ENTRY            C1943   20120911                             C123C194300000001 
SUBENT        C1943001   20120911                             C123C194300100001 
BIB                  9         34                                 C194300100002 
TITLE      Level structure of 18Ne and its importance in the      C194300100003 
           14-O(alpha,p)17F reaction rate                         C194300100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Almaraz-Calderon,W.P.Tan,A.Aprahamian,B.Bucher,     C194300100005 
           A.Roberts,M.Wiescher,C.R.Brune,T.N.Massey,N.Ozkan,     C194300100006 
           R.T.Guray,H.Mach)                                      C194300100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USANOT,1USAOHO,2TUKKOC,2SWDUPP)                      C194300100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,86,025801,2012)                                C194300100009 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USANOT)                                         C194300100010 
SAMPLE     Self-supported SiO target with thickness of 100        C194300100011 
           mu-g/cm2                                               C194300100012 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Neutrons were measured by an array of 16        C194300100013 
           liquid organic scintillation detectors. The array of   C194300100014 
           neutron detectors consisted of four hexagonal 5 in.    C194300100015 
           thick detectors, five 7 in. x 1 in. cylindrical        C194300100016 
           detectors, and seven 5 in. x 2 in. cylindrical         C194300100017 
           detectors. The neutron detector array was placed 3.6   C194300100018 
           m away from the center of the reaction chamber         C194300100019 
           covering an angular range from 11deg to 39deg.         C194300100020 
           (SISD) Low energy silicon-strip detector array         C194300100021 
           LESA consisted of four identical 300 mu-m thick        C194300100022 
           silicon-pad detectors, each of which has four strips   C194300100023 
           and a total area of 4 x 4 cm2. The silicon detector    C194300100024 
           array was placed inside the reaction chamber,          C194300100025 
           covering an angular range from 90deg to 150deg.        C194300100026 
METHOD     (TOF,PSD,COINC) Neutron energy was determined by time  C194300100027 
           of flight after pulse shape analysis was performed to  C194300100028 
           select neutrons. Coincidence between neutron           C194300100029 
           detectors and LESA array was required. Excited unbound C194300100030 
           states of 18Ne were produced via reaction              C194300100031 
           16-O(3He,n)18Ne. Properties of 18Ne unbound states wereC194300100032 
           studied using coincidences of neutrons populating      C194300100033 
           unbound states of 18Ne and charged particles emitted   C194300100034 
           in decays of these states.                             C194300100035 
HISTORY    (20120911C) Compiled by S.H.                           C194300100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 C194300100037 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C194300100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 C194300199999 
SUBENT        C1943002   20120911                             C123C194300200001 
BIB                  4          8                                 C194300200002 
REACTION   (8-O-14(A,P)9-F-17,PAR,SGV,,MXW/MSC)                   C194300200003 
            Contributions of each resonance to reaction rate      C194300200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data presented in fig. 9 of the reference      C194300200005 
             sent by author (S.A.-C.)                             C194300200006 
           (DEP,C1943002)                                         C194300200007 
ANALYSIS   Reaction rates determined using resonance parameters   C194300200008 
           measured in this work                                  C194300200009 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,10-NE-18)                                       C194300200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C194300200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C194300200012 
DATA                 3        118                                 C194300200013 
KT-K       EN-RES     DATA                                        C194300200014 
K9         MEV        CM3/S/MOL                                   C194300200015 
       0.15       6.15   1.05E-28                                 C194300200016 
       0.15       6.30   4.80E-34                                 C194300200017 
       0.20       6.15   2.78E-20                                 C194300200018 
       0.20       6.30   2.18E-24                                 C194300200019 
       0.25       6.15   2.92E-15                                 C194300200020 
       0.25       6.30   1.26E-18                                 C194300200021 
       0.25       7.06   8.28E-32                                 C194300200022 
       0.25       7.37   2.67E-38                                 C194300200023 
       0.30       6.15   6.18E-12                                 C194300200024 
       0.30       6.30   8.31E-15                                 C194300200025 
       0.30       7.06   1.98E-25                                 C194300200026 
       0.30       7.37   7.10E-31                                 C194300200027 
       0.30       7.60   1.37E-33                                 C194300200028 
       0.35       6.15   1.41E-09                                 C194300200029 
       0.35       6.30   4.28E-12                                 C194300200030 
       0.35       7.06   6.90E-21                                 C194300200031 
       0.35       7.37   1.38E-25                                 C194300200032 
       0.35       7.60   9.50E-28                                 C194300200033 
       0.35       7.95   1.74E-32                                 C194300200034 
       0.35       8.09   1.10E-33                                 C194300200035 
       0.40       6.15   8.10E-08                                 C194300200036 
       0.40       6.30   4.51E-10                                 C194300200037 
       0.40       7.06   1.71E-17                                 C194300200038 
       0.40       7.37   1.24E-21                                 C194300200039 
       0.40       7.60   2.22E-23                                 C194300200040 
       0.40       7.95   1.74E-27                                 C194300200041 
       0.40       8.09   1.92E-28                                 C194300200042 
       0.50       6.15   2.22E-05                                 C194300200043 
       0.50       6.30   2.90E-07                                 C194300200044 
       0.50       7.06   9.15E-13                                 C194300200045 
       0.50       7.37   4.02E-16                                 C194300200046 
       0.50       7.60   2.74E-17                                 C194300200047 
       0.50       7.95   1.63E-20                                 C194300200048 
       0.50       8.09   3.99E-21                                 C194300200049 
       0.60       6.15   8.89E-04                                 C194300200050 
       0.60       6.30   2.05E-05                                 C194300200051 
       0.60       7.06   1.23E-09                                 C194300200052 
       0.60       7.37   1.81E-12                                 C194300200053 
       0.60       7.60   3.00E-13                                 C194300200054 
       0.60       7.95   6.93E-16                                 C194300200055 
       0.60       8.09   2.86E-16                                 C194300200056 
       0.70       6.15   1.20E-02                                 C194300200057 
       0.70       6.30   4.16E-04                                 C194300200058 
       0.70       7.06   2.05E-07                                 C194300200059 
       0.70       7.37   7.10E-10                                 C194300200060 
       0.70       7.60   2.22E-10                                 C194300200061 
       0.70       7.95   1.35E-12                                 C194300200062 
       0.70       8.09   8.11E-13                                 C194300200063 
       0.80       6.15   8.21E-02                                 C194300200064 
       0.80       6.30   3.86E-03                                 C194300200065 
       0.80       7.06   9.24E-06                                 C194300200066 
       0.80       7.37   6.09E-08                                 C194300200067 
       0.80       7.60   3.07E-08                                 C194300200068 
       0.80       7.95   3.85E-10                                 C194300200069 
       0.80       8.09   3.07E-10                                 C194300200070 
       0.90       6.15   3.59E-01                                 C194300200071 
       0.90       6.30   2.14E-02                                 C194300200072 
       0.90       7.06   1.75E-04                                 C194300200073 
       0.90       7.37   1.90E-06                                 C194300200074 
       0.90       7.60   1.39E-06                                 C194300200075 
       0.90       7.95   3.06E-08                                 C194300200076 
       0.90       8.09   3.04E-08                                 C194300200077 
       1.00       6.15   1.15E+00                                 C194300200078 
       1.00       6.30   8.28E-02                                 C194300200079 
       1.00       7.06   1.81E-03                                 C194300200080 
       1.00       7.37   2.94E-05                                 C194300200081 
       1.00       7.60   2.88E-05                                 C194300200082 
       1.00       7.95   9.99E-07                                 C194300200083 
       1.00       8.09   1.18E-06                                 C194300200084 
       1.50       6.15   3.30E+01                                 C194300200085 
       1.50       6.30   4.19E+00                                 C194300200086 
       1.50       7.06   1.75E+00                                 C194300200087 
       1.50       7.37   9.45E-02                                 C194300200088 
       1.50       7.60   2.26E-01                                 C194300200089 
       1.50       7.95   3.03E-02                                 C194300200090 
       1.50       8.09   6.07E-02                                 C194300200091 
       2.00       6.15   1.56E+02                                 C194300200092 
       2.00       6.30   2.63E+01                                 C194300200093 
       2.00       7.06   4.78E+01                                 C194300200094 
       2.00       7.37   4.72E+00                                 C194300200095 
       2.00       7.60   1.76E+01                                 C194300200096 
       2.00       7.95   4.65E+00                                 C194300200097 
       2.00       8.09   1.21E+01                                 C194300200098 
       2.50       6.15   3.66E+02                                 C194300200099 
       2.50       6.30   7.33E+01                                 C194300200100 
       2.50       7.06   3.23E+02                                 C194300200101 
       2.50       7.37   4.57E+01                                 C194300200102 
       2.50       7.60   2.23E+02                                 C194300200103 
       2.50       7.95   8.82E+01                                 C194300200104 
       2.50       8.09   2.69E+02                                 C194300200105 
       3.00       6.15   6.15E+02                                 C194300200106 
       3.00       6.30   1.38E+02                                 C194300200107 
       3.00       7.06   1.10E+03                                 C194300200108 
       3.00       7.37   1.97E+02                                 C194300200109 
       3.00       7.60   1.15E+03                                 C194300200110 
       3.00       7.95   5.97E+02                                 C194300200111 
       3.00       8.09   2.02E+03                                 C194300200112 
       3.50       6.15   8.59E+02                                 C194300200113 
       3.50       6.30   2.09E+02                                 C194300200114 
       3.50       7.06   2.53E+03                                 C194300200115 
       3.50       7.37   5.42E+02                                 C194300200116 
       3.50       7.60   3.58E+03                                 C194300200117 
       3.50       7.95   2.26E+03                                 C194300200118 
       3.50       8.09   8.24E+03                                 C194300200119 
       4.00       6.15   1.08E+03                                 C194300200120 
       4.00       6.30   2.79E+02                                 C194300200121 
       4.00       7.06   4.62E+03                                 C194300200122 
       4.00       7.37   1.12E+03                                 C194300200123 
       4.00       7.60   8.17E+03                                 C194300200124 
       4.00       7.95   5.96E+03                                 C194300200125 
       4.00       8.09   2.30E+04                                 C194300200126 
       5.00       6.15   1.40E+03                                 C194300200127 
       5.00       6.30   3.93E+02                                 C194300200128 
       5.00       7.06   1.02E+04                                 C194300200129 
       5.00       7.37   2.96E+03                                 C194300200130 
       5.00       7.60   2.46E+04                                 C194300200131 
       5.00       7.95   2.20E+04                                 C194300200132 
       5.00       8.09   9.18E+04                                 C194300200133 
ENDDATA            120          0                                 C194300200134 
ENDSUBENT          133          0                                 C194300299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C194399999999