ENTRY C2325 20230112 C227C232500000001 SUBENT C2325001 20230112 C227C232500100001 BIB 10 33 C232500100002 TITLE Isomeric cross sections and yield ratios of (d,p) C232500100003 reactions below 15 MeV C232500100004 AUTHOR (J.B.Natowitz,R.L.Wolke) C232500100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,155,1352,1967) C232500100006 #doi:10.1103/physrev.155.1352 C232500100007 (R,TID-21525,1965) Tabulated data. C232500100008 INSTITUTE (1USAPUP) C232500100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAPUP) The University of Pittsburgh cyclotron.C232500100010 SAMPLE Metal foils were used as targets whenever possible. C232500100011 If foils were unavailable, uniform (4%) layers of C232500100012 powdered compounds were deposited on backings of C232500100013 glass-fiber filter paper, weighed, covered with mylar C232500100014 tape, and assembled into stacks with Al foils as beam C232500100015 degraders. C232500100016 DETECTOR (PROPC,NAICR) 4pi methane-flow proportional counters C232500100017 or with a calibrated 3 in. x 3 in. NaI(Tl) crystal and C232500100018 a 512-channel pulse-height analyzer. C232500100019 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) After the irradiations, the targets C232500100020 were subjected to adaptations of standard C232500100021 radiochemical procedures. The final samples were C232500100022 mounted either on Al cards and covered with 0.9 C232500100023 mg/cm2 of mylar or between two films of aluminized C232500100024 mylar on an aluminum ring. Absolute beta or gamma C232500100025 counting was accomplished with proportional counter C232500100026 and NaI crystal. C232500100027 DECAY-DATA Authors are not very specific about decay data: C232500100028 Nuclear Data Sheets, compiled by K. Way et al., C232500100029 Printing and publishing once, National Academy of C232500100030 Sciences-National Research Council, Washington 25, D.C.C232500100031 HISTORY (20180618C) BP C232500100032 (20230112A) BP: Added the report reference, updated C232500100033 entry with tabulated data from R,TID-21525,1965. Added C232500100034 subentries 20-25. C232500100035 ENDBIB 33 0 C232500100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C232500199999 SUBENT C2325002 20230112 C227C232500200001 BIB 4 12 C232500200002 REACTION (27-CO-59(D,P)27-CO-60-M,,SIG) C232500200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500200004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500200005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500200006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500200007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500200008 target nucleus. C232500200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table VI, page 22 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232500200010 (absolute values). Fig. 1, page 1353 of C232500200011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232500200012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232500200013 tabulated data. C232500200014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232500200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500200016 DATA 3 10 C232500200017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500200018 MEV MB MB C232500200019 5.80 99.0 1.104E+01 C232500200020 6.55 140.0 1.796E+01 C232500200021 7.00 170.0 2.198E+01 C232500200022 8.00 160.0 1.893E+01 C232500200023 9.40 150.0 1.934E+01 C232500200024 10.4 130.0 1.667E+01 C232500200025 11.2 110.0 1.305E+01 C232500200026 12.4 98.0 1.264E+01 C232500200027 13.0 89.0 9.822E+00 C232500200028 13.8 75.0 9.898E+00 C232500200029 ENDDATA 12 0 C232500200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C232500299999 SUBENT C2325003 20230112 C227C232500300001 BIB 4 12 C232500300002 REACTION (27-CO-59(D,P)27-CO-60-G,,SIG) C232500300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500300004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500300005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500300006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500300007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500300008 target nucleus. C232500300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table VI, page 22 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232500300010 (absolute values). Fig. 1, page 1353 of C232500300011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232500300012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232500300013 tabulated data. C232500300014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232500300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500300016 DATA 3 10 C232500300017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500300018 MEV MB MB C232500300019 5.80 86.0 16.95 C232500300020 6.55 120.0 24.89 C232500300021 7.00 160.0 33.85 C232500300022 8.00 150.0 35.16 C232500300023 9.40 120.0 24.63 C232500300024 10.4 140.0 28.58 C232500300025 11.2 120.0 24.11 C232500300026 12.4 97.0 18.2 C232500300027 13.0 100.0 20.56 C232500300028 13.8 110.0 25.19 C232500300029 ENDDATA 12 0 C232500300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C232500399999 SUBENT C2325004 20230112 C227C232500400001 BIB 3 8 C232500400002 REACTION (39-Y-89(D,P)39-Y-90-M,,SIG) C232500400003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500400004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500400005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500400006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500400007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500400008 target nucleus. C232500400009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 1353 of J,PR,155,1352,1967. C232500400010 ENDBIB 8 0 C232500400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500400012 DATA 3 7 C232500400013 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500400014 MEV MB MB C232500400015 5.177 3.797E+00 4.495E-01 C232500400016 8.381 1.401E+01 1.939E+00 C232500400017 9.590 2.523E+01 2.472E+00 C232500400018 11.837 1.412E+01 1.529E+00 C232500400019 12.539 1.111E+01 1.431E+00 C232500400020 14.066 1.208E+01 1.556E+00 C232500400021 14.452 1.504E+01 1.785E+00 C232500400022 ENDDATA 9 0 C232500400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C232500499999 SUBENT C2325005 20230112 C227C232500500001 BIB 3 8 C232500500002 REACTION (39-Y-89(D,P)39-Y-90-G,,SIG) C232500500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500500004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500500005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500500006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500500007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500500008 target nucleus. C232500500009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 1353 of J,PR,155,1352,1967. C232500500010 ENDBIB 8 0 C232500500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500500012 DATA 3 8 C232500500013 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500500014 MEV MB MB C232500500015 2.647 5.031E+00 6.471E-01 C232500500016 5.180 1.137E+02 1.235E+01 C232500500017 8.418 1.835E+02 1.419E+01 C232500500018 9.586 2.750E+02 3.542E+01 C232500500019 11.793 1.237E+02 1.217E+01 C232500500020 12.543 1.008E+02 9.895E+00 C232500500021 14.127 9.122E+01 1.084E+01 C232500500022 14.464 1.123E+02 1.217E+01 C232500500023 ENDDATA 10 0 C232500500024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C232500599999 SUBENT C2325006 20230112 C227C232500600001 BIB 4 12 C232500600002 REACTION (45-RH-103(D,P)45-RH-104-M,,SIG) C232500600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500600004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500600005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500600006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500600007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500600008 target nucleus. C232500600009 STATUS Table VII, page 23 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232500600010 (absolute values). Fig. 3, page 1354 of C232500600011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232500600012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232500600013 tabulated data. C232500600014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232500600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500600016 DATA 3 9 C232500600017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500600018 MEV MB MB C232500600019 5.75 4.5 5.304E-01 C232500600020 6.20 5.5 6.393E-01 C232500600021 6.37 9.5 1.220E+00 C232500600022 7.70 21.0 2.701E+00 C232500600023 9.70 30.0 C232500600024 9.90 30.0 3.830E+00 C232500600025 12.0 35.0 3.143E+00 C232500600026 13.6 33.0 3.842E+00 C232500600027 14.4 32.0 3.075E+00 C232500600028 ENDDATA 11 0 C232500600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C232500699999 SUBENT C2325007 20230112 C227C232500700001 BIB 3 8 C232500700002 REACTION (45-RH-103(D,P)45-RH-104-G,,SIG) C232500700003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500700004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500700005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500700006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500700007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500700008 target nucleus. C232500700009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 1354 of J,PR,155,1352,1967. C232500700010 ENDBIB 8 0 C232500700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500700012 DATA 3 10 C232500700013 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500700014 MEV MB MB C232500700015 5.647 3.346E+01 3.896E+00 C232500700016 6.130 3.837E+01 5.299E+00 C232500700017 6.280 6.375E+01 8.793E+00 C232500700018 7.668 1.359E+02 1.876E+01 C232500700019 9.609 1.681E+02 2.502E+01 C232500700020 9.825 1.661E+02 2.114E+01 C232500700021 10.907 1.603E+02 2.211E+01 C232500700022 11.990 1.508E+02 2.243E+01 C232500700023 13.455 1.165E+02 1.732E+01 C232500700024 14.431 1.018E+02 1.404E+01 C232500700025 ENDDATA 12 0 C232500700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C232500799999 SUBENT C2325008 20230112 C227C232500800001 BIB 4 12 C232500800002 REACTION (46-PD-110(D,P)46-PD-111-M,,SIG) C232500800003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500800004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500800005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500800006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500800007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500800008 target nucleus. C232500800009 STATUS (TABLE) Table VIII, page 24 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232500800010 (absolute values). Fig. 4, page 1354 of C232500800011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232500800012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232500800013 tabulated data. C232500800014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232500800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500800016 DATA 3 7 C232500800017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500800018 MEV MB MB C232500800019 4.97 1.1 1.018E-01 C232500800020 6.90 10.0 1.027E+00 C232500800021 7.70 16.0 1.848E+00 C232500800022 9.98 21.0 1.978E+00 C232500800023 11.3 20.0 2.365E+00 C232500800024 13.0 21.0 2.006E+00 C232500800025 14.3 18.0 1.716E+00 C232500800026 ENDDATA 9 0 C232500800027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C232500899999 SUBENT C2325009 20230112 C227C232500900001 BIB 4 12 C232500900002 REACTION (46-PD-110(D,P)46-PD-111-G,,SIG) C232500900003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232500900004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232500900005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232500900006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232500900007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232500900008 target nucleus. C232500900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table VIII, page 24 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232500900010 (absolute values). Fig. 4, page 1354 of C232500900011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232500900012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232500900013 tabulated data. C232500900014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232500900015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232500900016 DATA 3 7 C232500900017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232500900018 MEV MB MB C232500900019 4.97 14.0 2.638E+00 C232500900020 6.90 110.0 1.566E+01 C232500900021 7.70 150.0 2.578E+01 C232500900022 9.98 180.0 2.891E+01 C232500900023 11.3 140.0 1.829E+01 C232500900024 13.0 120.0 1.814E+01 C232500900025 14.3 100.0 1.586E+01 C232500900026 ENDDATA 9 0 C232500900027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C232500999999 SUBENT C2325010 20230112 C227C232501000001 BIB 4 12 C232501000002 REACTION (48-CD-114(D,P)48-CD-115-M,,SIG) C232501000003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501000004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501000005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501000006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501000007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501000008 target nucleus. C232501000009 STATUS (TABLE) Table IX, page 25 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501000010 (absolute values). Fig. 5, page 1354 of C232501000011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501000012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501000013 tabulated data. C232501000014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501000015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501000016 DATA 3 9 C232501000017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501000018 MEV MB MB C232501000019 5.35 11.0 1.111E+00 C232501000020 7.28 42.0 3.775E+00 C232501000021 8.22 57.0 6.272E+00 C232501000022 9.08 54.0 5.949E+00 C232501000023 10.6 52.0 4.665E+00 C232501000024 12.1 54.0 5.379E+00 C232501000025 13.3 52.0 5.156E+00 C232501000026 14.2 65.0 5.888E+00 C232501000027 14.3 67.0 4.879E+00 C232501000028 ENDDATA 11 0 C232501000029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C232501099999 SUBENT C2325011 20230112 C227C232501100001 BIB 4 12 C232501100002 REACTION (48-CD-114(D,P)48-CD-115-G,,SIG) C232501100003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501100004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501100005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501100006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501100007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501100008 target nucleus. C232501100009 STATUS (TABLE) Table IX, page 25 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501100010 (absolute values). Fig. 5, page 1354 of C232501100011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501100012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501100013 tabulated data. C232501100014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501100016 DATA 3 9 C232501100017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501100018 MEV MB MB C232501100019 5.35 61.0 6.173E+00 C232501100020 7.28 184.0 1.662E+01 C232501100021 8.22 230.0 2.318E+01 C232501100022 9.08 200.0 1.809E+01 C232501100023 10.6 190.0 1.734E+01 C232501100024 12.1 190.0 1.549E+01 C232501100025 13.3 160.0 1.652E+01 C232501100026 14.2 200.0 1.599E+01 C232501100027 14.3 180.0 1.252E+01 C232501100028 ENDDATA 11 0 C232501100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C232501199999 SUBENT C2325012 20230112 C227C232501200001 BIB 4 12 C232501200002 REACTION (55-CS-133(D,P)55-CS-134-M,,SIG) C232501200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501200004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501200005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501200006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501200007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501200008 target nucleus. C232501200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table X, page 26 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501200010 (absolute values). Fig. 6, page 1354 of C232501200011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501200012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501200013 tabulated data. C232501200014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501200016 DATA 3 10 C232501200017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501200018 MEV MB MB C232501200019 2.55 1.3 1.945E-01 C232501200020 4.08 6.1 5.951E-01 C232501200021 5.25 5.0 1.137E+00 C232501200022 7.62 37.0 4.858E+00 C232501200023 8.33 38.0 4.901E+00 C232501200024 10.4 20.0 1.963E+00 C232501200025 11.1 37.0 4.210E+00 C232501200026 12.3 44.0 4.295E+00 C232501200027 14.0 41.0 5.257E+00 C232501200028 14.0 40.0 C232501200029 ENDDATA 12 0 C232501200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C232501299999 SUBENT C2325013 20230112 C227C232501300001 BIB 4 12 C232501300002 REACTION (55-CS-133(D,P)55-CS-134-G,,SIG) C232501300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501300004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501300005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501300006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501300007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501300008 target nucleus. C232501300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table X, page 26 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501300010 (absolute values). Fig. 6, page 1354 of C232501300011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501300012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501300013 tabulated data. C232501300014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501300016 DATA 3 9 C232501300017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501300018 MEV MB MB C232501300019 2.55 5.8 6.576E-01 C232501300020 4.08 28.0 2.503E+00 C232501300021 5.25 20.0 3.147E+00 C232501300022 7.62 150.0 1.388E+01 C232501300023 8.33 170.0 1.826E+01 C232501300024 10.4 74.0 7.486E+00 C232501300025 11.1 120.0 1.159E+01 C232501300026 12.3 160.0 1.936E+01 C232501300027 14.0 140.0 1.447E+01 C232501300028 ENDDATA 11 0 C232501300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C232501399999 SUBENT C2325014 20230112 C227C232501400001 BIB 4 12 C232501400002 REACTION (73-TA-181(D,P)73-TA-182-M,,SIG) C232501400003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501400004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501400005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501400006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501400007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501400008 target nucleus. C232501400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table XI, page 27 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501400010 (absolute values). Fig. 7, page 1355 of C232501400011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501400012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501400013 tabulated data. C232501400014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501400016 DATA 3 12 C232501400017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501400018 MEV MB MB C232501400019 5.73 0.015 C232501400020 7.50 0.030 C232501400021 8.90 0.15 2.114E-02 C232501400022 8.98 0.91 9.76E-02 C232501400023 9.22 0.84 8.805E-02 C232501400024 11.0 1.9 0.1651 C232501400025 11.9 2.9 0.3126 C232501400026 12.4 3.2 0.3464 C232501400027 13.1 3.8 0.3703 C232501400028 14.0 4.0 0.3081 C232501400029 14.7 4.5 0.4482 C232501400030 14.8 4.6 C232501400031 ENDDATA 14 0 C232501400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C232501499999 SUBENT C2325015 20230112 C227C232501500001 BIB 4 12 C232501500002 REACTION (73-TA-181(D,P)73-TA-182-G,,SIG) C232501500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501500004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501500005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501500006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501500007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501500008 target nucleus. C232501500009 STATUS (TABLE) Table XI, page 27 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501500010 (absolute values). Fig. 7, page 1355 of C232501500011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501500012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501500013 tabulated data. C232501500014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501500015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501500016 DATA 3 12 C232501500017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501500018 MEV MB MB C232501500019 5.73 5.0 5.856E-01 C232501500020 7.50 7.1 6.223E-01 C232501500021 8.90 55.0 6.035E+00 C232501500022 8.98 170.0 1.852E+01 C232501500023 9.22 120.0 1.177E+01 C232501500024 11.0 180.0 1.977E+01 C232501500025 11.9 240.0 2.128E+01 C232501500026 12.4 210.0 1.848E+01 C232501500027 13.1 220.0 1.961E+01 C232501500028 14.0 210.0 2.086E+01 C232501500029 14.7 210.0 1.903E+01 C232501500030 14.8 220.0 2.159E+01 C232501500031 ENDDATA 14 0 C232501500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C232501599999 SUBENT C2325016 20230112 C227C232501600001 BIB 4 12 C232501600002 REACTION (75-RE-187(D,P)75-RE-188-M,,SIG) C232501600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501600004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501600005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501600006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501600007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501600008 target nucleus. C232501600009 STATUS (TABLE) Table XII, page 28 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501600010 (absolute values). Fig. 8, page 1355 of C232501600011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501600012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501600013 tabulated data. C232501600014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501600016 DATA 3 8 C232501600017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501600018 MEV MB MB C232501600019 4.03 0.081 C232501600020 7.80 1.83 1.796E-01 C232501600021 8.35 7.14 9.258E-01 C232501600022 9.65 10.0 7.250E-01 C232501600023 11.0 14.0 1.649E+00 C232501600024 12.3 17.0 2.193E+00 C232501600025 14.1 24.0 3.119E+00 C232501600026 14.2 25.4 2.991E+00 C232501600027 ENDDATA 10 0 C232501600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C232501699999 SUBENT C2325017 20230112 C227C232501700001 BIB 4 12 C232501700002 REACTION (75-RE-187(D,P)75-RE-188-G,,SIG) C232501700003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501700004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501700005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501700006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501700007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501700008 target nucleus. C232501700009 STATUS (TABLE) Table XII, page 28 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501700010 (absolute values). Fig. 8, page 1355 of C232501700011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501700012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501700013 tabulated data. C232501700014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501700015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501700016 DATA 3 8 C232501700017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501700018 MEV MB MB C232501700019 4.03 1.22 1.455E-01 C232501700020 7.80 25.6 2.875E+00 C232501700021 8.35 119.0 1.464E+01 C232501700022 9.65 156.0 1.625E+01 C232501700023 11.0 194.0 1.741E+01 C232501700024 12.3 184.0 2.302E+01 C232501700025 14.1 189.0 2.500E+01 C232501700026 14.2 204.0 2.613E+01 C232501700027 ENDDATA 10 0 C232501700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C232501799999 SUBENT C2325018 20230112 C227C232501800001 BIB 4 12 C232501800002 REACTION (78-PT-196(D,P)78-PT-197-M,,SIG) C232501800003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501800004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501800005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501800006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501800007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501800008 target nucleus. C232501800009 STATUS (TABLE) Table XIII, page 29 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501800010 (absolute values). Fig. 9, page 1355 of C232501800011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501800012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501800013 tabulated data. C232501800014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501800016 DATA 3 6 C232501800017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501800018 MEV MB MB C232501800019 7.42 3.87 4.699E-01 C232501800020 8.80 8.71 1.033E+00 C232501800021 9.98 10.9 1.203E+00 C232501800022 11.1 16.9 1.519E+00 C232501800023 12.1 30.1 3.556E+00 C232501800024 14.3 30.6 3.120E+00 C232501800025 ENDDATA 8 0 C232501800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C232501899999 SUBENT C2325019 20230112 C227C232501900001 BIB 4 12 C232501900002 REACTION (78-PT-196(D,P)78-PT-197-G,,SIG) C232501900003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The experimental errors shown in the C232501900004 figures were obtained by assigning estimated errors C232501900005 to all measured quantities and propagating C232501900006 interactions in which only a fraction of the C232501900007 projectile's angular momentum is transferred to the C232501900008 target nucleus. C232501900009 STATUS (TABLE) Table XIII, page 29 of R,TID-21525,1965 C232501900010 (absolute values). Fig. 9, page 1355 of C232501900011 J,PR,155,1352,1967 (Errors). C232501900012 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: partially replaced digitized with C232501900013 tabulated data. C232501900014 ENDBIB 12 0 C232501900015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232501900016 DATA 3 6 C232501900017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C232501900018 MEV MB MB C232501900019 7.42 17.8 1.985E+00 C232501900020 8.80 55.5 6.668E+00 C232501900021 9.98 62.6 6.856E+00 C232501900022 11.1 81.5 9.586E+00 C232501900023 12.1 117.0 1.407E+01 C232501900024 14.3 111.0 1.097E+01 C232501900025 ENDDATA 8 0 C232501900026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C232501999999 SUBENT C2325020 20230119 C227C232502000001 BIB 3 3 C232502000002 REACTION (42-MO-92(D,N)43-TC-93-M,,SIG) C232502000003 STATUS (TABLE) Table XIV, page 30 of R,TID-21525,1965. C232502000004 HISTORY (20230119C) BP C232502000005 ENDBIB 3 0 C232502000006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232502000007 DATA 2 11 C232502000008 EN DATA C232502000009 MEV MB C232502000010 0.80 2.6 C232502000011 4.67 23.0 C232502000012 6.75 56.0 C232502000013 9.05 39.0 C232502000014 10.8 36.0 C232502000015 11.0 40.0 C232502000016 12.0 21.0 C232502000017 12.4 25.0 C232502000018 13.3 24.0 C232502000019 13.7 24.0 C232502000020 14.1 23.0 C232502000021 ENDDATA 13 0 C232502000022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C232502099999 SUBENT C2325021 20230119 C227C232502100001 BIB 3 3 C232502100002 REACTION (42-MO-92(D,N)43-TC-93-G,,SIG) C232502100003 STATUS (TABLE) Table XIV, page 30 of R,TID-21525,1965. C232502100004 HISTORY (20230119C) BP C232502100005 ENDBIB 3 0 C232502100006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232502100007 DATA 2 11 C232502100008 EN DATA C232502100009 MEV MB C232502100010 0.80 4.8 C232502100011 4.67 44.0 C232502100012 6.75 170.0 C232502100013 9.05 140.0 C232502100014 10.8 150.0 C232502100015 11.0 150.0 C232502100016 12.0 95.0 C232502100017 12.4 100.0 C232502100018 13.3 97.0 C232502100019 13.7 110.0 C232502100020 14.1 92.0 C232502100021 ENDDATA 13 0 C232502100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C232502199999 SUBENT C2325022 20230119 C227C232502200001 BIB 3 3 C232502200002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(D,N)41-NB-95-M,,SIG) C232502200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table XV, page 31 of R,TID-21525,1965. C232502200004 HISTORY (20230119C) BP C232502200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C232502200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232502200007 DATA 2 9 C232502200008 EN DATA C232502200009 MEV MB C232502200010 5.95 35.0 C232502200011 7.87 52.0 C232502200012 9.30 51.0 C232502200013 10.7 42.0 C232502200014 11.0 35.0 C232502200015 11.9 36.0 C232502200016 13.3 32.0 C232502200017 14.3 31.0 C232502200018 14.4 30.0 C232502200019 ENDDATA 11 0 C232502200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C232502299999 SUBENT C2325023 20230119 C227C232502300001 BIB 3 3 C232502300002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(D,N)41-NB-95-G,,SIG) C232502300003 STATUS (TABLE) Table XV, page 31 of R,TID-21525,1965. C232502300004 HISTORY (20230119C) BP C232502300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C232502300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232502300007 DATA 2 9 C232502300008 EN DATA C232502300009 MEV MB C232502300010 5.95 45.0 C232502300011 7.87 60.0 C232502300012 9.30 70.0 C232502300013 10.7 52.0 C232502300014 11.0 42.0 C232502300015 11.9 43.0 C232502300016 13.3 43.0 C232502300017 14.3 40.0 C232502300018 14.4 40.0 C232502300019 ENDDATA 11 0 C232502300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C232502399999 SUBENT C2325024 20230119 C227C232502400001 BIB 3 3 C232502400002 REACTION (31-GA-71(D,A)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) C232502400003 STATUS (TABLE) Table XVI, page 32 of R,TID-21525,1965. C232502400004 HISTORY (20230119C) BP C232502400005 ENDBIB 3 0 C232502400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232502400007 DATA 2 9 C232502400008 EN DATA C232502400009 MEV MB C232502400010 4.52 0.13 C232502400011 6.50 0.32 C232502400012 6.97 0.72 C232502400013 8.85 0.93 C232502400014 10.4 1.2 C232502400015 12.0 1.3 C232502400016 12.8 1.2 C232502400017 14.0 2.2 C232502400018 14.5 3.1 C232502400019 ENDDATA 11 0 C232502400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C232502499999 SUBENT C2325025 20230119 C227C232502500001 BIB 3 3 C232502500002 REACTION (31-GA-71(D,A)30-ZN-69-G,,SIG) C232502500003 STATUS (TABLE) Table XVI, page 32 of R,TID-21525,1965. C232502500004 HISTORY (20230119C) BP C232502500005 ENDBIB 3 0 C232502500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C232502500007 DATA 2 9 C232502500008 EN DATA C232502500009 MEV MB C232502500010 4.52 0.27 C232502500011 6.50 0.56 C232502500012 6.97 1.0 C232502500013 8.85 1.1 C232502500014 10.4 1.4 C232502500015 12.0 1.0 C232502500016 12.8 1.2 C232502500017 14.0 2.0 C232502500018 14.5 2.5 C232502500019 ENDDATA 11 0 C232502500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C232502599999 ENDENTRY 25 0 C232599999999