ENTRY C1996 20241031 C243C199600000001 SUBENT C1996001 20241031 C243C199600100001 BIB 11 24 C199600100002 TITLE Isomeric cross-section ratios for reactions producing C199600100003 the isomeric pair Hg197,197m C199600100004 AUTHOR (R.Vandenbosch,J.R.Huizenga) C199600100005 INSTITUTE (1USAANL) C199600100006 REFERENCE (J,PR,120,1313,1960) C199600100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.120.1313 C199600100008 REL-REF (O,14367001,R.Vandenbosch+,J,PR,120,1313,1960) C199600100009 Neutron induced reaction data from this C199600100010 reference are compiled in 14367. C199600100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) The foil stacks were exposed to the C199600100012 deflected beam of the Argonne 60-in. cyclotron. C199600100013 DETECTOR (NAICR) Gamma radiation from the 197Hg isomers were C199600100014 detected with a 3in x 3in NaI(Tl) crystal connected C199600100015 to a multichannel analyzer.In order to minimize the C199600100016 magnitude of the sum peaks in counting the 134-keV C199600100017 gamma, the samples were counted in a 3.7% geometry. C199600100018 CORRECTION Small correction for sum peak was applied. C199600100019 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation method was used to determine C199600100020 cross sections and isomeric ratios. C199600100021 DECAY-DATA (80-HG-197-M,24.HR,DG,134.0) C199600100022 (80-HG-197-G,65.HR,DG,77.) C199600100023 HISTORY (20130416C) Compiled by S.H. C199600100024 (20241024A) OS. DECAY-DATA: Intensities deleted C199600100025 (not from reference) C199600100026 ENDBIB 24 0 C199600100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 C199600100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C199600199999 SUBENT C1996002 20130416 C131C199600200001 BIB 4 8 C199600200002 REACTION 1(79-AU-197(P,N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) C199600200003 2(79-AU-197(P,N)80-HG-197-G,,SIG) C199600200004 3(79-AU-197(P,N)80-HG-197-M/G,,SIG/RAT) C199600200005 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2. of the reference C199600200006 SAMPLE Metallic foils with thickness from 0.1 to 0.6 mil C199600200007 were placed between aluminum degrading foils of known C199600200008 thickness. C199600200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given C199600200010 ENDBIB 8 0 C199600200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C199600200012 DATA 5 5 C199600200013 EN DATA 1DATA 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 C199600200014 MEV MB MB NO-DIM NO-DIM C199600200015 7.3 0.4 1.8 0.22 0.02 C199600200016 8.5 3.3 14.2 0.23 0.02 C199600200017 9.4 10.7 41.1 0.26 0.02 C199600200018 9.9 19.9 64.3 0.31 0.03 C199600200019 10.4 26.8 74.9 0.36 0.03 C199600200020 ENDDATA 7 0 C199600200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C199600299999 SUBENT C1996003 20130416 C131C199600300001 BIB 4 8 C199600300002 REACTION 1(79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M,,SIG) C199600300003 2(79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-G,,SIG) C199600300004 3(79-AU-197(D,2N)80-HG-197-M/G,,SIG/RAT) C199600300005 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 3. of the reference C199600300006 SAMPLE Metallic foils with thickness from 0.1 to 0.6 mil C199600300007 were placed between aluminum degrading foils of known C199600300008 thickness. C199600300009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given C199600300010 ENDBIB 8 0 C199600300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C199600300012 DATA 5 20 C199600300013 EN DATA 1DATA 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 C199600300014 MEV MB MB NO-DIM NO-DIM C199600300015 7.2 0.3 0.9 0.33 0.03 C199600300016 8.4 3.0 8.6 0.35 0.03 C199600300017 9.5 17.6 44.3 0.40 0.04 C199600300018 10.8 66.0 129.0 0.51 0.05 C199600300019 11.1 102.0 207.0 0.49 0.05 C199600300020 12.0 125.0 202.0 0.62 0.06 C199600300021 12.3 205.0 344.0 0.60 0.06 C199600300022 13.9 278.0 339.0 0.82 0.08 C199600300023 14.3 250.0 242.0 1.03 0.10 C199600300024 14.7 296.0 303.0 0.98 0.10 C199600300025 15.6 286.0 262.0 1.09 0.10 C199600300026 16.5 251.0 203.0 1.24 0.15 C199600300027 16.5 241.0 196.0 1.23 0.15 C199600300028 17.9 200.0 160.0 1.25 0.15 C199600300029 18.4 156.0 104.0 1.50 0.15 C199600300030 19.4 134.0 119.0 1.13 0.15 C199600300031 19.7 120.0 89.0 1.35 0.15 C199600300032 21.0 1.15 0.10 C199600300033 21.1 92.0 68.0 1.35 0.15 C199600300034 21.4 94.0 90.0 1.04 0.15 C199600300035 ENDDATA 22 0 C199600300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C199600399999 SUBENT C1996004 20130416 C131C199600400001 BIB 4 6 C199600400002 REACTION (78-PT-0(A,X)80-HG-197-M/G,,SIG/RAT) C199600400003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 4. of the reference C199600400004 SAMPLE Metallic foils with thickness from 0.1 to 0.6 mil C199600400005 were placed between aluminum degrading foils of known C199600400006 thickness. C199600400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given C199600400008 ENDBIB 6 0 C199600400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C199600400010 DATA 3 6 C199600400011 EN DATA DATA-ERR C199600400012 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM C199600400013 18.4 0.35 0.04 C199600400014 20.6 0.67 0.07 C199600400015 22.7 1.00 0.10 C199600400016 24.7 1.47 0.16 C199600400017 25.4 1.59 0.25 C199600400018 27.3 2.50 0.40 C199600400019 ENDDATA 8 0 C199600400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C199600499999 SUBENT C1996005 20130416 C131C199600500001 BIB 5 6 C199600500002 REACTION (80-HG-198(A,N+A)80-HG-197-M/G,,SIG/RAT) C199600500003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 5. of the reference C199600500004 SAMPLE Natural Hg sample in the form of mercuric sulfide HgS C199600500005 FLAG (1.) First measurement C199600500006 (2.) Second measurement C199600500007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given C199600500008 ENDBIB 6 0 C199600500009 COMMON 1 3 C199600500010 EN C199600500011 MEV C199600500012 41.0 C199600500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C199600500014 DATA 3 2 C199600500015 DATA DATA-ERR FLAG C199600500016 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C199600500017 0.9 0.1 1. C199600500018 1.0 0.1 2. C199600500019 ENDDATA 4 0 C199600500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C199600599999 SUBENT C1996006 20130416 C131C199600600001 BIB 5 6 C199600600002 REACTION (80-HG-196(D,X)80-HG-197-M/G,(CUM),SIG/RAT) C199600600003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 5. of the reference C199600600004 SAMPLE Enriched Hg sample in the form of mercuric sulfide HgS C199600600005 FLAG (1.) First measurement C199600600006 (2.) Second measurement C199600600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given C199600600008 ENDBIB 6 0 C199600600009 COMMON 1 3 C199600600010 EN C199600600011 MEV C199600600012 11.0 C199600600013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C199600600014 DATA 3 2 C199600600015 DATA DATA-ERR FLAG C199600600016 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C199600600017 0.15 0.03 1. C199600600018 0.16 0.03 2. C199600600019 ENDDATA 4 0 C199600600020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C199600699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 C199699999999