ENTRY C2279 20241031 C243C227900000001 SUBENT C2279001 20241031 C243C227900100001 BIB 11 30 C227900100002 TITLE Cross sections for proton-induced reactions on natSb C227900100003 up to 68 MeV C227900100004 AUTHOR (M.A.Mosby,E.R.Birnbaum,F.M.Nortier,J.W.Engle) C227900100005 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,1USAWIS) C227900100006 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,412,34,2017) C227900100007 #doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2017.08.038 C227900100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USADAV) Measurements were made at the 76-inch C227900100009 cyclotron at the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at the C227900100010 University of California at Davis C227900100011 SAMPLE Target stack, consisting of a series of C227900100012 Kapton-covered foils of Sb, Al, and Cu. Between each C227900100013 set of foils, an Al degrader was used to decrease the C227900100014 beam energy. C227900100015 DETECTOR (HPGE) After a 3 h cooling period, the foil stack was C227900100016 disassembled, and the individual foils were counted C227900100017 on a high purity germanium detector C227900100018 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation method was used. C227900100019 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) used at EN=68 MeV C227900100020 (29-CU-0(P,X)27-CO-56,,SIG) used at EN=68 MeV C227900100021 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) used at EN=68 and 35 MeV C227900100022 (22-TI-0(P,X)23-V-48,,SIG) used at EN=35 MeV C227900100023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Syst. uncertainty in detector calibration and C227900100024 geometry reproducibility C227900100025 (ERR-2) Syst. uncertainty in target foil dimensions C227900100026 (ERR-3) Syst. uncertainty in proton flux C227900100027 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty obtained according to the C227900100028 Gaussian law of error propagation with C227900100029 estimated contributing uncertainties C227900100030 HISTORY (20171111C) Compiled by S.H. C227900100031 (20241028A) OS. DECAY-DATA in sub.4 corrected C227900100032 ENDBIB 30 0 C227900100033 COMMON 3 3 C227900100034 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C227900100035 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C227900100036 4.8 0.1 7.9 C227900100037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C227900100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 C227900199999 SUBENT C2279002 20171111 C173C227900200001 BIB 3 4 C227900200002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)52-TE-119-G,,SIG) C227900200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C227900200004 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-119-G,16.1HR,DG,644.0,0.841, C227900200005 DG,699.9,0.101) C227900200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C227900200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900200008 DATA 4 8 C227900200009 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900200010 MEV MEV MB MB C227900200011 67.2 0.2 34.4 3.7 C227900200012 59.6 0.4 57.4 6.5 C227900200013 51.2 0.6 79. 9.6 C227900200014 43.6 0.9 57.5 7.7 C227900200015 35.6 1.3 179. 26. C227900200016 33.6 1.9 161. 17. C227900200017 25.7 0.7 172. 20. C227900200018 20.7 1.2 12.5 1.5 C227900200019 ENDDATA 10 0 C227900200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C227900299999 SUBENT C2279003 20171111 C173C227900300001 BIB 3 5 C227900300002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)52-TE-119-M,,SIG) C227900300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C227900300004 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-119-M,4.7D,DG,153.6,0.66, C227900300005 DG,270.5,0.28, C227900300006 DG,1212.7,0.661) C227900300007 ENDBIB 5 0 C227900300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900300009 DATA 4 8 C227900300010 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900300011 MEV MEV MB MB C227900300012 67.2 0.2 60.7 6.6 C227900300013 59.6 0.4 109. 12. C227900300014 51.2 0.6 135. 17. C227900300015 43.6 0.9 98.2 13.1 C227900300016 35.6 1.3 288. 42. C227900300017 33.6 1.9 265. 29. C227900300018 25.7 0.7 203. 23. C227900300019 20.7 1.2 11.8 1.4 C227900300020 ENDDATA 10 0 C227900300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C227900399999 SUBENT C2279004 20241031 C243C227900400001 BIB 5 6 C227900400002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)52-TE-118,,SIG) C227900400003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Mosby+,J,NIM/B,412,34,2017) Tab.3. C227900400004 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-118,6.0D) C227900400005 (51-SB-118-G,3.6MIN,DG,1229.3,0.025) C227900400006 RAD-DET (51-SB-118-G,DG) C227900400007 HISTORY (20241028A) DECAY-DATA corrected, RAD-DET added C227900400008 ENDBIB 6 0 C227900400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900400010 DATA 4 6 C227900400011 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900400012 MEV MEV MB MB C227900400013 67.2 0.2 97.4 11. C227900400014 59.6 0.4 102. 12. C227900400015 51.2 0.6 157. 20. C227900400016 43.6 0.9 262. 36. C227900400017 35.6 1.3 61.4 10. C227900400018 33.6 1.9 65.3 8. C227900400019 ENDDATA 8 0 C227900400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C227900499999 SUBENT C2279005 20171111 C173C227900500001 BIB 3 4 C227900500002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)52-TE-121-M,,SIG) C227900500003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C227900500004 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-121-M,164.2D,DG,1002.1,0.025, C227900500005 DG,212.2,0.815) C227900500006 ENDBIB 4 0 C227900500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900500008 DATA 4 10 C227900500009 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900500010 MEV MEV MB MB C227900500011 67.2 0.2 20.2 2.2 C227900500012 59.6 0.4 26.7 3. C227900500013 51.2 0.6 37.2 4.5 C227900500014 43.6 0.9 63.5 8.5 C227900500015 35.6 1.3 216. 32. C227900500016 33.6 1.9 190. 21. C227900500017 25.7 0.7 239. 27. C227900500018 20.7 1.2 95.6 11.7 C227900500019 16.7 2.1 30. 4. C227900500020 12. 2.6 152. 22. C227900500021 ENDDATA 12 0 C227900500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C227900599999 SUBENT C2279006 20171111 C173C227900600001 BIB 4 7 C227900600002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)52-TE-121-G,M-,SIG) C227900600003 ANALYSIS Productions of 121gTe and 121mTe measured were C227900600004 analytically combined to obtain the cross section for C227900600005 direct production of 121gTe C227900600006 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C227900600007 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-121-G,19.2D,DG,470.5,0.014, C227900600008 DG,573.1,0.804) C227900600009 ENDBIB 7 0 C227900600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900600011 DATA 4 10 C227900600012 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900600013 MEV MEV MB MB C227900600014 67.2 0.2 10.5 1.1 C227900600015 59.6 0.4 13.9 1.6 C227900600016 51.2 0.6 18.3 2.2 C227900600017 43.6 0.9 27.2 3.6 C227900600018 35.6 1.3 83. 12.1 C227900600019 33.6 1.9 71.3 7.7 C227900600020 25.7 0.7 130. 15. C227900600021 20.7 1.2 60.2 7.4 C227900600022 16.7 2.1 19.7 2.6 C227900600023 12. 2.6 118. 17. C227900600024 ENDDATA 12 0 C227900600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C227900699999 SUBENT C2279007 20171111 C173C227900700001 BIB 3 3 C227900700002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)52-TE-123-M,,SIG) C227900700003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.3 of the reference C227900700004 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-123-M,119.2D,DG,159.0,0.84) C227900700005 ENDBIB 3 0 C227900700006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900700007 DATA 4 10 C227900700008 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900700009 MEV MEV MB MB C227900700010 67.2 0.2 2.5 0.3 C227900700011 59.6 0.4 3.3 0.4 C227900700012 51.2 0.6 4.2 0.5 C227900700013 43.6 0.9 5.1 0.7 C227900700014 35.6 1.3 7. 1. C227900700015 33.6 1.9 5.8 0.6 C227900700016 25.7 0.7 7.7 0.9 C227900700017 20.7 1.2 12.3 1.5 C227900700018 16.7 2.1 17.8 2.4 C227900700019 12. 2.6 74.1 10.8 C227900700020 ENDDATA 12 0 C227900700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C227900799999 SUBENT C2279008 20171111 C173C227900800001 BIB 3 4 C227900800002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)50-SN-117-M,,SIG) C227900800003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.4 of the reference C227900800004 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-117-M,14.0D,DG,156.0,0.021, C227900800005 DG,158.6,0.864) C227900800006 ENDBIB 4 0 C227900800007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900800008 DATA 4 9 C227900800009 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900800010 MEV MEV MB MB C227900800011 67.2 0.2 7.7 0.8 C227900800012 59.6 0.4 7.4 0.8 C227900800013 51.2 0.6 8.8 1.1 C227900800014 43.6 0.9 7.1 1. C227900800015 35.6 1.3 3.7 0.5 C227900800016 33.6 1.9 3.5 0.4 C227900800017 25.7 0.7 4.4 0.5 C227900800018 20.7 1.2 2. 0.2 C227900800019 16.7 2.1 0.5 0.1 C227900800020 ENDDATA 11 0 C227900800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C227900899999 SUBENT C2279009 20171111 C173C227900900001 BIB 3 3 C227900900002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)51-SB-117,,SIG) C227900900003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.4 of the reference C227900900004 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-117,2.8HR,DG,158.6,0.859) C227900900005 ENDBIB 3 0 C227900900006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227900900007 DATA 4 7 C227900900008 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227900900009 MEV MEV MB MB C227900900010 67.2 0.2 187. 20. C227900900011 59.6 0.4 266. 30. C227900900012 51.2 0.6 172. 21. C227900900013 43.6 0.9 5.7 0.8 C227900900014 35.6 1.3 0.14 0.03 C227900900015 33.6 1.9 0.12 0.03 C227900900016 25.7 0.7 0.07 0.03 C227900900017 ENDDATA 9 0 C227900900018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 C227900999999 SUBENT C2279010 20171111 C173C227901000001 BIB 3 5 C227901000002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)51-SB-118-M,,SIG) C227901000003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.4 of the reference C227901000004 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-118-M,5.0HR,DG,253.7,0.99, C227901000005 DG,1050.7,0.97, C227901000006 DG,1229.7,1.0) C227901000007 ENDBIB 5 0 C227901000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227901000009 DATA 4 6 C227901000010 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227901000011 MEV MEV MB MB C227901000012 67.2 0.2 46.8 5.3 C227901000013 59.6 0.4 42.6 5. C227901000014 51.2 0.6 45.5 5.8 C227901000015 43.6 0.9 25.3 3.5 C227901000016 35.6 1.3 21.5 3.4 C227901000017 33.6 1.9 1.5 0.2 C227901000018 ENDDATA 8 0 C227901000019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C227901099999 SUBENT C2279011 20171111 C173C227901100001 BIB 3 5 C227901100002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)51-SB-120-M,,SIG) C227901100003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.4 of the reference C227901100004 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-120-M,5.8D,DG,197.3,0.87, C227901100005 DG,1023.3,0.994, C227901100006 DG,1171.3,1.0) C227901100007 ENDBIB 5 0 C227901100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227901100009 DATA 4 10 C227901100010 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227901100011 MEV MEV MB MB C227901100012 67.2 0.2 40. 4.7 C227901100013 59.6 0.4 46.9 5.7 C227901100014 51.2 0.6 53.1 6.9 C227901100015 43.6 0.9 45.7 6.4 C227901100016 35.6 1.3 32.2 4.9 C227901100017 33.6 1.9 29.1 3.4 C227901100018 25.7 0.7 23.1 2.8 C227901100019 20.7 1.2 12.2 1.6 C227901100020 16.7 2.1 3.6 0.5 C227901100021 12. 2.6 0.1 0. C227901100022 ENDDATA 12 0 C227901100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C227901199999 SUBENT C2279012 20171111 C173C227901200001 BIB 3 4 C227901200002 REACTION (51-SB-0(P,X)51-SB-122,,SIG) C227901200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.4 of the reference C227901200004 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-122-G,2.7D,DG,564.2,0.707, C227901200005 DG,692.7,0.03) C227901200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C227901200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C227901200008 DATA 4 10 C227901200009 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C227901200010 MEV MEV MB MB C227901200011 67.2 0.2 49.1 5.7 C227901200012 59.6 0.4 56.7 6.9 C227901200013 51.2 0.6 63.9 8.3 C227901200014 43.6 0.9 70.3 9.8 C227901200015 35.6 1.3 77.2 11.7 C227901200016 33.6 1.9 69. 7.9 C227901200017 25.7 0.7 59.6 7.2 C227901200018 20.7 1.2 43.7 5.6 C227901200019 16.7 2.1 19.8 2.8 C227901200020 12. 2.6 1.3 0.3 C227901200021 ENDDATA 12 0 C227901200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C227901299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 C227999999999