ENTRY C2240 20161006 C165C224000000001 SUBENT C2240001 20160920 C165C224000100001 BIB 6 10 C224000100002 TITLE Examining the role of transfer coupling in sub-barrier C224000100003 fusion of 46,50Ti+124Sn C224000100004 AUTHOR (J.F.Liang,J.M.Allmond,C.J.Gross,P.E.Mueller,D.Shapira,C224000100005 R.L.Varner,M.Dasgupta,D.J.Hinde,C.Simenel,E.Williams, C224000100006 K.Vo-Phuoc,M.L.Brown,I.P.Carter,M.Evers,D.H.Luong, C224000100007 T.Ebadi,A.Wakhle) C224000100008 INSTITUTE (1USAORL,3AULCBR) C224000100009 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,94,024616,2016) C224000100010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty C224000100011 HISTORY (20160920C) Compiled by S.H. C224000100012 ENDBIB 10 0 C224000100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C224000100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 C224000199999 SUBENT C2240002 20160920 C165C224000200001 BIB 6 14 C224000200002 REACTION (22-TI-46(50-SN-124,FUS),,SIG,ER) C224000200003 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 2a of the reference, C224000200004 waiting for data from author C224000200005 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAORL) Experiment was performed at the C224000200006 Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Oak Ridge C224000200007 National Laboratory. C224000200008 DETECTOR (MCPLT,IOCH) The evaporation residues were identified C224000200009 by time-of-flight using microchannel-plate timing C224000200010 detectors and energy loss using a multi-anode C224000200011 ionization chamber. C224000200012 SAMPLE Enriched 46Ti self-supporting metallic foil with C224000200013 thickness of 295 mu-g/cm2 (ORNL). C224000200014 INC-SOURCE 124Sn beam accelerated by the 25 MV tandem C224000200015 accelerator to energies near the Coulomb barrier C224000200016 ENDBIB 14 0 C224000200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 C224000200018 DATA 3 11 C224000200019 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C224000200020 MEV MB MB C224000200021 120.89 6.83 1.36 C224000200022 123.51 20.19 3.09 C224000200023 126.35 42.85 C224000200024 128.79 96.10 C224000200025 131.50 133.93 C224000200026 134.25 190.83 C224000200027 138.31 263.02 C224000200028 142.36 297.06 C224000200029 146.45 387.40 C224000200030 150.51 467.57 C224000200031 154.57 447.32 C224000200032 ENDDATA 13 0 C224000200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C224000299999 SUBENT C2240003 20160920 C165C224000300001 BIB 6 18 C224000300002 REACTION ((50-SN-124(22-TI-46,FUS),,SIG,ER)= C224000300003 (22-TI-46(50-SN-124,FUS),,SIG,ER)) C224000300004 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 2a of the reference, C224000300005 waiting for data from author C224000300006 FACILITY (VDGT,3AULCBR) A follow-up measurement was carried out C224000300007 using 14UD tandem electrostatic accelerator at the C224000300008 Australian National University. C224000300009 DETECTOR (MAGSP) The evaporation residues were transported in C224000300010 the superconducting solenoid SOLITAIRE and detected C224000300011 at and behind the focus C224000300012 (MWPC) The evaporation residues were detected by two C224000300013 multiwire proportional counters at and behind the C224000300014 focus. C224000300015 SAMPLE Enriched 124Sn targets with thickness of 17 mu-g/cm2 C224000300016 evaporated onto 20 mu-g/cm2 carbon backings C224000300017 were used C224000300018 INC-SOURCE 46Ti beam accelerated by the 14UD tandem electrostatic C224000300019 accelerator C224000300020 ENDBIB 18 0 C224000300021 NOCOMMON 0 0 C224000300022 DATA 3 24 C224000300023 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C224000300024 MEV MB MB C224000300025 115.68 0.15 0.02 C224000300026 116.68 0.35 C224000300027 117.64 0.68 C224000300028 118.67 1.28 C224000300029 119.77 2.50 C224000300030 120.77 4.44 C224000300031 121.76 7.88 C224000300032 122.83 12.01 C224000300033 123.86 19.32 C224000300034 124.89 26.92 C224000300035 125.98 39.66 C224000300036 126.91 51.72 C224000300037 127.98 67.45 C224000300038 128.91 83.23 C224000300039 130.16 102.70 C224000300040 131.00 121.24 C224000300041 132.00 141.55 C224000300042 133.00 159.87 C224000300043 134.06 186.65 C224000300044 135.09 199.46 C224000300045 136.12 222.80 C224000300046 137.15 235.47 C224000300047 138.18 260.12 C224000300048 140.27 300.36 31.46 C224000300049 ENDDATA 26 0 C224000300050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 C224000399999 SUBENT C2240004 20160920 C165C224000400001 BIB 6 14 C224000400002 REACTION (22-TI-50(50-SN-124,FUS),,SIG,ER) C224000400003 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 2b of the reference, C224000400004 waiting for data from author C224000400005 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAORL) Experiment was performed at the C224000400006 Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Oak Ridge C224000400007 National Laboratory. C224000400008 DETECTOR (MCPLT,IOCH) The evaporation residues were identified C224000400009 by time-of-flight using microchannel-plate timing C224000400010 detectors and energy loss using a multi-anode C224000400011 ionization chamber. C224000400012 SAMPLE Enriched 50Ti self- supporting metallic foil with C224000400013 thickness of 270 mu-g/cm2 (ORNL). C224000400014 INC-SOURCE 124Sn beam accelerated by the 25 MV tandem C224000400015 accelerator to energies near the Coulomb barrier C224000400016 ENDBIB 14 0 C224000400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 C224000400018 DATA 3 11 C224000400019 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C224000400020 MEV MB MB C224000400021 123.02 8.55 1.57 C224000400022 125.68 33.28 3.38 C224000400023 128.48 84.42 C224000400024 131.35 138.12 C224000400025 134.25 198.73 C224000400026 137.15 276.91 C224000400027 140.02 308.19 C224000400028 142.89 358.00 C224000400029 147.23 424.86 C224000400030 151.55 462.83 C224000400031 155.84 515.11 C224000400032 ENDDATA 13 0 C224000400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C224000499999 SUBENT C2240005 20160920 C165C224000500001 BIB 6 18 C224000500002 REACTION ((50-SN-124(22-TI-50,FUS),,SIG,ER)= C224000500003 (22-TI-50(50-SN-124,FUS),,SIG,ER)) C224000500004 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 2b of the reference, C224000500005 waiting for data from author C224000500006 FACILITY (VDGT,3AULCBR) A follow-up measurement was carried out C224000500007 using 14UD tandem electrostatic accelerator at the C224000500008 Australian National University. C224000500009 DETECTOR (MAGSP) The evaporation residues were transported in C224000500010 the superconducting solenoid SOLITAIRE and detected C224000500011 at and behind the focus C224000500012 (MWPC) The evaporation residues were detected by two C224000500013 multiwire proportional counters at and behind the C224000500014 focus. C224000500015 SAMPLE Enriched 124Sn targets with thickness of 17 mu-g/cm2 C224000500016 evaporated onto 20 mu-g/cm2 carbon backings C224000500017 were used C224000500018 INC-SOURCE 50aTi beam accelerated by the 14UD tandem electrostaticC224000500019 accelerator C224000500020 ENDBIB 18 0 C224000500021 NOCOMMON 0 0 C224000500022 DATA 3 4 C224000500023 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C224000500024 MEV MB MB C224000500025 118.01 0.04 0.01 C224000500026 120.03 0.61 0.00 C224000500027 122.02 3.19 0.00 C224000500028 124.05 11.29 0.00 C224000500029 ENDDATA 6 0 C224000500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C224000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C224099999999