ENTRY C2360 20241031 C243C236000000001 SUBENT C2360001 20241031 C243C236000100001 BIB 14 53 C236000100002 TITLE Cross section for 7Be production from 12C with C236000100003 protons of 3 - 12.5 GeV C236000100004 AUTHOR (A.F.Stehney,E.P.Steinberg) C236000100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/B,5,188,1968) C236000100006 #doi:10.1016/0550-3213(68)90221-6 C236000100007 INSTITUTE (1USAANL) C236000100008 FACILITY (SYNCH,1USAANL) The Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) at C236000100009 the Argonne National Laboratory. C236000100010 SAMPLE One was a disc 3.17 cm in diameter and 0.125 cm thick C236000100011 which was cut from polyethylene of density 0.94 C236000100012 g/cm3. In order to monitor the proton intensity on C236000100013 the target, an aluminum foil 50 micron thick C236000100014 protected by 25 micron of aluminum on each side was C236000100015 taped to the target. The other two sizes were C236000100016 machined from polyethylene of 0.91 g/cm3 density to C236000100017 thicknesses of 1.00 cm and 2.00 cm and square cross C236000100018 section 2.54 cm on an edge. These targets had a stack C236000100019 of three aluminum foils 25 micron thick and two gold C236000100020 foils 12 micron thick attached to, and trimmed to fit, C236000100021 the upstream and downstream faces of the polyethylene C236000100022 for beam monitoring. C236000100023 DETECTOR (NAICR) The detector was a NaI crystal 7.6 cm in C236000100024 diam. and 7.6 cm thick, and a single-channel analyzer C236000100025 was set to accept counts in the photopeak region. C236000100026 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA) Internal bombardments were carried out C236000100027 using polyethylene target foils of 600 micro-m or 127 C236000100028 micro-m thickness. The 0.478 MeV gamma ray from the C236000100029 decay of 7Be was used to measure the number of 7Be C236000100030 nuclei produced by direct counting of intact C236000100031 polyethylene samples. C236000100032 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) We estimate an overall error of 5% is C236000100033 associated with the 7Be results, relative to the C236000100034 published values for Sigma Al(24Na) and Sigma C(llC). C236000100035 The absolute error is increased to 8% when the errors C236000100036 in the reference cross sections are included. C236000100037 CORRECTION The variation of counting efficiency over the face of C236000100038 the NaI crystal was determined, and corrections of C236000100039 about 2% were applied to the counting data after C236000100040 taking into account the activity distribution in the C236000100041 polyethylene after bombardment. An additional 0.5% C236000100042 correction was applied to the gamma-ray counting C236000100043 rates of the 1 cm and 2 cm thick targets for recoils C236000100044 from the gold foil in contact with the upstream face. C236000100045 This correction was determined from measurements on C236000100046 aluminium foils which were downstream of a gold foil C236000100047 during a bombardment. C236000100048 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.6D,DG,478.0) C236000100049 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) Cross section monitor. C236000100050 (6-C-12(P,X)6-C-11,,SIG) Internal monitor for the C236000100051 number of protons. C236000100052 MONIT-REF ((MONIT)B0022001,J.B.Cumming,J,ARN,13,261,1963) C236000100053 HISTORY (20181206C) BP C236000100054 (20241030A) OS. DEAY-DATA: Energy corrected C236000100055 ENDBIB 53 0 C236000100056 COMMON 1 3 C236000100057 DATA-ERR C236000100058 PER-CENT C236000100059 8.0 C236000100060 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C236000100061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 C236000199999 SUBENT C2360002 20181206 C183C236000200001 BIB 2 2 C236000200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,X)4-BE-7,,SIG) C236000200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3, page 192. C236000200004 ENDBIB 2 0 C236000200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 C236000200006 DATA 2 7 C236000200007 EN DATA C236000200008 GEV MB C236000200009 3.1 9.6 C236000200010 4.1 9.65 C236000200011 6.7 9.35 C236000200012 8.1 9.3 C236000200013 10.3 9.3 C236000200014 11.5 9.1 C236000200015 12.5 9.2 C236000200016 ENDDATA 9 0 C236000200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 C236000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C236099999999