ENTRY C2312 20220824 C218C231200000001 SUBENT C2312001 20220824 C218C231200100001 BIB 10 23 C231200100002 TITLE Excitation Functions for Inelastic Scattering C231200100003 Reactions of Cadmium-111 and Indium-115 C231200100004 AUTHOR (N.T.Porile) C231200100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,121,184,1961) C231200100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.121.184 C231200100007 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) C231200100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) Brookhaven 60-inch cyclotron. C231200100009 DETECTOR (NAICR) 3x3 inch sodium iodide scintillation counter. C231200100010 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) After bombardment the foils were C231200100011 dissolved and cadmium and indium were separated and C231200100012 decontaminated by conventional radiochemical C231200100013 procedures. The activity of the samples was C231200100014 determined with a sodium iodide scintillation counter C231200100015 and the decay of a particular photopeak was followed C231200100016 with the aid of a 100-channel pulse-height analyzer. C231200100017 ANALYSIS (DECAY) C231200100018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The overall uncertainties in the measured C231200100019 cross sections are 10-20% at the higher energies and C231200100020 increase to a factor of two or more at the very C231200100021 lowest bombarding energies. C231200100022 (ERR-1,5.,10.) The target uniformity. C231200100023 HISTORY (20180611C) BP C231200100024 (20220824A) OS. DECAY-DATA corrected C231200100025 ENDBIB 23 0 C231200100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C231200199999 SUBENT C2312002 20220824 C218C231200200001 BIB 6 13 C231200200002 REACTION (48-CD-111(A,INL)48-CD-111-M,,SIG) C231200200003 SAMPLE (48-CD-111,ENR=0.861) The experiments with Cd111 were C231200200004 performed in all cases with enriched Cd111 (86.1 atom C231200200005 percent Cd111) electroplated on gold, and with C231200200006 0.0003-inch thick cadmium foil having a normal C231200200007 isotopic composition. The electroplated targets had a C231200200008 thickness of approximately 1 mg/cm2. C231200200009 CORRECTION The Cd111m results were corrected for photopeak C231200200010 losses arising from the coincidence between the C231200200011 150-keV and 246-keV transitions. C231200200012 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-111-M,,DG,246.) C231200200013 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 186. C231200200014 HISTORY (20220824A) DECAY-DATA: energy corrected C231200200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C231200200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200200017 DATA 4 13 C231200200018 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C231200200019 MEV MB MB MB C231200200020 16.167 4.025E-01 5.946E-01 2.543E-01 C231200200021 18.134 1.995E+00 6.365E-01 6.365E-01 C231200200022 20.050 3.422E+00 6.200E-01 6.200E-01 C231200200023 22.103 4.383E+00 8.491E-01 8.491E-01 C231200200024 24.024 5.528E+00 1.206E+00 1.206E+00 C231200200025 25.549 5.621E+00 1.157E+00 1.157E+00 C231200200026 28.066 7.778E+00 1.696E+00 1.696E+00 C231200200027 29.988 8.412E+00 1.198E+00 1.198E+00 C231200200028 31.976 9.825E+00 1.529E+00 1.529E+00 C231200200029 33.966 9.993E+00 1.661E+00 1.661E+00 C231200200030 36.155 1.081E+01 1.682E+00 1.682E+00 C231200200031 37.944 1.187E+01 1.760E+00 1.760E+00 C231200200032 40.000 1.245E+01 1.773E+00 1.773E+00 C231200200033 ENDDATA 15 0 C231200200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C231200299999 SUBENT C2312003 20220824 C218C231200300001 BIB 5 9 C231200300002 REACTION (49-IN-115(A,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG) C231200300003 SAMPLE The experiments with In115 were performed with C231200300004 high-purity foils of natural indium, 0.00075 inch in C231200300005 thickness, and uniform to within 5%. These foils were C231200300006 thick enough to make the loss of recoils from the C231200300007 target negligible. C231200300008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-115-M,,DG,335.) C231200300009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 186. C231200300010 HISTORY (20220824A) DECAY-DATA: energy corrected C231200300011 ENDBIB 9 0 C231200300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200300013 DATA 4 9 C231200300014 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C231200300015 MEV MB MB MB C231200300016 15.627 1.928E-01 3.167E-01 1.176E-01 C231200300017 18.699 9.927E-01 3.281E-01 3.281E-01 C231200300018 22.603 2.028E+00 5.150E-01 5.150E-01 C231200300019 26.039 3.087E+00 6.378E-01 6.378E-01 C231200300020 29.346 3.729E+00 5.821E-01 5.821E-01 C231200300021 32.046 4.298E+00 6.139E-01 6.139E-01 C231200300022 35.017 4.587E+00 6.555E-01 6.555E-01 C231200300023 37.380 4.969E+00 8.404E-01 8.404E-01 C231200300024 40.150 5.141E+00 8.020E-01 8.020E-01 C231200300025 ENDDATA 11 0 C231200300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C231200399999 SUBENT C2312004 20220824 C218C231200400001 BIB 5 9 C231200400002 REACTION (49-IN-115(A,X)49-IN-114-M,,SIG) C231200400003 SAMPLE The experiments with In115 were performed with C231200400004 high-purity foils of natural indium, 0.00075 inch in C231200400005 thickness, and uniform to within 5%. These foils were C231200400006 thick enough to make the loss of recoils from the C231200400007 target negligible. C231200400008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,50.D,DG,191.) C231200400009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 186. C231200400010 HISTORY (20220824A) DECAY-DATA: energy corrected C231200400011 ENDBIB 9 0 C231200400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200400013 DATA 3 7 C231200400014 EN DATA DATA-ERR C231200400015 MEV MB MB C231200400016 22.402 8.710E-02 1.473E-02 C231200400017 25.937 6.912E-01 9.887E-02 C231200400018 28.468 3.669E+00 5.726E-01 C231200400019 31.827 9.011E+00 1.289E+00 C231200400020 34.450 1.504E+01 1.745E+00 C231200400021 36.673 2.117E+01 3.025E+00 C231200400022 40.048 2.404E+01 2.788E+00 C231200400023 ENDDATA 9 0 C231200400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C231200499999 SUBENT C2312005 20220824 C218C231200500001 BIB 6 13 C231200500002 REACTION (48-CD-111(D,INL)48-CD-111-M,,SIG) C231200500003 SAMPLE (48-CD-111,ENR=0.861) The experiments with Cd111 were C231200500004 performed in all cases with enriched Cd111 (86.1 atom C231200500005 percent Cd111) electroplated on gold, and with C231200500006 0.0003-inch thick cadmium foil having a normal C231200500007 isotopic composition. The electroplated targets had a C231200500008 thickness of approximately 1 mg/cm2. C231200500009 CORRECTION The Cd111m results were corrected for photopeak C231200500010 losses arising from the coincidence between the C231200500011 150-keV and 246-keV transitions. C231200500012 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-111-M,,DG,246.) C231200500013 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 187. C231200500014 HISTORY (20220824A) DECAY-DATA: energy corrected C231200500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C231200500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200500017 DATA 3 6 C231200500018 EN DATA DATA-ERR C231200500019 MEV MB MB C231200500020 14.925 7.562E+01 1.085E+01 C231200500021 15.969 8.138E+01 1.073E+01 C231200500022 16.945 9.367E+01 1.125E+01 C231200500023 18.129 1.057E+02 1.454E+01 C231200500024 18.919 1.192E+02 1.710E+01 C231200500025 19.918 1.345E+02 2.311E+01 C231200500026 ENDDATA 8 0 C231200500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C231200599999 SUBENT C2312006 20220824 C218C231200600001 BIB 5 9 C231200600002 REACTION (49-IN-115(D,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG) C231200600003 SAMPLE The experiments with In115 were performed with C231200600004 high-purity foils of natural indium, 0.00075 inch in C231200600005 thickness, and uniform to within 5%. These foils were C231200600006 thick enough to make the loss of recoils from the C231200600007 target negligible. C231200600008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-115-M,,DG,335.) C231200600009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 187. C231200600010 HISTORY (20220824A) DECAY-DATA: energy corrected C231200600011 ENDBIB 9 0 C231200600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200600013 DATA 3 6 C231200600014 EN DATA DATA-ERR C231200600015 MEV MB MB C231200600016 10.171 5.994E+00 6.123E-01 C231200600017 13.105 2.284E+01 2.471E+00 C231200600018 15.475 3.303E+01 3.171E+00 C231200600019 17.471 3.600E+01 4.108E+00 C231200600020 18.539 4.033E+01 4.120E+00 C231200600021 19.955 4.458E+01 4.281E+00 C231200600022 ENDDATA 8 0 C231200600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C231200699999 SUBENT C2312007 20220824 C218C231200700001 BIB 6 13 C231200700002 REACTION (48-CD-111(P,INL)48-CD-111-M,,SIG) C231200700003 SAMPLE (48-CD-111,ENR=0.861) The experiments with Cd111 were C231200700004 performed in all cases with enriched Cd111 (86.1 atom C231200700005 percent Cd111) electroplated on gold, and with C231200700006 0.0003-inch thick cadmium foil having a normal C231200700007 isotopic composition. The electroplated targets had a C231200700008 thickness of approximately 1 mg/cm2. C231200700009 CORRECTION The Cd111m results were corrected for photopeak C231200700010 losses arising from the coincidence between the C231200700011 150-keV and 246-keV transitions. C231200700012 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-111-M,,DG,246.) C231200700013 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 187. C231200700014 HISTORY (20220824A) DECAY-DATA: energy corrected C231200700015 ENDBIB 13 0 C231200700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200700017 DATA 3 4 C231200700018 EN DATA DATA-ERR C231200700019 MEV MB MB C231200700020 7.037 4.041E-01 6.258E-02 C231200700021 8.032 1.021E+00 1.582E-01 C231200700022 9.041 2.582E+00 4.572E-01 C231200700023 10.059 3.605E+00 5.313E-01 C231200700024 ENDDATA 6 0 C231200700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C231200799999 SUBENT C2312008 20220824 C218C231200800001 BIB 5 9 C231200800002 REACTION (49-IN-115(P,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG) C231200800003 SAMPLE The experiments with In115 were performed with C231200800004 high-purity foils of natural indium, 0.00075 inch in C231200800005 thickness, and uniform to within 5%. These foils were C231200800006 thick enough to make the loss of recoils from the C231200800007 target negligible. C231200800008 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-115-M,,DG,335.) C231200800009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 187. C231200800010 HISTORY (20220824A) DECAY-DATA: energy corrected C231200800011 ENDBIB 9 0 C231200800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C231200800013 DATA 4 4 C231200800014 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C231200800015 MEV MB MB MB C231200800016 6.315 3.104E-02 1.904E-02 8.139E-04 C231200800017 7.817 2.039E-01 4.193E-02 4.193E-02 C231200800018 9.045 6.149E-01 6.683E-02 6.683E-02 C231200800019 9.937 1.361E+00 1.373E-01 1.373E-01 C231200800020 ENDDATA 6 0 C231200800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C231200899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 C231299999999