ENTRY            C1992   20220805                             C216C199200000001 
SUBENT        C1992001   20220805                             C216C199200100001 
BIB                 10         35                                 C199200100002 
TITLE      Gamma Rays from the Proton Bombardment of N15          C199200100003 
AUTHOR     (S.Bashkin,R.R.Carlson)                                C199200100004 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,106,(2),261,1957)                                C199200100005 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.106.261                           C199200100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USAIOW)                                              C199200100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USAIOW)                                          C199200100008 
PART-DET   (P,G)                                                  C199200100009 
DETECTOR   (NAICR,BF3) Gamma rays were detected with a Harshaw,   C199200100010 
           NaI(Tl) crystal, three inches in diameter and three    C199200100011 
           inches long, optically coupled to a Dumont 6363        C199200100012 
           photomultiplier tube.                                  C199200100013 
SAMPLE     (7-N-15,ENR=0.61) Nitrogen gas.                        C199200100014 
METHOD     (GSPEC) Protons were accelerated with a pressurized,   C199200100015 
           electrostatic generator. A variable magnetic field     C199200100016 
           deflected the beam 25 degrees through collimating      C199200100017 
           apertures, the smallest of which was 0.080 inch x 080  C199200100018 
           inch in size, into the target chamber. The magnet      C199200100019 
           current was calibrated against proton energy by        C199200100020 
           measuring the current at which well-known resonances   C199200100021 
           in the 19F(p,alpha gamma)150 reaction appeared when    C199200100022 
           monatomic and diatomic hydrogen ions struck thin,      C199200100023 
           fluorine targets. In addition, a BF3 counter was used  C199200100024 
           to locate the known threshold for the 15N(p,n)150      C199200100025 
           reaction at 3776 kev. The proton energy was known      C199200100026 
           absolutely to +- one percent over the range of this    C199200100027 
           experiment. Data were taken with targets of nitrogen   C199200100028 
           gas prepared from ammonium nitrate. The yield curve    C199200100029 
           for reaction 15N(p,alpha gamma)12C was measured by     C199200100030 
           detecting the 4.43-Mev gamma rays resulting from the   C199200100031 
           fast de-excitation (half-life < 3x10-13 sec) of the    C199200100032 
           12C nucleus. Since the gamma-ray energy was            C199200100033 
           independent of the bombarding energy, the detection    C199200100034 
           efficiency was constant for a given geometry.          C199200100035 
HISTORY    (20130410C) BP                                         C199200100036 
           (20220727A) OS. Data heading correction in sub.2       C199200100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 C199200100038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C199200100039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 C199200199999 
SUBENT        C1992002   20220805                             C216C199200200001 
BIB                  4          6                                 C199200200002 
REACTION   (7-N-15(P,A)6-C-12,PAR,DA,G,REL)                       C199200200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2, page 262.                               C199200200004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Standard deviation is shown where it        C199200200005 
           exceeds the size of point.                             C199200200006 
HISTORY    (20220727A) Changed REACTION SF6 from MLT/DA to DA,    C199200200007 
            heading of 3rd field changed to DATA-ERR              C199200200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C199200200009 
COMMON               2          3                                 C199200200010 
ANG        E-LVL                                                  C199200200011 
ADEG       MEV                                                    C199200200012 
0.         4.43                                                   C199200200013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C199200200014 
DATA                 3        198                                 C199200200015 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C199200200016 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   C199200200017 
  1.178E+00  1.515E+03                                            C199200200018 
  1.183E+00  1.799E+03                                            C199200200019 
  1.190E+00  2.036E+03                                            C199200200020 
  1.192E+00  2.415E+03                                            C199200200021 
  1.197E+00  2.888E+03                                            C199200200022 
  1.201E+00  4.024E+03                                            C199200200023 
  1.206E+00  4.875E+03                                            C199200200024 
  1.208E+00  8.708E+03                                            C199200200025 
  1.208E+00  7.194E+03                                            C199200200026 
  1.213E+00  1.136E+04                                            C199200200027 
  1.222E+00  1.273E+04                                            C199200200028 
  1.227E+00  1.155E+04                                            C199200200029 
  1.230E+00  8.709E+03                                            C199200200030 
  1.237E+00  6.106E+03                                            C199200200031 
  1.246E+00  3.930E+03                                            C199200200032 
  1.249E+00  2.699E+03                                            C199200200033 
  1.258E+00  1.327E+03                                            C199200200034 
  1.268E+00  8.071E+02                                            C199200200035 
  1.277E+00  4.287E+02                                            C199200200036 
  1.296E+00  3.816E+02                                            C199200200037 
  1.315E+00  3.346E+02                                            C199200200038 
  1.327E+00  2.875E+02                                            C199200200039 
  1.339E+00  2.877E+02                                            C199200200040 
  1.353E+00  2.879E+02                                            C199200200041 
  1.365E+00  2.408E+02                                            C199200200042 
  1.379E+00  1.937E+02                                            C199200200043 
  1.393E+00  1.939E+02                                            C199200200044 
  1.412E+00  1.469E+02                                            C199200200045 
  1.424E+00  1.944E+02                                            C199200200046 
  1.435E+00  2.419E+02                                            C199200200047 
  1.447E+00  1.948E+02                                            C199200200048 
  1.461E+00  1.950E+02                                            C199200200049 
  1.468E+00  3.370E+02                                            C199200200050 
  1.483E+00  3.373E+02                                            C199200200051 
  1.499E+00  2.902E+02                                            C199200200052 
  1.511E+00  4.323E+02                                            C199200200053 
  1.523E+00  4.325E+02                                            C199200200054 
  1.537E+00  5.747E+02                                            C199200200055 
  1.546E+00  6.695E+02                                            C199200200056 
  1.561E+00  7.644E+02                                            C199200200057 
  1.570E+00  1.001E+03                                            C199200200058 
  1.582E+00  1.380E+03                                            C199200200059 
  1.598E+00  1.995E+03                                            C199200200060 
  1.610E+00  2.705E+03                                            C199200200061 
  1.620E+00  3.415E+03                                            C199200200062 
  1.622E+00  4.267E+03                                            C199200200063 
  1.631E+00  5.355E+03                                            C199200200064 
  1.636E+00  6.633E+03                                            C199200200065 
  1.641E+00  7.911E+03                                            C199200200066 
  1.643E+00  8.857E+03                                            C199200200067 
  1.652E+00  9.330E+03                                            C199200200068 
  1.662E+00  8.999E+03                                            C199200200069 
  1.664E+00  8.337E+03                                            C199200200070 
  1.671E+00  7.343E+03                                            C199200200071 
  1.676E+00  6.397E+03                                            C199200200072 
  1.683E+00  5.403E+03                                            C199200200073 
  1.693E+00  4.694E+03                                            C199200200074 
  1.700E+00  4.173E+03                                            C199200200075 
  1.707E+00  3.653E+03                                            C199200200076 
  1.714E+00  3.275E+03                                            C199200200077 
  1.728E+00  2.376E+03                                            C199200200078 
  1.740E+00  1.950E+03                                            C199200200079 
  1.750E+00  1.714E+03                                            C199200200080 
  1.768E+00  1.383E+03                                            C199200200081 
  1.783E+00  1.241E+03                                            C199200200082 
  1.797E+00  1.147E+03                                            C199200200083 
  1.809E+00  9.102E+02                                            C199200200084 
  1.820E+00  8.158E+02                                            C199200200085 
  1.832E+00  7.686E+02                                            C199200200086 
  1.846E+00  8.162E+02                                            C199200200087 
  1.865E+00  7.218E+02                                            C199200200088 
  1.880E+00  6.748E+02                                            C199200200089 
  1.887E+00  7.222E+02                                            C199200200090 
  1.901E+00  7.697E+02                                            C199200200091 
  1.917E+00  5.807E+02                                            C199200200092 
  1.931E+00  6.283E+02                                            C199200200093 
  1.948E+00  6.758E+02                                            C199200200094 
  1.962E+00  6.761E+02                                            C199200200095 
  1.972E+00  7.235E+02                                            C199200200096 
  1.986E+00  9.130E+02                                            C199200200097 
  1.995E+00  1.102E+03                                            C199200200098 
  1.998E+00  1.434E+03                                            C199200200099 
  2.007E+00  1.481E+03                                            C199200200100 
  2.016E+00  1.292E+03                                            C199200200101 
  2.024E+00  9.609E+02                                            C199200200102 
  2.031E+00  7.245E+02                                            C199200200103 
  2.042E+00  5.354E+02                                            C199200200104 
  2.054E+00  6.775E+02                                            C199200200105 
  2.073E+00  5.359E+02                                            C199200200106 
  2.090E+00  5.361E+02                                            C199200200107 
  2.102E+00  5.363E+02                                            C199200200108 
  2.118E+00  5.366E+02                                            C199200200109 
  2.135E+00  4.422E+02                                            C199200200110 
  2.149E+00  5.844E+02                                            C199200200111 
  2.165E+00  3.954E+02                                            C199200200112 
  2.182E+00  4.902E+02                                            C199200200113 
  2.194E+00  5.378E+02                                            C199200200114 
  2.205E+00  4.433E+02                                            C199200200115 
  2.224E+00  4.909E+02                                            C199200200116 
  2.236E+00  4.438E+02                                            C199200200117 
  2.260E+00  4.442E+02                                            C199200200118 
  2.269E+00  4.916E+02                                            C199200200119 
  2.288E+00  4.446E+02                                            C199200200120 
  2.314E+00  4.450E+02                                            C199200200121 
  2.328E+00  4.452E+02                                            C199200200122 
  2.343E+00  3.508E+02                                            C199200200123 
  2.364E+00  4.931E+02                                            C199200200124 
  2.378E+00  4.933E+02                                            C199200200125 
  2.392E+00  4.936E+02                                            C199200200126 
  2.420E+00  4.940E+02                                            C199200200127 
  2.437E+00  4.470E+02                                            C199200200128 
  2.451E+00  4.472E+02                                            C199200200129 
  2.477E+00  5.422E+02                                            C199200200130 
  2.489E+00  6.370E+02                                            C199200200131 
  2.508E+00  4.954E+02                                            C199200200132 
  2.520E+00  5.902E+02                                            C199200200133 
  2.539E+00  5.432E+02                                            C199200200134 
  2.550E+00  5.907E+02                                            C199200200135 
  2.567E+00  6.856E+02                                            C199200200136 
  2.583E+00  6.385E+02                                            C199200200137 
  2.602E+00  6.862E+02                                            C199200200138 
  2.612E+00  6.863E+02                                            C199200200139 
  2.635E+00  6.867E+02                                            C199200200140 
  2.650E+00  6.869E+02                                            C199200200141 
  2.668E+00  8.292E+02                                            C199200200142 
  2.683E+00  8.294E+02                                            C199200200143 
  2.702E+00  9.243E+02                                            C199200200144 
  2.716E+00  8.772E+02                                            C199200200145 
  2.732E+00  9.721E+02                                            C199200200146 
  2.749E+00  1.020E+03                                            C199200200147 
  2.787E+00  1.210E+03                                            C199200200148 
  2.798E+00  1.257E+03                                            C199200200149 
  2.817E+00  1.305E+03                                            C199200200150 
  2.834E+00  1.542E+03                                            C199200200151 
  2.848E+00  1.447E+03                                            C199200200152 
  2.867E+00  1.779E+03                                            C199200200153 
  2.886E+00  1.874E+03                                            C199200200154 
  2.900E+00  2.158E+03                                            C199200200155 
  2.938E+00  2.537E+03                                            C199200200156 
  2.954E+00  3.294E+03                                            C199200200157 
  2.975E+00  4.951E+03                                            C199200200158 
  2.985E+00  6.796E+03                                            C199200200159 
  2.989E+00  1.072E+04                                            C199200200160 
  3.008E+00  1.517E+04                                            C199200200161 
  3.025E+00  1.266E+04                                            C199200200162 
  3.041E+00  7.223E+03                                            C199200200163 
  3.051E+00  5.425E+03                                            C199200200164 
  3.065E+00  4.621E+03                                            C199200200165 
  3.077E+00  4.432E+03                                            C199200200166 
  3.094E+00  4.054E+03                                            C199200200167 
  3.108E+00  3.912E+03                                            C199200200168 
  3.124E+00  3.770E+03                                            C199200200169 
  3.148E+00  3.723E+03                                            C199200200170 
  3.164E+00  3.913E+03                                            C199200200171 
  3.181E+00  4.197E+03                                            C199200200172 
  3.200E+00  4.481E+03                                            C199200200173 
  3.216E+00  5.380E+03                                            C199200200174 
  3.238E+00  6.516E+03                                            C199200200175 
  3.254E+00  6.848E+03                                            C199200200176 
  3.270E+00  1.011E+04                                            C199200200177 
  3.292E+00  1.078E+04                                            C199200200178 
  3.311E+00  9.215E+03                                            C199200200179 
  3.332E+00  6.707E+03                                            C199200200180 
  3.353E+00  5.761E+03                                            C199200200181 
  3.365E+00  5.193E+03                                            C199200200182 
  3.386E+00  5.004E+03                                            C199200200183 
  3.405E+00  4.910E+03                                            C199200200184 
  3.424E+00  4.910E+03                                            C199200200185 
  3.443E+00  5.005E+03                                            C199200200186 
  3.460E+00  5.195E+03                                            C199200200187 
  3.481E+00  5.526E+03                                            C199200200188 
  3.502E+00  5.621E+03                                            C199200200189 
  3.519E+00  5.764E+03                                            C199200200190 
  3.540E+00  5.527E+03                                            C199200200191 
  3.561E+00  5.244E+03                                            C199200200192 
  3.578E+00  4.534E+03                                            C199200200193 
  3.594E+00  3.967E+03                                            C199200200194 
  3.616E+00  3.589E+03                                            C199200200195 
  3.635E+00  3.258E+03                                            C199200200196 
  3.649E+00  3.211E+03                                            C199200200197 
  3.672E+00  3.069E+03                                            C199200200198 
  3.694E+00  3.022E+03                                            C199200200199 
  3.715E+00  2.975E+03                                            C199200200200 
  3.731E+00  3.070E+03                                            C199200200201 
  3.757E+00  3.023E+03                                            C199200200202 
  3.776E+00  3.118E+03                                            C199200200203 
  3.798E+00  3.118E+03                                            C199200200204 
  3.814E+00  3.355E+03                                            C199200200205 
  3.831E+00  3.687E+03  2.839E+02                                 C199200200206 
  3.849E+00  4.113E+03  1.419E+02                                 C199200200207 
  3.868E+00  4.255E+03  2.366E+02                                 C199200200208 
  3.904E+00  5.486E+03  2.839E+02                                 C199200200209 
  3.932E+00  6.007E+03  2.365E+02                                 C199200200210 
  3.934E+00  6.101E+03                                            C199200200211 
  3.956E+00  6.102E+03  2.365E+02                                 C199200200212 
  3.972E+00  5.960E+03  1.892E+02                                 C199200200213 
  3.993E+00  5.724E+03  1.418E+02                                 C199200200214 
  4.022E+00  6.008E+03  2.365E+02                                 C199200200215 
ENDDATA            200          0                                 C199200200216 
ENDSUBENT          215          0                                 C199200299999 
SUBENT        C1992003   20130410                             C130C199200300001 
BIB                  5         16                                 C199200300002 
REACTION  1(7-N-15(P,0),,EN)                                      C199200300003 
          2(7-N-15(P,TOT),,WID)                                   C199200300004 
ANALYSIS   (SLA) The resonance observed in the present paper at   C199200300005 
           1210 keV has been used to normalize the present work   C199200300006 
           to the previous absolute measurements. By using the    C199200300007 
           one-level formula, the new resonances at 3000 keV,     C199200300008 
           3300 keV, and 3520 keV were extrapolated far enough    C199200300009 
           away from their resonance positions for their          C199200300010 
           contributions to the yield to be negligible.           C199200300011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details are given.                       C199200300012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 263.                             C199200300013 
           (DEP,C1992002)                                         C199200300014 
FLAG       (1.) 3- or 4+                                          C199200300015 
           (2.) 1+ or 2-                                          C199200300016 
           (3.) 2- or 3+                                          C199200300017 
           (4.) 1- or 2+ or 3- or 4+                              C199200300018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 C199200300019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C199200300020 
DATA                10          7                                 C199200300021 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2SPIN J     SPIN J     C199200300022 
SPIN J     SPIN J     PARITY     FLAG                             C199200300023 
KEV        KEV        KEV        KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     C199200300024 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           C199200300025 
      1210.        10.        25.         5.         3.         4.C199200300026 
                                          1.                      C199200300027 
      1650.        15.        65.        10.         1.         2.C199200300028 
                                          2.                      C199200300029 
      1985.        20.        25.         5.         2.           C199200300030 
                              -1.                                 C199200300031 
      3000.        30.        45.        10.         4.           C199200300032 
                               1.                                 C199200300033 
      3300.        35.        75.        15.         2.         3.C199200300034 
                                          3.                      C199200300035 
      3350.        50.       750.       100.         2.           C199200300036 
                               1.                                 C199200300037 
      3520.        40.       100.        25.         1.         2.C199200300038 
         3.         4.                    4.                      C199200300039 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 C199200300040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 C199200399999 
SUBENT        C1992004   20130410                             C130C199200400001 
BIB                  3          4                                 C199200400002 
REACTION   (7-N-15(P,A)6-C-12,PAR,DA,G,RES)                       C199200400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details are given.                       C199200400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 263.                             C199200400005 
           (DEP,C1992002)                                         C199200400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C199200400007 
COMMON               2          3                                 C199200400008 
E          ANG                                                    C199200400009 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C199200400010 
4.43       0.0                                                    C199200400011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C199200400012 
DATA                 4          6                                 C199200400013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         C199200400014 
KEV        KEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                            C199200400015 
      1210.        10.        39.         8.                      C199200400016 
      1650.        15.        32.        6.4                      C199200400017 
      1985.        20.        5.2        1.1                      C199200400018 
      3000.        30.       46.3        9.3                      C199200400019 
      3300.        35.       35.5        7.1                      C199200400020 
      3520.        40.       16.1        3.2                      C199200400021 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C199200400022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 C199200499999 
SUBENT        C1992005   20130410                             C130C199200500001 
BIB                  3          4                                 C199200500002 
REACTION   (7-N-15(P,A)6-C-12,PAR,SIG,,RES)                       C199200500003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details are given.                       C199200500004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 263.                             C199200500005 
           (DEP,C1992002)                                         C199200500006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C199200500007 
COMMON               1          3                                 C199200500008 
E-LVL                                                             C199200500009 
MEV                                                               C199200500010 
0.0                                                               C199200500011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C199200500012 
DATA                 4          6                                 C199200500013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         C199200500014 
KEV        KEV        MB         MB                               C199200500015 
      1210.        10.       425.        85.                      C199200500016 
      1650.        15.       340.        68.                      C199200500017 
      1985.        20.       48.5        9.7                      C199200500018 
      3000.        30.       750.       150.                      C199200500019 
      3300.        35.       535.       107.                      C199200500020 
      3520.        40.       236.        47.                      C199200500021 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C199200500022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 C199200599999 
SUBENT        C1992006   20130410                             C130C199200600001 
BIB                  3          4                                 C199200600002 
REACTION   (7-N-15(P,A)6-C-12,PAR,SIG,,RES)                       C199200600003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details are given.                       C199200600004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 263.                             C199200600005 
           (DEP,C1992002)                                         C199200600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C199200600007 
COMMON               1          3                                 C199200600008 
E-LVL                                                             C199200600009 
MEV                                                               C199200600010 
4.43                                                              C199200600011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C199200600012 
DATA                 4          4                                 C199200600013 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         C199200600014 
KEV        KEV        MB         MB                               C199200600015 
      1210.        10.       600.       240.                      C199200600016 
      3000.        30.        50.        20.                      C199200600017 
      3350.        50.        50.        20.                      C199200600018 
      3520.        40.       100.        40.                      C199200600019 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 C199200600020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 C199200699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 C199299999999