ENTRY C2342 20230724 C232C234200000001 SUBENT C2342001 20230724 C232C234200100001 BIB 10 32 C234200100002 TITLE Cross Sections and Isomer Ratios for the Sc45(He3, C234200100003 alpha)Sc44m,44g Reactions from 6-19 MeV: Recoil-Range C234200100004 Studies for Sc44m and Sc44g in Sc45 C234200100005 AUTHOR (C.Riley) C234200100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,1,1776,1970) C234200100007 #doi:10.1103/physrevc.1.1776 C234200100008 INSTITUTE (1USAUAL,1USAFSU) C234200100009 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAFSU) The florida state university tandem C234200100010 van de graaff accelerator. C234200100011 SAMPLE The Sc45 targets were prepared by evaporating C234200100012 scandium metal (stated purity 99.9%) upon aluminum C234200100013 backings. The scandium thickness was determined by C234200100014 microbalance weighing and varied from 0.482 to 0.925 C234200100015 mg/cm2. C234200100016 DETECTOR (NAICR,GELI) A 3x3-in. Nai(Tl) crystal scintillator, C234200100017 coupled with a 256-channel analyzer, was used for gammaC234200100018 counting. The absolute disintegration rates were C234200100019 determined using the photopeak efficiencies of heath. C234200100020 A low-efficiency high-resolution spectrum was taken C234200100021 on one sample using a Ge(Li) detector coupled with a C234200100022 1000-channel analyzer. C234200100023 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP) Upon completion of the bombardment, C234200100024 each target underwent preparation for counting. The C234200100025 reaction was very clean, requiring minimum chemical C234200100026 removal of undesirable activities. The scandium C234200100027 targets and aluminum backings were dissolved in 6-m C234200100028 hydrochloric acid. C234200100029 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error in the absolute cross sections C234200100030 for the separate states is estimated to Be about 20%. C234200100031 HISTORY (20180622C) BP C234200100032 (20230724A) BP:SF3 fixes in subentries 2,3 per C234200100033 WP2023-C0062. C234200100034 ENDBIB 32 0 C234200100035 COMMON 1 3 C234200100036 DATA-ERR C234200100037 PER-CENT C234200100038 20.0 C234200100039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C234200100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 C234200199999 SUBENT C2342002 20230724 C232C234200200001 BIB 4 5 C234200200002 REACTION (21-SC-45(HE3,X)21-SC-44-M,,SIG) C234200200003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-44-M,2.44D,DG,271.0,1.0) C234200200004 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Riley,J,PR/C,1,1776,1970) Table I C234200200005 HISTORY (20230724A) BP: SF3: A -> X, decay data conversion to C234200200006 keV. C234200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 C234200200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C234200200009 DATA 2 13 C234200200010 EN DATA C234200200011 MEV MB C234200200012 6.0 0.65 C234200200013 7.0 1.4 C234200200014 8.0 3.0 C234200200015 9.0 4.3 C234200200016 10.0 4.5 C234200200017 11.0 5.1 C234200200018 12.0 5.0 C234200200019 13.0 4.8 C234200200020 14.0 4.7 C234200200021 15.0 5.6 C234200200022 17.0 4.7 C234200200023 18.0 3.8 C234200200024 19.0 3.2 C234200200025 ENDDATA 15 0 C234200200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C234200299999 SUBENT C2342003 20230724 C232C234200300001 BIB 5 9 C234200300002 REACTION (21-SC-45(HE3,X)21-SC-44-G,,SIG) C234200300003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-44-G,3.92HR,DG,1156.0,1.0) C234200300004 CORRECTION Small corrections (usually negligible) for the C234200300005 unresolved 1.121-MeV photon of Ti46, decay product of C234200300006 Sc46, were made by monitoring the 0.889-MeV photon of C234200300007 Ti46. C234200300008 STATUS (TABLE,,C.Riley,J,PR/C,1,1776,1970) Table I C234200300009 HISTORY (20230724A) BP: SF3: A -> X, decay data conversion to C234200300010 keV. C234200300011 ENDBIB 9 0 C234200300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C234200300013 DATA 2 13 C234200300014 EN DATA C234200300015 MEV MB C234200300016 6.0 2.9 C234200300017 7.0 4.9 C234200300018 8.0 9.4 C234200300019 9.0 11.6 C234200300020 10.0 11.1 C234200300021 11.0 11.3 C234200300022 12.0 9.9 C234200300023 13.0 10.1 C234200300024 14.0 10.6 C234200300025 15.0 11.8 C234200300026 17.0 9.3 C234200300027 18.0 7.8 C234200300028 19.0 7.3 C234200300029 ENDDATA 15 0 C234200300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C234200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C234299999999