ENTRY            C2214   20210924                             C210C221400000001 
SUBENT        C2214001   20210924                             C210C221400100001 
BIB                 11         42                                 C221400100002 
TITLE      Trojan Horse measurement of the 18F(p,alpha)15O        C221400100003 
           astrophysical S(E)-factor                              C221400100004 
AUTHOR     (R.G.Pizzone,B.T.Roeder,M.McCleskey,L.Trache,          C221400100005 
           R.E.Tribble,C.Spitaleri,C.A.Bertulani,S.Cherubini,     C221400100006 
           M.Gulino,I.Indelicato,M.La Cognata,L.Lamia,            C221400100007 
           G.G.Rapisarda,R.Sparta)                                C221400100008 
REFERENCE  (J,EPJ/A,52,24,2016)                                   C221400100010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USATAM)The experiment was performed at the     C221400100011 
           Cyclotron Institute of the Texas A&M University using  C221400100012 
           the K500 cyclotron                                     C221400100013 
SAMPLE     (1-H-2,ENR=0.98) isotopically enriched deuterated      C221400100014 
           polyethylene CD2 targets with a thickness in the range C221400100015 
           400-800 mu-g/cm2.                                      C221400100016 
DETECTOR   (SISD) The TECSA array made up of 8 YY1-300 Micron     C221400100017 
           detectors (each one with 16 arch strips), was set at   C221400100018 
           190mm from target covering angles in the range         C221400100019 
            15-40 deg was optimized for the alpha particle        C221400100020 
           detection.                                             C221400100021 
           (SISD) 15O ions were detected using two position       C221400100022 
           sensitive detectors (PSD, type X1,16 strips each),     C221400100023 
           placed symmetrically at 340mm and covering angles      C221400100024 
           from 15O = 3deg - 12. deg.                             C221400100025 
INC-SOURCE 18F beam was produced via the p(18O,18F)n reaction,    C221400100026 
           after energy degrading of the primary beam by means    C221400100027 
           of an Al degrader (around 30 mu-m thick).After         C221400100028 
           isotopic selection the obtained secondary beam was     C221400100029 
           tuned through MARS with a final energy of 52MeV on a   C221400100030 
           position sensitive detector at the target location of  C221400100031 
           TECSA                                                  C221400100032 
ANALYSIS   (TROJA) In adopted Trojan Horse Method the method is   C221400100033 
           based on the quasifree deuteron breakup, where         C221400100034 
           deuteron breaks up into participant particle p and     C221400100035 
           spectator particle n. Here the 18F(d,alpha n) 15-O     C221400100036 
           measurement was performed to obtain information on     C221400100037 
           18F(p,alpha) 15-O cross section at energies relevant   C221400100038 
           for astrophysics. FRom measured cross sections reactionC221400100039 
           rarts for 18F(p,alpha)15-O was determined              C221400100040 
METHOD     (COINC) Coincidence between alpha particles and 15-O   C221400100041 
           ions was required. Neutrons were undetected and their  C221400100042 
           momentum distribution was inferred from                C221400100043 
HISTORY    (20210821C) Compiled by S.H.                           C221400100044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 C221400100045 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C221400100046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 C221400199999 
SUBENT        C2214002   20210924                             C210C221400200001 
BIB                  4          6                                 C221400200002 
REACTION   (9-F-18(P,A)8-O-15,,SIG,,SFC,DERIV)                    C221400200003 
ANALYSIS   S-factor for assumed Jpi= 3/2+                         C221400200004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Source of uncertainties not described       C221400200005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data taken from fig.8 of the reference         C221400200006 
           (COREL,C2214004) S-factor assuming                     C221400200007 
            Jpi(19Ne,Ex=6460 keV)=5/2-                            C221400200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C221400200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C221400200010 
DATA                 4          7                                 C221400200011 
EN-CM      EN-RSL     DATA       DATA-ERR                         C221400200012 
MEV        MEV        B*MEV      B*MEV                            C221400200013 
       0.05       0.05  4.398E+02  3.463E+02                      C221400200014 
       0.13       0.06  1.129E+03  8.963E+02                      C221400200015 
       0.23       0.06  6.406E+00  4.491E+00                      C221400200016 
       0.33       0.05  3.006E+01  2.283E+01                      C221400200017 
       0.43       0.06  2.492E+01  1.662E+01                      C221400200018 
       0.53       0.06  4.993E+01  4.336E+01                      C221400200019 
       0.63       0.05  8.837E+01  7.392E+01                      C221400200020 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 C221400200021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 C221400299999 
SUBENT        C2214003   20210924                             C210C221400300001 
BIB                  3          5                                 C221400300002 
REACTION   (9-F-18(P,A)8-O-15,,SGV)                               C221400300003 
ANALYSIS   Reaction rate for assumed Jpi(19Ne,Ex=6460 keV)= 3/2+  C221400300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference         C221400300005 
           (COREL,C2214005) Reaction rates with                   C221400300006 
           Jpi(19Ne,Ex=6460 keV)=5/2-                             C221400300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 C221400300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C221400300009 
DATA                 2         31                                 C221400300010 
KT         DATA                                                   C221400300011 
K9         CM3/S/MOL                                              C221400300012 
       0.05   4.82E-11                                            C221400300013 
       0.06   7.19E-10                                            C221400300014 
       0.07    5.44E-9                                            C221400300015 
       0.08    2.83E-8                                            C221400300016 
       0.09    1.19E-7                                            C221400300017 
       0.10    4.40E-7                                            C221400300018 
       0.11    1.48E-6                                            C221400300019 
       0.12    4.67E-6                                            C221400300020 
       0.13    1.39E-5                                            C221400300021 
       0.14    3.93E-4                                            C221400300022 
       0.16    2.66E-4                                            C221400300023 
       0.18    1.44E-3                                            C221400300024 
       0.20    6.19E-3                                            C221400300025 
       0.22    2.17E-2                                            C221400300026 
       0.24    6.51E-2                                            C221400300027 
       0.26    1.69E-1                                            C221400300028 
       0.28    3.90E-1                                            C221400300029 
       0.30    8.23E-1                                            C221400300030 
      0.325    1.89E+0                                            C221400300031 
       0.35    3.97E+0                                            C221400300032 
      0.375    7.75E+0                                            C221400300033 
       0.40    1.43E+1                                            C221400300034 
       0.45    4.40E+1                                            C221400300035 
       0.50    1.21E+2                                            C221400300036 
       0.60    6.80E+2                                            C221400300037 
       0.70    2.67E+3                                            C221400300038 
        0.8    7.76E+3                                            C221400300039 
        0.9    1.80E+4                                            C221400300040 
        1.0    3.52E+4                                            C221400300041 
        1.1    6.06E+4                                            C221400300042 
       1.15    7.66E+4                                            C221400300043 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 C221400300044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 C221400399999 
SUBENT        C2214004   20210924                             C210C221400400001 
BIB                  4          6                                 C221400400002 
REACTION   (9-F-18(P,A)8-O-15,,SIG,,SFC,DERIV)                    C221400400003 
ANALYSIS   S-factor for assumed Jpi= 5/2-                         C221400400004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Source of uncertainties not described       C221400400005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Data taken from fig.8 of the reference         C221400400006 
           (COREL,C2214002) S-factor assuming                     C221400400007 
            Jpi(19Ne,Ex=6460 keV)=3/2+                            C221400400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C221400400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C221400400010 
DATA                 4          7                                 C221400400011 
EN-CM      EN-RSL     DATA       DATA-ERR                         C221400400012 
MEV        MEV        B*MEV      B*MEV                            C221400400013 
       0.05       0.06  8.402E-01  7.514E-01                      C221400400014 
       0.13       0.06  2.204E+00  1.922E+00                      C221400400015 
       0.23       0.05  5.585E+00  4.393E+00                      C221400400016 
       0.33       0.06  2.909E+01  2.192E+01                      C221400400017 
       0.43       0.06  2.360E+01  1.564E+01                      C221400400018 
       0.53       0.06  4.726E+01  4.113E+01                      C221400400019 
       0.63       0.06  8.303E+01  6.940E+01                      C221400400020 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 C221400400021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 C221400499999 
SUBENT        C2214005   20210924                             C210C221400500001 
BIB                  3          5                                 C221400500002 
REACTION   (9-F-18(P,A)8-O-15,,SGV)                               C221400500003 
ANALYSIS   Reaction rate for assumed Jpi(19Ne,Ex=6460 keV)= 5/2-  C221400500004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference         C221400500005 
           (COREL,C2214003) Reaction rates with                   C221400500006 
           Jpi(19Ne,Ex=6460 keV)=3/2+                             C221400500007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 C221400500008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C221400500009 
DATA                 2         31                                 C221400500010 
KT         DATA                                                   C221400500011 
K9         CM3/S/MOL                                              C221400500012 
       0.05    9.13E-9                                            C221400500013 
       0.06    1.51E-7                                            C221400500014 
       0.07    1.37E-6                                            C221400500015 
       0.08    8.01E-6                                            C221400500016 
       0.09    3.50E-5                                            C221400500017 
       0.10    1.20E-4                                            C221400500018 
       0.11    3.46E-4                                            C221400500019 
       0.12    8.61E-4                                            C221400500020 
       0.13    1.92E-3                                            C221400500021 
       0.14    3.88E-3                                            C221400500022 
       0.16    1.23E-2                                            C221400500023 
       0.18    3.43E-2                                            C221400500024 
       0.20    7.85E-2                                            C221400500025 
       0.22    1.65E-2                                            C221400500026 
       0.24    3.08E-1                                            C221400500027 
       0.26    5.58E-1                                            C221400500028 
       0.28    9.75E-1                                            C221400500029 
       0.30    1.65E+0                                            C221400500030 
      0.325    3.09E+0                                            C221400500031 
       0.35    5.61E+0                                            C221400500032 
      0.375    9.90E+0                                            C221400500033 
       0.40    1.76E+1                                            C221400500034 
       0.45    4.79E+1                                            C221400500035 
       0.50    1.26E+2                                            C221400500036 
       0.60    6.88E+2                                            C221400500037 
       0.70    2.68E+3                                            C221400500038 
        0.8    7.77E+3                                            C221400500039 
        0.9    1.80E+4                                            C221400500040 
        1.0    3.52E+4                                            C221400500041 
        1.1    6.06E+4                                            C221400500042 
       1.15    7.66E+4                                            C221400500043 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 C221400500044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 C221400599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 C221499999999