ENTRY            C2215   20160512                             C160C221500000001 
SUBENT        C2215001   20160512                             C160C221500100001 
BIB                 11         44                                 C221500100002 
TITLE      Angle-integrated measurements of the 26Al(d,n)27Si     C221500100003 
           reaction cross section: a probe of spectroscopic       C221500100004 
           factors and astrophysical resonance strengths          C221500100005 
AUTHOR     (A.Kankainen,P.J.Woods,F.Nunes,C.Langer,H.Schatz,      C221500100006 
           V.Bader,T.Baugher,D.Bazin,B.A.Brown,J.Browne,          C221500100007 
           F.Montes,S.Noji,G.Perdikakis,J.Pereira,F.Recchia,      C221500100009 
           T.Redpath,R.Stroberg,M.Scott,D.Seweryniak,J.Stevens,   C221500100010 
           D.Weisshaar,K.Wimmer,R.Zegers)                         C221500100011 
INSTITUTE  (2UK EDG,1USAMSU,1USAANL)                              C221500100012 
           (1USAUSA) Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, C221500100013 
                     Michigan                                     C221500100014 
REFERENCE  (J,EPJ/A,52,6,2016)                                    C221500100015 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAMSU) The experiment was performed at the    C221500100016 
           National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, MichiganC221500100017 
           State University.                                      C221500100018 
SAMPLE     Sample was a deuterated polyethylene target (CD2)n     C221500100019 
           with thickness of (10.7+-0.8)mg/cm2                    C221500100020 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Recoil products were identified with the S800  C221500100021 
           spectrograph downstream of the GRETINA array. The      C221500100022 
           S800 was run in focused mode in order to allow a       C221500100023 
           large momentum acceptance. The data acquisition was    C221500100024 
           triggered either by recoil-gamma coincidences between  C221500100025 
           GRETINA and the first scintillator at the focal plane  C221500100026 
           of the S800 spectrograph                               C221500100027 
           (HPGE) Gamma rays were measured using GRETINA (Gamma-  C221500100028 
           Ray Energy Tracking Inbeam Nuclear Array). GRETINA     C221500100029 
           detectors positioned at laboratory angles of 58 deg    C221500100030 
           and 90 deg.                                            C221500100031 
METHOD     (COINC) Coincidence of recoil products detected in     C221500100032 
           S800 focal plane scintillator and gamma rays detected  C221500100033 
           in GRETINA detectors was required. Inverse kinematics  C221500100034 
           was used.                                              C221500100035 
INC-SOURCE The 30MeV/u 26Al13+ beam was produced inflight via     C221500100036 
           fragmentation reactions using a primary beam of        C221500100037 
           150MeV/u, 112 pnA 36Ar18+ ions to bombard a            C221500100038 
           1960mg/cm2 thick Be target. The A1900 high-resolution  C221500100039 
           fragment separator selected the ions of interest       C221500100040 
           based on the momentum/charge, p/q, ratio after they    C221500100041 
           had passed through a 600mg/cm2 thick Al wedge The      C221500100042 
           26Al beam had a high purity (98+-2)% and an average    C221500100043 
           intensity of (8.1+-0.4E+5 particles per second.        C221500100044 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties   C221500100045 
HISTORY    (20160512C) Compiled by S.H.                           C221500100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 C221500100047 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C221500100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 C221500199999 
SUBENT        C2215002   20160512                             C160C221500200001 
BIB                  3          9                                 C221500200002 
REACTION   ((1-H-2(13-AL-26,N)14-SI-27,PAR,SIG)=                  C221500200003 
           (13-AL-26(D,N)14-SI-27,PAR,SIG))                       C221500200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference        C221500200005 
LEVEL-PROP (14-SI-27,E-LVL=5547.3,SPIN=4.5,PARITY=+1.)            C221500200006 
           (14-SI-27,E-LVL=6734.0,SPIN=5.5,PARITY=+1.)            C221500200007 
           (14-SI-27,E-LVL=7129.0,SPIN=6.5,PARITY=+1.)            C221500200008 
           (14-SI-27,E-LVL=7590.1,SPIN=4.5,PARITY=+1.)            C221500200009 
           (14-SI-27,E-LVL=7651.9,SPIN=5.5,PARITY=-1.)            C221500200010 
           (14-SI-27,E-LVL=7739.3,SPIN=4.5,PARITY=+1./-1.)        C221500200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 C221500200012 
COMMON               1          3                                 C221500200013 
EN                                                                C221500200014 
MEV/A                                                             C221500200015 
30.0                                                              C221500200016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C221500200017 
DATA                 5          6                                 C221500200018 
E-LVL      E-LVL-ERR  DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-MAX              C221500200019 
KEV        KEV        MICRO-B    MICRO-B    MICRO-B               C221500200020 
   5547.3        0.1       520.       110.                        C221500200021 
   6734.0        0.2       390.        90.                        C221500200022 
   7129.0        0.2       630.       130.                        C221500200023 
   7590.1        0.9                              37.             C221500200024 
   7651.9        0.6       280.        70.                        C221500200025 
   7739.3        0.4        70.        30.                        C221500200026 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C221500200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 C221500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C221599999999