ENTRY C2376 20230918 C233C237600000001 SUBENT C2376001 20230918 C233C237600100001 BIB 8 18 C237600100002 TITLE Comparison of Reactions of Copper-63 Compound Nuclei C237600100003 Performed by Alpha-Particle, Proton, and Carbon-Ion C237600100004 Bombardments C237600100005 AUTHOR (C.M.Stearns) C237600100006 REFERENCE (T,STEARNS,1962) C237600100007 INSTITUTE (1USACOL) C237600100008 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP,STTA) Radiochemical techniques were C237600100009 employed to separate, identify, and measure the Cu61, C237600100010 Co57, Co58, and Co61 activities produced in the three C237600100011 series of reaction studied. The radioactive species C237600100012 were identified by comparing their observed half C237600100013 lives with the literature values and their gamma-ray C237600100014 spectra with standards. C237600100015 ANALYSIS (DECAY) C237600100016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cumulative Errors. C237600100017 HISTORY (20181210C) BP C237600100018 (20230914A) OS. REACTION and DECAY-DATA corrected in C237600100019 subs.4,5,12, DECAY-DATA in sub.8 C237600100020 ENDBIB 18 0 C237600100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 C237600100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C237600199999 SUBENT C2376002 20181210 C183C237600200001 BIB 5 14 C237600200002 REACTION (27-CO-59(A,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) C237600200003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 60- C237600200004 inch cyclotron. C237600200005 (CYCLO,1USABRK) One irradiation was performed in the C237600200006 internal beam of the Berkeley 60-inch cyclotron to C237600200007 extend the alpha-particle excitation functions to an C237600200008 energy of 48 MeV. C237600200009 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by electrodeposition of C237600200010 spectroscopically pure cobalt onto one-half mil gold C237600200011 foils from a cobalt-ethylene-diamine solution. The C237600200012 targets varied from 0.5 to 2 mg/cm2 in thickness, and C237600200013 each target was uniform to +-2%. C237600200014 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.0D,DG,799.0,1.0) C237600200015 STATUS (TABLE) Table I, pages 48-49. C237600200016 ENDBIB 14 0 C237600200017 COMMON 1 3 C237600200018 DATA-ERR C237600200019 PER-CENT C237600200020 8.0 C237600200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600200022 DATA 2 26 C237600200023 EN DATA C237600200024 MEV MB C237600200025 48.0 107.0 C237600200026 45.8 137.0 C237600200027 43.4 135.0 C237600200028 41.2 155.0 C237600200029 40.1 179.0 C237600200030 39.0 168.0 C237600200031 38.9 202.0 C237600200032 38.5 189.0 C237600200033 37.8 228.0 C237600200034 36.4 216.0 C237600200035 35.9 222.0 C237600200036 34.3 219.0 C237600200037 33.6 223.0 C237600200038 32.6 217.0 C237600200039 31.1 220.0 C237600200040 30.7 228.0 C237600200041 29.2 210.0 C237600200042 27.7 193.0 C237600200043 26.8 173.0 C237600200044 26.7 181.0 C237600200045 24.0 83.8 C237600200046 22.5 63.5 C237600200047 21.2 22.6 C237600200048 19.3 8.4 C237600200049 18.2 0.4 C237600200050 13.9 0.12 C237600200051 ENDDATA 28 0 C237600200052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 C237600299999 SUBENT C2376003 20181210 C183C237600300001 BIB 5 15 C237600300002 REACTION (27-CO-59(A,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) C237600300003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 60- C237600300004 inch cyclotron. C237600300005 (CYCLO,1USABRK) One irradiation was performed in the C237600300006 internal beam of the Berkeley 60-inch cyclotron to C237600300007 extend the alpha-particle excitation functions to an C237600300008 energy of 48 MeV. C237600300009 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by electrodeposition of C237600300010 spectroscopically pure cobalt onto one-half mil gold C237600300011 foils from a cobalt-ethylene-diamine solution. The C237600300012 targets varied from 0.5 to 2 mg/cm2 in thickness, and C237600300013 each target was uniform to +-2%. C237600300014 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,267.0D,DG,136.0,1.0, C237600300015 DG,122.0,1.0) C237600300016 STATUS (TABLE) Table I, pages 48-49. C237600300017 ENDBIB 15 0 C237600300018 COMMON 1 3 C237600300019 DATA-ERR C237600300020 PER-CENT C237600300021 8.0 C237600300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600300023 DATA 2 17 C237600300024 EN DATA C237600300025 MEV MB C237600300026 48.0 171.0 C237600300027 45.8 207.0 C237600300028 43.4 174.0 C237600300029 41.2 156.0 C237600300030 40.1 146.0 C237600300031 39.0 110.0 C237600300032 38.9 130.0 C237600300033 38.5 112.0 C237600300034 37.8 113.0 C237600300035 36.4 80.7 C237600300036 35.9 73.1 C237600300037 34.3 39.7 C237600300038 33.6 30.5 C237600300039 32.6 16.3 C237600300040 31.1 8.1 C237600300041 30.7 11.2 C237600300042 26.7 5.4 C237600300043 ENDDATA 19 0 C237600300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C237600399999 SUBENT C2376004 20230918 C233C237600400001 BIB 6 14 C237600400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(A,2N)29-CU-61,,SIG) C237600400003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 60- C237600400004 inch cyclotron. C237600400005 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by electrodeposition of C237600400006 spectroscopically pure cobalt onto one-half mil gold C237600400007 foils from a cobalt-ethylene-diamine solution. The C237600400008 targets varied from 0.5 to 2 mg/cm2 in thickness, and C237600400009 each target was uniform to +-2%. C237600400010 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.32HR,B+,1220.,,B+,1150.,,B+,940.,, C237600400011 B+,560.) C237600400012 STATUS (TABLE,,C.M.Stearns,T,STEARNS,1962) C237600400013 Table I, pages 48-49. C237600400014 HISTORY (20230914A) REACTION SF3 changed to 2N, SF4 changed to C237600400015 Cu-61, corrected DECAY-DATA accordingly C237600400016 ENDBIB 14 0 C237600400017 COMMON 1 3 C237600400018 DATA-ERR C237600400019 PER-CENT C237600400020 9.0 C237600400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600400022 DATA 2 15 C237600400023 EN DATA C237600400024 MEV MB C237600400025 38.9 158.0 C237600400026 38.5 143.0 C237600400027 37.8 167.0 C237600400028 36.4 210.0 C237600400029 34.3 255.0 C237600400030 33.6 296.0 C237600400031 31.1 340.0 C237600400032 29.2 399.0 C237600400033 27.7 369.0 C237600400034 26.7 368.0 C237600400035 24.0 260.0 C237600400036 22.5 157.0 C237600400037 21.2 106.0 C237600400038 19.3 52.5 C237600400039 18.2 13.0 C237600400040 ENDDATA 17 0 C237600400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C237600499999 SUBENT C2376005 20230918 C233C237600500001 BIB 6 13 C237600500002 REACTION (27-CO-59(A,2P)27-CO-61,,SIG) C237600500003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABNL) Brookhaven National Laboratory, 60- C237600500004 inch cyclotron. C237600500005 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by electrodeposition of C237600500006 spectroscopically pure cobalt onto one-half mil gold C237600500007 foils from a cobalt-ethylene-diamine solution. The C237600500008 targets varied from 0.5 to 2 mg/cm2 in thickness, and C237600500009 each target was uniform to +-2%. C237600500010 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.65HR,B-,1220.,0.95,DG,72.) C237600500011 STATUS (TABLE,,C.M.Stearns,T,STEARNS,1962) C237600500012 Table I, pages 48-49. C237600500013 HISTORY (20230914A) REACTION SF3 changed to 2P, SF4 changed to C237600500014 Co-61, corrected DECAY-DATA accordingly C237600500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C237600500016 COMMON 1 3 C237600500017 DATA-ERR C237600500018 PER-CENT C237600500019 8.0 C237600500020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600500021 DATA 2 16 C237600500022 EN DATA C237600500023 MEV MB C237600500024 40.1 9.0 C237600500025 38.9 9.94 C237600500026 38.5 9.39 C237600500027 37.8 10.7 C237600500028 36.4 10.1 C237600500029 34.3 9.04 C237600500030 33.6 9.10 C237600500031 30.7 5.86 C237600500032 29.2 6.41 C237600500033 27.7 3.46 C237600500034 26.7 2.83 C237600500035 24.0 0.56 C237600500036 22.5 0.17 C237600500037 21.2 0.049 C237600500038 19.3 0.019 C237600500039 18.2 0.007 C237600500040 ENDDATA 18 0 C237600500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C237600599999 SUBENT C2376006 20181210 C183C237600600001 BIB 5 16 C237600600002 REACTION (28-NI-62(P,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) C237600600003 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAMIN) The University of Minnesota linear C237600600004 accelerator. C237600600005 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.978) C237600600006 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.007) C237600600007 (28-NI-60,ENR=0.011) C237600600008 (28-NI-61,ENR=0.002) C237600600009 (28-NI-64,ENR=0.002) The 97.8%, enriched Ni62 was C237600600010 supplied by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The C237600600011 thickness of the nickel deposit was determined as for C237600600012 the cobalt targets and varied from 1 to 5 mg/cm2 with C237600600013 a uniformity of approximately +-5% for individual C237600600014 targets. C237600600015 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,267.0D,DG,136.0,1.0, C237600600016 DG,122.0,1.0) C237600600017 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, pages 50-51. C237600600018 ENDBIB 16 0 C237600600019 COMMON 1 3 C237600600020 DATA-ERR C237600600021 PER-CENT C237600600022 9.0 C237600600023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600600024 DATA 2 21 C237600600025 EN DATA C237600600026 MEV MB C237600600027 39.6 52.9 C237600600028 39.6 54.2 C237600600029 39.6 53.4 C237600600030 38.5 52.4 C237600600031 38.4 53.5 C237600600032 37.6 53.5 C237600600033 37.4 53.8 C237600600034 36.0 53.7 C237600600035 34.9 39.4 C237600600036 34.9 36.3 C237600600037 33.9 41.3 C237600600038 32.6 25.5 C237600600039 32.1 19.0 C237600600040 31.0 15.7 C237600600041 29.8 16.9 C237600600042 29.6 9.54 C237600600043 29.1 7.4 C237600600044 28.4 6.6 C237600600045 27.0 4.3 C237600600046 26.8 4.3 C237600600047 26.3 2.7 C237600600048 ENDDATA 23 0 C237600600049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 C237600699999 SUBENT C2376007 20181210 C183C237600700001 BIB 5 15 C237600700002 REACTION (28-NI-62(P,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) C237600700003 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAMIN) The University of Minnesota linear C237600700004 accelerator. C237600700005 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.978) C237600700006 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.007) C237600700007 (28-NI-60,ENR=0.011) C237600700008 (28-NI-61,ENR=0.002) C237600700009 (28-NI-64,ENR=0.002) The 97.8%, enriched Ni62 was C237600700010 supplied by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The C237600700011 thickness of the nickel deposit was determined as for C237600700012 the cobalt targets and varied from 1 to 5 mg/cm2 with C237600700013 a uniformity of approximately +-5% for individual C237600700014 targets. C237600700015 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.0D,DG,799.0,1.0) C237600700016 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, pages 50-51. C237600700017 ENDBIB 15 0 C237600700018 COMMON 1 3 C237600700019 DATA-ERR C237600700020 PER-CENT C237600700021 9.0 C237600700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600700023 DATA 2 29 C237600700024 EN DATA C237600700025 MEV MB C237600700026 39.6 27.4 C237600700027 39.6 26.6 C237600700028 39.6 27.9 C237600700029 38.5 30.2 C237600700030 38.4 31.4 C237600700031 37.6 35.9 C237600700032 37.4 36.3 C237600700033 36.0 44.1 C237600700034 34.9 49.7 C237600700035 34.9 45.4 C237600700036 33.9 59.6 C237600700037 32.6 61.5 C237600700038 32.1 62.2 C237600700039 31.0 76.8 C237600700040 29.8 99.0 C237600700041 29.6 91.3 C237600700042 29.1 78.8 C237600700043 28.4 88.4 C237600700044 27.0 73.4 C237600700045 26.8 74.5 C237600700046 26.3 84.3 C237600700047 24.5 61.3 C237600700048 24.2 65.6 C237600700049 22.0 29.3 C237600700050 21.5 24.8 C237600700051 20.1 7.8 C237600700052 18.7 8.6 C237600700053 17.7 1.85 C237600700054 16.2 1.2 C237600700055 ENDDATA 31 0 C237600700056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 C237600799999 SUBENT C2376008 20230918 C233C237600800001 BIB 6 17 C237600800002 REACTION (28-NI-62(P,2P)27-CO-61,,SIG) C237600800003 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAMIN) The University of Minnesota linear C237600800004 accelerator. C237600800005 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.978) C237600800006 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.007) C237600800007 (28-NI-60,ENR=0.011) C237600800008 (28-NI-61,ENR=0.002) C237600800009 (28-NI-64,ENR=0.002) The 97.8%, enriched Ni62 was C237600800010 supplied by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The C237600800011 thickness of the nickel deposit was determined as for C237600800012 the cobalt targets and varied from 1 to 5 mg/cm2 with C237600800013 a uniformity of approximately +-5% for individual C237600800014 targets. C237600800015 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.65HR,B-,1220.,0.95,DG,72.) C237600800016 STATUS (TABLE,,C.M.Stearns,T,STEARNS,1962) C237600800017 Table II, pages 50-51. C237600800018 HISTORY (20230914A) DECAY-DATA corrected C237600800019 ENDBIB 17 0 C237600800020 COMMON 1 3 C237600800021 DATA-ERR C237600800022 PER-CENT C237600800023 13.0 C237600800024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600800025 DATA 2 15 C237600800026 EN DATA C237600800027 MEV MB C237600800028 39.6 9.5 C237600800029 39.6 9.94 C237600800030 38.4 10.6 C237600800031 37.4 11.2 C237600800032 36.0 10.6 C237600800033 34.9 9.52 C237600800034 33.9 10.4 C237600800035 32.6 9.9 C237600800036 31.0 9.7 C237600800037 29.8 11.4 C237600800038 29.6 8.2 C237600800039 28.4 6.8 C237600800040 27.0 7.14 C237600800041 26.3 5.5 C237600800042 24.2 3.0 C237600800043 ENDDATA 17 0 C237600800044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C237600899999 SUBENT C2376009 20181210 C183C237600900001 BIB 5 18 C237600900002 REACTION (28-NI-62(P,2N)29-CU-61,,SIG) C237600900003 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAMIN) The University of Minnesota linear C237600900004 accelerator. C237600900005 SAMPLE (28-NI-62,ENR=0.978) C237600900006 (28-NI-58,ENR=0.007) C237600900007 (28-NI-60,ENR=0.011) C237600900008 (28-NI-61,ENR=0.002) C237600900009 (28-NI-64,ENR=0.002) The 97.8%, enriched Ni62 was C237600900010 supplied by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The C237600900011 thickness of the nickel deposit was determined as for C237600900012 the cobalt targets and varied from 1 to 5 mg/cm2 with C237600900013 a uniformity of approximately +-5% for individual C237600900014 targets. C237600900015 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,3.32HR,B+,1220.0,0.68, C237600900016 B+,1150.0,0.68, C237600900017 B+,940.0,0.68, C237600900018 B+,560.0,0.68) C237600900019 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, pages 50-51. C237600900020 ENDBIB 18 0 C237600900021 COMMON 1 3 C237600900022 DATA-ERR C237600900023 PER-CENT C237600900024 9.0 C237600900025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237600900026 DATA 2 28 C237600900027 EN DATA C237600900028 MEV MB C237600900029 39.6 32.3 C237600900030 39.6 27.2 C237600900031 39.6 25.5 C237600900032 38.5 32.9 C237600900033 38.4 33.3 C237600900034 37.6 39.0 C237600900035 37.4 37.7 C237600900036 36.0 47.6 C237600900037 34.9 55.1 C237600900038 33.9 53.9 C237600900039 32.6 66.8 C237600900040 32.1 83.6 C237600900041 31.0 85.0 C237600900042 29.8 97.3 C237600900043 29.6 128.0 C237600900044 29.1 132.0 C237600900045 28.4 156.0 C237600900046 27.0 154.0 C237600900047 26.8 178.0 C237600900048 26.3 201.0 C237600900049 24.5 206.0 C237600900050 24.2 216.0 C237600900051 22.0 185.0 C237600900052 21.5 203.0 C237600900053 20.1 161.0 C237600900054 18.7 84.4 C237600900055 17.7 34.0 C237600900056 16.2 5.5 C237600900057 ENDDATA 30 0 C237600900058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 C237600999999 SUBENT C2376010 20181210 C183C237601000001 BIB 5 13 C237601000002 REACTION (23-V-51(6-C-12,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) C237601000003 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAYAL) The Yale University heavy-ion linear C237601000004 accelerator. C237601000005 SAMPLE A stack of vanadium targets and interspersed aluminum C237601000006 catcher foils. The vanadium deposits varied from 0.1 C237601000007 to 0.03 mg/cm2; each foil was of accurately known C237601000008 area, and the thicknesses were determined by C237601000009 quantitative analysis of the dissolved vanadium after C237601000010 the irradiation. The uniformity is estimated to be C237601000011 within -+ 6%. C237601000012 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,267.0D,DG,136.0,1.0, C237601000013 DG,122.0,1.0) C237601000014 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, pages 52. C237601000015 ENDBIB 13 0 C237601000016 COMMON 1 3 C237601000017 DATA-ERR C237601000018 PER-CENT C237601000019 14.0 C237601000020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237601000021 DATA 2 14 C237601000022 EN DATA C237601000023 MEV MB C237601000024 129.0 50.1 C237601000025 119.0 70.4 C237601000026 113.0 85.6 C237601000027 106.0 103.0 C237601000028 96.0 97.5 C237601000029 84.0 64.5 C237601000030 75.0 66.5 C237601000031 66.0 80.4 C237601000032 61.0 96.3 C237601000033 56.0 103.0 C237601000034 50.0 141.0 C237601000035 44.0 101.0 C237601000036 37.0 92.8 C237601000037 29.0 30.2 C237601000038 ENDDATA 16 0 C237601000039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C237601099999 SUBENT C2376011 20181210 C183C237601100001 BIB 5 12 C237601100002 REACTION (23-V-51(6-C-12,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) C237601100003 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAYAL) The Yale University heavy-ion linear C237601100004 accelerator. C237601100005 SAMPLE A stack of vanadium targets and interspersed aluminum C237601100006 catcher foils. The vanadium deposits varied from 0.1 C237601100007 to 0.03 mg/cm2; each foil was of accurately known C237601100008 area, and the thicknesses were determined by C237601100009 quantitative analysis of the dissolved vanadium after C237601100010 the irradiation. The uniformity is estimated to be C237601100011 within -+ 6%. C237601100012 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,71.0D,DG,799.0,1.0) C237601100013 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, pages 52. C237601100014 ENDBIB 12 0 C237601100015 COMMON 1 3 C237601100016 DATA-ERR C237601100017 PER-CENT C237601100018 14.0 C237601100019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237601100020 DATA 2 14 C237601100021 EN DATA C237601100022 MEV MB C237601100023 129.0 48.3 C237601100024 119.0 55.5 C237601100025 113.0 86.7 C237601100026 106.0 98.5 C237601100027 96.0 136.0 C237601100028 84.0 175.0 C237601100029 75.0 216.0 C237601100030 66.0 122.0 C237601100031 61.0 87.0 C237601100032 56.0 54.8 C237601100033 50.0 44.9 C237601100034 44.0 43.9 C237601100035 37.0 59.3 C237601100036 29.0 55.4 C237601100037 ENDDATA 16 0 C237601100038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 C237601199999 SUBENT C2376012 20230918 C233C237601200001 BIB 6 14 C237601200002 REACTION (23-V-51(6-C-12,2P)27-CO-61,,SIG) C237601200003 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAYAL) The Yale University heavy-ion linear C237601200004 accelerator. C237601200005 SAMPLE A stack of vanadium targets and interspersed aluminum C237601200006 catcher foils. The vanadium deposits varied from 0.1 C237601200007 to 0.03 mg/cm2; each foil was of accurately known C237601200008 area, and the thicknesses were determined by C237601200009 quantitative analysis of the dissolved vanadium after C237601200010 the irradiation. The uniformity is estimated to be C237601200011 within -+ 6%. C237601200012 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.65HR,B-,1220.,0.95,DG,72.) C237601200013 STATUS (TABLE,,C.M.Stearns,T,STEARNS,1962) Table III, page 52.C237601200014 HISTORY (20230914A) REACTION SF3 changed to 2P, DECAY-DATA C237601200015 corrected C237601200016 ENDBIB 14 0 C237601200017 COMMON 1 3 C237601200018 DATA-ERR C237601200019 PER-CENT C237601200020 22.0 C237601200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C237601200022 DATA 2 4 C237601200023 EN DATA C237601200024 MEV MB C237601200025 50.0 1.2 C237601200026 44.0 1.0 C237601200027 37.0 2.0 C237601200028 29.0 2.5 C237601200029 ENDDATA 6 0 C237601200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C237601299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 C237699999999