ENTRY            C1914   20120321                             C116C191400000001 
SUBENT        C1914001   20120321                             C116C191400100001 
BIB                 12         35                                 C191400100002 
TITLE       (p,pd) reaction on 6Li at 590 MeV for high recoil     C191400100003 
           momenta                                                C191400100004 
AUTHOR     (P.Kitching,W.C.Olsen,H.S.Sherif,W.Dollhopf,C.Lunke,   C191400100005 
            C.F.Perdrisat,J.R.Priest,W.K.Roberts)                 C191400100006 
INSTITUTE  (1CANALA,1USAWMC,1USAMIU,1USALRC)                      C191400100007 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,11,(2),420,1975)                               C191400100008 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.11.420                           C191400100009 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,1USASRE)                                        C191400100010 
INC-SOURCE The 590 MeV proton beam of the NASA synchrocyclotron.  C191400100011 
SAMPLE     (3-LI-6,ENR=0.956) Lithium target 0.685 cm thick.      C191400100012 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) A magnetic spectrometer was used to detect     C191400100013 
           charged particles in coincidence with outgoing         C191400100014 
           protons, which were stopped in a range telescope.      C191400100015 
PART-DET   (P,D)                                                  C191400100016 
METHOD     (CHARG,MASSP,TOF) Spark chambers were used to          C191400100017 
           determine the scattering angle and reconstruct the     C191400100018 
           trajectories of the charged particles through the      C191400100019 
           magnetic field. Plastic scintillator counters were     C191400100020 
           used to trigger the spark chambers and to measure the  C191400100021 
           time of flight of the charged particles. The mass      C191400100022 
           separation of the spectrometer was 10%, enabling       C191400100023 
           deuterons to be easily separated from other particles. C191400100024 
ANALYSIS   (DIFFR) Data were taken and analyzed under two         C191400100025 
           different conditions: copper absorber thickness and    C191400100026 
           magnetic field appropriate to an average value of      C191400100027 
           transverse recoil momentum. The missing energy         C191400100028 
           spectra for these two conditions were deduced. The     C191400100029 
           transmission of the system, for a given recoil         C191400100030 
           momentum, was calculated both by numerical             C191400100031 
           integration over the solid angles and energy           C191400100032 
           acceptance and by Monte Carlo simulation. A small      C191400100033 
           correction for multiple scattering (5%) was            C191400100034 
           calculated with the Monte Carlo simulation. These      C191400100035 
           results were used to deduced cross sections.           C191400100036 
HISTORY    (20120321C) BP                                         C191400100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 C191400100038 
COMMON               3          3                                 C191400100039 
EN         ANG-MIN    ANG-MAX                                     C191400100040 
MEV        ADEG       ADEG                                        C191400100041 
590.       43.        58.                                         C191400100042 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C191400100043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 C191400199999 
SUBENT        C1914002   20120321                             C116C191400200001 
BIB                  4         13                                 C191400200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(P,P+D)2-HE-4,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/D/P,MSC)           C191400200003 
            Complex data, accurate definition of relation between C191400200004 
            triple-differential cross section and independent     C191400200005 
            variables to be taken from article                    C191400200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 11.                              C191400200007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) For all cross sections, the stated errors are  C191400200008 
           statistical only.                                      C191400200009 
           (ERR-SYS) 10% The systematic error, arising mainly     C191400200010 
           from errors in the calibration of beam intensity       C191400200011 
           monitor and the efficiency of the range telescope.     C191400200012 
COMMENT    The peak in the missing energy spectra was             C191400200013 
           interpreted originating from the quasielastic          C191400200014 
           interaction 6Li(p,pd)4He.                              C191400200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 C191400200016 
COMMON               2          3                                 C191400200017 
E-LVL      ERR-SYS                                                C191400200018 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               C191400200019 
0.         10.                                                    C191400200020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C191400200021 
DATA                 4         11                                 C191400200022 
MOM-TR     DATA       ERR-S      DATA-MAX                         C191400200023 
MEV/C      MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV                       C191400200024 
       38.0     0.0447     0.0019                                 C191400200025 
       55.0     0.0288     0.0013                                 C191400200026 
       73.0     0.0229     0.0008                                 C191400200027 
       92.0     0.0124     0.0006                                 C191400200028 
      110.0    0.00535    0.00043                                 C191400200029 
      130.0    0.00248    0.00029                                 C191400200030 
      150.0    0.00062    0.00015                                 C191400200031 
      169.0    0.00021   0.000087                                 C191400200032 
      189.0    0.00017   0.000076                                 C191400200033 
      209.0    0.00014    0.00069                                 C191400200034 
      229.0                         0.000056                      C191400200035 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 C191400200036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 C191400299999 
SUBENT        C1914003   20120321                             C116C191400300001 
BIB                  3         10                                 C191400300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(P,P+D)2-HE-4,,DA/DA/DE,P/D/P,MSC)              C191400300003 
            Complex data, accurate definition of relation between C191400300004 
            triple-differential cross section and independent     C191400300005 
            variables to be taken from article                    C191400300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 11.                              C191400300007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) For all cross sections, the stated errors are  C191400300008 
           statistical only.                                      C191400300009 
           (ERR-SYS) 10% The systematic error, arising mainly     C191400300010 
           from errors in the calibration of beam intensity       C191400300011 
           monitor and the efficiency of the range telescope.     C191400300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 C191400300013 
COMMON               1          3                                 C191400300014 
ERR-SYS                                                           C191400300015 
PER-CENT                                                          C191400300016 
10.                                                               C191400300017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C191400300018 
DATA                 3         11                                 C191400300019 
MOM-TR     DATA       ERR-S                                       C191400300020 
MEV/C      MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV                                  C191400300021 
       38.0     0.0589     0.0022                                 C191400300022 
       55.0     0.0461     0.0017                                 C191400300023 
       73.0     0.0466     0.0011                                 C191400300024 
       92.0     0.0337     0.0010                                 C191400300025 
      110.0     0.0258     0.0008                                 C191400300026 
      130.0     0.0186     0.0007                                 C191400300027 
      150.0     0.0117     0.0006                                 C191400300028 
      169.0     0.0081    0.00046                                 C191400300029 
      189.0    0.00257    0.00026                                 C191400300030 
      209.0    0.00052    0.00012                                 C191400300031 
      229.0    0.00016    0.00006                                 C191400300032 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 C191400300033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 C191400399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 C191499999999