ENTRY            C2170   20150820                             C152C217000000001 
SUBENT        C2170001   20150820                             C152C217000100001 
BIB                  9         29                                 C217000100002 
TITLE      Nuclear Excitation Functions. I. Na23(d,p)Na24,        C217000100003 
           Br81(d,p)Br82, and Br(d,2n)Kr(34 hr.)                  C217000100004 
AUTHOR     (E.T.Clarke,J.W.Irvine Jr)                             C217000100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,66,231,1944)                                     C217000100006 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.66.231                            C217000100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USAMIT)                                              C217000100008 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMIT) MIT cyclotron.                         C217000100009 
SAMPLE     Stack of NaBr films obtained by evaporation in vacuum  C217000100010 
           on aluminum foil. Each foil was covered above and      C217000100011 
           below by 1.7 mg/cm2 aluminum foils, so that the        C217000100012 
           thickness of the sodium bromide layer was about 5      C217000100013 
           mg/cm2.                                                C217000100014 
DETECTOR   Mica window beta ray counters. Platinum screen         C217000100015 
           cathode ray gamma ray counter.                         C217000100016 
METHOD     (ACTIV,TTM,CHSEP) Deuteron energy determinations were  C217000100017 
           made by measurement of range in aluminum. Detection    C217000100018 
           by means of beta-ray emission was chosen as the means  C217000100019 
           for obtaining the relative excitation curves of the    C217000100020 
           bromine and sodium isotopes. The activities of each    C217000100021 
           isotope were measured on a calibrated gamma-ray        C217000100022 
           counter which yielded three excitation curves and the  C217000100023 
           known absolute disintegration rates and scheme of      C217000100024 
           24Na and 82Br. When a volatile or gaseous product is   C217000100025 
           formed in a solid target it generally is retained in   C217000100026 
           the structure of the solid material. In order to       C217000100027 
           liberate the krypton after bombardment had been        C217000100028 
           completed, it was necessary only to dissolve the       C217000100029 
           foils in water.                                        C217000100030 
HISTORY    (20150820C) BP                                         C217000100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 C217000100032 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C217000100033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 C217000199999 
SUBENT        C2170002   20150820                             C152C217000200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C217000200002 
REACTION   (11-NA-23(D,P)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           C217000200003 
DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,14.8HR,B-)                                   C217000200004 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 238.                              C217000200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C217000200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C217000200007 
DATA                 2         28                                 C217000200008 
EN         DATA                                                   C217000200009 
MEV        B                                                      C217000200010 
      1.244      0.007                                            C217000200011 
      1.737      0.028                                            C217000200012 
      2.147      0.092                                            C217000200013 
      2.479      0.144                                            C217000200014 
      2.693      0.177                                            C217000200015 
      2.810      0.204                                            C217000200016 
      3.160      0.268                                            C217000200017 
      3.473      0.320                                            C217000200018 
      3.531      0.329                                            C217000200019 
      4.236      0.413                                            C217000200020 
      4.924      0.455                                            C217000200021 
      5.536      0.467                                            C217000200022 
      6.229      0.450                                            C217000200023 
      6.802      0.452                                            C217000200024 
      7.338      0.424                                            C217000200025 
      7.796      0.381                                            C217000200026 
      8.886      0.341                                            C217000200027 
      9.898      0.292                                            C217000200028 
     10.293      0.287                                            C217000200029 
     10.650      0.279                                            C217000200030 
     11.028      0.247                                            C217000200031 
     11.344      0.239                                            C217000200032 
     11.681      0.226                                            C217000200033 
     11.999      0.214                                            C217000200034 
     12.315      0.208                                            C217000200035 
     12.671      0.210                                            C217000200036 
     12.987      0.205                                            C217000200037 
     13.363      0.208                                            C217000200038 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 C217000200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 C217000299999 
SUBENT        C2170003   20150820                             C152C217000300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C217000300002 
REACTION   (35-BR-81(D,P)35-BR-82,,SIG)                           C217000300003 
DECAY-DATA (35-BR-82-G,34.0HR,B-)                                 C217000300004 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 238.                              C217000300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C217000300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C217000300007 
DATA                 2         19                                 C217000300008 
EN         DATA                                                   C217000300009 
MEV        B                                                      C217000300010 
      3.497      0.007                                            C217000300011 
      4.247      0.028                                            C217000300012 
      4.895      0.080                                            C217000300013 
      5.541      0.152                                            C217000300014 
      6.227      0.220                                            C217000300015 
      6.773      0.315                                            C217000300016 
      7.324      0.351                                            C217000300017 
      7.797      0.370                                            C217000300018 
      9.418      0.360                                            C217000300019 
     10.347      0.354                                            C217000300020 
     10.704      0.344                                            C217000300021 
     11.061      0.319                                            C217000300022 
     11.356      0.337                                            C217000300023 
     11.713      0.325                                            C217000300024 
     12.030      0.313                                            C217000300025 
     12.327      0.303                                            C217000300026 
     12.683      0.305                                            C217000300027 
     13.022      0.266                                            C217000300028 
     13.316      0.299                                            C217000300029 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 C217000300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 C217000399999 
SUBENT        C2170004   20150820                             C152C217000400001 
BIB                  4         11                                 C217000400002 
REACTION   (35-BR-79(D,2N)36-KR-79,,SIG,,REL)                     C217000400003 
DECAY-DATA (36-KR-79-G,34.0HR,DG)                                 C217000400004 
COMMENT    Original article does not identify 79Kr as a product,  C217000400005 
           it simply states Kr. 79Kr was deduced using half life  C217000400006 
           and decay mode information. Authors mention also       C217000400007 
           Kr-81 as (possible) product, but this could not        C217000400008 
           possibly be measured here, as Kr-81g has half-life of  C217000400009 
           229000 yr, and Kr-81m has 13 sec. The production of    C217000400010 
           Kr-79 from Br-81 is also excluded, as this would be    C217000400011 
           the (d,4n) reaction which has a much higher threshold. C217000400012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 238.                              C217000400013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 C217000400014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C217000400015 
DATA                 2         19                                 C217000400016 
EN         DATA                                                   C217000400017 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              C217000400018 
      5.553      0.001                                            C217000400019 
      6.204      0.022                                            C217000400020 
      6.734      0.068                                            C217000400021 
      7.304      0.104                                            C217000400022 
      7.855      0.135                                            C217000400023 
      8.383      0.198                                            C217000400024 
      8.872      0.271                                            C217000400025 
      9.384      0.293                                            C217000400026 
      9.834      0.351                                            C217000400027 
     10.282      0.431                                            C217000400028 
     10.678      0.417                                            C217000400029 
     11.052      0.432                                            C217000400030 
     11.347      0.457                                            C217000400031 
     11.722      0.466                                            C217000400032 
     12.034      0.512                                            C217000400033 
     12.351      0.504                                            C217000400034 
     12.702      0.566                                            C217000400035 
     13.019      0.552                                            C217000400036 
     13.354      0.573                                            C217000400037 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 C217000400038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 C217000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 C217099999999