ENTRY            C2414   20191126                             C187C241400000001 
SUBENT        C2414001   20191126                             C187C241400100001 
BIB                 10         23                                 C241400100002 
TITLE      Fission from Fe and Nb reactions with heavy targets    C241400100003 
           at 50-100 MeV/nucleon                                  C241400100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Begemann-Blaich,Th.Blaich,M.M.Fowler,J.B.Wilhelmy,  C241400100005 
           H.C.Britt,D.J.Fields,L.F.Hansen,R.G.Lanier,            C241400100006 
           D.J.Massoletti,M.N.Namboodiri,B.A.Remington,           C241400100007 
           T.C.Sangster,G.L.Struble,M.L.Webb,Y.D.Chan,A.Dacal,    C241400100008 
           A.Harmon,J.Pouliot,R.G.Stokstad,S.Kaufman,F.Videbaek,  C241400100009 
           Z.Fraenkel)                                            C241400100010 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,45,677,1992)                                   C241400100011 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.45.677                           C241400100012 
INSTITUTE  (1USALAS,1USALRL,1USABRK,1USAANL,3ISLWZI)              C241400100013 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USABRK) The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory       C241400100014 
           Bevalac.                                               C241400100015 
PART-DET   (FF)                                                   C241400100016 
DETECTOR   (SCIN,MWPC) PAGODA detector system: The apparatus      C241400100017 
           consists of eight identical gas modules, six arrays    C241400100018 
           of nine phoswich scintillator detectors behind the     C241400100019 
           most forward six gas modules, and a 34 element         C241400100020 
           phoswich projectile hodoscope.                         C241400100021 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors are mainly due to uncertainties  C241400100022 
           in the integrated beam.                                C241400100023 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 684.                             C241400100024 
HISTORY    (20191126C) BP                                         C241400100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 C241400100026 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C241400100027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 C241400199999 
SUBENT        C2414002   20191126                             C187C241400200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 C241400200002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(41-NB-93,F),,SIG)                           C241400200003 
SAMPLE     The targets were self-supporting foils of Au with      C241400200004 
           thickness of 1.34 mg/cm2. They were always positioned  C241400200005 
           at 90 degrees relative to the beam.                    C241400200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C241400200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C241400200008 
DATA                 3          3                                 C241400200009 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C241400200010 
MEV/A      MB         MB                                          C241400200011 
       50.0      400.0       60.0                                 C241400200012 
       75.0      271.0       60.0                                 C241400200013 
      100.0      150.0       50.0                                 C241400200014 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 C241400200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 C241400299999 
SUBENT        C2414003   20191126                             C187C241400300001 
BIB                  2          4                                 C241400300002 
REACTION   (73-TA-181(26-FE-56,F),,SIG)                           C241400300003 
SAMPLE     The targets were self-supporting foils of Ta with      C241400300004 
           thickness of 1.86 mg/cm2. They were always positioned  C241400300005 
           at 90 degrees relative to the beam.                    C241400300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C241400300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C241400300008 
DATA                 3          2                                 C241400300009 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C241400300010 
MEV/A      MB         MB                                          C241400300011 
       50.0       52.0       17.0                                 C241400300012 
      100.0       32.0       11.0                                 C241400300013 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 C241400300014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 C241400399999 
SUBENT        C2414004   20191126                             C187C241400400001 
BIB                  3          7                                 C241400400002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(26-FE-56,F),,SIG)                           C241400400003 
REL-REF    (O,C2416001,T.C.Sangster+,J,PR/C,46,(4),1404,1992)     C241400400004 
           Differential cross sections at different target        C241400400005 
           positions.                                             C241400400006 
SAMPLE     The targets were self-supporting foils of Au with      C241400400007 
           thickness of 1.34 mg/cm2. They were always positioned  C241400400008 
           at 90 degrees relative to the beam.                    C241400400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C241400400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C241400400011 
DATA                 3          2                                 C241400400012 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C241400400013 
MEV/A      MB         MB                                          C241400400014 
       50.0      165.0       35.0                                 C241400400015 
      100.0      165.0       40.0                                 C241400400016 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 C241400400017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 C241400499999 
SUBENT        C2414005   20191126                             C187C241400500001 
BIB                  2          4                                 C241400500002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(26-FE-56,F),,SIG)                           C241400500003 
SAMPLE     The targets were self-supporting foils of Th with      C241400500004 
           thickness 1.10 mg/cm2. They were always positioned at  C241400500005 
           90 degrees relative to the beam.                       C241400500006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C241400500007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C241400500008 
DATA                 3          2                                 C241400500009 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C241400500010 
MEV/A      MB         MB                                          C241400500011 
       50.0     1810.0      250.0                                 C241400500012 
      100.0     1930.0      470.0                                 C241400500013 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 C241400500014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 C241400599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 C241499999999