ENTRY C2295 20241031 C243C229500000001 SUBENT C2295001 20241031 C243C229500100001 BIB 9 22 C229500100002 TITLE Mass Assignment of the 44-Minute Californium-245 and C229500100003 the New Isotope Californium-244 C229500100004 AUTHOR (A.Chetham-Strode Jr,G.R.Choppin,B.G.Harvey) C229500100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,102,747,1956) C229500100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.102.747 C229500100007 INSTITUTE (1USABRK,1USAUCX) C229500100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) 60-inch cyclotron of the Crocker C229500100009 Laboratory. C229500100010 SAMPLE (96-CM-244,ENR=0.95) Samples of curium consisting C229500100011 mostly of Cm244 (95%) and containing smaller quantitiesC229500100012 of heavier curium isotopes. C229500100013 METHOD (CHSEP,REC,ACTIV) The product nuclei recoiling from C229500100014 the target were collected on thin gold foils. These C229500100015 foils were dissolved and the bulk of the fission- C229500100016 product and induced activity was removed by a C229500100017 combination of solvent-extraction and ion-exchange C229500100018 techniques. The actinide fraction could then be C229500100019 examined immediately in the alpha pulse-height C229500100020 analyzer. C229500100021 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. C229500100022 HISTORY (20180511C) BP C229500100023 (20241028A) OS. DECAY-DATA corrected C229500100024 ENDBIB 22 0 C229500100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 C229500100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C229500199999 SUBENT C2295002 20241031 C243C229500200001 BIB 4 4 C229500200002 REACTION (96-CM-244(A,3N)98-CF-245,,SIG) C229500200003 DECAY-DATA (98-CF-245,44.MIN,A,7110.,0.3) C229500200004 STATUS (CURVE,,A.Chetham-Strode Jr+,J,PR,102,747,1956) Fig.1. C229500200005 HISTORY (20241028A) DECAY-DATA: Energy corrected C229500200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C229500200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C229500200008 DATA 3 14 C229500200009 EN DATA DATA-ERR C229500200010 MEV MB MB C229500200011 28.518 2.164E-01 3.345E-02 C229500200012 29.671 7.478E-01 1.237E-01 C229500200013 31.046 2.331E+00 3.603E-01 C229500200014 31.756 3.524E+00 4.270E-01 C229500200015 32.954 4.222E+00 6.063E-01 C229500200016 33.930 4.804E+00 7.427E-01 C229500200017 35.083 5.059E+00 6.701E-01 C229500200018 36.148 5.396E+00 6.539E-01 C229500200019 36.148 4.277E+00 4.199E-01 C229500200020 38.322 4.622E+00 6.636E-01 C229500200021 39.919 4.389E+00 8.653E-01 C229500200022 40.495 3.663E+00 4.852E-01 C229500200023 40.495 3.219E+00 3.160E-01 C229500200024 40.540 2.793E+00 3.699E-01 C229500200025 ENDDATA 16 0 C229500200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C229500299999 SUBENT C2295003 20241031 C243C229500300001 BIB 5 7 C229500300002 REACTION (96-CM-244(A,4N)98-CF-244,,SIG) C229500300003 RAD-DET (96-CM-240,A) C229500300004 DECAY-DATA (96-CM-240,27.D,A,6260.) The values were determined C229500300005 by authors separately in a measurement with alphas on C229500300006 Cm-242 and were not used for determining the cs. C229500300007 STATUS (CURVE,,A.Chetham-Strode Jr+,J,PR,102,747,1956) Fig.1. C229500300008 HISTORY (20241028A) DECAY-DATA: Energy corrected C229500300009 ENDBIB 7 0 C229500300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C229500300011 DATA 3 9 C229500300012 EN DATA DATA-ERR C229500300013 MEV MB MB C229500300014 36.148 2.502E-02 4.933E-03 C229500300015 36.148 2.811E-02 7.819E-03 C229500300016 37.168 6.853E-02 1.560E-02 C229500300017 38.366 1.413E-01 3.495E-02 C229500300018 39.431 1.829E-01 4.165E-02 C229500300019 39.431 2.626E-01 5.980E-02 C229500300020 40.495 3.188E-01 7.886E-02 C229500300021 40.495 2.136E-01 3.988E-02 C229500300022 40.495 1.853E-01 3.653E-02 C229500300023 ENDDATA 11 0 C229500300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C229500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C229599999999