ENTRY C2367 20241031 C243C236700000001 SUBENT C2367001 20241031 C243C236700100001 BIB 14 40 C236700100002 TITLE Interaction of 28-GeV protons with tantalum: Charge C236700100003 dispersion and mass yields of light rare-earth nuclidesC236700100004 AUTHOR (Y.Y.Chu,E.M.Franz,G.Friedlander) C236700100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,10,156,1974) C236700100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.10.156 C236700100007 REL-REF (M,C0377001,Y.Y.Chu+,J,PR/C,4,2202,1971) The mass C236700100008 separations and overall yield determinations reference.C236700100009 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) C236700100010 FACILITY (SYNCH,1USABNL) Brookhaven alternating gradient C236700100011 synchrotron (AGS). C236700100012 INC-SPECT Approximately 2.5x10**15 protons per minute C236700100013 interacted in the target. C236700100014 DETECTOR (GELI,NAICR,PROPC,SIBAR) C236700100015 SAMPLE Each target consisted of a 51 micro-m thick tantalum C236700100016 foil sandwiched between two stacks of three 25 micro-m C236700100017 aluminum foils C236700100018 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA,CHSEP) Most of the tantalum targets were C236700100019 irradiated for 30 min each in the circulating proton C236700100020 beam of the Brookhaven alternating gradient C236700100021 synchrotron. These irradiations mere typically 5 min inC236700100022 duration, and the alpha radiations of both the C236700100023 upstream and the downstream target pieces were C236700100024 assayed directly with surface-barrier Si detectors C236700100025 after they were punched out. The tantalum foil was C236700100026 dissolved in a platinum crucible containing the C236700100027 appropriate rare-earth carriers and a few ml of C236700100028 concentrated HF. C236700100029 ANALYSIS (DECAY) The decay curves were analyzed by means of C236700100030 the CLSQ program to obtain the end-of-bombardment or C236700100031 time-of-separation activities and their standard C236700100032 deviations. C236700100033 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Estimated errors. C236700100034 (ERR-S,5.,20.) Counting statistics. C236700100035 (ERR-1,,4.) Photopeak summing corrections. C236700100036 (ERR-2,5.,10.) Counting efficiencies. C236700100037 (ERR-3,,5.) Separation time uncertainties. C236700100038 (ERR-4,2.,5.) Other uncertainties. C236700100039 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) Proton beam intensity. C236700100040 HISTORY (20181207C) BP C236700100041 (20241030U) OS. DEAY-DATA in sub.4 corrected C236700100042 ENDBIB 40 0 C236700100043 COMMON 1 3 C236700100044 EN C236700100045 GEV C236700100046 28.0 C236700100047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C236700100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 C236700199999 SUBENT C2367002 20181207 C183C236700200001 BIB 4 21 C236700200002 REACTION (73-TA-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) C236700200003 FLAG (1.) These cumulative yields have been corrected for C236700200004 the alpha contribution due to their respective alpha C236700200005 precursors. C236700200006 (2.) These are uncorrected values (Alpha corrections). C236700200007 DECAY-DATA ((1.)61-PM-143,265.0D,DG,742.0,0.385) C236700200008 ((2.)63-EU-145,5.93D,DG,61.0,0.13) C236700200009 ((3.)64-GD-146,48.27D) C236700200010 ((4.)64-GD-147,38.06HR,DG,228.0,0.573) C236700200011 ((5.)65-TB-147-G,1.61HR,DG,122.0,0.20, C236700200012 DG,198.0,0.24) C236700200013 ((6.)64-GD-148,97.5YR,A,3170.0,1.0) C236700200014 ((7.)61-PM-149,53.1HR,B,,1.0) C236700200015 ((8.)64-GD-149,9.25D,DG,150.0,0.48) C236700200016 ((9.)65-TB-149-G,4.1HR,A,3990.0,0.226) C236700200017 ((10.)66-DY-150,7.17MIN,A,4230.0,0.32) C236700200018 ((11.)61-PM-151,28.0HR,B,,1.0) C236700200019 ((12.)66-DY-151,16.9MIN,A,4060.0,0.055) C236700200020 ((13.)62-SM-153,46.8HR,B,,1.0) C236700200021 ((14.)63-EU-157,15.2HR,B,,1.0) C236700200022 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 158. C236700200023 ENDBIB 21 0 C236700200024 NOCOMMON 0 0 C236700200025 DATA 7 14 C236700200026 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T DECAY-FLAG C236700200027 FLAG C236700200028 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM C236700200029 NO-DIM C236700200030 61.0 143.0 12.48 1.50 1.C236700200031 C236700200032 61.0 149.0 0.0115 0.0022 7.C236700200033 C236700200034 61.0 151.0 0.0010 0.00016 11.C236700200035 C236700200036 62.0 153.0 0.0061 0.00083 13.C236700200037 C236700200038 63.0 145.0 12.36 1.55 2.C236700200039 1. C236700200040 63.0 157.0 0.00121 0.00016 14.C236700200041 C236700200042 64.0 146.0 19.91 1.99 3.C236700200043 1. C236700200044 64.0 147.0 25.70 1.60 4.C236700200045 2. C236700200046 64.0 148.0 23.54 3.64 6.C236700200047 2. C236700200048 64.0 149.0 28.01 2.34 8.C236700200049 2. C236700200050 65.0 147.0 0. 1.40 0.11 5.C236700200051 C236700200052 65.0 149.0 0. 4.57 0.46 9.C236700200053 C236700200054 66.0 150.0 9.49 0.95 10.C236700200055 2. C236700200056 66.0 151.0 11.82 1.20 12.C236700200057 2. C236700200058 ENDDATA 32 0 C236700200059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 C236700299999 SUBENT C2367003 20181207 C183C236700300001 BIB 3 13 C236700300002 REACTION (73-TA-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) C236700300003 DECAY-DATA ((1.)61-PM-144,365.0D,DG,474.0,0.45, C236700300004 DG,695.0,0.99) C236700300005 ((2.)61-PM-146,2020.0D,DG,453.0,0.63, C236700300006 DG,747.0,0.36) C236700300007 ((3.)61-PM-148-G,5.4D,B,,1.0) C236700300008 ((4.)61-PM-148-M,42.0D,B,,0.93, C236700300009 DG,550.0,0.95) C236700300010 ((5.)63-EU-148,54.0D,DG,1103.0,1.16, C236700300011 DG,630.0,0.71) C236700300012 ((6.)63-EU-150-M,12.6HR,B,,0.90) C236700300013 ((7.)63-EU-152-M1,9.3HR,B,,0.77) C236700300014 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 158. C236700300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C236700300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C236700300017 DATA 6 7 C236700300018 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA ERR-T DECAY-FLAG C236700300019 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM C236700300020 61.0 144.0 0.42 0.08 1.C236700300021 61.0 146.0 0.19 0.09 2.C236700300022 61.0 148.0 0. 0.0014 0.0003 3.C236700300023 61.0 148.0 1.0 0.029 0.004 4.C236700300024 63.0 148.0 1.00 0.09 5.C236700300025 63.0 150.0 1. 0.0184 0.0023 6.C236700300026 63.0 152.0 1.0 0.0024 0.00032 7.C236700300027 ENDDATA 9 0 C236700300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C236700399999 SUBENT C2367004 20241031 C243C236700400001 BIB 4 9 C236700400002 REACTION (73-TA-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) C236700400003 DECAY-DATA ((1.)62-SM-145,340.0D,DG,61.0,0.13) C236700400004 ((2.)63-EU-146,4.65D,DG,634.0,0.77, C236700400005 DG,747.0,1.0) C236700400006 ((3.)63-EU-147,24.0D,DG,122.0,0.20, C236700400007 DG,198.0,0.24) C236700400008 ((4.)63-EU-149,93.1D,XR,,0.765) C236700400009 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Y.Chu+,J,PR/C,10,156,1974) Tab.II, p.158. C236700400010 HISTORY (20241030U) DECAY-DATA (4.): Radiation corrected C236700400011 ENDBIB 9 0 C236700400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C236700400013 DATA 5 4 C236700400014 ELEMENT MASS DATA ERR-T DECAY-FLAG C236700400015 NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB NO-DIM C236700400016 62.0 145.0 1.46 0.11 1. C236700400017 63.0 146.0 3.39 0.47 2. C236700400018 63.0 147.0 1.75 0.28 3. C236700400019 63.0 149.0 0.94 0.09 4. C236700400020 ENDDATA 6 0 C236700400021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C236700499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C236799999999