.914E+00  5.782E-01                                 C185000900034 
      1.932  8.100E+00  4.524E-01                                 C185000900035 
      1.993  7.870E+00  6.501E-01                                 C185000900036 
      2.044  7.946E+00  6.564E-01                                 C185000900037 
      2.095  8.178E+00  6.755E-01                                 C185000900038 
      2.136  8.022E+00  4.481E-01                                 C185000900039 
      2.218  7.721E+00  4.313E-01                                 C185000900040 
      2.258  7.431E+00  4.151E-01                                 C185000900041 
      2.289  7.016E+00  4.550E-01                                 C185000900042 
      2.320  6.687E+00  4.338E-01                                 C185000900043 
      2.371  6.752E+00  3.771E-01                                 C185000900044 
      2.412  7.083E+00  6.471E-01                                 C185000900045 
      2.452  6.624E+00  4.296E-01                                 C185000900046 
      2.483  6.882E+00  3.844E-01                                 C185000900047 
      2.524  6.752E+00  4.379E-01                                 C185000900048 
      2.555  6.498E+00  4.215E-01                                 C185000900049 
      2.585  6.194E+00  3.460E-01                                 C185000900050 
      2.626  5.904E+00  4.877E-01                                 C185000900051 
      2.657  5.469E+00  3.547E-01                                 C185000900052 
      2.687  5.114E+00  3.773E-01                                 C185000900053 
      2.759  5.469E+00  4.518E-01                                 C185000900054 
      2.810  5.213E+00  3.846E-01                                 C185000900055 
      2.851  4.782E+00  3.951E-01                                 C185000900056 
      2.871  4.345E+00  2.427E-01                                 C185000900057 
      2.943  4.429E+00  3.268E-01                                 C185000900058 
      3.004  4.647E+00  3.428E-01                                 C185000900059 
      3.065  4.782E+00  3.102E-01                                 C185000900060 
      3.106  4.304E+00  2.792E-01                                 C185000900061 
      3.157  4.472E+00  3.299E-01                                 C185000900062 
      3.188  4.142E+00  2.314E-01                                 C185000900063 
      3.229  4.603E+00  2.571E-01                                 C185000900064 
      3.269  6.019E+00  5.498E-01                                 C185000900065 
      3.300  8.416E+00  5.459E-01                                 C185000900066 
      3.361  1.133E+01  6.327E-01                                 C185000900067 
      3.412  1.235E+01  8.008E-01                                 C185000900068 
      3.453  1.122E+01  9.267E-01                                 C185000900069 
      3.474  7.946E+00  5.862E-01                                 C185000900070 
      3.515  5.065E+00  3.285E-01                                 C185000900071 
      3.555  3.229E+00  2.382E-01                                 C185000900072 
      3.586  2.422E+00  1.571E-01                                 C185000900073 
      3.586  1.888E+00  1.055E-01                                 C185000900074 
      3.668  1.651E+00  7.723E-02                                 C185000900075 
      3.698  1.417E+00  1.170E-01                                 C185000900076 
      3.749  1.300E+00  7.259E-02                                 C185000900077 
      3.801  1.083E+00  7.026E-02                                 C185000900078 
      3.862  8.608E-01  7.111E-02                                 C185000900079 
      3.913  1.023E+00  5.713E-02                                 C185000900080 
      3.964  7.600E-01  4.929E-02                                 C185000900081 
      3.974  9.030E-01  7.460E-02                                 C185000900082 
      4.015  7.314E-01  6.042E-02                                 C185000900083 
      4.087  6.906E-01  4.479E-02                                 C185000900084 
      4.087  5.487E-01  4.048E-02                                 C185000900085 
      4.127  6.215E-01  5.678E-02                                 C185000900086 
      4.178  5.435E-01  4.965E-02                                 C185000900087 
      4.209  4.753E-01  3.506E-02                                 C185000900088 
      4.250  4.402E-01  2.855E-02                                 C185000900089 
      4.464  3.887E-01                                            C185000900090 
      4.832  7.245E-01                                            C185000900091 
      4.853  1.033E+00                                            C185000900092 
      4.904  3.198E+00                                            C185000900093 
      4.944  8.336E+00                                            C185000900094 
      4.995  1.760E+01                                            C185000900095 
      5.016  2.657E+01                                            C185000900096 
      5.067  2.761E+01                                            C185000900097 
      5.118  1.974E+01                                            C185000900098 
      5.159  1.029E+01                                            C185000900099 
      5.190  3.355E+00                                            C185000900100 
      5.230  1.083E+00                                            C185000900101 
      5.261  3.887E-01                                            C185000900102 
      5.312  1.859E-01                                            C185000900103 
ENDDATA             76          0                                 C185000900104 
ENDSUBENT          103          0                                 C185000999999 
SUBENT        C1850010   20180315                             C174C185001000001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185001000002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185001000003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185001000004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185001000005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185001000006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185001000007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185001000008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185001000009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185001000010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001000011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001000012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001000013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001000014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001000015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001000016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001000017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001000018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001000019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 123.                              C185001000020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185001000021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001000022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001000023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001000024 
       16.0       90.0                                            C185001000025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001000026 
DATA                 3         67                                 C185001000027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001000028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001000029 
      2.289  8.752E+00  4.861E-01                                 C185001000030 
      2.361  8.587E+00  4.769E-01                                 C185001000031 
      2.412  7.659E+00  4.254E-01                                 C185001000032 
      2.422  8.345E+00  4.635E-01                                 C185001000033 
      2.483  7.587E+00  4.214E-01                                 C185001000034 
      2.524  7.098E+00  3.300E-01                                 C185001000035 
      2.585  6.640E+00  4.282E-01                                 C185001000036 
      2.636  5.594E+00  4.103E-01                                 C185001000037 
      2.687  4.990E+00  2.771E-01                                 C185001000038 
      2.728  4.990E+00  3.660E-01                                 C185001000039 
      2.769  4.624E+00  2.982E-01                                 C185001000040 
      2.820  4.409E+00  2.843E-01                                 C185001000041 
      2.861  4.536E+00  2.926E-01                                 C185001000042 
      2.902  4.409E+00  3.234E-01                                 C185001000043 
      2.953  4.367E+00  2.816E-01                                 C185001000044 
      3.004  4.451E+00  2.870E-01                                 C185001000045 
      3.075  3.575E+00  1.663E-01                                 C185001000046 
      3.106  4.047E+00  3.324E-01                                 C185001000047 
      3.157  3.858E+00  3.169E-01                                 C185001000048 
      3.198  3.714E+00  2.063E-01                                 C185001000049 
      3.239  3.933E+00                                            C185001000050 
      3.300  5.134E+00                                            C185001000051 
      3.310  7.165E+00                                            C185001000052 
      3.372  1.019E+01                                            C185001000053 
      3.433  1.121E+01                                            C185001000054 
      3.464  1.010E+01                                            C185001000055 
      3.515  6.767E+00                                            C185001000056 
      3.555  3.714E+00                                            C185001000057 
      3.607  2.586E+00                                            C185001000058 
      3.637  2.019E+00                                            C185001000059 
      3.709  1.353E+00  1.112E-01                                 C185001000060 
      3.790  1.475E+00  1.082E-01                                 C185001000061 
      3.811  1.278E+00  1.050E-01                                 C185001000062 
      3.882  1.129E+00  7.284E-02                                 C185001000063 
      3.933  1.254E+00  1.139E-01                                 C185001000064 
      3.964  1.077E+00  7.900E-02                                 C185001000065 
      3.984  1.242E+00  8.012E-02                                 C185001000066 
      4.025  1.108E+00                                            C185001000067 
      4.076  1.067E+00                                            C185001000068 
      4.087  9.247E-01  5.964E-02                                 C185001000069 
      4.117  9.698E-01  5.386E-02                                 C185001000070 
      4.148  1.129E+00  9.277E-02                                 C185001000071 
      4.189  9.791E-01  7.182E-02                                 C185001000072 
      4.250  8.407E-01  5.422E-02                                 C185001000073 
      4.301  8.987E-01  7.382E-02                                 C185001000074 
      4.403  8.093E-01  7.352E-02                                 C185001000075 
      4.434  7.016E-01  5.763E-02                                 C185001000076 
      4.495  6.563E-01  4.815E-02                                 C185001000077 
      4.546  5.855E-01  4.295E-02                                 C185001000078 
      4.597  6.024E-01  5.472E-02                                 C185001000079 
      4.658  5.911E-01  5.369E-02                                 C185001000080 
      4.699  5.636E-01  4.629E-02                                 C185001000081 
      4.771  4.748E-01                                            C185001000082 
      4.832  4.886E-01                                            C185001000083 
      4.842  5.799E-01                                            C185001000084 
      4.893  9.885E-01                                            C185001000085 
      4.955  2.791E+00                                            C185001000086 
      4.975  7.165E+00                                            C185001000087 
      5.036  9.905E+00                                            C185001000088 
      5.057  1.059E+01                                            C185001000089 
      5.108  1.059E+01                                            C185001000090 
      5.138  6.832E+00                                            C185001000091 
      5.149  2.739E+00                                            C185001000092 
      5.179  1.547E+00                                            C185001000093 
      5.179  8.734E-01                                            C185001000094 
      5.220  5.425E-01                                            C185001000095 
      5.261  1.106E-01                                            C185001000096 
ENDDATA             69          0                                 C185001000097 
ENDSUBENT           96          0                                 C185001099999 
SUBENT        C1850011   20180315                             C174C185001100001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185001100002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185001100003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185001100004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185001100005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185001100006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185001100007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185001100008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185001100009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185001100010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001100011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001100012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001100013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001100014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001100015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001100016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001100017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001100018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001100019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 123.                              C185001100020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185001100021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001100022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001100023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001100024 
       16.0      120.0                                            C185001100025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001100026 
DATA                 3         30                                 C185001100027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001100028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001100029 
      3.617  1.699E+00  1.248E-01                                 C185001100030 
      3.729  1.377E+00  7.662E-02                                 C185001100031 
      3.770  1.217E+00  6.769E-02                                 C185001100032 
      3.801  9.313E-01  6.017E-02                                 C185001100033 
      3.913  1.025E+00  4.773E-02                                 C185001100034 
      3.964  7.695E-01  5.655E-02                                 C185001100035 
      4.087  5.458E-01  4.011E-02                                 C185001100036 
      4.127  7.478E-01  4.831E-02                                 C185001100037 
      4.158  5.725E-01  3.185E-02                                 C185001100038 
      4.219  5.947E-01  3.309E-02                                 C185001100039 
      4.291  4.961E-01  3.205E-02                                 C185001100040 
      4.342  5.406E-01  3.973E-02                                 C185001100041 
      4.424  5.105E-01  3.752E-02                                 C185001100042 
      4.464  3.871E-01  2.154E-02                                 C185001100043 
      4.505  4.022E-01  2.598E-02                                 C185001100044 
      4.546  4.553E-01  4.143E-02                                 C185001100045 
      4.638  4.259E-01  3.876E-02                                 C185001100046 
      4.669  2.908E-01  2.137E-02                                 C185001100047 
      4.720  2.936E-01  1.897E-02                                 C185001100048 
      4.791  2.936E-01  1.897E-02                                 C185001100049 
      4.832  4.685E-01                                            C185001100050 
      4.893  1.748E+00                                            C185001100051 
      5.016  7.107E+00                                            C185001100052 
      5.057  7.314E+00                                            C185001100053 
      5.098  6.973E+00                                            C185001100054 
      5.128  3.576E+00                                            C185001100055 
      5.159  1.288E+00                                            C185001100056 
      5.200  3.726E-01                                            C185001100057 
      5.261  2.643E-01                                            C185001100058 
      5.292  1.688E-01                                            C185001100059 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 C185001100060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 C185001199999 
SUBENT        C1850012   20180315                             C174C185001200001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185001200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185001200003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185001200004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185001200005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185001200006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185001200007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185001200008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185001200009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185001200010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001200011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001200012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001200013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001200014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001200015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001200016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001200017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001200018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001200019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 123.                              C185001200020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185001200021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001200022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001200023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001200024 
       12.7       22.0                                            C185001200025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001200026 
DATA                 3         53                                 C185001200027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001200028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001200029 
      1.105  1.031E+01  5.151E-01                                 C185001200030 
      1.150  1.014E+01  5.882E-01                                 C185001200031 
      1.182  9.385E+00  4.689E-01                                 C185001200032 
      1.214  9.306E+00  4.649E-01                                 C185001200033 
      1.241  8.917E+00  5.175E-01                                 C185001200034 
      1.282  8.257E+00  4.125E-01                                 C185001200035 
      1.309  7.452E+00  3.116E-01                                 C185001200036 
      1.354  7.516E+00  4.362E-01                                 C185001200037 
      1.395  7.141E+00  4.144E-01                                 C185001200038 
      1.413  6.726E+00  4.443E-01                                 C185001200039 
      1.449  6.726E+00  4.977E-01                                 C185001200040 
      1.508  6.726E+00  3.904E-01                                 C185001200041 
      1.535  6.669E+00  4.405E-01                                 C185001200042 
      1.567  6.123E+00  4.531E-01                                 C185001200043 
      1.608  6.123E+00  3.554E-01                                 C185001200044 
      1.631  6.019E+00  4.454E-01                                 C185001200045 
      1.676  5.918E+00  3.434E-01                                 C185001200046 
      1.708  6.071E+00  3.524E-01                                 C185001200047 
      1.758  5.867E+00  3.405E-01                                 C185001200048 
      1.785  5.867E+00  3.405E-01                                 C185001200049 
      1.808  5.622E+00  2.809E-01                                 C185001200050 
      1.862  6.019E+00  3.007E-01                                 C185001200051 
      1.898  5.768E+00  2.881E-01                                 C185001200052 
      1.921  5.387E+00  2.691E-01                                 C185001200053 
      1.957  5.206E+00  3.438E-01                                 C185001200054 
      1.993  5.118E+00  2.970E-01                                 C185001200055 
      2.039  4.862E+00  2.429E-01                                 C185001200056 
      2.075  4.739E+00  2.368E-01                                 C185001200057 
      2.098  4.464E+00  1.499E-01                                 C185001200058 
      2.143  3.828E+00  2.528E-01                                 C185001200059 
      2.188  3.426E+00  1.988E-01                                 C185001200060 
      2.225  2.767E+00  1.606E-01                                 C185001200061 
      2.261  2.476E+00  1.635E-01                                 C185001200062 
      2.284  1.949E+00  1.596E-01                                 C185001200063 
      2.324  1.672E+00  1.237E-01                                 C185001200064 
      2.370  1.588E+00  1.175E-01                                 C185001200065 
      2.415  1.362E+00                                            C185001200066 
      2.447  1.119E+00                                            C185001200067 
      2.569  7.951E-01                                            C185001200068 
      2.606  7.115E-01                                            C185001200069 
      2.633  6.206E-01                                            C185001200070 
      2.664  5.896E-01                                            C185001200071 
      2.683  5.367E-01                                            C185001200072 
      2.705  5.896E-01                                            C185001200073 
      2.755  2.105E+00                                            C185001200074 
      2.800  1.076E+01                                            C185001200075 
      2.837  3.211E+01                                            C185001200076 
      2.868  4.184E+01                                            C185001200077 
      2.927  2.730E+01                                            C185001200078 
      2.964  8.117E+00                                            C185001200079 
      2.973  1.339E+00                                            C185001200080 
      3.023  1.845E-01                                            C185001200081 
      3.068  9.318E-02                                            C185001200082 
ENDDATA             55          0                                 C185001200083 
ENDSUBENT           82          0                                 C185001299999 
SUBENT        C1850013   20180315                             C174C185001300001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185001300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185001300003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185001300004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185001300005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185001300006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185001300007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185001300008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185001300009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185001300010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001300011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001300012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001300013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001300014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001300015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001300016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001300017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001300018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001300019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 123.                              C185001300020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185001300021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001300022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001300023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001300024 
       12.7       30.0                                            C185001300025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001300026 
DATA                 3         51                                 C185001300027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001300028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001300029 
      1.159  7.411E+00  3.105E-01                                 C185001300030 
      1.182  6.518E+00  3.263E-01                                 C185001300031 
      1.223  6.245E+00  3.127E-01                                 C185001300032 
      1.259  6.462E+00  3.236E-01                                 C185001300033 
      1.295  6.298E+00  3.664E-01                                 C185001300034 
      1.318  5.635E+00  3.730E-01                                 C185001300035 
      1.363  5.684E+00  2.846E-01                                 C185001300036 
      1.390  5.173E+00  3.424E-01                                 C185001300037 
      1.422  5.353E+00  2.680E-01                                 C185001300038 
      1.454  5.217E+00  2.612E-01                                 C185001300039 
      1.504  5.307E+00  2.224E-01                                 C185001300040 
      1.535  5.262E+00  3.483E-01                                 C185001300041 
      1.563  5.129E+00  2.568E-01                                 C185001300042 
      1.599  5.173E+00  2.590E-01                                 C185001300043 
      1.640  5.217E+00  3.453E-01                                 C185001300044 
      1.676  4.999E+00  2.503E-01                                 C185001300045 
      1.712  5.042E+00  2.932E-01                                 C185001300046 
      1.753  5.042E+00  2.524E-01                                 C185001300047 
      1.794  5.307E+00  3.087E-01                                 C185001300048 
      1.826  4.668E+00  2.337E-01                                 C185001300049 
      1.866  4.748E+00  2.762E-01                                 C185001300050 
      1.912  4.285E+00  2.492E-01                                 C185001300051 
      1.953  4.472E+00  3.316E-01                                 C185001300052 
      1.980  3.833E+00  2.230E-01                                 C185001300053 
      2.057  3.642E+00  2.118E-01                                 C185001300054 
      2.089  3.258E+00  2.416E-01                                 C185001300055 
      2.129  2.793E+00  2.291E-01                                 C185001300056 
      2.170  2.520E+00  1.668E-01                                 C185001300057 
      2.207  2.373E+00  1.760E-01                                 C185001300058 
      2.234  2.142E+00  1.418E-01                                 C185001300059 
      2.275  1.685E+00  1.116E-01                                 C185001300060 
      2.311  1.587E+00  9.232E-02                                 C185001300061 
      2.356  1.292E+00  8.555E-02                                 C185001300062 
      2.406  1.217E+00  8.058E-02                                 C185001300063 
      2.451  1.052E+00  8.635E-02                                 C185001300064 
      2.479  9.256E-01  7.594E-02                                 C185001300065 
      2.528  7.866E-01  6.454E-02                                 C185001300066 
      2.565  7.038E-01  6.871E-02                                 C185001300067 
      2.601  6.033E-01  4.474E-02                                 C185001300068 
      2.615  5.491E-01  3.194E-02                                 C185001300069 
      2.674  5.127E-01  2.567E-02                                 C185001300070 
      2.696  4.666E-01  3.089E-02                                 C185001300071 
      2.755  7.409E-01                                            C185001300072 
      2.787  4.212E+00                                            C185001300073 
      2.805  1.686E+01                                            C185001300074 
      2.850  3.149E+01                                            C185001300075 
      2.900  3.017E+01                                            C185001300076 
      2.923  1.521E+01                                            C185001300077 
      2.955  4.141E+00                                            C185001300078 
      2.991  6.460E-01                                            C185001300079 
      3.023  9.741E-02                                            C185001300080 
ENDDATA             53          0                                 C185001300081 
ENDSUBENT           80          0                                 C185001399999 
SUBENT        C1850014   20180315                             C174C185001400001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185001400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,X)2-HE-4,,DA/DE)                             C185001400003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185001400004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185001400005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185001400006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185001400007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185001400008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185001400009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185001400010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001400011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001400012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001400013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001400014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001400015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001400016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001400017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001400018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001400019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 123.                              C185001400020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185001400021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001400022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001400023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001400024 
       12.7       45.0                                            C185001400025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001400026 
DATA                 3         41                                 C185001400027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001400028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001400029 
      1.413  7.273E+00  3.660E-01                                 C185001400030 
      1.427  5.865E+00  2.952E-01                                 C185001400031 
      1.467  5.428E+00  3.611E-01                                 C185001400032 
      1.508  5.110E+00  4.214E-01                                 C185001400033 
      1.545  5.289E+00  3.093E-01                                 C185001400034 
      1.585  5.428E+00  3.173E-01                                 C185001400035 
      1.622  4.937E+00  3.680E-01                                 C185001400036 
      1.658  5.199E+00  3.040E-01                                 C185001400037 
      1.699  4.980E+00  4.107E-01                                 C185001400038 
      1.726  4.649E+00  3.834E-01                                 C185001400039 
      1.771  4.491E+00  3.348E-01                                 C185001400040 
      1.798  4.812E+00  3.201E-01                                 C185001400041 
      1.862  4.609E+00  3.435E-01                                 C185001400042 
      1.894  4.339E+00  3.234E-01                                 C185001400043 
      1.916  4.051E+00  2.368E-01                                 C185001400044 
      1.962  4.051E+00  2.695E-01                                 C185001400045 
      2.012  3.685E+00  2.746E-01                                 C185001400046 
      2.057  3.469E+00  2.586E-01                                 C185001400047 
      2.089  2.774E+00  2.067E-01                                 C185001400048 
      2.111  2.921E+00  1.943E-01                                 C185001400049 
      2.152  2.438E+00  1.622E-01                                 C185001400050 
      2.202  2.143E+00  1.597E-01                                 C185001400051 
      2.247  2.052E+00  1.692E-01                                 C185001400052 
      2.284  1.899E+00  1.566E-01                                 C185001400053 
      2.315  1.655E+00  1.495E-01                                 C185001400054 
      2.374  1.417E+00  1.169E-01                                 C185001400055 
      2.401  1.246E+00  8.289E-02                                 C185001400056 
      2.447  1.204E+00  8.009E-02                                 C185001400057 
      2.483  1.204E+00  8.009E-02                                 C185001400058 
      2.519  9.060E-01  6.753E-02                                 C185001400059 
      2.560  7.059E-01  4.697E-02                                 C185001400060 
      2.606  7.306E-01  4.861E-02                                 C185001400061 
      2.633  5.547E-01  4.575E-02                                 C185001400062 
      2.696  5.178E-01  3.860E-02                                 C185001400063 
      2.732  5.841E-01                                            C185001400064 
      2.746  1.031E+00                                            C185001400065 
      2.805  4.121E+00                                            C185001400066 
      2.868  1.460E+01                                            C185001400067 
      2.914  1.229E+01                                            C185001400068 
      2.950  3.847E+00                                            C185001400069 
      2.991  5.841E-01                                            C185001400070 
ENDDATA             43          0                                 C185001400071 
ENDSUBENT           70          0                                 C185001499999 
SUBENT        C1850015   20180315                             C174C185001500001 
BIB                  5         18                                 C185001500002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,A)5-B-9,,DA/DE)                              C185001500003 
SAMPLE     A thin self-supported polystyrene (CH) target located  C185001500004 
           at the center of a 1 m diam. scattering chamber.       C185001500005 
           Targets of thicknesses ranging from 50 to              C185001500006 
           150 microg/cm2 were used.                              C185001500007 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) The alpha spectra were measured using a thin   C185001500008 
           Ortec Surface Barrier detector (50 microm thickness,   C185001500009 
           totally depleted at a reverse bias of about 100 V).    C185001500010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001500011 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001500012 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001500013 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001500014 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001500015 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001500016 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001500017 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001500018 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001500019 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 123.                              C185001500020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C185001500021 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001500022 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001500023 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001500024 
       12.7       60.0                                            C185001500025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001500026 
DATA                 3         30                                 C185001500027 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001500028 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001500029 
      1.784  3.106E+00  2.285E-01                                 C185001500030 
      1.829  2.902E+00  1.676E-01                                 C185001500031 
      1.884  2.429E+00  1.789E-01                                 C185001500032 
      1.911  2.328E+00  1.345E-01                                 C185001500033 
      1.957  2.289E+00  1.324E-01                                 C185001500034 
      1.984  2.213E+00  1.101E-01                                 C185001500035 
      2.043  1.999E+00  1.154E-01                                 C185001500036 
      2.084  1.950E+00  1.589E-01                                 C185001500037 
      2.121  1.485E+00  4.963E-02                                 C185001500038 
      2.162  1.564E+00  1.028E-01                                 C185001500039 
      2.207  1.331E+00  9.794E-02                                 C185001500040 
      2.248  1.233E+00  9.089E-02                                 C185001500041 
      2.298  1.223E+00  9.008E-02                                 C185001500042 
      2.353  1.023E+00  7.541E-02                                 C185001500043 
      2.389  9.088E-01  3.783E-02                                 C185001500044 
      2.430  8.565E-01  4.947E-02                                 C185001500045 
      2.462  8.281E-01  6.096E-02                                 C185001500046 
      2.508  6.364E-01  5.186E-02                                 C185001500047 
      2.540  6.642E-01  3.834E-02                                 C185001500048 
      2.604  5.372E-01  2.671E-02                                 C185001500049 
      2.640  4.381E-01  5.573E-02                                 C185001500050 
      2.677  3.957E-01  1.967E-02                                 C185001500051 
      2.739  7.429E-01                                            C185001500052 
      2.773  2.465E+00                                            C185001500053 
      2.803  6.391E+00                                            C185001500054 
      2.842  1.029E+01                                            C185001500055 
      2.883  1.004E+01                                            C185001500056 
      2.925  6.026E+00                                            C185001500057 
      2.959  2.642E+00                                            C185001500058 
      3.006  7.635E-01                                            C185001500059 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 C185001500060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 C185001599999 
SUBENT        C1850016   20180315                             C174C185001600001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185001600002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185001600003 
SAMPLE     A 1.28 mg/cm2 Be target evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick   C185001600004 
           tantalum plate which was thick enough to stop the      C185001600005 
           proton beam.                                           C185001600006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185001600007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185001600008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185001600009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185001600010 
           geometry.                                              C185001600011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185001600012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185001600013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185001600014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185001600015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185001600016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001600017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001600018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001600019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001600020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001600021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001600022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001600023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001600024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001600025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 125.                              C185001600026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185001600027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001600028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001600029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001600030 
        7.4       15.0                                            C185001600031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001600032 
DATA                 3         94                                 C185001600033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001600034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001600035 
      0.100  1.545E+00                                            C185001600036 
      0.162  1.774E+00                                            C185001600037 
      0.189  2.037E+00                                            C185001600038 
      0.268  1.997E+00                                            C185001600039 
      0.313  1.882E+00                                            C185001600040 
      0.340  1.576E+00                                            C185001600041 
      0.411  1.774E+00                                            C185001600042 
      0.482  1.845E+00                                            C185001600043 
      0.526  1.997E+00                                            C185001600044 
      0.588  2.119E+00                                            C185001600045 
      0.677  2.037E+00  2.278E-01                                 C185001600046 
      0.775  1.774E+00                                            C185001600047 
      0.846  1.705E+00                                            C185001600048 
      0.873  1.456E+00                                            C185001600049 
      0.917  1.345E+00                                            C185001600050 
      0.944  1.219E+00                                            C185001600051 
      0.980  1.040E+00                                            C185001600052 
      1.042  1.020E+00                                            C185001600053 
      1.086  1.171E+00                                            C185001600054 
      1.104  6.474E-01  2.524E-01                                 C185001600055 
      1.157  9.804E-01                                            C185001600056 
      1.184  1.148E+00                                            C185001600057 
      1.228  1.268E+00                                            C185001600058 
      1.264  1.427E+00                                            C185001600059 
      1.299  1.920E+00                                            C185001600060 
      1.388  4.581E+00                                            C185001600061 
      1.424  8.794E+00                                            C185001600062 
      1.477  1.137E+01  1.272E+00                                 C185001600063 
      1.531  1.010E+01                                            C185001600064 
      1.628  2.907E+00                                            C185001600065 
      1.682  1.082E+00                                            C185001600066 
      1.753  4.536E-01                                            C185001600067 
      1.779  2.660E-01                                            C185001600068 
      1.842  2.227E-01  4.351E-02                                 C185001600069 
      1.957  2.017E-01                                            C185001600070 
      1.993  2.227E-01                                            C185001600071 
      2.073  2.057E-01                                            C185001600072 
      2.126  1.500E-01                                            C185001600073 
      2.179  1.623E-01                                            C185001600074 
      2.215  1.864E-01                                            C185001600075 
      2.268  1.530E-01                                            C185001600076 
      2.304  1.623E-01                                            C185001600077 
      2.366  1.591E-01                                            C185001600078 
      2.455  1.386E-01                                            C185001600079 
      2.562  1.207E-01  1.559E-02                                 C185001600080 
      2.579  8.970E-02                                            C185001600081 
      2.624  1.137E-01                                            C185001600082 
      2.650  8.970E-02                                            C185001600083 
      2.659  7.076E-02                                            C185001600084 
      2.722  6.802E-02                                            C185001600085 
      2.722  8.622E-02                                            C185001600086 
      2.775  1.051E-01                                            C185001600087 
      2.810  7.361E-02                                            C185001600088 
      2.873  6.285E-02                                            C185001600089 
      2.899  5.057E-02                                            C185001600090 
      2.926  6.938E-02                                            C185001600091 
      2.970  4.317E-02                                            C185001600092 
      2.988  5.693E-02                                            C185001600093 
      3.024  6.938E-02                                            C185001600094 
      3.059  4.317E-02                                            C185001600095 
      3.148  6.938E-02                                            C185001600096 
      3.166  3.474E-02  5.661E-03                                 C185001600097 
      3.219  2.740E-02                                            C185001600098 
      3.237  3.339E-02                                            C185001600099 
      3.299  3.989E-02                                            C185001600100 
      3.326  5.693E-02                                            C185001600101 
      3.353  3.543E-02                                            C185001600102 
      3.379  3.147E-02                                            C185001600103 
      3.406  2.294E-02                                            C185001600104 
      3.450  1.639E-02                                            C185001600105 
      3.468  4.233E-02                                            C185001600106 
      3.557  2.795E-02                                            C185001600107 
      3.566  1.882E-02                                            C185001600108 
      3.601  3.274E-02                                            C185001600109 
      3.619  5.261E-02                                            C185001600110 
      3.681  3.989E-02                                            C185001600111 
      3.726  7.217E-02                                            C185001600112 
      3.744  1.280E-01  2.296E-02                                 C185001600113 
      3.770  2.057E-01                                            C185001600114 
      3.832  3.722E-01                                            C185001600115 
      3.841  5.637E-01                                            C185001600116 
      3.912  8.046E-01                                            C185001600117 
      3.939  1.809E+00                                            C185001600118 
      4.019  2.851E+00                                            C185001600119 
      4.099  3.209E+00  3.589E-01                                 C185001600120 
      4.161  3.085E+00                                            C185001600121 
      4.232  2.294E+00                                            C185001600122 
      4.277  2.037E+00                                            C185001600123 
      4.312  1.195E+00                                            C185001600124 
      4.463  1.978E-01                                            C185001600125 
      4.508  6.041E-02                                            C185001600126 
      4.570  1.485E-02                                            C185001600127 
      4.606  3.440E-03                                            C185001600128 
      4.650  8.126E-04                                            C185001600129 
ENDDATA             96          0                                 C185001600130 
ENDSUBENT          129          0                                 C185001699999 
SUBENT        C1850017   20180315                             C174C185001700001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185001700002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185001700003 
SAMPLE     A 1.28 mg/cm2 Be target evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick   C185001700004 
           tantalum plate which was thick enough to stop the      C185001700005 
           proton beam.                                           C185001700006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185001700007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185001700008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185001700009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185001700010 
           geometry.                                              C185001700011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185001700012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185001700013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185001700014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185001700015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185001700016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001700017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001700018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001700019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001700020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001700021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001700022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001700023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001700024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001700025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 125.                              C185001700026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185001700027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001700028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001700029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001700030 
        7.4       45.0                                            C185001700031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001700032 
DATA                 3         69                                 C185001700033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001700034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001700035 
      0.473  1.174E+01                                            C185001700036 
      0.517  1.068E+01                                            C185001700037 
      0.580  1.058E+01                                            C185001700038 
      0.677  9.099E+00  4.198E-01                                 C185001700039 
      0.748  9.449E+00                                            C185001700040 
      0.793  8.761E+00                                            C185001700041 
      0.864  8.597E+00                                            C185001700042 
      0.900  8.928E+00                                            C185001700043 
      1.006  9.013E+00                                            C185001700044 
      1.086  8.436E+00                                            C185001700045 
      1.113  9.360E+00                                            C185001700046 
      1.211  9.360E+00                                            C185001700047 
      1.291  1.109E+01                                            C185001700048 
      1.379  1.392E+01                                            C185001700049 
      1.415  1.730E+01                                            C185001700050 
      1.451  2.253E+01                                            C185001700051 
      1.531  2.524E+01  1.391E+00                                 C185001700052 
      1.584  1.848E+01                                            C185001700053 
      1.628  1.099E+01                                            C185001700054 
      1.691  7.050E+00                                            C185001700055 
      1.726  5.620E+00                                            C185001700056 
      1.779  4.697E+00                                            C185001700057 
      1.842  4.653E+00                                            C185001700058 
      1.957  4.038E+00  2.939E-01                                 C185001700059 
      2.019  3.815E+00                                            C185001700060 
      2.090  4.273E+00                                            C185001700061 
      2.126  3.744E+00                                            C185001700062 
      2.250  3.504E+00                                            C185001700063 
      2.313  3.407E+00                                            C185001700064 
      2.348  3.249E+00                                            C185001700065 
      2.384  2.874E+00                                            C185001700066 
      2.464  3.311E+00                                            C185001700067 
      2.570  3.129E+00                                            C185001700068 
      2.633  2.957E+00                                            C185001700069 
      2.704  2.901E+00                                            C185001700070 
      2.775  2.045E+00                                            C185001700071 
      2.935  2.313E+00                                            C185001700072 
      2.953  1.585E+00                                            C185001700073 
      3.041  2.379E+00                                            C185001700074 
      3.041  2.185E+00                                            C185001700075 
      3.077  1.541E+00                                            C185001700076 
      3.175  1.470E+00  3.415E-01                                 C185001700077 
      3.219  2.227E+00                                            C185001700078 
      3.246  1.759E+00                                            C185001700079 
      3.255  1.631E+00                                            C185001700080 
      3.308  1.600E+00                                            C185001700081 
      3.344  1.933E+00                                            C185001700082 
      3.344  1.709E+00                                            C185001700083 
      3.406  2.448E+00                                            C185001700084 
      3.406  1.662E+00                                            C185001700085 
      3.495  2.379E+00                                            C185001700086 
      3.601  2.165E+00                                            C185001700087 
      3.690  3.571E+00                                            C185001700088 
      3.850  7.532E+00                                            C185001700089 
      3.859  9.185E+00                                            C185001700090 
      3.921  1.120E+01                                            C185001700091 
      3.975  1.634E+01  1.046E+00                                 C185001700092 
      4.001  1.901E+01                                            C185001700093 
      4.144  2.211E+01                                            C185001700094 
      4.250  1.619E+01                                            C185001700095 
      4.304  1.163E+01                                            C185001700096 
      4.321  7.676E+00                                            C185001700097 
      4.375  4.971E+00                                            C185001700098 
      4.410  3.639E+00                                            C185001700099 
      4.455  2.402E+00                                            C185001700100 
      4.499  1.171E+00                                            C185001700101 
      4.543  6.400E-01                                            C185001700102 
      4.570  4.428E-01                                            C185001700103 
      4.659  2.840E-01                                            C185001700104 
ENDDATA             71          0                                 C185001700105 
ENDSUBENT          104          0                                 C185001799999 
SUBENT        C1850018   20180315                             C174C185001800001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185001800002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185001800003 
SAMPLE     A 1.28 mg/cm2 Be target evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick   C185001800004 
           tantalum plate which was thick enough to stop the      C185001800005 
           proton beam.                                           C185001800006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185001800007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185001800008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185001800009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185001800010 
           geometry.                                              C185001800011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185001800012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185001800013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185001800014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185001800015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185001800016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001800017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001800018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001800019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001800020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001800021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001800022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001800023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001800024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001800025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 125.                              C185001800026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185001800027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001800028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001800029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001800030 
        7.4       75.0                                            C185001800031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001800032 
DATA                 3         64                                 C185001800033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001800034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001800035 
      0.864  8.051E+00  6.831E-01                                 C185001800036 
      0.997  7.816E+00                                            C185001800037 
      1.059  7.296E+00                                            C185001800038 
      1.104  7.664E+00                                            C185001800039 
      1.166  7.368E+00                                            C185001800040 
      1.246  7.664E+00                                            C185001800041 
      1.291  8.131E+00                                            C185001800042 
      1.371  8.051E+00                                            C185001800043 
      1.433  1.384E+01                                            C185001800044 
      1.504  2.356E+01                                            C185001800045 
      1.539  2.956E+01                                            C185001800046 
      1.593  1.824E+01                                            C185001800047 
      1.655  8.972E+00                                            C185001800048 
      1.726  5.703E+00                                            C185001800049 
      1.771  3.661E+00                                            C185001800050 
      1.851  3.733E+00                                            C185001800051 
      1.957  3.383E+00  4.934E-01                                 C185001800052 
      2.010  2.542E+00                                            C185001800053 
      2.055  2.697E+00                                            C185001800054 
      2.144  2.619E+00                                            C185001800055 
      2.259  2.193E+00                                            C185001800056 
      2.313  1.783E+00                                            C185001800057 
      2.384  1.783E+00                                            C185001800058 
      2.437  1.731E+00                                            C185001800059 
      2.499  1.422E+00                                            C185001800060 
      2.553  1.340E+00                                            C185001800061 
      2.730  1.133E+00                                            C185001800062 
      2.855  9.126E-01                                            C185001800063 
      2.890  9.972E-01                                            C185001800064 
      2.961  9.307E-01                                            C185001800065 
      3.041  7.347E-01                                            C185001800066 
      3.086  8.517E-01                                            C185001800067 
      3.193  8.517E-01                                            C185001800068 
      3.290  8.351E-01                                            C185001800069 
      3.344  5.916E-01                                            C185001800070 
      3.406  7.063E-01                                            C185001800071 
      3.539  2.560E-01                                            C185001800072 
      3.575  5.858E-01                                            C185001800073 
      3.584  7.718E-01                                            C185001800074 
      3.619  4.858E-01                                            C185001800075 
      3.637  3.650E-01                                            C185001800076 
      3.681  8.108E-01                                            C185001800077 
      3.690  6.338E-01                                            C185001800078 
      3.779  1.027E+00  2.001E-01                                 C185001800079 
      3.815  7.718E-01                                            C185001800080 
      3.895  1.464E+00                                            C185001800081 
      3.930  2.150E+00                                            C185001800082 
      3.948  3.252E+00                                            C185001800083 
      3.984  4.637E+00                                            C185001800084 
      4.046  9.426E+00                                            C185001800085 
      4.072  1.589E+01                                            C185001800086 
      4.081  2.033E+01                                            C185001800087 
      4.135  2.310E+01                                            C185001800088 
      4.152  2.841E+01  1.631E+00                                 C185001800089 
      4.241  2.813E+01                                            C185001800090 
      4.295  1.702E+01                                            C185001800091 
      4.321  1.230E+01                                            C185001800092 
      4.357  6.050E+00                                            C185001800093 
      4.455  2.976E+00                                            C185001800094 
      4.508  8.517E-01                                            C185001800095 
      4.552  9.972E-01                                            C185001800096 
      4.579  7.420E-01                                            C185001800097 
      4.650  8.188E-01                                            C185001800098 
      4.677  5.743E-01                                            C185001800099 
ENDDATA             66          0                                 C185001800100 
ENDSUBENT           99          0                                 C185001899999 
SUBENT        C1850019   20180315                             C174C185001900001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185001900002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185001900003 
SAMPLE     A 1.28 mg/cm2 Be target evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick   C185001900004 
           tantalum plate which was thick enough to stop the      C185001900005 
           proton beam.                                           C185001900006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185001900007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185001900008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185001900009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185001900010 
           geometry.                                              C185001900011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185001900012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185001900013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185001900014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185001900015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185001900016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185001900017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185001900018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185001900019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185001900020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185001900021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185001900022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185001900023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185001900024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185001900025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 125.                              C185001900026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185001900027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185001900028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185001900029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185001900030 
        7.4      105.0                                            C185001900031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185001900032 
DATA                 3         50                                 C185001900033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185001900034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185001900035 
      1.228  8.241E+00                                            C185001900036 
      1.299  7.845E+00  6.655E-01                                 C185001900037 
      1.362  8.323E+00                                            C185001900038 
      1.424  1.129E+01                                            C185001900039 
      1.504  1.904E+01                                            C185001900040 
      1.575  2.966E+01                                            C185001900041 
      1.655  2.687E+01                                            C185001900042 
      1.717  1.389E+01                                            C185001900043 
      1.771  6.971E+00                                            C185001900044 
      1.833  3.748E+00                                            C185001900045 
      1.966  3.785E+00  3.886E-01                                 C185001900046 
      2.028  2.603E+00                                            C185001900047 
      2.090  2.988E+00                                            C185001900048 
      2.162  2.708E+00                                            C185001900049 
      2.233  3.201E+00                                            C185001900050 
      2.304  1.844E+00                                            C185001900051 
      2.348  2.055E+00                                            C185001900052 
      2.419  1.956E+00                                            C185001900053 
      2.473  2.382E+00                                            C185001900054 
      2.588  1.544E+00  2.509E-01                                 C185001900055 
      2.713  1.485E+00                                            C185001900056 
      2.757  1.976E+00                                            C185001900057 
      2.810  8.553E-01                                            C185001900058 
      2.828  1.281E+00                                            C185001900059 
      2.935  1.083E+00                                            C185001900060 
      2.997  9.531E-01                                            C185001900061 
      3.077  1.021E+00                                            C185001900062 
      3.130  1.293E+00                                            C185001900063 
      3.193  1.052E+00  1.881E-01                                 C185001900064 
      3.299  7.983E-01                                            C185001900065 
      3.379  1.073E+00                                            C185001900066 
      3.530  1.219E+00                                            C185001900067 
      3.592  7.163E-01                                            C185001900068 
      3.655  8.553E-01                                            C185001900069 
      3.708  8.637E-01  2.273E-01                                 C185001900070 
      3.779  1.073E+00                                            C185001900071 
      3.859  1.544E+00                                            C185001900072 
      3.904  2.159E+00                                            C185001900073 
      3.975  3.233E+00                                            C185001900074 
      4.055  7.040E+00                                            C185001900075 
      4.117  1.309E+01                                            C185001900076 
      4.232  1.445E+01  1.226E+00                                 C185001900077 
      4.330  1.118E+01                                            C185001900078 
      4.384  8.743E+00                                            C185001900079 
      4.437  3.937E+00                                            C185001900080 
      4.446  2.930E+00                                            C185001900081 
      4.508  1.862E+00                                            C185001900082 
      4.526  8.984E-01                                            C185001900083 
      4.543  4.509E-01                                            C185001900084 
      4.588  4.208E-01                                            C185001900085 
ENDDATA             52          0                                 C185001900086 
ENDSUBENT           85          0                                 C185001999999 
SUBENT        C1850020   20180315                             C174C185002000001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002000002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002000003 
SAMPLE     A 1.28 mg/cm2 Be target evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick   C185002000004 
           tantalum plate which was thick enough to stop the      C185002000005 
           proton beam.                                           C185002000006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002000007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002000008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002000009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002000010 
           geometry.                                              C185002000011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002000012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002000013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002000014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002000015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002000016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002000017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002000018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002000019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002000020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002000021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002000022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002000023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002000024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002000025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 6, page 125.                              C185002000026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002000027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002000028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002000029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002000030 
        6.3        3.0                                            C185002000031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002000032 
DATA                 3         85                                 C185002000033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002000034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002000035 
      0.818  1.073E+01  8.390E-01                                 C185002000036 
      0.870  1.184E+01                                            C185002000037 
      0.898  1.371E+01                                            C185002000038 
      0.941  1.317E+01                                            C185002000039 
      1.031  1.129E+01                                            C185002000040 
      1.059  1.383E+01                                            C185002000041 
      1.097  1.477E+01                                            C185002000042 
      1.101  1.538E+01                                            C185002000043 
      1.149  1.590E+01                                            C185002000044 
      1.191  2.063E+01                                            C185002000045 
      1.232  3.025E+01                                            C185002000046 
      1.303  4.400E+01  3.107E+00                                 C185002000047 
      1.346  3.448E+01                                            C185002000048 
      1.394  2.296E+01                                            C185002000049 
      1.433  1.456E+01                                            C185002000050 
      1.477  9.465E+00                                            C185002000051 
      1.558  6.203E+00                                            C185002000052 
      1.610  6.105E+00                                            C185002000053 
      1.692  3.905E+00                                            C185002000054 
      1.730  3.906E+00                                            C185002000055 
      1.768  3.486E+00                                            C185002000056 
      1.815  3.662E+00                                            C185002000057 
      1.858  2.965E+00                                            C185002000058 
      1.901  2.824E+00                                            C185002000059 
      1.949  1.836E+00                                            C185002000060 
      2.035  1.852E+00  3.772E-01                                 C185002000061 
      2.071  3.327E+00                                            C185002000062 
      2.104  3.383E+00                                            C185002000063 
      2.190  2.347E+00                                            C185002000064 
      2.214  2.027E+00                                            C185002000065 
      2.228  2.740E+00                                            C185002000066 
      2.247  2.348E+00                                            C185002000067 
      2.280  2.506E+00                                            C185002000068 
      2.289  3.122E+00                                            C185002000069 
      2.314  1.855E+00                                            C185002000070 
      2.329  1.539E+00                                            C185002000071 
      2.352  1.669E+00                                            C185002000072 
      2.366  2.350E+00                                            C185002000073 
      2.384  2.591E+00                                            C185002000074 
      2.400  1.725E+00                                            C185002000075 
      2.418  1.841E+00                                            C185002000076 
      2.419  1.419E+00                                            C185002000077 
      2.452  1.341E+00                                            C185002000078 
      2.477  1.042E+00                                            C185002000079 
      2.489  1.950E+00                                            C185002000080 
      2.524  1.237E+00  4.527E-01                                 C185002000081 
      2.594  1.984E+00                                            C185002000082 
      2.594  1.700E+00                                            C185002000083 
      2.631  2.067E+00                                            C185002000084 
      2.641  1.714E+00                                            C185002000085 
      2.672  7.062E-01                                            C185002000086 
      2.689  1.555E+00                                            C185002000087 
      2.708  1.249E+00                                            C185002000088 
      2.746  1.446E+00                                            C185002000089 
      2.756  1.209E+00                                            C185002000090 
      2.769  1.831E+00                                            C185002000091 
      2.793  1.389E+00                                            C185002000092 
      2.819  6.412E-01                                            C185002000093 
      2.837  9.173E-01                                            C185002000094 
      2.870  8.738E-01                                            C185002000095 
      2.892  1.570E+00                                            C185002000096 
      2.907  1.424E+00                                            C185002000097 
      2.936  1.324E+00                                            C185002000098 
      2.945  1.379E+00                                            C185002000099 
      2.983  1.144E+00  4.587E-01                                 C185002000100 
      3.041  7.314E-01                                            C185002000101 
      3.078  1.064E+00                                            C185002000102 
      3.113  6.169E-01                                            C185002000103 
      3.125  1.598E+00                                            C185002000104 
      3.190  2.461E+00                                            C185002000105 
      3.213  3.667E+00                                            C185002000106 
      3.258  7.385E+00                                            C185002000107 
      3.286  1.031E+01                                            C185002000108 
      3.337  1.736E+01                                            C185002000109 
      3.360  2.199E+01                                            C185002000110 
      3.379  2.405E+01                                            C185002000111 
      3.445  2.785E+01  2.998E+00                                 C185002000112 
      3.507  2.165E+01                                            C185002000113 
      3.540  1.871E+01                                            C185002000114 
      3.579  1.319E+01                                            C185002000115 
      3.594  1.033E+01                                            C185002000116 
      3.628  7.838E+00                                            C185002000117 
      3.657  4.545E+00                                            C185002000118 
      3.687  2.978E+00                                            C185002000119 
      3.712  1.386E+00                                            C185002000120 
ENDDATA             87          0                                 C185002000121 
ENDSUBENT          120          0                                 C185002099999 
SUBENT        C1850021   20180315                             C174C185002100001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002100002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002100003 
SAMPLE     A 1.28 mg/cm2 Be target evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick   C185002100004 
           tantalum plate which was thick enough to stop the      C185002100005 
           proton beam.                                           C185002100006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002100007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002100008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002100009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002100010 
           geometry.                                              C185002100011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002100012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002100013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002100014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002100015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002100016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002100017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002100018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002100019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002100020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002100021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002100022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002100023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002100024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002100025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 6, page 125.                              C185002100026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002100027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002100028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002100029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002100030 
        6.3       15.0                                            C185002100031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002100032 
DATA                 3         96                                 C185002100033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002100034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002100035 
      0.832  1.270E+01  8.042E-01                                 C185002100036 
      0.885  1.230E+01                                            C185002100037 
      0.917  1.425E+01                                            C185002100038 
      0.960  1.368E+01                                            C185002100039 
      0.993  1.314E+01                                            C185002100040 
      1.041  1.438E+01                                            C185002100041 
      1.083  1.486E+01                                            C185002100042 
      1.111  1.561E+01                                            C185002100043 
      1.163  1.980E+01                                            C185002100044 
      1.200  2.884E+01                                            C185002100045 
      1.246  4.378E+01                                            C185002100046 
      1.303  4.832E+01                                            C185002100047 
      1.322  3.812E+01                                            C185002100048 
      1.371  2.554E+01                                            C185002100049 
      1.424  1.490E+01                                            C185002100050 
      1.463  1.128E+01                                            C185002100051 
      1.496  8.687E+00  7.463E-01                                 C185002100052 
      1.534  8.833E+00                                            C185002100053 
      1.625  6.531E+00                                            C185002100054 
      1.668  5.457E+00                                            C185002100055 
      1.753  5.073E+00                                            C185002100056 
      1.801  4.103E+00                                            C185002100057 
      1.844  3.844E+00                                            C185002100058 
      1.872  4.207E+00                                            C185002100059 
      1.915  3.458E+00                                            C185002100060 
      1.958  3.663E+00                                            C185002100061 
      1.991  3.755E+00  5.401E-01                                 C185002100062 
      2.053  3.695E+00                                            C185002100063 
      2.086  3.519E+00                                            C185002100064 
      2.138  3.638E+00                                            C185002100065 
      2.218  3.854E+00                                            C185002100066 
      2.223  3.409E+00                                            C185002100067 
      2.257  2.992E+00                                            C185002100068 
      2.280  3.553E+00                                            C185002100069 
      2.294  3.763E+00                                            C185002100070 
      2.318  3.612E+00                                            C185002100071 
      2.333  3.018E+00                                            C185002100072 
      2.347  3.275E+00                                            C185002100073 
      2.352  2.781E+00                                            C185002100074 
      2.389  3.044E+00                                            C185002100075 
      2.390  2.737E+00                                            C185002100076 
      2.422  3.414E+00                                            C185002100077 
      2.428  2.671E+00                                            C185002100078 
      2.456  2.783E+00                                            C185002100079 
      2.479  3.500E+00                                            C185002100080 
      2.489  2.853E+00                                            C185002100081 
      2.490  2.307E+00                                            C185002100082 
      2.508  2.673E+00  4.763E-01                                 C185002100083 
      2.537  2.652E+00                                            C185002100084 
      2.565  3.023E+00                                            C185002100085 
      2.579  2.546E+00                                            C185002100086 
      2.589  2.059E+00                                            C185002100087 
      2.622  2.927E+00                                            C185002100088 
      2.631  2.568E+00                                            C185002100089 
      2.655  2.764E+00                                            C185002100090 
      2.669  2.880E+00                                            C185002100091 
      2.684  2.387E+00                                            C185002100092 
      2.722  2.387E+00                                            C185002100093 
      2.741  2.218E+00                                            C185002100094 
      2.756  1.680E+00                                            C185002100095 
      2.760  1.868E+00                                            C185002100096 
      2.779  2.255E+00                                            C185002100097 
      2.793  2.028E+00                                            C185002100098 
      2.816  2.408E+00                                            C185002100099 
      2.840  2.275E+00                                            C185002100100 
      2.869  1.824E+00                                            C185002100101 
      2.878  1.980E+00                                            C185002100102 
      2.883  2.097E+00                                            C185002100103 
      2.944  2.511E+00                                            C185002100104 
      2.960  1.213E+00                                            C185002100105 
      2.983  1.767E+00                                            C185002100106 
      3.020  1.950E+00                                            C185002100107 
      3.049  1.812E+00                                            C185002100108 
      3.073  1.783E+00                                            C185002100109 
      3.086  2.279E+00                                            C185002100110 
      3.115  2.279E+00                                            C185002100111 
      3.143  2.598E+00                                            C185002100112 
      3.165  5.935E+00                                            C185002100113 
      3.197  7.342E+00                                            C185002100114 
      3.206  1.035E+01                                            C185002100115 
      3.229  1.448E+01                                            C185002100116 
      3.247  1.944E+01                                            C185002100117 
      3.289  2.526E+01                                            C185002100118 
      3.303  3.049E+01                                            C185002100119 
      3.374  3.681E+01  2.613E+00                                 C185002100120 
      3.412  2.953E+01                                            C185002100121 
      3.431  2.743E+01                                            C185002100122 
      3.513  1.404E+01                                            C185002100123 
      3.547  9.562E+00                                            C185002100124 
      3.563  5.179E+00                                            C185002100125 
      3.612  3.020E+00                                            C185002100126 
      3.642  1.532E+00                                            C185002100127 
      3.667  6.990E-01                                            C185002100128 
      3.687  4.315E-01                                            C185002100129 
      3.703  1.952E-01                                            C185002100130 
      3.740  2.686E-01                                            C185002100131 
ENDDATA             98          0                                 C185002100132 
ENDSUBENT          131          0                                 C185002199999 
SUBENT        C1850022   20180315                             C174C185002200001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002200003 
SAMPLE     A 1.28 mg/cm2 Be target evaporated on a 0.5 mm thick   C185002200004 
           tantalum plate which was thick enough to stop the      C185002200005 
           proton beam.                                           C185002200006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002200007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002200008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002200009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002200010 
           geometry.                                              C185002200011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002200012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002200013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002200014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002200015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002200016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002200017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002200018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002200019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002200020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002200021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002200022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002200023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002200024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002200025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 6, page 125.                              C185002200026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002200027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002200028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002200029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002200030 
        6.3       45.0                                            C185002200031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002200032 
DATA                 3         80                                 C185002200033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002200034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002200035 
      1.004  9.106E+00  1.314E+00                                 C185002200036 
      1.122  1.255E+01                                            C185002200037 
      1.169  1.528E+01                                            C185002200038 
      1.201  2.304E+01                                            C185002200039 
      1.309  3.201E+01  3.237E+00                                 C185002200040 
      1.348  2.630E+01                                            C185002200041 
      1.391  1.582E+01                                            C185002200042 
      1.430  1.094E+01                                            C185002200043 
      1.473  8.625E+00                                            C185002200044 
      1.516  7.323E+00  7.404E-01                                 C185002200045 
      1.607  6.168E+00                                            C185002200046 
      1.702  6.223E+00                                            C185002200047 
      1.735  5.196E+00                                            C185002200048 
      1.792  4.376E+00                                            C185002200049 
      1.826  4.270E+00                                            C185002200050 
      1.859  4.487E+00                                            C185002200051 
      1.915  4.526E+00                                            C185002200052 
      1.953  4.640E+00                                            C185002200053 
      2.015  4.071E+00  3.815E-01                                 C185002200054 
      2.058  3.876E+00                                            C185002200055 
      2.095  4.421E+00                                            C185002200056 
      2.143  3.815E+00                                            C185002200057 
      2.181  4.042E+00                                            C185002200058 
      2.229  3.634E+00                                            C185002200059 
      2.271  4.011E+00                                            C185002200060 
      2.323  3.637E+00                                            C185002200061 
      2.366  3.138E+00                                            C185002200062 
      2.452  2.917E+00                                            C185002200063 
      2.486  2.172E+00                                            C185002200064 
      2.514  2.172E+00  5.014E-01                                 C185002200065 
      2.542  3.091E+00                                            C185002200066 
      2.561  2.085E+00                                            C185002200067 
      2.575  2.848E+00                                            C185002200068 
      2.613  2.668E+00                                            C185002200069 
      2.632  2.321E+00                                            C185002200070 
      2.655  3.068E+00                                            C185002200071 
      2.694  2.380E+00                                            C185002200072 
      2.694  1.831E+00                                            C185002200073 
      2.708  2.020E+00                                            C185002200074 
      2.732  1.715E+00                                            C185002200075 
      2.741  2.158E+00                                            C185002200076 
      2.761  1.816E+00                                            C185002200077 
      2.784  2.158E+00                                            C185002200078 
      2.794  1.893E+00                                            C185002200079 
      2.823  1.581E+00                                            C185002200080 
      2.842  1.493E+00                                            C185002200081 
      2.855  1.909E+00                                            C185002200082 
      2.878  2.422E+00                                            C185002200083 
      2.898  1.990E+00                                            C185002200084 
      2.927  1.760E+00                                            C185002200085 
      2.945  1.789E+00                                            C185002200086 
      2.968  2.384E+00                                            C185002200087 
      2.997  2.179E+00  3.747E-01                                 C185002200088 
      3.026  1.880E+00                                            C185002200089 
      3.044  2.253E+00                                            C185002200090 
      3.087  1.960E+00                                            C185002200091 
      3.096  2.406E+00                                            C185002200092 
      3.101  2.634E+00                                            C185002200093 
      3.115  2.426E+00                                            C185002200094 
      3.129  3.129E+00                                            C185002200095 
      3.152  4.874E+00                                            C185002200096 
      3.179  6.390E+00                                            C185002200097 
      3.217  7.229E+00                                            C185002200098 
      3.249  1.273E+01                                            C185002200099 
      3.272  1.739E+01                                            C185002200100 
      3.290  2.050E+01                                            C185002200101 
      3.351  3.355E+01                                            C185002200102 
      3.370  3.672E+01                                            C185002200103 
      3.393  3.383E+01                                            C185002200104 
      3.412  3.584E+01  3.624E+00                                 C185002200105 
      3.460  3.276E+01                                            C185002200106 
      3.465  2.826E+01                                            C185002200107 
      3.494  2.459E+01                                            C185002200108 
      3.523  1.923E+01                                            C185002200109 
      3.538  1.351E+01                                            C185002200110 
      3.596  5.904E+00                                            C185002200111 
      3.641  2.687E+00                                            C185002200112 
      3.647  1.656E+00                                            C185002200113 
      3.681  1.136E+00                                            C185002200114 
      3.723  1.155E+00                                            C185002200115 
ENDDATA             82          0                                 C185002200116 
ENDSUBENT          115          0                                 C185002299999 
SUBENT        C1850023   20180315                             C174C185002300001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(A,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002300003 
SAMPLE     (3-LI-6,ENR=0.93) a 1.3 mg/cm2 Li6 target (93%         C185002300004 
           enriched) evaporated on a gold backing about 0.25 mm   C185002300005 
           thick.                                                 C185002300006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002300007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002300008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002300009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002300010 
           geometry.                                              C185002300011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002300012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002300013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002300014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002300015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002300016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002300017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002300018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002300019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002300020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002300021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002300022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002300023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002300024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002300025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 126.                              C185002300026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002300027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002300028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002300029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002300030 
       14.4       15.0                                            C185002300031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002300032 
DATA                 3        122                                 C185002300033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002300034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002300035 
      0.166  2.344E+00                                            C185002300036 
      0.181  2.775E+00                                            C185002300037 
      0.217  3.369E+00                                            C185002300038 
      0.260  4.302E+00                                            C185002300039 
      0.304  4.450E+00                                            C185002300040 
      0.304  3.988E+00                                            C185002300041 
      0.325  4.160E+00                                            C185002300042 
      0.354  4.056E+00                                            C185002300043 
      0.383  4.302E+00                                            C185002300044 
      0.412  4.056E+00                                            C185002300045 
      0.427  4.526E+00                                            C185002300046 
      0.484  3.954E+00                                            C185002300047 
      0.520  4.883E+00                                            C185002300048 
      0.535  3.514E+00                                            C185002300049 
      0.542  4.160E+00                                            C185002300050 
      0.542  3.855E+00                                            C185002300051 
      0.564  3.285E+00                                            C185002300052 
      0.586  4.966E+00                                            C185002300053 
      0.586  3.791E+00                                            C185002300054 
      0.614  4.090E+00                                            C185002300055 
      0.622  4.266E+00                                            C185002300056 
      0.629  3.397E+00                                            C185002300057 
      0.629  3.759E+00                                            C185002300058 
      0.636  3.257E+00                                            C185002300059 
      0.658  3.484E+00                                            C185002300060 
      0.665  2.968E+00                                            C185002300061 
      0.665  3.988E+00                                            C185002300062 
      0.672  2.798E+00                                            C185002300063 
      0.687  3.791E+00                                            C185002300064 
      0.694  2.616E+00                                            C185002300065 
      0.708  3.696E+00                                            C185002300066 
      0.730  3.514E+00                                            C185002300067 
      0.737  3.791E+00                                            C185002300068 
      0.737  4.266E+00                                            C185002300069 
      0.773  3.514E+00                                            C185002300070 
      0.781  4.266E+00                                            C185002300071 
      0.795  3.312E+00                                            C185002300072 
      0.817  3.514E+00                                            C185002300073 
      0.817  3.921E+00                                            C185002300074 
      0.824  3.759E+00                                            C185002300075 
      0.846  4.125E+00                                            C185002300076 
      0.846  4.450E+00                                            C185002300077 
      0.882  3.988E+00                                            C185002300078 
      0.889  4.642E+00                                            C185002300079 
      0.896  3.123E+00                                            C185002300080 
      0.925  4.339E+00                                            C185002300081 
      0.947  5.008E+00                                            C185002300082 
      0.983  4.564E+00                                            C185002300083 
      1.005  4.230E+00                                            C185002300084 
      1.019  4.375E+00                                            C185002300085 
      1.041  4.883E+00  5.438E-01                                 C185002300086 
      1.077  4.302E+00                                            C185002300087 
      1.106  4.266E+00                                            C185002300088 
      1.113  3.634E+00                                            C185002300089 
      1.128  3.921E+00                                            C185002300090 
      1.157  4.603E+00                                            C185002300091 
      1.178  3.312E+00                                            C185002300092 
      1.200  4.160E+00                                            C185002300093 
      1.200  3.888E+00                                            C185002300094 
      1.229  4.603E+00                                            C185002300095 
      1.287  4.842E+00                                            C185002300096 
      1.301  3.988E+00                                            C185002300097 
      1.316  4.603E+00                                            C185002300098 
      1.316  3.823E+00                                            C185002300099 
      1.345  3.514E+00                                            C185002300100 
      1.366  3.791E+00                                            C185002300101 
      1.388  3.954E+00                                            C185002300102 
      1.388  3.604E+00                                            C185002300103 
      1.424  3.791E+00                                            C185002300104 
      1.453  3.544E+00                                            C185002300105 
      1.475  3.176E+00                                            C185002300106 
      1.489  3.888E+00                                            C185002300107 
      1.525  3.285E+00                                            C185002300108 
      1.547  2.728E+00  1.994E-01                                 C185002300109 
      1.576  2.919E+00                                            C185002300110 
      1.605  2.572E+00                                            C185002300111 
      1.612  2.728E+00                                            C185002300112 
      1.634  2.305E+00                                            C185002300113 
      1.648  2.508E+00                                            C185002300114 
      1.684  2.344E+00                                            C185002300115 
      1.720  2.228E+00                                            C185002300116 
      1.771  2.364E+00                                            C185002300117 
      1.807  2.822E+00                                            C185002300118 
      1.843  1.964E+00                                            C185002300119 
      1.858  2.154E+00                                            C185002300120 
      1.880  1.805E+00                                            C185002300121 
      1.894  2.065E+00                                            C185002300122 
      1.923  2.247E+00                                            C185002300123 
      1.952  2.048E+00                                            C185002300124 
      1.988  2.247E+00                                            C185002300125 
      2.039  1.980E+00                                            C185002300126 
      2.096  1.659E+00                                            C185002300127 
      2.176  1.026E+00                                            C185002300128 
      2.292  8.167E-01                                            C185002300129 
      2.443  4.450E-01                                            C185002300130 
      2.559  3.921E-01  4.367E-02                                 C185002300131 
      2.704  3.604E-01                                            C185002300132 
      2.812  3.096E-01                                            C185002300133 
      2.949  3.257E-01                                            C185002300134 
      2.993  2.572E-01                                            C185002300135 
      3.065  2.508E-01  3.532E-02                                 C185002300136 
      3.202  2.487E-01                                            C185002300137 
      3.318  3.019E-01                                            C185002300138 
      3.361  3.855E-01                                            C185002300139 
      3.427  4.681E-01                                            C185002300140 
      3.484  3.397E-01  6.919E-02                                 C185002300141 
      3.528  5.136E-01                                            C185002300142 
      3.607  5.312E-01                                            C185002300143 
      3.665  6.958E-01                                            C185002300144 
      3.701  8.962E-01                                            C185002300145 
      3.752  1.061E+00                                            C185002300146 
      3.817  1.043E+00                                            C185002300147 
      3.867  1.288E+00                                            C185002300148 
      4.005  1.245E+00  1.007E-01                                 C185002300149 
      4.048  1.310E+00                                            C185002300150 
      4.135  1.194E+00                                            C185002300151 
      4.193  8.886E-01                                            C185002300152 
      4.323  7.963E-01                                            C185002300153 
      4.431  4.842E-01                                            C185002300154 
      4.561  2.798E-01                                            C185002300155 
      4.742  2.173E-01                                            C185002300156 
      4.829  1.898E-01                                            C185002300157 
ENDDATA            124          0                                 C185002300158 
ENDSUBENT          157          0                                 C185002399999 
SUBENT        C1850024   20180315                             C174C185002400001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002400002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(A,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002400003 
SAMPLE     (3-LI-6,ENR=0.93) a 1.3 mg/cm2 Li6 target (93%         C185002400004 
           enriched) evaporated on a gold backing about 0.25 mm   C185002400005 
           thick.                                                 C185002400006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002400007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002400008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002400009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002400010 
           geometry.                                              C185002400011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002400012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002400013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002400014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002400015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002400016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002400017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002400018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002400019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002400020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002400021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002400022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002400023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002400024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002400025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 126.                              C185002400026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002400027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002400028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002400029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002400030 
       14.4       30.0                                            C185002400031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002400032 
DATA                 3        120                                 C185002400033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002400034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002400035 
      0.239  1.077E+00                                            C185002400036 
      0.267  1.281E+00                                            C185002400037 
      0.289  1.872E+00                                            C185002400038 
      0.311  2.208E+00                                            C185002400039 
      0.369  2.320E+00                                            C185002400040 
      0.369  2.737E+00                                            C185002400041 
      0.398  3.149E+00                                            C185002400042 
      0.419  3.448E+00                                            C185002400043 
      0.434  3.047E+00                                            C185002400044 
      0.463  3.255E+00                                            C185002400045 
      0.484  3.477E+00                                            C185002400046 
      0.506  3.282E+00                                            C185002400047 
      0.549  2.924E+00                                            C185002400048 
      0.607  3.072E+00                                            C185002400049 
      0.614  3.336E+00                                            C185002400050 
      0.643  2.829E+00                                            C185002400051 
      0.651  2.972E+00                                            C185002400052 
      0.716  2.997E+00                                            C185002400053 
      0.752  2.245E+00                                            C185002400054 
      0.766  2.829E+00                                            C185002400055 
      0.773  2.948E+00                                            C185002400056 
      0.788  2.499E+00                                            C185002400057 
      0.810  3.364E+00                                            C185002400058 
      0.817  2.398E+00                                            C185002400059 
      0.824  2.852E+00                                            C185002400060 
      0.831  2.190E+00                                            C185002400061 
      0.846  2.541E+00                                            C185002400062 
      0.875  2.924E+00                                            C185002400063 
      0.875  3.255E+00                                            C185002400064 
      0.882  2.340E+00                                            C185002400065 
      0.896  3.506E+00                                            C185002400066 
      0.904  2.208E+00                                            C185002400067 
      0.940  2.714E+00                                            C185002400068 
      0.947  2.900E+00                                            C185002400069 
      0.961  3.255E+00                                            C185002400070 
      1.027  2.972E+00  2.355E-01                                 C185002400071 
      1.041  2.499E+00                                            C185002400072 
      1.063  2.714E+00                                            C185002400073 
      1.070  3.282E+00                                            C185002400074 
      1.077  3.839E+00                                            C185002400075 
      1.084  2.852E+00                                            C185002400076 
      1.106  3.047E+00                                            C185002400077 
      1.128  3.684E+00                                            C185002400078 
      1.135  2.997E+00                                            C185002400079 
      1.149  2.805E+00                                            C185002400080 
      1.157  3.282E+00                                            C185002400081 
      1.186  2.997E+00                                            C185002400082 
      1.193  2.438E+00                                            C185002400083 
      1.229  3.282E+00                                            C185002400084 
      1.236  2.137E+00                                            C185002400085 
      1.243  2.782E+00                                            C185002400086 
      1.251  2.418E+00                                            C185002400087 
      1.272  2.626E+00                                            C185002400088 
      1.294  2.997E+00                                            C185002400089 
      1.323  2.876E+00                                            C185002400090 
      1.330  2.670E+00                                            C185002400091 
      1.337  3.072E+00                                            C185002400092 
      1.359  3.448E+00                                            C185002400093 
      1.366  2.876E+00                                            C185002400094 
      1.373  2.398E+00                                            C185002400095 
      1.388  2.737E+00                                            C185002400096 
      1.402  3.022E+00                                            C185002400097 
      1.410  2.418E+00                                            C185002400098 
      1.431  3.149E+00                                            C185002400099 
      1.453  2.479E+00  1.775E-01                                 C185002400100 
      1.489  2.900E+00                                            C185002400101 
      1.518  2.379E+00                                            C185002400102 
      1.540  2.520E+00                                            C185002400103 
      1.547  2.438E+00                                            C185002400104 
      1.569  2.301E+00                                            C185002400105 
      1.590  2.208E+00                                            C185002400106 
      1.605  2.067E+00                                            C185002400107 
      1.627  2.924E+00                                            C185002400108 
      1.655  2.208E+00                                            C185002400109 
      1.684  1.668E+00                                            C185002400110 
      1.713  2.000E+00                                            C185002400111 
      1.735  1.724E+00                                            C185002400112 
      1.749  1.346E+00                                            C185002400113 
      1.757  1.498E+00                                            C185002400114 
      1.793  1.474E+00                                            C185002400115 
      1.829  1.710E+00                                            C185002400116 
      1.865  1.281E+00                                            C185002400117 
      1.923  1.919E+00                                            C185002400118 
      1.945  1.523E+00                                            C185002400119 
      1.988  2.245E+00                                            C185002400120 
      1.995  2.670E+00  1.706E-01                                 C185002400121 
      2.060  2.759E+00  1.975E-01                                 C185002400122 
      2.067  1.826E+00                                            C185002400123 
      2.082  1.654E+00                                            C185002400124 
      2.118  2.102E+00                                            C185002400125 
      2.161  2.282E+00                                            C185002400126 
      2.190  1.826E+00                                            C185002400127 
      2.270  1.357E+00                                            C185002400128 
      2.465  5.657E-01                                            C185002400129 
      2.465  6.456E-01                                            C185002400130 
      2.588  5.209E-01  7.191E-02                                 C185002400131 
      2.718  2.084E-01                                            C185002400132 
      2.841  1.724E-01                                            C185002400133 
      2.971  2.418E-01                                            C185002400134 
      3.094  1.935E-01  3.477E-02                                 C185002400135 
      3.217  2.101E-01                                            C185002400136 
      3.361  1.983E-01                                            C185002400137 
      3.463  1.811E-01                                            C185002400138 
      3.643  2.562E-01  5.453E-02                                 C185002400139 
      3.672  4.641E-01                                            C185002400140 
      3.737  2.972E-01                                            C185002400141 
      3.846  6.403E-01                                            C185002400142 
      3.925  1.438E+00                                            C185002400143 
      4.005  1.511E+00                                            C185002400144 
      4.041  1.842E+00                                            C185002400145 
      4.084  2.340E+00                                            C185002400146 
      4.157  2.208E+00                                            C185002400147 
      4.229  2.359E+00  1.689E-01                                 C185002400148 
      4.287  2.154E+00                                            C185002400149 
      4.352  2.137E+00                                            C185002400150 
      4.402  1.682E+00                                            C185002400151 
      4.482  1.068E+00                                            C185002400152 
      4.598  4.836E-01                                            C185002400153 
      4.670  2.828E-01                                            C185002400154 
      4.749  1.150E-01                                            C185002400155 
ENDDATA            122          0                                 C185002400156 
ENDSUBENT          155          0                                 C185002499999 
SUBENT        C1850025   20180315                             C174C185002500001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002500002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(A,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002500003 
SAMPLE     (3-LI-6,ENR=0.93) a 1.3 mg/cm2 Li6 target (93%         C185002500004 
           enriched) evaporated on a gold backing about 0.25 mm   C185002500005 
           thick.                                                 C185002500006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002500007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002500008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002500009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002500010 
           geometry.                                              C185002500011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002500012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002500013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002500014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002500015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002500016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002500017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002500018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002500019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002500020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002500021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002500022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002500023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002500024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002500025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 126.                              C185002500026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002500027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002500028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002500029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002500030 
       14.4       45.0                                            C185002500031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002500032 
DATA                 3         98                                 C185002500033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002500034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002500035 
      0.911  2.456E+00                                            C185002500036 
      0.947  2.542E+00                                            C185002500037 
      0.998  2.586E+00  2.531E-01                                 C185002500038 
      1.084  2.141E+00                                            C185002500039 
      1.084  2.498E+00                                            C185002500040 
      1.092  3.176E+00                                            C185002500041 
      1.092  1.759E+00                                            C185002500042 
      1.113  2.675E+00                                            C185002500043 
      1.120  2.939E+00                                            C185002500044 
      1.135  2.052E+00                                            C185002500045 
      1.157  3.230E+00                                            C185002500046 
      1.171  2.498E+00                                            C185002500047 
      1.214  2.698E+00                                            C185002500048 
      1.222  3.967E+00                                            C185002500049 
      1.229  2.520E+00                                            C185002500050 
      1.236  3.203E+00                                            C185002500051 
      1.258  3.460E+00                                            C185002500052 
      1.272  2.914E+00                                            C185002500053 
      1.287  2.653E+00                                            C185002500054 
      1.308  3.176E+00                                            C185002500055 
      1.308  3.042E+00                                            C185002500056 
      1.330  2.865E+00                                            C185002500057 
      1.345  3.095E+00                                            C185002500058 
      1.345  2.414E+00                                            C185002500059 
      1.359  2.254E+00                                            C185002500060 
      1.366  2.675E+00                                            C185002500061 
      1.395  2.456E+00                                            C185002500062 
      1.402  2.698E+00                                            C185002500063 
      1.410  3.611E+00                                            C185002500064 
      1.417  2.160E+00                                            C185002500065 
      1.431  2.890E+00                                            C185002500066 
      1.439  2.520E+00                                            C185002500067 
      1.475  2.216E+00                                            C185002500068 
      1.482  2.105E+00                                            C185002500069 
      1.496  3.286E+00                                            C185002500070 
      1.511  2.564E+00                                            C185002500071 
      1.540  2.236E+00  2.361E-01                                 C185002500072 
      1.583  2.236E+00                                            C185002500073 
      1.612  1.670E+00                                            C185002500074 
      1.641  2.160E+00                                            C185002500075 
      1.648  1.852E+00                                            C185002500076 
      1.677  2.314E+00                                            C185002500077 
      1.699  1.685E+00                                            C185002500078 
      1.728  1.949E+00                                            C185002500079 
      1.728  2.105E+00                                            C185002500080 
      1.771  2.456E+00                                            C185002500081 
      1.793  1.949E+00                                            C185002500082 
      1.829  2.564E+00                                            C185002500083 
      1.843  2.141E+00                                            C185002500084 
      1.851  3.314E+00                                            C185002500085 
      1.858  2.939E+00                                            C185002500086 
      1.901  3.121E+00  2.070E-01                                 C185002500087 
      1.908  3.900E+00                                            C185002500088 
      1.930  2.722E+00                                            C185002500089 
      1.966  3.068E+00                                            C185002500090 
      1.981  2.675E+00                                            C185002500091 
      2.046  3.176E+00  3.597E-01                                 C185002500092 
      2.089  2.675E+00                                            C185002500093 
      2.104  2.456E+00                                            C185002500094 
      2.154  1.744E+00                                            C185002500095 
      2.169  1.432E+00                                            C185002500096 
      2.219  1.729E+00                                            C185002500097 
      2.255  1.534E+00                                            C185002500098 
      2.292  7.667E-01                                            C185002500099 
      2.451  5.040E-01                                            C185002500100 
      2.566  5.633E-01  5.514E-02                                 C185002500101 
      2.704  4.433E-01                                            C185002500102 
      2.812  4.747E-01                                            C185002500103 
      3.072  3.016E-01  2.717E-02                                 C185002500104 
      3.217  2.235E-01                                            C185002500105 
      3.318  2.816E-01                                            C185002500106 
      3.448  3.174E-01                                            C185002500107 
      3.535  2.865E-01  2.128E-02                                 C185002500108 
      3.564  3.735E-01                                            C185002500109 
      3.564  3.548E-01                                            C185002500110 
      3.672  7.409E-01                                            C185002500111 
      3.745  7.098E-01                                            C185002500112 
      3.773  8.792E-01                                            C185002500113 
      3.839  8.868E-01                                            C185002500114 
      3.860  1.008E+00                                            C185002500115 
      3.904  1.715E+00                                            C185002500116 
      3.954  1.657E+00                                            C185002500117 
      3.990  2.052E+00                                            C185002500118 
      4.027  2.353E+00                                            C185002500119 
      4.106  2.414E+00                                            C185002500120 
      4.142  2.236E+00                                            C185002500121 
      4.193  2.478E+00  2.232E-01                                 C185002500122 
      4.316  2.070E+00                                            C185002500123 
      4.395  2.070E+00                                            C185002500124 
      4.439  1.670E+00                                            C185002500125 
      4.511  1.600E+00                                            C185002500126 
      4.576  1.166E+00                                            C185002500127 
      4.619  9.099E-01                                            C185002500128 
      4.670  5.040E-01                                            C185002500129 
      4.757  4.587E-01                                            C185002500130 
      4.814  2.607E-01                                            C185002500131 
      4.887  2.414E-01                                            C185002500132 
      4.930  1.520E-01                                            C185002500133 
ENDDATA            100          0                                 C185002500134 
ENDSUBENT          133          0                                 C185002599999 
SUBENT        C1850026   20180315                             C174C185002600001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002600002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(A,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002600003 
SAMPLE     (3-LI-6,ENR=0.93) a 1.3 mg/cm2 Li6 target (93%         C185002600004 
           enriched) evaporated on a gold backing about 0.25 mm   C185002600005 
           thick.                                                 C185002600006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002600007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002600008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002600009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002600010 
           geometry.                                              C185002600011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002600012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002600013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002600014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002600015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002600016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002600017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002600018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002600019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002600020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002600021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002600022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002600023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002600024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002600025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 126.                              C185002600026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002600027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002600028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002600029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002600030 
       14.4       60.0                                            C185002600031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002600032 
DATA                 3         82                                 C185002600033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002600034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002600035 
      0.983  2.708E+00                                            C185002600036 
      0.998  3.428E+00                                            C185002600037 
      1.034  3.047E+00  2.223E-01                                 C185002600038 
      1.055  2.708E+00                                            C185002600039 
      1.113  2.469E+00                                            C185002600040 
      1.193  2.731E+00                                            C185002600041 
      1.207  2.825E+00                                            C185002600042 
      1.251  3.073E+00                                            C185002600043 
      1.294  2.469E+00                                            C185002600044 
      1.337  2.731E+00                                            C185002600045 
      1.373  3.073E+00                                            C185002600046 
      1.424  3.099E+00                                            C185002600047 
      1.453  2.996E+00                                            C185002600048 
      1.511  2.139E+00                                            C185002600049 
      1.518  2.825E+00  2.061E-01                                 C185002600050 
      1.561  2.618E+00                                            C185002600051 
      1.576  2.777E+00                                            C185002600052 
      1.576  2.176E+00                                            C185002600053 
      1.590  3.151E+00                                            C185002600054 
      1.612  2.596E+00                                            C185002600055 
      1.619  1.901E+00                                            C185002600056 
      1.619  2.194E+00                                            C185002600057 
      1.648  2.448E+00                                            C185002600058 
      1.655  2.250E+00                                            C185002600059 
      1.670  2.663E+00                                            C185002600060 
      1.684  2.801E+00                                            C185002600061 
      1.684  2.194E+00                                            C185002600062 
      1.706  1.983E+00                                            C185002600063 
      1.706  1.607E+00                                            C185002600064 
      1.720  2.308E+00                                            C185002600065 
      1.720  1.763E+00                                            C185002600066 
      1.778  1.748E+00                                            C185002600067 
      1.778  2.139E+00                                            C185002600068 
      1.786  2.250E+00                                            C185002600069 
      1.814  2.176E+00                                            C185002600070 
      1.814  2.708E+00                                            C185002600071 
      1.822  2.897E+00                                            C185002600072 
      1.836  1.934E+00                                            C185002600073 
      1.843  1.748E+00                                            C185002600074 
      1.872  2.121E+00                                            C185002600075 
      1.880  2.825E+00                                            C185002600076 
      1.894  3.486E+00                                            C185002600077 
      1.908  2.596E+00                                            C185002600078 
      1.945  2.250E+00                                            C185002600079 
      1.945  5.179E+00                                            C185002600080 
      1.995  5.356E+00                                            C185002600081 
      2.060  4.091E+00  3.303E-01                                 C185002600082 
      2.096  4.376E+00                                            C185002600083 
      2.111  3.343E+00                                            C185002600084 
      2.161  4.196E+00                                            C185002600085 
      2.169  3.729E+00                                            C185002600086 
      2.219  3.343E+00                                            C185002600087 
      2.234  2.469E+00                                            C185002600088 
      2.357  1.477E+00                                            C185002600089 
      2.451  7.531E-01                                            C185002600090 
      2.559  6.102E-01  3.975E-02                                 C185002600091 
      2.696  6.694E-01                                            C185002600092 
      2.827  5.469E-01                                            C185002600093 
      2.957  6.206E-01                                            C185002600094 
      3.080  5.850E-01  5.622E-02                                 C185002600095 
      3.202  4.039E-01                                            C185002600096 
      3.325  4.394E-01                                            C185002600097 
      3.448  3.059E-01                                            C185002600098 
      3.578  5.070E-01  1.065E-01                                 C185002600099 
      3.651  5.378E-01                                            C185002600100 
      3.665  7.282E-01                                            C185002600101 
      3.716  5.704E-01                                            C185002600102 
      3.802  6.865E-01                                            C185002600103 
      3.853  7.659E-01                                            C185002600104 
      3.925  1.259E+00                                            C185002600105 
      3.961  2.176E+00                                            C185002600106 
      4.157  3.371E+00                                            C185002600107 
      4.193  2.825E+00  3.972E-01                                 C185002600108 
      4.301  2.754E+00                                            C185002600109 
      4.381  2.946E+00                                            C185002600110 
      4.395  2.000E+00                                            C185002600111 
      4.467  1.515E+00                                            C185002600112 
      4.511  1.177E+00                                            C185002600113 
      4.554  8.764E-01                                            C185002600114 
      4.590  5.469E-01                                            C185002600115 
      4.641  3.776E-01                                            C185002600116 
      4.699  1.123E-01                                            C185002600117 
ENDDATA             84          0                                 C185002600118 
ENDSUBENT          117          0                                 C185002699999 
SUBENT        C1850027   20180317                             C174C185002700001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C185002700002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(A,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE)                             C185002700003 
SAMPLE     (3-LI-6,ENR=0.93) a 1.3 mg/cm2 Li6 target (93%         C185002700004 
           enriched) evaporated on a gold backing about 0.25 mm   C185002700005 
           thick.                                                 C185002700006 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) The neutron detectors, consisting of 5 x 5 cm   C185002700007 
           plastic scintillators mounted on RCA-6655              C185002700008 
           photomultipliers, were positioned, at 15 degree        C185002700009 
           angular intervals in a well collimated and shielded    C185002700010 
           geometry.                                              C185002700011 
METHOD     (TOF) The neutron spectra were observed using time-of- C185002700012 
           flight techniques. A flight-path of about 10 m was     C185002700013 
           chosen as an optimum considering neutron intensities   C185002700014 
           and resolution of the experimental equipment.          C185002700015 
REL-REF    (M,,J.D.Anderson+,J,NIM,15,178,1962)                   C185002700016 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute differential cross sections    C185002700017 
           for the ground state group are accurate to within      C185002700018 
           about 25%. The large uncertainty is due to the fact    C185002700019 
           that the usual precautions with regard to charge       C185002700020 
           collection have not been carefully observed since the  C185002700021 
           main emphasis in this experiment was on energy         C185002700022 
           spectra. In those cases where the continuous spectra   C185002700023 
           are well described by the four-body shape, the         C185002700024 
           breakup cross section is accurate to within 25 %.      C185002700025 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 126.                              C185002700026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C185002700027 
COMMON               2          3                                 C185002700028 
EN         ANG                                                    C185002700029 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C185002700030 
       14.4       75.0                                            C185002700031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002700032 
DATA                 3         44                                 C185002700033 
E-CM       DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C185002700034 
MEV        MB/SR/MEV  MB/SR/MEV                                   C185002700035 
      1.569  1.951E+00  1.985E-01                                 C185002700036 
      1.648  2.033E+00                                            C185002700037 
      1.663  1.486E+00                                            C185002700038 
      1.728  1.498E+00                                            C185002700039 
      1.764  1.696E+00                                            C185002700040 
      1.800  1.335E+00                                            C185002700041 
      1.836  1.426E+00                                            C185002700042 
      1.880  1.486E+00                                            C185002700043 
      1.901  1.935E+00                                            C185002700044 
      1.952  2.137E+00                                            C185002700045 
      2.002  2.227E+00  2.100E-01                                 C185002700046 
      2.060  2.924E+00                                            C185002700047 
      2.140  2.479E+00                                            C185002700048 
      2.205  2.459E+00                                            C185002700049 
      2.227  1.767E+00                                            C185002700050 
      2.306  8.340E-01                                            C185002700051 
      2.465  5.995E-01                                            C185002700052 
      2.559  3.935E-01  9.873E-02                                 C185002700053 
      2.704  5.946E-01                                            C185002700054 
      2.834  2.033E-01                                            C185002700055 
      2.942  4.169E-01                                            C185002700056 
      3.080  2.379E-01  8.428E-02                                 C185002700057 
      3.210  2.948E-01                                            C185002700058 
      3.318  1.588E-01                                            C185002700059 
      3.441  3.364E-01                                            C185002700060 
      3.571  2.499E-01  8.036E-02                                 C185002700061 
      3.701  1.696E-01                                            C185002700062 
      3.810  1.812E-01                                            C185002700063 
      3.860  2.245E-01                                            C185002700064 
      3.875  2.852E-01                                            C185002700065 
      3.933  2.948E-01                                            C185002700066 
      3.954  1.160E+00                                            C185002700067 
      4.019  1.077E+00                                            C185002700068 
      4.041  1.812E+00                                            C185002700069 
      4.070  1.654E+00                                            C185002700070 
      4.106  2.190E+00                                            C185002700071 
      4.128  2.283E+00                                            C185002700072 
      4.178  2.102E+00                                            C185002700073 
      4.193  2.340E+00  2.380E-01                                 C185002700074 
      4.316  1.160E+00                                            C185002700075 
      4.359  6.955E-01                                            C185002700076 
      4.388  4.797E-01                                            C185002700077 
      4.431  3.123E-01                                            C185002700078 
      4.547  1.682E-01                                            C185002700079 
ENDDATA             46          0                                 C185002700080 
ENDSUBENT           79          0                                 C185002799999 
SUBENT        C1850028   20180315                             C174C185002800001 
BIB                  4          8                                 C185002800002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,A)5-B-9,PAR,DA)                              C185002800003 
ANALYSIS   Authors say that the cs is "roughly constant" in this  C185002800004 
           energy range 14.3 - 18.3 MeV.                          C185002800005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details given                            C185002800006 
STATUS     (DEP,C1850003)                                         C185002800007 
           (DEP,C1850004)                                         C185002800008 
           (DEP,C1850005)                                         C185002800009 
           (TABLE) page 123.                                      C185002800010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C185002800011 
COMMON               5          3                                 C185002800012 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     ANG-MIN    ANG-MAX    E-LVL                 C185002800013 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       ADEG       MEV                   C185002800014 
       14.3       18.3       86.0       90.0        0.0           C185002800015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002800016 
DATA                 2          1                                 C185002800017 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               C185002800018 
MB/SR      MB/SR                                                  C185002800019 
        2.0        0.5                                            C185002800020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C185002800021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 C185002899999 
SUBENT        C1850029   20180315                             C174C185002900001 
BIB                  3         10                                 C185002900002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(P,N)5-B-9,PAR,DA)                              C185002900003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,4-BE-9)                                         C185002900004 
STATUS     (DEP,C1850016)                                         C185002900005 
           (DEP,C1850017)                                         C185002900006 
           (DEP,C1850018)                                         C185002900007 
           (DEP,C1850019)                                         C185002900008 
           (DEP,C1850020)                                         C185002900009 
           (DEP,C1850021)                                         C185002900010 
           (DEP,C1850022)                                         C185002900011 
           (TABLE) page 126.                                      C185002900012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 C185002900013 
COMMON               5          3                                 C185002900014 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     ANG-MIN    ANG-MAX    E-LVL                 C185002900015 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       ADEG       MEV                   C185002900016 
        6.3        7.4        3.0      105.0        1.7           C185002900017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185002900018 
DATA                 1          1                                 C185002900019 
DATA-MAX                                                          C185002900020 
MB/SR                                                             C185002900021 
        0.1                                                       C185002900022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C185002900023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 C185002999999 
SUBENT        C1850030   20180315                             C174C185003000001 
BIB                  3          7                                 C185003000002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(A,N)5-B-9,PAR,DA)                              C185003000003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details given                            C185003000004 
STATUS     (DEP,C1850023)                                         C185003000005 
           (DEP,C1850024)                                         C185003000006 
           (DEP,C1850025)                                         C185003000007 
           (DEP,C1850026)                                         C185003000008 
           (TABLE) page 126.                                      C185003000009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C185003000010 
COMMON               4          3                                 C185003000011 
EN         ANG-MIN    ANG-MAX    E-LVL                            C185003000012 
MEV        ADEG       ADEG       MEV                              C185003000013 
       14.4       15.0       60.0        0.0                      C185003000014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185003000015 
DATA                 2          1                                 C185003000016 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               C185003000017 
MB/SR      MB/SR                                                  C185003000018 
        1.0       0.25                                            C185003000019 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C185003000020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 C185003099999 
SUBENT        C1850031   20180315                             C174C185003100001 
BIB                  2          3                                 C185003100002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(A,N)5-B-9,PAR,DA)                              C185003100003 
STATUS     (DEP,C1850027)                                         C185003100004 
           (TABLE) page 126.                                      C185003100005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C185003100006 
COMMON               3          3                                 C185003100007 
EN         ANG        E-LVL                                       C185003100008 
MEV        ADEG       MEV                                         C185003100009 
       14.4       75.0        0.0                                 C185003100010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C185003100011 
DATA                 1          1                                 C185003100012 
DATA                                                              C185003100013 
MB/SR                                                             C185003100014 
        0.6                                                       C185003100015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C185003100016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 C185003199999 
ENDENTRY            31          0                                 C185099999999