ENTRY C2026 20240303 C235C202600000001 SUBENT C2026001 20240303 C235C202600100001 BIB 7 20 C202600100002 TITLE Systematic study of (p,gamma) reactions on Ni isotopes C202600100003 AUTHOR (A.Simon,A.Spyrou,T.Rauscher,C.Frohlich,S.J.Quinn, C202600100004 A.Battaglia,A.Best,B.Bucher,M.Couder,P.A.DeYoung, C202600100005 X.Fang,J.Gorres,A.Kontos,Q.Li,L.-Y.Lin,A.Long, C202600100006 S.Lyons,A.Roberts,D.Robertson,K.Smith,M.K.Smith, C202600100007 E.Stech,B.Stefanek,W.P.Tan,X.D.Tang,M.Wiescher) C202600100008 INSTITUTE (1USAMSU,2UK HFS,3HUNDEB,2SWTBAS,1USANCS,1USANOT, C202600100009 1USAHPE) C202600100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,87,055802,2013) C202600100011 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.87.055802 C202600100012 FACILITY (VDGT,1USANOT) Experiment was performed using the C202600100013 11 MV FN tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at the C202600100014 University of Notre Dame. C202600100015 DETECTOR (NAICR) Gamma rays were detected by the NaI(Tl) C202600100016 segmented summing detector SuN. SuN is a 4Pi 8-fold C202600100017 segmented NaI(Tl) barrel with diameter of 16 in., C202600100018 length of 16 in. and 1.8 in. bore hole on the C202600100019 cylinder axis, read by 24 photomultipliers. C202600100020 HISTORY (20130521C) Compiled by S.H. C202600100021 (20240218A) OS. Data correction in sub.2 C202600100022 ENDBIB 20 0 C202600100023 COMMON 2 3 C202600100024 ERR-1 ERR-2 C202600100025 PER-CENT PER-CENT C202600100026 5.0 10.0 C202600100027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C202600100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C202600199999 SUBENT C2026002 20240303 C235C202600200001 BIB 5 15 C202600200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,G)29-CU-59,,SIG) C202600200003 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Simon+,J,PR/C,87,055802,2013) Table 2 C202600200004 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.95) Target thickness was 0.943+- C202600200005 0.044mg/cm2 C202600200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty which included C202600200007 - statistical uncertainty C202600200008 - uncertainty resulting from subtraction C202600200009 of the background under the sum peak C202600200010 - uncertainty in the target thickness C202600200011 - uncertainty of the summing efficiency C202600200012 (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in target thickness C202600200013 (ERR-2) Systematic uncertainty of the summing C202600200014 efficiency (typical value 10%) C202600200015 HISTORY (20240218A) ERR-T values divided by 10 according to C202600200016 Table 2 C202600200017 ENDBIB 15 0 C202600200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600200019 DATA 3 8 C202600200020 EN-CM DATA ERR-T C202600200021 MEV MB MB C202600200022 4.30 0.147 0.019 C202600200023 4.50 0.161 0.020 C202600200024 4.70 0.134 0.017 C202600200025 4.89 0.152 0.019 C202600200026 5.09 0.266 0.034 C202600200027 5.29 0.432 0.056 C202600200028 5.49 0.482 0.062 C202600200029 5.88 0.378 0.049 C202600200030 ENDDATA 10 0 C202600200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C202600299999 SUBENT C2026003 20130521 C132C202600300001 BIB 4 13 C202600300002 REACTION (28-NI-60(P,G)29-CU-61,,SIG) C202600300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference C202600300004 SAMPLE (28-NI-60,ENR=0.95) Target thickness was 0.676+- C202600300005 0.090mg/cm2 C202600300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty which included C202600300007 - statistical uncertainty C202600300008 - uncertainty resulting from subtraction C202600300009 of the background under the sum peak C202600300010 - uncertainty in the target thickness C202600300011 - uncertainty of the summing efficiency C202600300012 (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in target thickness C202600300013 (ERR-2) Systematic uncertainty of the summing C202600300014 efficiency (typical value 10%) C202600300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C202600300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600300017 DATA 3 15 C202600300018 EN-CM DATA ERR-T C202600300019 MEV MB MB C202600300020 2.73 0.30 0.04 C202600300021 2.93 0.27 0.03 C202600300022 3.13 0.25 0.03 C202600300023 3.33 0.50 0.06 C202600300024 3.52 0.42 0.05 C202600300025 3.72 0.65 0.08 C202600300026 3.92 0.70 0.09 C202600300027 4.11 1.01 0.13 C202600300028 4.31 0.97 0.12 C202600300029 4.51 1.37 0.16 C202600300030 4.71 0.87 0.11 C202600300031 4.90 0.91 0.12 C202600300032 5.10 2.37 0.30 C202600300033 5.49 2.68 0.34 C202600300034 5.89 2.32 0.30 C202600300035 ENDDATA 17 0 C202600300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C202600399999 SUBENT C2026004 20130521 C132C202600400001 BIB 4 13 C202600400002 REACTION (28-NI-61(P,G)29-CU-62,,SIG) C202600400003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference C202600400004 SAMPLE (28-NI-61,ENR=0.95) Target thickness was 0.517+- C202600400005 0.067mg/cm2 C202600400006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty which included C202600400007 - statistical uncertainty C202600400008 - uncertainty resulting from subtraction C202600400009 of the background under the sum peak C202600400010 - uncertainty in the target thickness C202600400011 - uncertainty of the summing efficiency C202600400012 (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in target thickness C202600400013 (ERR-2) Systematic uncertainty of the summing C202600400014 efficiency (typical value 10%) C202600400015 ENDBIB 13 0 C202600400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600400017 DATA 3 8 C202600400018 EN-CM DATA ERR-T C202600400019 MEV MB MB C202600400020 1.95 0.34 0.04 C202600400021 2.14 0.49 0.06 C202600400022 2.34 0.64 0.08 C202600400023 2.54 0.75 0.09 C202600400024 2.74 0.92 0.11 C202600400025 2.84 0.89 0.11 C202600400026 2.94 0.96 0.12 C202600400027 3.03 0.83 0.10 C202600400028 ENDDATA 10 0 C202600400029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C202600499999 SUBENT C2026005 20130521 C132C202600500001 BIB 4 13 C202600500002 REACTION (28-NI-62(P,G)29-CU-63,,SIG) C202600500003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference C202600500004 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.95) Target thickness was 1.66+- C202600500005 0.20mg/cm2 C202600500006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty which included C202600500007 - statistical uncertainty C202600500008 - uncertainty resulting from subtraction C202600500009 of the background under the sum peak C202600500010 - uncertainty in the target thickness C202600500011 - uncertainty of the summing efficiency C202600500012 (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in target thickness C202600500013 (ERR-2) Systematic uncertainty of the summing C202600500014 efficiency (typical value 10%) C202600500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C202600500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600500017 DATA 3 4 C202600500018 EN-CM DATA ERR-T C202600500019 MEV MB MB C202600500020 2.41 1.08 0.14 C202600500021 2.90 1.379 0.017 C202600500022 3.40 1.99 0.25 C202600500023 3.93 2.73 0.34 C202600500024 ENDDATA 6 0 C202600500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C202600599999 SUBENT C2026006 20130521 C132C202600600001 BIB 4 13 C202600600002 REACTION (28-NI-64(P,G)29-CU-65,,SIG) C202600600003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference C202600600004 SAMPLE (28-NI-64,ENR=0.40) Target thickness was 0.270+- C202600600005 0.014mg/cm2 C202600600006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty which included C202600600007 - statistical uncertainty C202600600008 - uncertainty resulting from subtraction C202600600009 of the background under the sum peak C202600600010 - uncertainty in the target thickness C202600600011 - uncertainty of the summing efficiency C202600600012 (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in target thickness C202600600013 (ERR-2) Systematic uncertainty of the summing C202600600014 efficiency (typical value 10%) C202600600015 ENDBIB 13 0 C202600600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600600017 DATA 3 16 C202600600018 EN-CM DATA ERR-T C202600600019 MEV MB MB C202600600020 1.96 0.66 0.11 C202600600021 2.16 1.13 0.18 C202600600022 2.35 1.39 0.22 C202600600023 2.55 1.03 0.16 C202600600024 2.75 0.33 0.05 C202600600025 2.94 0.15 0.02 C202600600026 3.14 0.24 0.04 C202600600027 3.34 0.15 0.02 C202600600028 3.54 0.12 0.02 C202600600029 3.73 0.20 0.03 C202600600030 3.93 0.17 0.03 C202600600031 4.14 0.26 0.04 C202600600032 4.33 0.22 0.04 C202600600033 4.52 0.30 0.05 C202600600034 4.72 0.22 0.04 C202600600035 4.92 0.28 0.05 C202600600036 ENDDATA 18 0 C202600600037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C202600699999 SUBENT C2026007 20130521 C132C202600700001 BIB 3 9 C202600700002 REACTION (28-NI-58(P,G)29-CU-59,,SGV,,MXW) C202600700003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 3 of the reference C202600700004 (DEP,C2026002) C202600700005 ANALYSIS Reaction rates were obtained using SMARAGD code for C202600700006 calculation of nuclear cross sections and reaction C202600700007 rates of astrophysical interest. Measured cross were C202600700008 reproduced/fitted varying nuclear level density and C202600700009 gamma ray strength function. Reaction rates were C202600700010 calculated with adjusted parameters obtained in fit. C202600700011 ENDBIB 9 0 C202600700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600700013 DATA 2 24 C202600700014 KT-K DATA C202600700015 K9 CM3/S/MOL C202600700016 0.1 1.240E-20 C202600700017 0.15 4.213E-16 C202600700018 0.2 2.832E-13 C202600700019 0.3 9.744E-10 C202600700020 0.4 1.621E-7 C202600700021 0.5 5.930E-6 C202600700022 0.6 8.749E-5 C202600700023 0.7 7.092E-4 C202600700024 0.8 3.789E-3 C202600700025 0.9 1.497E-2 C202600700026 1.0 4.725E-2 C202600700027 1.5 2.072E+0 C202600700028 2.0 1.780E+1 C202600700029 2.5 7.363E+1 C202600700030 3.0 2.051E+2 C202600700031 3.5 4.487E+2 C202600700032 4.0 8.355E+2 C202600700033 4.5 1.385E+3 C202600700034 5.0 2.100E+3 C202600700035 6.0 3.924E+3 C202600700036 7.0 5.913E+3 C202600700037 8.0 7.547E+3 C202600700038 9.0 8.468E+3 C202600700039 10.0 8.596E+3 C202600700040 ENDDATA 26 0 C202600700041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C202600799999 SUBENT C2026008 20130521 C132C202600800001 BIB 3 9 C202600800002 REACTION (28-NI-60(P,G)29-CU-61,,SGV,,MXW) C202600800003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 3 of the reference C202600800004 (DEP,C2026003) C202600800005 ANALYSIS Reaction rates were obtained using SMARAGD code for C202600800006 calculation of nuclear cross sections and reaction C202600800007 rates of astrophysical interest. Measured cross were C202600800008 reproduced/fitted varying nuclear level density and C202600800009 gamma ray strength function. Reaction rates were C202600800010 calculated with adjusted parameters obtained in fit. C202600800011 ENDBIB 9 0 C202600800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600800013 DATA 2 24 C202600800014 KT-K DATA C202600800015 K9 CM3/S/MOL C202600800016 0.1 2.058E-20 C202600800017 0.15 7.041E-16 C202600800018 0.2 4.763E-13 C202600800019 0.3 1.657E-9 C202600800020 0.4 2.791E-7 C202600800021 0.5 1.047E-5 C202600800022 0.6 1.614E-4 C202600800023 0.7 1.385E-3 C202600800024 0.8 7.860E-3 C202600800025 0.9 3.294E-2 C202600800026 1.0 1.099E-1 C202600800027 1.5 5.973E+0 C202600800028 2.0 5.900E+1 C202600800029 2.5 2.689E+2 C202600800030 3.0 8.052E+2 C202600800031 3.5 1.868E+3 C202600800032 4.0 3.666E+3 C202600800033 4.5 6.388E+3 C202600800034 5.0 1.017E+4 C202600800035 6.0 2.077E+4 C202600800036 7.0 3.337E+4 C202600800037 8.0 4.359E+4 C202600800038 9.0 4.798E+4 C202600800039 10.0 4.623E+4 C202600800040 ENDDATA 26 0 C202600800041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C202600899999 SUBENT C2026009 20130521 C132C202600900001 BIB 3 9 C202600900002 REACTION (28-NI-61(P,G)29-CU-62,,SGV,,MXW) C202600900003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C202600900004 (DEP,C2026004) C202600900005 ANALYSIS Reaction rates were obtained using SMARAGD code for C202600900006 calculation of nuclear cross sections and reaction C202600900007 rates of astrophysical interest. Measured cross were C202600900008 reproduced/fitted varying nuclear level density and C202600900009 gamma ray strength function. Reaction rates were C202600900010 calculated with adjusted parameters obtained in fit. C202600900011 ENDBIB 9 0 C202600900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202600900013 DATA 2 24 C202600900014 KT-K DATA C202600900015 K9 CM3/S/MOL C202600900016 0.1 3.534E-20 C202600900017 0.15 1.215E-15 C202600900018 0.2 8.252E-13 C202600900019 0.3 2.891E-9 C202600900020 0.4 4.922E-7 C202600900021 0.5 1.883E-5 C202600900022 0.6 2.989E-4 C202600900023 0.7 2.665E-3 C202600900024 0.8 1.582E-2 C202600900025 0.9 6.959E-2 C202600900026 1.0 2.436E-1 C202600900027 1.5 1.617E+1 C202600900028 2.0 1.803E+2 C202600900029 2.5 8.745E+2 C202600900030 3.0 2.660E+3 C202600900031 3.5 6.025E+3 C202600900032 4.0 1.115E+4 C202600900033 4.5 1.782E+4 C202600900034 5.0 2.550E+4 C202600900035 6.0 4.099E+4 C202600900036 7.0 5.241E+4 C202600900037 8.0 5.717E+4 C202600900038 9.0 5.565E+4 C202600900039 10.0 4.987E+4 C202600900040 ENDDATA 26 0 C202600900041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C202600999999 SUBENT C2026010 20130521 C132C202601000001 BIB 3 9 C202601000002 REACTION (28-NI-62(P,G)29-CU-63,,SGV,,MXW) C202601000003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C202601000004 (DEP,C2026005) C202601000005 ANALYSIS Reaction rates were obtained using SMARAGD code for C202601000006 calculation of nuclear cross sections and reaction C202601000007 rates of astrophysical interest. Measured cross were C202601000008 reproduced/fitted varying nuclear level density and C202601000009 gamma ray strength function. Reaction rates were C202601000010 calculated with adjusted parameters obtained in fit. C202601000011 ENDBIB 9 0 C202601000012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202601000013 DATA 2 24 C202601000014 KT-K DATA C202601000015 K9 CM3/S/MOL C202601000016 0.1 3.991E-20 C202601000017 0.15 1.372E-15 C202601000018 0.2 9.316E-13 C202601000019 0.3 3.260E-9 C202601000020 0.4 5.542E-7 C202601000021 0.5 2.118E-5 C202601000022 0.6 3.361E-4 C202601000023 0.7 2.999E-3 C202601000024 0.8 1.783E-2 C202601000025 0.9 7.861E-2 C202601000026 1.0 2.761E-1 C202601000027 1.5 1.887E+1 C202601000028 2.0 2.199E+2 C202601000029 2.5 1.127E+3 C202601000030 3.0 3.669E+3 C202601000031 3.5 9.013E+3 C202601000032 4.0 1.830E+4 C202601000033 4.5 3.233E+4 C202601000034 5.0 5.120E+4 C202601000035 6.0 9.952E+4 C202601000036 7.0 1.486E+5 C202601000037 8.0 1.811E+5 C202601000038 9.0 1.876E+5 C202601000039 10.0 1.707E+5 C202601000040 ENDDATA 26 0 C202601000041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C202601099999 SUBENT C2026011 20130521 C132C202601100001 BIB 3 9 C202601100002 REACTION (28-NI-64(P,G)29-CU-65,,SGV,,MXW) C202601100003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C202601100004 (DEP,C2026006) C202601100005 ANALYSIS Reaction rates were obtained using SMARAGD code for C202601100006 calculation of nuclear cross sections and reaction C202601100007 rates of astrophysical interest. Measured cross were C202601100008 reproduced/fitted varying nuclear level density and C202601100009 gamma ray strength function. Reaction rates were C202601100010 calculated with adjusted parameters obtained in fit. C202601100011 ENDBIB 9 0 C202601100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C202601100013 DATA 2 24 C202601100014 KT-K DATA C202601100015 K9 CM3/S/MOL C202601100016 0.1 5.846E-20 C202601100017 0.15 2.007E-15 C202601100018 0.2 1.359E-12 C202601100019 0.3 4.728E-9 C202601100020 0.4 7.984E-7 C202601100021 0.5 3.031E-5 C202601100022 0.6 4.793E-4 C202601100023 0.7 4.274E-3 C202601100024 0.8 2.548E-2 C202601100025 0.9 1.128E-1 C202601100026 1.0 3.986E-1 C202601100027 1.5 2.809E+1 C202601100028 2.0 3.314E+2 C202601100029 2.5 1.653E+3 C202601100030 3.0 5.005E+3 C202601100031 3.5 1.100E+4 C202601100032 4.0 1.941E+4 C202601100033 4.5 2.925E+4 C202601100034 5.0 3.915E+4 C202601100035 6.0 5.410E+4 C202601100036 7.0 5.814E+4 C202601100037 8.0 5.195E+4 C202601100038 9.0 4.052E+4 C202601100039 10.0 2.895E+4 C202601100040 ENDDATA 26 0 C202601100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C202601199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 C202699999999