ENTRY C2138 20241014 C241C213800000001 SUBENT C2138001 20241014 C241C213800100001 BIB 10 40 C213800100002 TITLE Spectroscopy of 153Gd and 157Gd using the (p,d-g) C213800100003 reaction C213800100004 AUTHOR (T.J.Ross,R.O.Hughes,J.M.Allmond,C.W.Beausang, C213800100005 C.T.Angell,M.S.Basunia,D.L.Bleuel,J.T.Burke, C213800100006 R.J.Casperson,J.E.Escher,P.Fallon,R.Hatarik,J.Munson, C213800100007 S.Paschalis,M.Petri,L.W.Phair,J.J.Ressler,N.D.Scielzo) C213800100008 INSTITUTE (2UK SUR,1USAKTY,1USAORL,1USAUCX,1USABRK,1USALRL) C213800100009 (1USAUSA)University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia C213800100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,90,044323,2014) C213800100011 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.90.044323 C213800100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) Experiment was carried out at the 88- C213800100013 Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National C213800100014 Laboratory. C213800100015 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,SI) Outgoing light ions were detected using C213800100016 the Silicon Telescope Array for Reaction Studies C213800100017 STARS. it consists of two segmented Micron S2 silicon C213800100018 annular detectors arranged in a telescope formation. C213800100019 The telescope arrangement allows particle C213800100020 identification utilizing the characteristic energy C213800100021 deposition of the different mass particles. The C213800100022 excitation energy of the residual nucleus can be C213800100023 reconstructed from the energy of the outgoing light C213800100024 ion. C213800100025 (HPGE) Gamma rays were measured in coincidence with C213800100026 the detected particles using the Livermore Berkeley C213800100027 Array for Collaborative Experiments LIBERACE. The C213800100028 LIBERACE array consisted of five high-purity C213800100029 germanium clover detectors which were arranged around C213800100030 the STARS chamber. All detectors were in the same C213800100031 plane. Two detectors were placed at 90deg, two at C213800100032 forward angles of 50deg, and one at a backward angle C213800100033 of 130deg. C213800100034 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence of light particle and gamma ray C213800100035 was required. C213800100036 ANALYSIS Data is normalized to the area of the corresponding C213800100037 theoretical curve, they are not measure of absolute C213800100038 cross section C213800100039 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given C213800100040 HISTORY (20141202C) Compiled by S.H. C213800100041 (20241004A) OS. REACTION in sub.2 modified C213800100042 ENDBIB 40 0 C213800100043 COMMON 1 3 C213800100044 EN C213800100045 MEV C213800100046 25.0 C213800100047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C213800100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 C213800199999 SUBENT C2138002 20241014 C241C213800200001 BIB 5 11 C213800200002 REACTION (64-GD-154(P,D)64-GD-153,PAR,DA,,MSC) C213800200003 Angular distribution of deuterons gated by gammas C213800200004 between 939 and 943 keV C213800200005 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.2c of the reference C213800200006 sent by author (T.J.R.) C213800200007 SAMPLE (64-GD-154,ENR=0.6653) C213800200008 (64-GD-155,ENR=0.1750) C213800200009 Target thickness was (1.01+-0.10) mg/cm2 C213800200010 EN-SEC (E1,D) C213800200011 (E2,G) C213800200012 HISTORY (20241004A) REACTION SF7,8 changed C213800200013 ENDBIB 11 0 C213800200014 COMMON 4 3 C213800200015 E1-MIN E1-MAX E2-MIN E2-MAX C213800200016 KEV KEV KEV KEV C213800200017 1000.0 1300.0 939.0 943.0 C213800200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C213800200019 DATA 3 14 C213800200020 ANG DATA DATA-ERR C213800200021 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C213800200022 33.34 5.57 0.77 C213800200023 35.40 5.38 0.70 C213800200024 37.35 6.17 0.73 C213800200025 39.21 6.12 0.67 C213800200026 40.97 5.56 0.58 C213800200027 42.65 6.11 0.58 C213800200028 44.24 5.62 0.51 C213800200029 45.74 4.52 0.42 C213800200030 47.18 3.92 0.37 C213800200031 48.53 3.52 0.34 C213800200032 49.82 3.31 0.32 C213800200033 51.04 2.92 0.30 C213800200034 52.21 2.28 0.28 C213800200035 53.31 2.04 0.27 C213800200036 ENDDATA 16 0 C213800200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C213800299999 SUBENT C2138003 20141202 C147C213800300001 BIB 4 6 C213800300002 REACTION (64-GD-158(P,D)64-GD-157,PAR,DA,,REL) C213800300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.7a of the reference C213800300004 sent by author (T.J.R.) C213800300005 SAMPLE (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9200) C213800300006 Target thickness was (1.01+-0.10) mg/cm2 C213800300007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,64-GD-157) C213800300008 ENDBIB 6 0 C213800300009 COMMON 1 3 C213800300010 E-LVL C213800300011 KEV C213800300012 1825.0 C213800300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C213800300014 DATA 3 14 C213800300015 ANG DATA DATA-ERR C213800300016 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C213800300017 33.34 6.69 1.13 C213800300018 35.40 7.24 1.17 C213800300019 37.35 5.16 0.99 C213800300020 39.21 6.57 1.13 C213800300021 40.97 6.86 1.16 C213800300022 42.65 5.80 1.08 C213800300023 44.24 6.14 1.12 C213800300024 45.74 3.15 0.81 C213800300025 47.18 4.45 0.99 C213800300026 48.53 2.90 0.80 C213800300027 49.82 1.84 0.65 C213800300028 51.04 1.19 0.53 C213800300029 52.21 1.48 0.61 C213800300030 53.31 1.28 0.57 C213800300031 ENDDATA 16 0 C213800300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C213800399999 SUBENT C2138004 20141202 C147C213800400001 BIB 4 6 C213800400002 REACTION (64-GD-158(P,D)64-GD-157,PAR,DA,,REL) C213800400003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.7b of the reference C213800400004 sent by author (T.J.R.) C213800400005 SAMPLE (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9200) C213800400006 Target thickness was (1.01+-0.10) mg/cm2 C213800400007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,64-GD-157) C213800400008 ENDBIB 6 0 C213800400009 COMMON 1 3 C213800400010 E-LVL C213800400011 KEV C213800400012 1552.0 C213800400013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C213800400014 DATA 3 14 C213800400015 ANG DATA DATA-ERR C213800400016 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C213800400017 33.34 6.69 1.13 C213800400018 35.40 7.24 1.17 C213800400019 37.35 5.16 0.99 C213800400020 39.21 6.57 1.13 C213800400021 40.97 6.86 1.16 C213800400022 42.65 5.80 1.08 C213800400023 44.24 6.14 1.12 C213800400024 45.74 3.15 0.81 C213800400025 47.18 4.45 0.99 C213800400026 48.53 2.90 0.80 C213800400027 49.82 1.84 0.65 C213800400028 51.04 1.19 0.53 C213800400029 52.21 1.48 0.61 C213800400030 53.31 1.28 0.57 C213800400031 ENDDATA 16 0 C213800400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C213800499999 SUBENT C2138005 20141202 C147C213800500001 BIB 4 6 C213800500002 REACTION (64-GD-158(P,D)64-GD-157,PAR,DA,,REL) C213800500003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.7c of the reference C213800500004 sent by author (T.J.R.) C213800500005 SAMPLE (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9200) C213800500006 Target thickness was (1.01+-0.10) mg/cm2 C213800500007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,64-GD-157) C213800500008 ENDBIB 6 0 C213800500009 COMMON 1 3 C213800500010 E-LVL C213800500011 KEV C213800500012 1735.0 C213800500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C213800500014 DATA 3 14 C213800500015 ANG DATA DATA-ERR C213800500016 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C213800500017 33.34 7.89 1.45 C213800500018 35.40 5.09 1.31 C213800500019 37.35 5.99 1.37 C213800500020 39.21 6.34 1.34 C213800500021 40.97 6.57 1.35 C213800500022 42.65 5.86 1.33 C213800500023 44.24 6.40 1.34 C213800500024 45.74 3.48 1.12 C213800500025 47.18 4.16 1.15 C213800500026 48.53 3.09 1.08 C213800500027 49.82 1.53 0.85 C213800500028 51.04 3.06 0.99 C213800500029 52.21 0.56 0.78 C213800500030 53.31 0.95 0.86 C213800500031 ENDDATA 16 0 C213800500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C213800599999 SUBENT C2138006 20141202 C147C213800600001 BIB 4 6 C213800600002 REACTION (64-GD-158(P,D)64-GD-157,PAR,DA,,REL) C213800600003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.7d of the reference C213800600004 sent by author (T.J.R.) C213800600005 SAMPLE (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9200) C213800600006 Target thickness was (1.01+-0.10) mg/cm2 C213800600007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,64-GD-157) C213800600008 ENDBIB 6 0 C213800600009 COMMON 1 3 C213800600010 E-LVL C213800600011 KEV C213800600012 1589.0 C213800600013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C213800600014 DATA 3 14 C213800600015 ANG DATA DATA-ERR C213800600016 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C213800600017 33.34 4.51 0.99 C213800600018 35.40 6.57 1.10 C213800600019 37.35 6.02 1.08 C213800600020 39.21 6.83 1.09 C213800600021 40.97 5.54 0.99 C213800600022 42.65 6.35 1.05 C213800600023 44.24 5.01 0.91 C213800600024 45.74 3.85 0.84 C213800600025 47.18 2.73 0.76 C213800600026 48.53 5.44 0.87 C213800600027 49.82 4.10 0.77 C213800600028 51.04 1.52 0.63 C213800600029 52.21 1.77 0.65 C213800600030 53.31 2.79 0.70 C213800600031 ENDDATA 16 0 C213800600032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C213800699999 SUBENT C2138007 20141202 C147C213800700001 BIB 4 6 C213800700002 REACTION (64-GD-158(P,D)64-GD-157,PAR,DA,,REL) C213800700003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.7e of the reference C213800700004 sent by author (T.J.R.) C213800700005 SAMPLE (64-GD-158,ENR=0.9200) C213800700006 Target thickness was (1.01+-0.10) mg/cm2 C213800700007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,64-GD-157) C213800700008 ENDBIB 6 0 C213800700009 COMMON 1 3 C213800700010 E-LVL C213800700011 KEV C213800700012 729.0 C213800700013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C213800700014 DATA 3 14 C213800700015 ANG DATA DATA-ERR C213800700016 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C213800700017 33.34 9.47 0.88 C213800700018 35.40 7.91 0.82 C213800700019 37.35 5.41 0.70 C213800700020 39.21 4.98 0.68 C213800700021 40.97 4.36 0.64 C213800700022 42.65 3.62 0.61 C213800700023 44.24 4.98 0.65 C213800700024 45.74 3.67 0.60 C213800700025 47.18 3.10 0.57 C213800700026 48.53 3.16 0.55 C213800700027 49.82 2.32 0.49 C213800700028 51.04 3.46 0.57 C213800700029 52.21 3.11 0.56 C213800700030 53.31 1.86 0.47 C213800700031 ENDDATA 16 0 C213800700032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C213800799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C213899999999