ENTRY            C2391   20190215                             C185C239100000001 
SUBENT        C2391001   20190215                             C185C239100100001 
BIB                 10         22                                 C239100100002 
TITLE      Magnetic Analysis of the Li6(He3,t)Be6 Reaction        C239100100003 
AUTHOR     (W.Whaling)                                            C239100100004 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,150,836,1966)                                    C239100100005 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.150.836                           C239100100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USACAL)                                              C239100100007 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USACAL) The ONR-CIT tandem accelerator.         C239100100008 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,SIBAR) Particles deflected in the spectrometer  C239100100009 
           were detected in an array of 16 Au-Si surface-barrier  C239100100010 
           solid-state detectors located in the focal plane.      C239100100011 
SAMPLE     (3-LI-6,ENR=0.993) Targets of metallic lithium,        C239100100012 
           enriched to 99.3% mass 6, were evaporated in the       C239100100013 
           spectrometer target chamber on 5x10**-6 cm Ni          C239100100014 
           supporting foils. The target thickness, between 10     C239100100015 
           and 35 microg/cm2 for various targets used, was        C239100100016 
           determined by measuring with the spectrometer the      C239100100017 
           energy loss of He3 ions passing through the target.    C239100100018 
METHOD     The triton energy was measured in the 180 degree       C239100100019 
           double focusing magnetic spectrometer of 60.96-cm      C239100100020 
           radius set at 0 degree with respect to the incoming    C239100100021 
           He3 beam.                                              C239100100022 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties.     C239100100023 
HISTORY    (20190215C) BP                                         C239100100024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 C239100100025 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C239100100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 C239100199999 
SUBENT        C2391002   20190215                             C185C239100200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 C239100200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(HE3,T)4-BE-6,,DA/DP,,REL)                      C239100200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 837.                              C239100200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 C239100200005 
COMMON               3          3                                 C239100200006 
EN         EN-RSL     ANG                                         C239100200007 
MEV        MEV        ADEG                                        C239100200008 
     10.990      0.004        1.7                                 C239100200009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C239100200010 
DATA                 3         48                                 C239100200011 
E          DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C239100200012 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   C239100200013 
      6.009     21.489                                            C239100200014 
      6.034     17.720                                            C239100200015 
      6.094     12.382                                            C239100200016 
      6.094     22.767                                            C239100200017 
      6.095     26.476                                            C239100200018 
      6.107     34.606      3.702                                 C239100200019 
      6.118     23.824                                            C239100200020 
      6.164     32.616                                            C239100200021 
      6.174     47.800                                            C239100200022 
      6.197     40.697                                            C239100200023 
      6.197     50.711      3.716                                 C239100200024 
      6.214     49.188                                            C239100200025 
      6.231     67.322                                            C239100200026 
      6.231     71.401                                            C239100200027 
      6.247     77.670                                            C239100200028 
      6.266     75.770                                            C239100200029 
      6.267    106.183                                            C239100200030 
      6.277    126.929      6.673                                 C239100200031 
      6.300    138.745                                            C239100200032 
      6.300    147.646                                            C239100200033 
      6.310    175.440                                            C239100200034 
      6.329    205.439                                            C239100200035 
      6.330    195.793                                            C239100200036 
      6.341    225.441      7.779                                 C239100200037 
      6.361    196.462                                            C239100200038 
      6.361    164.562                                            C239100200039 
      6.371    138.202      6.679                                 C239100200040 
      6.390    109.227                                            C239100200041 
      6.391    113.674                                            C239100200042 
      6.401     92.507                                            C239100200043 
      6.424     76.502      4.818                                 C239100200044 
      6.426     98.382                                            C239100200045 
      6.436     65.717                                            C239100200046 
      6.452     50.471                                            C239100200047 
      6.467     39.308      3.348                                 C239100200048 
      6.486     31.473                                            C239100200049 
      6.500     24.393                                            C239100200050 
      6.512     26.589                                            C239100200051 
      6.525     24.704                                            C239100200052 
      6.543     12.790                                            C239100200053 
      6.544     16.499                                            C239100200054 
      6.559     18.317      1.854                                 C239100200055 
      6.573     16.058                                            C239100200056 
      6.577     12.710                                            C239100200057 
      6.658      9.178                                            C239100200058 
      6.773      5.191                                            C239100200059 
      6.801      3.271                                            C239100200060 
      6.835      2.076                                            C239100200061 
ENDDATA             50          0                                 C239100200062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 C239100299999 
SUBENT        C2391003   20190215                             C185C239100300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 C239100300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(HE3,D)4-BE-7,,DA/DP,,REL)                      C239100300003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 837.                              C239100300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 C239100300005 
COMMON               3          3                                 C239100300006 
EN         EN-RSL     ANG                                         C239100300007 
MEV        MEV        ADEG                                        C239100300008 
     10.990      0.004        1.7                                 C239100300009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C239100300010 
DATA                 3         13                                 C239100300011 
E          DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C239100300012 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   C239100300013 
      6.932      295.7                                            C239100300014 
      6.944      181.5                                            C239100300015 
      6.953      513.3                                            C239100300016 
      6.956 1.2544E+03                                            C239100300017 
      6.964 8.6709E+03      222.9                                 C239100300018 
      6.972 2.3023E+04      259.3                                 C239100300019 
      6.978 2.6954E+04                                            C239100300020 
      6.983 2.6878E+04                                            C239100300021 
      6.986 1.0668E+04      222.9                                 C239100300022 
      6.993      837.5                                            C239100300023 
      6.998      279.9                                            C239100300024 
      7.008      425.9                                            C239100300025 
      7.016        16.                                            C239100300026 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 C239100300027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 C239100399999 
SUBENT        C2391004   20190215                             C185C239100400001 
BIB                  2          2                                 C239100400002 
REACTION   (3-LI-6(HE3,T)4-BE-6,,DA/DE,,REL)                      C239100400003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 838.                              C239100400004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 C239100400005 
COMMON               3          3                                 C239100400006 
EN         EN-RSL     ANG                                         C239100400007 
MEV        MEV        ADEG                                        C239100400008 
     10.990      0.004       10.0                                 C239100400009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C239100400010 
DATA                 3         52                                 C239100400011 
E          DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C239100400012 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   C239100400013 
      3.045    447.634                                            C239100400014 
      3.094    390.565                                            C239100400015 
      3.135    434.931     28.605                                 C239100400016 
      3.191    390.895                                            C239100400017 
      3.239    463.903                                            C239100400018 
      3.288    495.287                                            C239100400019 
      3.333    435.603                                            C239100400020 
      3.376    589.248                                            C239100400021 
      3.440    589.464                                            C239100400022 
      3.493    524.602                                            C239100400023 
      3.541    548.181                                            C239100400024 
      3.593    522.343                                            C239100400025 
      3.645    603.169                                            C239100400026 
      3.705    592.966                                            C239100400027 
      3.761    608.766                                            C239100400028 
      3.816    666.191                                            C239100400029 
      3.876    616.964                                            C239100400030 
      3.936    674.402                                            C239100400031 
      3.992    664.186                                            C239100400032 
      4.066    664.439                                            C239100400033 
      4.122    719.263                                            C239100400034 
      4.175    597.167                                            C239100400035 
      4.245    711.877                                            C239100400036 
      4.312    735.519                                            C239100400037 
      4.379    738.349                                            C239100400038 
      4.446    748.984     33.808                                 C239100400039 
      4.496    629.477                                            C239100400040 
      4.578    634.959                                            C239100400041 
      4.653    603.994                                            C239100400042 
      4.723    609.439                                            C239100400043 
      4.787    526.404                                            C239100400044 
      4.862    459.017                                            C239100400045 
      4.933    498.282                                            C239100400046 
      5.012    467.330                                            C239100400047 
      5.094    504.031                                            C239100400048 
      5.165    408.014                                            C239100400049 
      5.236    423.865                                            C239100400050 
      5.322    351.313                                            C239100400051 
      5.412    328.203                                            C239100400052 
      5.494    315.475                                            C239100400053 
      5.569    336.541                                            C239100400054 
      5.644    258.748                                            C239100400055 
      5.729    266.844                                            C239100400056 
      5.826    274.979     20.800                                 C239100400057 
      5.912    288.279                                            C239100400058 
      6.004    431.682                                            C239100400059 
      6.085    699.922                                            C239100400060 
      6.172   1491.115     39.036                                 C239100400061 
      6.269    973.721                                            C239100400062 
      6.371    308.051                                            C239100400063 
      6.465    173.087                                            C239100400064 
      6.548     82.311                                            C239100400065 
ENDDATA             54          0                                 C239100400066 
ENDSUBENT           65          0                                 C239100499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 C239199999999