ENTRY            C1899   20140418                             C141C189900000001 
SUBENT        C1899001   20140418                             C141C189900100001 
BIB                 14         45                                 C189900100002 
TITLE       (p,pxn) and (p,xn) reactions and mechanisms on        C189900100003 
           133Cs at 550 MeV                                       C189900100004 
AUTHOR     (M.A.Molecke,A.A.Caretto Jr)                           C189900100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USACAR)                                              C189900100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,15,(2),719,1977)                               C189900100007 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.15.719                           C189900100008 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,1USASRE)                                        C189900100009 
INC-SOURCE 550 MeV proton beam of the Space Radiation Effects     C189900100010 
           laboratory synchrocyclotron.                           C189900100011 
SAMPLE     Targets consisted of a mixture of CsBr (optical grade  C189900100012 
           - 99.9%) and 99.99% pure fine aluminum powder,         C189900100013 
           homogeneously mixed and pressed into pellets. The      C189900100014 
           resulting targets contained 38 to 47%                  C189900100015 
           monoisotopically pure 133Cs and had a surface density  C189900100016 
           of 59-131 mg/cm2.                                      C189900100017 
DETECTOR   (GELI) High resolution nuclear diodes Ge(Li) detector. C189900100018 
PART-DET   (DG)                                                   C189900100019 
METHOD     (RCHEM,GSPEC,STTA,ACTIV) After irradiation the CsBr    C189900100020 
           pellets and adjacent guard foils were dissolved and    C189900100021 
           cesium and barium fractions were chemically separated  C189900100022 
           and purified by standard radiochemical procedures.     C189900100023 
           All samples prepared in this fashion were assayed by   C189900100024 
           gamma detection using a high resolution Nuclear Diodes C189900100025 
           Ge(Li) detector.                                       C189900100026 
ANALYSIS   (PGS) Activity measurements were analyzed using the    C189900100027 
           Brookhaven decay curve analysis program CLSQ.          C189900100028 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) The 24Na, from the        C189900100029 
           monitor reaction, was beta counted with an end-window  C189900100030 
           gas flow proportional counter.                         C189900100031 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainties indicated in Table II are C189900100032 
           root mean square deviations from the average for       C189900100033 
           replicate determinations.                              C189900100034 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainties                     C189900100035 
           are also listed in the table,  they include:           C189900100036 
           (ERR-1) 5% for the monitor reaction beta counting      C189900100037 
           efficiency.                                            C189900100038 
           (ERR-2) 6% for 24Na cross section.                     C189900100039 
           (ERR-3,2.,8.) 2-8% in value of the 24Na disintegration C189900100040 
           rate.                                                  C189900100041 
           (ERR-4,2.,8.) 2-5% for chemical yield determination.   C189900100042 
           (ERR-5) 6% for Ge(Li) detector efficiency.             C189900100043 
           (ERR-6,1.,10.) 1-10% branching ratio, reliability of thC189900100044 
           decay scheme data.                                     C189900100045 
HISTORY    (20120307C) BP                                         C189900100046 
           (20140418U) SD: Author's name corrected.               C189900100047 
ENDBIB              45          0                                 C189900100048 
COMMON               5          3                                 C189900100049 
EN         MONIT      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-5                 C189900100050 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              C189900100051 
550.       10.8       5.         6.         6.                    C189900100052 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C189900100053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 C189900199999 
SUBENT        C1899002   20120307                             C116C189900200001 
BIB                  3         18                                 C189900200002 
REACTION   (55-CS-133(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                         C189900200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II, page 722.                            C189900200004 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)55-CS-132,6.58D,DG,668.,0.9772,                   C189900200005 
                            DG,465.,0.0205)                       C189900200006 
           ((2.)55-CS-131,9.69D,XR,,1.)                           C189900200007 
           ((3.)55-CS-130-G,30.MIN,DG,536.,0.04,                  C189900200008 
                               DG,586.,0.0046)                    C189900200009 
           ((4.)55-CS-129,32.3HR,DG,321.,0.0302,                  C189900200010 
                             DG,375.,0.462,                       C189900200011 
                             DG,416.,0.251,                       C189900200012 
                             DG,550.,0.0432)                      C189900200013 
           ((5.)55-CS-127,6.2HR,DG,125.,0.18,                     C189900200014 
                            DG,287.,0.04,                         C189900200015 
                            DG,411.,0.64,                         C189900200016 
                            DG,462.,0.053,                        C189900200017 
                            DG,586.,0.047)                        C189900200018 
           ((6.)55-CS-125-G,45.MIN,G,112.)                        C189900200019 
           ((7.)55-CS-123-G,5.6MIN)                               C189900200020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 C189900200021 
COMMON               1          3                                 C189900200022 
ELEMENT                                                           C189900200023 
NO-DIM                                                            C189900200024 
55.                                                               C189900200025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C189900200026 
DATA                 5          7                                 C189900200027 
MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   ERR-SYS    DECAY-FLAG            C189900200028 
NO-DIM     MB         MB         PER-CENT   NO-DIM                C189900200029 
       132.       63.6        1.7        9.6         1.           C189900200030 
       131.       47.2        2.6       14.6         2.           C189900200031 
       130.       55.3        6.4       27.1         3.           C189900200032 
       129.       34.0        0.6       10.3         4.           C189900200033 
       127.       24.4        0.5       11.7         5.           C189900200034 
       125.        6.9        1.5       19.5         6.           C189900200035 
       123.       4.21       0.94       22.3         7.           C189900200036 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 C189900200037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 C189900299999 
SUBENT        C1899003   20120307                             C116C189900300001 
BIB                  3         12                                 C189900300002 
REACTION   (55-CS-133(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                         C189900300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II, page 722.                            C189900300004 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)56-BA-133-G,7.2YR,DG,276.,0.075,                  C189900300005 
                              DG,356.,0.67,                       C189900300006 
                              DG,386.,0.094)                      C189900300007 
           ((2.)56-BA-131-G,11.5D,DG,216.,0.19,                   C189900300008 
                              DG,373.,0.13,                       C189900300009 
                              DG,496.,0.45)                       C189900300010 
           ((3.)56-BA-129-G,2.6HR)Table I lists T1/2 as 2.1-2.6 h.C189900300011 
           ((3.)56-BA-129-M,2.1HR)Table I lists T1/2 as 2.1-2.6 h.C189900300012 
           ((4.)56-BA-128,2.42D,G,272.,0.37)                      C189900300013 
           ((5.)56-BA-126,97.MIN,G,230.)                          C189900300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 C189900300015 
COMMON               1          3                                 C189900300016 
ELEMENT                                                           C189900300017 
NO-DIM                                                            C189900300018 
56.                                                               C189900300019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C189900300020 
DATA                 5          5                                 C189900300021 
MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   ERR-SYS    DECAY-FLAG            C189900300022 
NO-DIM     MB         MB         PER-CENT   NO-DIM                C189900300023 
       133.       0.77       0.05       16.2         1.           C189900300024 
       131.       6.03       0.29       10.7         2.           C189900300025 
       129.       4.89       0.65       27.0         3.           C189900300026 
       128.       3.27       0.11       10.9         4.           C189900300027 
       126.       2.76       0.47       21.9         5.           C189900300028 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 C189900300029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 C189900399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C189999999999