ENTRY            C1964   20130111                             C127C196400000001 
SUBENT        C1964001   20130111                             C127C196400100001 
BIB                  9         28                                 C196400100002 
TITLE      Thermonuclear reaction rate of 18-O(p,g)19F            C196400100003 
AUTHOR     (M.Q.Buckner,C.Iliadis,J.M.Cesaratto,C.Howard,         C196400100004 
           T.B.Clegg,A.E.Champagne,S.Daigle)                      C196400100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USANCA,1USATNL)                                      C196400100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,86,065804,2012)                                C196400100007 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USANOT) Experiment performed using 1MV JN Van   C196400100008 
           de Graaff accelerator at LENA facility                 C196400100009 
SAMPLE     (8-O-18,ENR=0.993) Anodic oxydized tantalum targets    C196400100010 
           were used in experiment. Tantalum backings were        C196400100011 
           etched in an acid bath in order to reduce beam         C196400100012 
           induced backgrounds by removing surface contaminants   C196400100013 
           (11B and 19F). Subsequently, all etched tantalum       C196400100014 
           backings were resistively heated. These outgassed      C196400100015 
           target backings were anodized at 64 V using enriched   C196400100016 
           18O water to produce (Ta)2(18-O)5 targets with an      C196400100017 
           expected target thickness of approx. 18 keV at         C196400100018 
           Elab= 151 keV.                                         C196400100019 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) A 135% detector was placed at 0 degrees to the  C196400100020 
           beam and in close running geometry with the target     C196400100021 
           chamber. The distance between the HPGe detector and    C196400100022 
           the target midpoint was 1.1 cm.                        C196400100023 
           (NAICR)The target chamber and HPGe detector were       C196400100024 
           surrounded by a 16-segment NaI(Tl) annulus. Plastic    C196400100025 
           scintillator paddles covered the two detectors on      C196400100026 
           five sides and suppressed cosmic-ray muon events.      C196400100027 
METHOD     (COINC) Coincidence between HPGe and NAI(Tl)           C196400100028 
           detectors was required to reduce background.           C196400100029 
HISTORY    (20130111C) Compiled by S.H.                           C196400100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 C196400100031 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C196400100032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 C196400199999 
SUBENT        C1964002   20130111                             C127C196400200001 
BIB                  4          5                                 C196400200002 
REACTION   (8-O-18(P,G)9-F-19,,SGV,,MXW)                          C196400200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference        C196400200004 
MISC-COL   (MISC1) Low rate                                       C196400200005 
           (MISC2) High rate                                      C196400200006 
FLAG       (1.) Rates matched to Hauser-Feshbach results          C196400200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 C196400200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C196400200009 
DATA                 5         50                                 C196400200010 
KT         DATA       MISC1      MISC2      FLAG                  C196400200011 
K9         CM3/S/MOL  CM3/S/MOL  CM3/S/MOL  NO-DIM                C196400200012 
 0.010       2.923E-24  4.967E-24  8.785E-24                      C196400200013 
 0.011       2.581E-23  4.222E-23  7.344E-23                      C196400200014 
 0.012       1.719E-22  2.676E-22  4.468E-22                      C196400200015 
 0.013       1.370E-21  9.299E-22  2.181E-21                      C196400200016 
 0.014       5.973E-21  4.223E-21  8.985E-21                      C196400200017 
 0.015       2.321E-20  1.709E-20  3.309E-20                      C196400200018 
 0.016       8.151E-20  6.180E-20  1.113E-19                      C196400200019 
 0.018       8.027E-19  6.283E-19  1.041E-18                      C196400200020 
 0.020       6.045E-18  4.820E-18  7.721E-18                      C196400200021 
 0.025       4.041E-16  3.235E-16  5.168E-16                      C196400200022 
 0.030       1.093E-14  8.728E-15  1.402E-14                      C196400200023 
 0.040       1.555E-12  1.206E-12  2.340E-12                      C196400200024 
 0.050       1.227E-10  9.349E-11  2.056E-10                      C196400200025 
 0.060       1.274E-08  9.553E-09  1.818E-08                      C196400200026 
 0.070       4.764E-07  3.573E-07  6.503E-07                      C196400200027 
 0.080       7.304E-06  5.495E-06  9.891E-06                      C196400200028 
 0.090       6.049E-05  4.553E-05  8.137E-05                      C196400200029 
 0.100       3.239E-04  2.437E-04  4.347E-04                      C196400200030 
 0.110       1.263E-03  9.505E-04  1.692E-03                      C196400200031 
 0.120       3.880E-03  2.921E-03  5.191E-03                      C196400200032 
 0.130       9.946E-03  7.484E-03  1.330E-02                      C196400200033 
 0.140       2.211E-02  1.663E-02  2.957E-02                      C196400200034 
 0.150       4.386E-02  3.300E-02  5.867E-02                      C196400200035 
 0.160       7.942E-02  5.970E-02  1.062E-01                      C196400200036 
 0.180       2.102E-01  1.581E-01  2.814E-01                      C196400200037 
 0.200       4.507E-01  3.388E-01  6.033E-01                      C196400200038 
 0.250       1.694E-00  1.274E-00  2.266E-00                      C196400200039 
 0.300       2.932E+00  3.903E+00  5.212E+00                      C196400200040 
 0.350       5.153E+00  6.853E+00  9.134E+00                      C196400200041 
 0.400       7.695E+01  1.370E+01  1.819E+01                      C196400200042 
 0.500       1.303E+01  1.715E+01  2.269E+01                      C196400200043 
 0.600       1.841E+01  2.387E+01  3.123E+01                      C196400200044 
 0.700       2.464E+01  3.121E+01  3.988E+01                      C196400200045 
 0.800       3.356E+01  4.137E+01  5.129E+01                      C196400200046 
 0.900       4.759E+01  5.709E+01  6.938E+01                      C196400200047 
 1.000       6.916E+01  8.167E+01  9.819E+01                      C196400200048 
 1.250       1.719E+02  2.000E+02  2.380E+02                      C196400200049 
 1.500       3.630E+02  4.213E+02  4.975E+02                      C196400200050 
 1.750       6.403E+02  7.430E+02  8.726E+02                      C196400200051 
 2.000       9.921E+02  1.149E+03  1.342E+03                      C196400200052 
 2.500       1.842E+03  2.129E+03  2.487E+03                      C196400200053 
 3.000       2.798E+03  3.230E+03  3.769E+03                      C196400200054 
 3.500       3.777E+03  4.369E+03  5.130E+03                      C196400200055 
 4.000       4.758E+03  5.507E+03  6.507E+03                      C196400200056 
 5.000       6.600E+03  7.729E+03  9.353E+03                      C196400200057 
 6.000       8.727E+03  1.056E+04  1.277E+04   1.                 C196400200058 
 7.000       1.167E+04  1.411E+04  1.707E+04   1.                 C196400200059 
 8.000       1.452E+04  1.757E+04  2.125E+04   1.                 C196400200060 
 9.000       1.718E+04  2.078E+04  2.514E+04   1.                 C196400200061 
10.000       2.032E+04  2.458E+04  2.974E+04   1.                 C196400200062 
ENDDATA             52          0                                 C196400200063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 C196400299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C196499999999