ENTRY C2303 20240405 C231C230300000001 SUBENT C2303001 20230802 C231C230300100001 BIB 10 37 C230300100002 TITLE Fission Yields of Natural Uranium with Deuterons of 5, C230300100003 10, and 13.6 MeV: Deuteron Capture and Competition C230300100004 with Stripping C230300100005 AUTHOR (T.T.Sugihara,P.J.Drevinsky,E.J.Troianello, C230300100006 J.M.Alexander) C230300100007 REFERENCE (J,PR,108,1264,1957) C230300100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.108.1264 C230300100009 REL-REF (R,,J.M.Hollander+,J,RMP,25,469,1953) C230300100010 #doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.25.469 C230300100011 Data on radioactive isotopes. C230300100012 INSTITUTE (1USACLK,1USAMIT) C230300100013 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAMIT) The Massachusetts Institute of C230300100014 Technology cyclotron. C230300100015 SAMPLE Uranium foil 0.7 mil thick (27.8 mg/cm2) of natural C230300100016 isotopic composition was the target material in all C230300100017 irradiations except two early experiments at 13.6 Mev C230300100018 in which natural UO3(~50 mg/cm2) was used. The target C230300100019 was wrapped in an Al- foil envelope (8.5 mg/cm2) and C230300100020 was secured to the water-cooled target holder by 13.7 C230300100021 mg/cm2 of Dural foil. C230300100022 DETECTOR (GEMUC) All counting was done on a set of three C230300100023 intercalibrated thin-wall, cylindrical, flow Geiger C230300100024 counters, 0.75 in. in diameter and 5 in. long, of a C230300100025 type that has been described. The counting gas was C230300100026 98.7% He and 1.3% isobutane at one atmosphere. C230300100027 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) After irradiation, the target foil and C230300100028 Al envelope were dissolved in 4M HCl and conc. HNO3. C230300100029 Dilute H202 was added to convert all the U in C230300100030 solution to the hexavalent state. The solution was C230300100031 diluted with HCl to make a stock solution from which C230300100032 aliquots were withdrawn for various chemical C230300100033 operations. Nuclides were identified within a given C230300100034 chemical fraction by half-period and absorption C230300100035 characteristics. In no case were there significant, C230300100036 deviations from literature values. C230300100037 HISTORY (20180523C) BP C230300100038 (20230721A) OS. ERR-ANALYS in sub.2 corrected C230300100039 ENDBIB 37 0 C230300100040 NOCOMMON 0 0 C230300100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C230300199999 SUBENT C2303002 20240405 C231C230300200001 BIB 8 75 C230300200002 REACTION (92-U-0(D,F)MASS,CHN,SIG) C230300200003 ANALYSIS Chain yield obtained by measured cumulative yield C230300200004 divided by fractional cumulative yield taken from C230300200005 J.M.Alexander et al. (1957) C230300200006 REL-REF (R,,J.M.Alexander+,J,PR,108,1274,1957). C230300200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error indicated is simply the mean C230300200008 deviation of replicate experiments and is not C230300200009 intended to represent the errors of the experiment. C230300200010 (ERR-SYS,,25.) On an absolute basis the cross sections C230300200011 for producing each nuclide are probably no better than C230300200012 25%. The largest fraction of this error is attributed C230300200013 to uncertainties in the beam intensity. C230300200014 DECAY-DATA These were the activities measured for determination C230300200015 of the chain yields: C230300200016 ((1.)30-ZN-72,49.0HR,B-) C230300200017 ((2.)33-AS-77,38.0HR,B-) C230300200018 ((3.)35-BR-83,2.40HR,B-) C230300200019 ((4.)38-SR-89,53.0D,B-) C230300200020 ((5.)39-Y-91-G,58.0D,B-) C230300200021 ((6.)39-Y-93-G,10.0HR,B-) C230300200022 ((7.)40-ZR-95,65.0D,B-) C230300200023 ((8.)41-NB-97-G,72.0MIN,B-) C230300200024 ((9.)44-RU-103,43.0D,B-) C230300200025 ((10.)44-RU-105,4.5HR,B-) C230300200026 ((11.)45-RH-106-G,30.0SEC,B-) C230300200027 ((12.)48-CD-115-G,54.0HR,B-) C230300200028 ((13.)48-CD-115-M,43.0D,B-) C230300200029 ((14.)51-SB-126,9.0HR,B-) C230300200030 ((15.)51-SB-126,28.0D,B-) Comment by compiler: C230300200031 Sb-126 isomers with such half-lives (9 hr, 28 d) C230300200032 are not known C230300200033 ((16.)52-TE-127-G,9.3HR,B-) C230300200034 ((17.)52-TE-129-G,72.0MIN,B-) C230300200035 ((18.)53-I-131,8.14D,B-) C230300200036 ((19.)53-I-132-G,2.4HR,B-) C230300200037 ((20.)53-I-133-G,20.5HR,B-) C230300200038 ((21.)56-BA-140,12.80D,B-) C230300200039 ((22.)58-CE-141,33.1D,B-) C230300200040 ((23.)59-PR-143,13.7D,B-) C230300200041 ((24.)59-PR-144-G,17.0MIN,B-) C230300200042 ((25.)60-ND-147,11.3D,B-) C230300200043 ((26.)61-PM-149,54.0HR,B-) C230300200044 ((27.)61-PM-151,27.5HR,B-) C230300200045 ((28.)62-SM-153,47.0HR,B-) C230300200046 ((29.)63-EU-156,15.4D,B-) C230300200047 ((30.)63-EU-157,15.4HR,B-) C230300200048 ((31.)64-GD-159,18.0HR,B-) C230300200049 FLAG (1.) Yield of 77As calculated assuming branching C230300200050 ratio of 12-hr 77Ge to 59 sec 77Ge is 0.2. C230300200051 (2.) Yield of 83Br calculated under assumption that C230300200052 45% of the 83 chain passes through 26 min 83Se. C230300200053 (3.) Counted through 10.1 mg/cm2 of Al to minimize C230300200054 95Nb contribution. C230300200055 (4.) Counted equilibrium mixture. C230300200056 In thermal fission of 235U the mass-129 chain C230300200057 yield should be taken as twice the 129Sb yield. The C230300200058 yields in in this table are for 129Sb. C230300200059 (5.) Counted through 26.2 mg/cm2 of Al to absorb C230300200060 conversion electrons pf 105mRh. C230300200061 (6.) Counted equilibrium mixture through 26.2 mg/cm2 C230300200062 of Al to absorb radiation of 103Ru and 106Ru. C230300200063 (7.) Mass assignment is not certain, not observed in C230300200064 thermal fission but found in 14-MeV neutron fission C230300200065 of 235U. C230300200066 (8.) Measured 132I in equilibrium with 77-hr 132Te; C230300200067 yield is that of parent. C230300200068 (9.) Measured 143Pr in separate cerium fraction in C230300200069 which 33-hr 143Ce had decayed; yield is that of parent.C230300200070 (10.) Counted equilibrium mixture though 70 mg/cm2 of C230300200071 Al to absorb radiations of 141Ce and 144Ce. Upper C230300200072 limit, contribution of long-lived impurities possible. C230300200073 STATUS (TABLE,,T.T.Sugihara+,J,PR,108,1264,1957) Table I C230300200074 HISTORY (20230721A) DATA-ERR in COMMON changed to ERR-SYS and C230300200075 moved to BIB section as upper limit C230300200076 (20240405U) On. DECAY-DATA field moved. C230300200077 ENDBIB 75 0 C230300200078 NOCOMMON 0 0 C230300200079 DATA 6 87 C230300200080 MASS EN DATA DATA-ERR DECAY-FLAG FLAG C230300200081 NO-DIM MEV MB MB NO-DIM NO-DIM C230300200082 72.0 13.6 2.60E-02 5.00E-03 1.0 C230300200083 77.0 5.0 4.00E-04 2.0 1.C230300200084 77.0 10.0 1.70E-06 2.0 1.C230300200085 77.0 13.6 1.60E-01 4.00E-03 2.0 1.C230300200086 83.0 5.0 9.00E-03 3.0 2.C230300200087 83.0 10.0 1.90E-01 4.00E-02 3.0 2.C230300200088 83.0 13.6 2.20E+00 1.00E-01 3.0 2.C230300200089 89.0 5.0 9.40E-02 4.00E-03 4.0 C230300200090 89.0 10.0 1.76E+00 6.00E-02 4.0 C230300200091 89.0 13.6 9.30E+00 4.00E-01 4.0 C230300200092 91.0 5.0 1.43E-01 7.00E-03 5.0 C230300200093 91.0 10.0 2.30E+00 1.00E-01 5.0 C230300200094 91.0 13.6 1.22E+01 8.00E-01 5.0 C230300200095 93.0 5.0 1.80E-01 6.0 C230300200096 93.0 10.0 2.90E+00 6.0 C230300200097 93.0 13.6 1.64E+01 8.00E-01 6.0 C230300200098 95.0 5.0 2.05E-01 1.50E-02 7.0 3.C230300200099 95.0 10.0 3.50E+00 2.00E-01 7.0 3.C230300200100 95.0 13.6 1.68E+01 7.00E-01 7.0 3.C230300200101 97.0 5.0 2.33E-01 1.60E-02 8.0 4.C230300200102 97.0 10.0 5.20E+00 2.00E-01 8.0 4.C230300200103 97.0 13.6 2.41E+01 2.00E-01 8.0 4.C230300200104 103.0 5.0 1.41E-01 2.00E-03 9.0 C230300200105 103.0 10.0 2.60E+00 9.0 C230300200106 103.0 13.6 1.30E+01 2.00E+00 9.0 C230300200107 105.0 5.0 1.34E-01 3.00E-03 10.0 5.C230300200108 105.0 10.0 2.60E+00 10.0 5.C230300200109 105.0 13.6 1.57E+01 1.50E+00 10.0 5.C230300200110 106.0 5.0 1.20E-01 2.00E-02 11.0 6.C230300200111 106.0 10.0 2.40E+00 11.0 6.C230300200112 106.0 13.6 1.40E+01 7.00E-01 11.0 6.C230300200113 115.0 5.0 4.80E-03 5.00E-01 12.0 C230300200114 115.0 5.0 4.00E-04 2.00E-04 13.0 C230300200115 115.0 10.0 7.30E-01 3.00E-02 12.0 C230300200116 115.0 10.0 4.60E-02 4.00E-03 13.0 C230300200117 115.0 13.6 4.20E+00 2.00E-01 12.0 C230300200118 115.0 13.6 3.00E-01 2.00E-02 13.0 C230300200119 126.0 10.0 1.20E+00 1.00E-01 14.0 C230300200120 126.0 10.0 3.50E-01 2.00E-02 15.0 7.C230300200121 126.0 13.6 3.90E+00 14.0 C230300200122 126.0 13.6 1.70E+00 15.0 7.C230300200123 127.0 5.0 1.50E-02 1.00E-03 16.0 4.C230300200124 127.0 10.0 1.56E+00 6.00E-02 16.0 4.C230300200125 127.0 13.6 7.30E+00 16.0 4.C230300200126 129.0 5.0 1.10E-02 17.0 4.C230300200127 129.0 10.0 1.15E+00 1.00E-01 17.0 4.C230300200128 129.0 13.6 5.90E+00 17.0 4.C230300200129 131.0 5.0 1.28E-01 1.00E-03 18.0 C230300200130 131.0 10.0 4.20E+00 1.00E-01 18.0 C230300200131 131.0 13.6 1.90E+01 2.00E+00 18.0 C230300200132 132.0 5.0 1.72E-01 3.00E-03 19.0 8.C230300200133 132.0 10.0 4.20E+00 2.00E-01 19.0 8.C230300200134 132.0 13.6 2.06E+01 1.10E+00 19.0 8.C230300200135 133.0 5.0 2.37E-01 9.00E-03 20.0 C230300200136 133.0 10.0 5.30E+00 2.00E-01 20.0 C230300200137 133.0 13.6 2.30E+01 20.0 C230300200138 140.0 5.0 1.81E-01 9.00E-03 21.0 C230300200139 140.0 10.0 3.40E+00 2.00E-01 21.0 C230300200140 140.0 13.6 1.75E+01 9.00E-01 21.0 C230300200141 141.0 5.0 1.60E-01 1.60E-02 22.0 C230300200142 141.0 10.0 2.90E+00 1.00E-01 22.0 C230300200143 141.0 13.6 1.56E+01 1.60E+00 22.0 C230300200144 143.0 5.0 1.20E-01 7.00E-03 23.0 9.C230300200145 143.0 10.0 2.60E+00 1.00E-01 23.0 9.C230300200146 143.0 13.6 1.21E+01 3.00E-01 23.0 9.C230300200147 144.0 5.0 1.83E-01 4.00E-03 24.0 10.C230300200148 144.0 10.0 3.00E+00 3.00E-01 24.0 10.C230300200149 144.0 13.6 1.40E+01 2.00E+00 24.0 10.C230300200150 147.0 5.0 8.90E-02 4.00E-03 25.0 C230300200151 147.0 10.0 1.60E+00 1.00E-01 25.0 C230300200152 147.0 13.6 8.70E+00 3.00E-01 25.0 C230300200153 149.0 5.0 3.30E-02 2.00E-03 26.0 C230300200154 149.0 10.0 8.00E-01 26.0 C230300200155 149.0 13.6 3.80E+00 6.00E-01 26.0 C230300200156 151.0 10.0 5.00E-01 27.0 C230300200157 151.0 13.6 3.00E+00 2.00E-01 27.0 C230300200158 153.0 5.0 1.21E-02 1.00E-04 28.0 C230300200159 153.0 10.0 3.30E-01 1.00E-02 28.0 C230300200160 153.0 13.6 2.00E+00 1.00E-01 28.0 C230300200161 156.0 5.0 3.00E-03 5.00E-04 29.0 C230300200162 156.0 10.0 1.32E-01 2.00E-03 29.0 C230300200163 156.0 13.6 6.60E-01 8.00E-02 29.0 C230300200164 157.0 5.0 1.60E-03 30.0 C230300200165 157.0 10.0 7.60E-02 2.00E-03 30.0 C230300200166 157.0 13.6 4.50E-01 6.00E-02 30.0 C230300200167 159.0 10.0 3.90E-02 1.00E-03 31.0 C230300200168 159.0 13.6 2.10E-01 1.00E-02 31.0 C230300200169 ENDDATA 89 0 C230300200170 ENDSUBENT 169 0 C230300299999 SUBENT C2303003 20180523 C176C230300300001 BIB 6 25 C230300300002 REACTION (92-U-238(D,F)MASS,PR,NU,,,DERIV) C230300300003 ANALYSIS Subtraction of the masses of complementary products C230300300004 (i.e., those of the same yield) from the assumed mass C230300300005 of the fissioning nucleus. C230300300006 COMMENT Authors indicate that the fissioning nucleus has to C230300300007 be taken to be mass 239, 240, and 240 for deuteron C230300300008 energies of 5, 10, and 13.6 MeV, respectively. The C230300300009 stable isotopes of U are 234, 235 and 238. C230300300010 Consequently, we deal with 238U as a target nucleus. C230300300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error in nu bar has been estimated in C230300300012 the following way: If an error in the yield of a C230300300013 light product is assigned, this can be converted to C230300300014 an error in mass by assuming the smooth curves to be C230300300015 the best fit to the data. The error in the mass of C230300300016 the heavy complementary product is obtained by C230300300017 determining the range of heavy masses corresponding C230300300018 to the range in yield of the light mass. The error in C230300300019 s is taken to be the root-mean-square error in the C230300300020 masses of light and heavy products. C230300300021 (ERR-1,10.,20.) The error in relative yields has been C230300300022 assumed to be 10% for masses 89 and 105 and 20% for C230300300023 masses 72, 77, and 83. C230300300024 FLAG (1.) Obtained by extrapolating of smooth mass- C230300300025 distribution curve. C230300300026 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, page 1268. C230300300027 ENDBIB 25 0 C230300300028 NOCOMMON 0 0 C230300300029 DATA 5 13 C230300300030 MASS EN DATA DATA-ERR FLAG C230300300031 NO-DIM MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS NO-DIM C230300300032 72.0 13.6 2.9 0.8 1. C230300300033 77.0 5.0 2.0 0.6 1. C230300300034 77.0 10.0 2.2 0.7 1. C230300300035 77.0 13.6 3.3 0.7 C230300300036 83. 5.0 3.1 0.8 C230300300037 83.0 10.0 4.0 1.5 C230300300038 83.0 13.6 5.2 0.9 C230300300039 89.0 5.0 4.1 1.0 C230300300040 89.0 10.0 5.0 0.7 C230300300041 89.0 13.6 5.2 1.0 C230300300042 105.0 5.0 3.0 0.5 C230300300043 105.0 10.0 5.0 0.7 C230300300044 105.0 13.6 4.7 0.8 C230300300045 ENDDATA 15 0 C230300300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 C230300399999 SUBENT C2303004 20180622 C176C230300400001 BIB 3 4 C230300400002 REACTION (92-U-238(D,F),PR,NU,,,DERIV) C230300400003 ANALYSIS Average of nu(A=83) and nu(A=105). C230300400004 STATUS (TABLE) abstract, page 1264. C230300400005 (DEP,C2303003) nu(A) C230300400006 ENDBIB 4 0 C230300400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C230300400008 DATA 2 3 C230300400009 EN DATA C230300400010 MEV PRT/FIS C230300400011 5.0 3.5 C230300400012 10.0 5.0 C230300400013 13.6 5.0 C230300400014 ENDDATA 5 0 C230300400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 C230300499999 SUBENT C2303005 20180622 C176C230300500001 BIB 4 10 C230300500002 REACTION (92-U-238(D,F),,SIG,,,DERIV) C230300500003 ANALYSIS Summation of chain cross sections C230300500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error indicated is simply the mean C230300500005 deviation of replicate experiments and is not C230300500006 intended to represent the errors of the experiment. C230300500007 On an absolute basis the cross sections for producing C230300500008 each nuclide are probably no better than 25%. The C230300500009 largest fraction of this error is attributed to C230300500010 STATUS (TABLE) abstract, page 1264. C230300500011 (DEP,C2303002) Chain cross section C230300500012 ENDBIB 10 0 C230300500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C230300500014 DATA 3 3 C230300500015 EN DATA DATA-ERR C230300500016 MEV MB MB C230300500017 5.0 3.5 C230300500018 10. 86.0 C230300500019 13.6 430.0 150.0 C230300500020 ENDDATA 5 0 C230300500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C230300599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C230399999999