ENTRY C2293 20241031 C243C229300000001 SUBENT C2293001 20241031 C243C229300100001 BIB 12 37 C229300100002 TITLE Reactions C12(d,n)N13 ground state and C12(d,t)C11 up C229300100003 to Ed=20 MeV C229300100004 AUTHOR (D.H.Wilkinson) C229300100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,100,32,1955) C229300100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.100.32 C229300100007 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) C229300100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) Brookhaven 60-in. cyclotron. C229300100009 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) crystal. C229300100010 SAMPLE Stacks of 4-mil polyethylene foils. C229300100011 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA) The experiment was performed by C229300100012 bombarding polyethylene foils with about 1/100 C229300100013 microampere of 20-MeV deuterons for periods of the C229300100014 order of 30 minutes, during which time the beam C229300100015 current was held constant to better than 10%. After C229300100016 the bombardment the individual foils were trapped C229300100017 between aluminum sheets of thickness adequate to C229300100018 absorb the positrons of N13 and C11, and the decay C229300100019 was followed over many half-lives by counting the C229300100020 annihilation quanta with an NaI(Tl) crystal. (Neither C229300100021 body gives nuclear gamma rays.) C229300100022 ANALYSIS (DECAY) All decay curves were analyzed to find the C229300100023 relative amounts of N13 and C11 present in each foil C229300100024 at the end of the irradiations. The surface densities C229300100025 of the polyethylene foils were determined by weighing C229300100026 small triangles cut from the bombarded region of each C229300100027 foil; they were constant to within 2 percent from C229300100028 foil to foil and no correction was necessary on C229300100029 account of variations in surface density. With these C229300100030 data, relative cross sections for the (d,n) and (d,t) C229300100031 reactions were computed. C229300100032 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,50.) The absolute cross section scale, C229300100033 however, was not set up with great care and may be in C229300100034 error by as much as 50 percent. C229300100035 CORRECTION The relative amounts of N13 and C11 were corrected C229300100036 for the finite duration of the bombardments. C229300100037 HISTORY (20180406C) BP C229300100038 (20241028A) OS. DECAY-DATA corrected C229300100039 ENDBIB 37 0 C229300100040 NOCOMMON 0 0 C229300100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C229300199999 SUBENT C2293002 20241031 C243C229300200001 BIB 4 4 C229300200002 REACTION (6-C-12(D,N)7-N-13,,SIG) C229300200003 DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,10.08MIN,AR) C229300200004 STATUS (CURVE,,D.H.Wilkinson,J,PR,100,32,1955) Fig.2, page 34.C229300200005 HISTORY (20241028A) DECAY-DATA: Energy, intensity deleted C229300200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C229300200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C229300200008 DATA 2 25 C229300200009 EN DATA C229300200010 MEV MB C229300200011 5.926 2.581E+00 C229300200012 6.543 6.661E+01 C229300200013 7.160 1.455E+02 C229300200014 7.753 1.121E+02 C229300200015 8.370 1.121E+02 C229300200016 8.963 1.043E+02 C229300200017 9.580 9.592E+01 C229300200018 10.173 9.492E+01 C229300200019 10.815 8.643E+01 C229300200020 11.407 7.952E+01 C229300200021 11.975 7.470E+01 C229300200022 12.617 6.456E+01 C229300200023 13.210 6.323E+01 C229300200024 13.802 6.257E+01 C229300200025 14.395 6.065E+01 C229300200026 15.037 5.817E+01 C229300200027 15.630 5.352E+01 C229300200028 16.247 4.924E+01 C229300200029 16.840 4.625E+01 C229300200030 17.457 4.391E+01 C229300200031 18.049 4.125E+01 C229300200032 18.667 3.875E+01 C229300200033 19.284 3.915E+01 C229300200034 19.877 3.795E+01 C229300200035 20.469 3.565E+01 C229300200036 ENDDATA 27 0 C229300200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C229300299999 SUBENT C2293003 20241031 C243C229300300001 BIB 4 4 C229300300002 REACTION (6-C-12(D,T)6-C-11,,SIG) C229300300003 DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.0MIN,AR) C229300300004 STATUS (CURVE,,D.H.Wilkinson,J,PR,100,32,1955) Fig.2, page 34.C229300300005 HISTORY (20241028A) DECAY-DATA: Energy, intensity deleted C229300300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C229300300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C229300300008 DATA 2 9 C229300300009 EN DATA C229300300010 MEV MB C229300300011 15.630 1.737E-01 C229300300012 16.198 9.794E-01 C229300300013 16.815 2.350E+00 C229300300014 17.432 3.280E+00 C229300300015 18.049 4.256E+00 C229300300016 18.642 5.296E+00 C229300300017 19.259 6.192E+00 C229300300018 19.852 7.707E+00 C229300300019 20.469 1.169E+01 C229300300020 ENDDATA 11 0 C229300300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C229300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C229399999999