ENTRY C2469 20240405 C231C246900000001 SUBENT C2469001 20230802 C231C246900100001 BIB 7 10 C246900100002 TITLE Fission-fragment mass and charge distribution for the C246900100003 moderately excited U236 compound nucleus C246900100004 AUTHOR (J.A.McHugh,M.C.Michel) C246900100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,172,1160,1968) C246900100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.172.1160 C246900100007 INSTITUTE (1USAUCX) C246900100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAUCX) C246900100009 METHOD (ASEP,CHSEP) C246900100010 HISTORY (20200129C) OG. C246900100011 (20230721A) OS. Data correction in sub.12 C246900100012 ENDBIB 10 0 C246900100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C246900100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 C246900199999 SUBENT C2469002 20200129 C190C246900200001 BIB 5 11 C246900200002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)// C246900200003 (90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) C246900200004 SAMPLE Target material consisted of purified Th02. The Th02 C246900200005 supported by hydraulically pressing the oxide into a C246900200006 shallow depression in a copper plate. C246900200007 FLAG (58.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900200008 (60.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900200009 (62.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are derived from standard deviation C246900200011 in results of a large number of spectra. C246900200012 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.I (p.1164) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900200013 ENDBIB 11 0 C246900200014 COMMON 2 3 C246900200015 E-EXC-CMP MASS-DN C246900200016 MEV NO-DIM C246900200017 39.3 143. C246900200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900200019 DATA 4 12 C246900200020 MASS-NM DATA DATA-ERR FLAG C246900200021 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900200022 142. 1.115 0.025 58. C246900200023 143. 1.000 0.006 60. C246900200024 144. 0.825 0.016 58. C246900200025 145. 0.713 0.011 60. C246900200026 146. 0.574 0.010 60. C246900200027 147. 0.426 0.002 62. C246900200028 148. 0.355 0.009 60. C246900200029 149. 0.286 0.002 62. C246900200030 150. 0.224 0.006 60. C246900200031 151. 0.171 0.005 62. C246900200032 152. 0.126 0.003 62. C246900200033 154. 0.064 0.025 62. C246900200034 ENDDATA 14 0 C246900200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 C246900299999 SUBENT C2469003 20200225 C190C246900300001 BIB 6 17 C246900300002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)// C246900300003 (90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) C246900300004 CORRECTION Corrected for yields in the higher-Z members of C246900300005 the same chain. C246900300006 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of Th232. C246900300007 FLAG (1.) Relative mass yield for the 85 chain obtained fromC246900300008 a smooth curve fitted to the 83-,84-,and 86-mass yieldsC246900300009 (2.) The Ba136 yield contains only independent yields C246900300010 of Cs136 and Ba136 since it is shielded by Xe. C246900300011 (36.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900300012 (38.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900300013 (54.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900300014 (55.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900300015 (56.) Z-number of observed nuclide C246900300016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are derived from standard deviation C246900300017 in results of a large number of spectra. C246900300018 STATUS (TABLE) Tab. II (p.1164) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900300019 ENDBIB 17 0 C246900300020 COMMON 2 3 C246900300021 E-EXC-CMP MASS-DN C246900300022 MEV NO-DIM C246900300023 39.3 131. C246900300024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900300025 DATA 4 15 C246900300026 MASS-NM DATA FLAG FLAG C246900300027 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900300028 83. 0.256 36. C246900300029 84. 0.330 36. C246900300030 85. 0.400 1. 36. C246900300031 86. 0.467 36. C246900300032 88. 0.600 38. C246900300033 90. 0.742 38. C246900300034 131. 1.000 54. C246900300035 132. 1.022 54. C246900300036 133. 1.033 55. C246900300037 134. 1.043 54. C246900300038 135. 1.033 55. C246900300039 136. 1.010 54. C246900300040 136. 1.00 2. 56. C246900300041 137. 0.862 55. C246900300042 138. 0.764 56. C246900300043 ENDDATA 17 0 C246900300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C246900399999 SUBENT C2469004 20200225 C190C246900400001 BIB 7 12 C246900400002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)// C246900400003 (90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) C246900400004 CORRECTION The relative mass yields were corrected for yields in C246900400005 the higher-Z members of the same chain when required. C246900400006 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) C246900400007 The yields for these mass numbers were measured in Kr. C246900400008 FLAG (1.) The mass yield for the 85 chain represents only C246900400009 the Kr33 (10 yr) cumulative yield. C246900400010 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of Th232. C246900400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,1.) Errors in relative cumulative yields areC246900400012 of the order of, or less than, 1%. C246900400013 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.III (p.1165) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900400014 ENDBIB 12 0 C246900400015 COMMON 1 3 C246900400016 MASS-DN C246900400017 NO-DIM C246900400018 84. C246900400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900400020 DATA 4 27 C246900400021 E-EXC-CMP MASS DATA FLAG C246900400022 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900400023 21.0 83. 0.691 C246900400024 21.0 85. 0.269 1. C246900400025 21.0 86. 1.505 C246900400026 23.1 83. 0.710 C246900400027 23.1 85. 0.275 1. C246900400028 23.1 86. 1.481 C246900400029 28.7 83. 0.737 C246900400030 28.7 85. 0.285 1. C246900400031 28.7 86. 1.445 C246900400032 31.1 83. 0.749 C246900400033 31.1 85. 0.291 1. C246900400034 31.1 86. 1.437 C246900400035 33.1 83. 0.760 C246900400036 33.1 85. 0.291 1. C246900400037 33.1 86. 1.434 C246900400038 35.1 83. 0.770 C246900400039 35.1 85. 0.295 1. C246900400040 35.1 86. 1.426 C246900400041 37.1 83. 0.772 C246900400042 37.1 85. 0.303 1. C246900400043 37.1 86. 1.417 C246900400044 43.5 83. 0.788 C246900400045 43.5 85. 0.312 1. C246900400046 43.5 86. 1.384 C246900400047 57.0 83. 0.800 C246900400048 57.0 85. 0.343 1. C246900400049 57.0 86. 1.361 C246900400050 ENDDATA 29 0 C246900400051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 C246900499999 SUBENT C2469005 20200225 C190C246900500001 BIB 6 10 C246900500002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)// C246900500003 (90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) C246900500004 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) C246900500005 The yields for these mass numbers were measured in Xe. C246900500006 CORRECTION The relative mass yields were corrected for yields in C246900500007 the higher-Z members of the same chain when required. C246900500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,1.) Errors in relative cumulative yields are C246900500009 of the order of, or less than, 1%. C246900500010 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of Th232. C246900500011 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.III (p.1165) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900500012 ENDBIB 10 0 C246900500013 COMMON 1 3 C246900500014 MASS-DN C246900500015 NO-DIM C246900500016 131. C246900500017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900500018 DATA 3 27 C246900500019 E-EXC-CMP MASS-NM DATA C246900500020 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900500021 21.0 132. 1.136 C246900500022 21.0 134. 1.271 C246900500023 21.0 136. 1.246 C246900500024 23.1 132. 1.106 C246900500025 23.1 134. 1.220 C246900500026 23.1 136. 1.243 C246900500027 28.7 132. 1.064 C246900500028 28.7 134. 1.134 C246900500029 28.7 136. 1.161 C246900500030 31.1 132. 1.057 C246900500031 31.1 134. 1.120 C246900500032 31.1 136. 1.156 C246900500033 33.1 132. 1.046 C246900500034 33.1 134. 1.095 C246900500035 33.1 136. 1.104 C246900500036 35.1 132. 1.034 C246900500037 35.1 134. 1.074 C246900500038 35.1 136. 1.063 C246900500039 37.1 132. 1.027 C246900500040 37.1 134. 1.074 C246900500041 37.1 136. 1.061 C246900500042 43.5 132. 0.998 C246900500043 43.5 134. 1.007 C246900500044 43.5 136. 0.957 C246900500045 57.0 132. 0.978 C246900500046 57.0 134. 0.992 C246900500047 57.0 136. 0.828 C246900500048 ENDDATA 29 0 C246900500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 C246900599999 SUBENT C2469006 20200225 C190C246900600001 BIB 6 10 C246900600002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)// C246900600003 (90-TH-232(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) C246900600004 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) C246900600005 The yields for these mass numbers were measured in Cs. C246900600006 CORRECTION The relative mass yields were corrected for yields in C246900600007 the higher-Z members of the same chain when required. C246900600008 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of Th232. C246900600009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,1.) Errors in relative cumulative yields are C246900600010 of the order of, or less than, 1%. C246900600011 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.III (p.1165) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900600012 ENDBIB 10 0 C246900600013 COMMON 1 3 C246900600014 MASS-DN C246900600015 NO-DIM C246900600016 131. C246900600017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900600018 DATA 3 8 C246900600019 E-EXC-CMP MASS-NM DATA C246900600020 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900600021 21.0 135. 1.264 C246900600022 21.0 137. 1.168 C246900600023 23.1 135. 1.233 C246900600024 23.1 137. 1.084 C246900600025 28.7 135. 1.148 C246900600026 28.7 137. 0.998 C246900600027 31.1 135. 1.140 C246900600028 31.1 137. 0.986 C246900600029 ENDDATA 10 0 C246900600030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C246900699999 SUBENT C2469007 20200225 C190C246900700001 BIB 7 12 C246900700002 REACTION ((92-U-235(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)// C246900700003 (92-U-235(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) C246900700004 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) C246900700005 The yields for these mass numbers were measured in Kr. C246900700006 CORRECTION The relative mass yields were corrected for yields in C246900700007 the higher-Z members of the same chain when required. C246900700008 FLAG (1.) The mass yield for the 85 chain represents only C246900700009 the Kr33 (10 yr) cumulative yield. C246900700010 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of U235. C246900700011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,,1.) Errors in relative cumulative yields areC246900700012 of the order of, or less than, 1%. C246900700013 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.III (p.1165) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900700014 ENDBIB 12 0 C246900700015 COMMON 1 3 C246900700016 MASS-DN C246900700017 NO-DIM C246900700018 84. C246900700019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900700020 DATA 4 12 C246900700021 E-EXC-CMP MASS-NM DATA FLAG C246900700022 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900700023 28.0 83. 0.787 C246900700024 28.0 85. 0.320 1. C246900700025 28.0 86. 1.436 C246900700026 33.8 83. 0.806 C246900700027 33.8 85. 0.341 1. C246900700028 33.8 86. 1.415 C246900700029 38.0 83. 0.814 C246900700030 38.0 85. 0.361 1. C246900700031 38.0 86. 1.403 C246900700032 43.6 83. 0.823 C246900700033 43.6 85. 0.380 1. C246900700034 43.6 86. 1.394 C246900700035 ENDDATA 14 0 C246900700036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C246900799999 SUBENT C2469008 20200225 C190C246900800001 BIB 6 10 C246900800002 REACTION ((92-U-235(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)// C246900800003 (92-U-235(A,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) C246900800004 ANALYSIS (CHGDS) C246900800005 The yields for these mass numbers were measured in Xe. C246900800006 CORRECTION The relative mass yields were corrected for yields in C246900800007 the higher-Z members of the same chain when required. C246900800008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,1.) Errors in relative cumulative yields are C246900800009 of the order of, or less than, 1%. C246900800010 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of U235. C246900800011 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.III (p.1165) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900800012 ENDBIB 10 0 C246900800013 COMMON 1 3 C246900800014 MASS-DN C246900800015 NO-DIM C246900800016 131. C246900800017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900800018 DATA 3 12 C246900800019 E-EXC-CMP MASS DATA C246900800020 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900800021 28.0 132. 1.046 C246900800022 28.0 134. 1.109 C246900800023 28.0 136. 1.150 C246900800024 33.8 132. 1.018 C246900800025 33.8 134. 1.037 C246900800026 33.8 136. 1.162 C246900800027 38.0 132. 1.016 C246900800028 38.0 134. 1.018 C246900800029 38.0 136. 0.992 C246900800030 43.6 132. 1.007 C246900800031 43.6 134. 0.973 C246900800032 43.6 136. 0.884 C246900800033 ENDDATA 14 0 C246900800034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C246900899999 SUBENT C2469009 20200225 C190C246900900001 BIB 4 7 C246900900002 REACTION (90-TH-232(A,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,FRC) C246900900003 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of Th232. C246900900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The quoted errors are the standard C246900900005 deviations in the measured ratios plus any uncertainty C246900900006 in the relative chain yield used in deriving the C246900900007 fractional chain yield. C246900900008 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.IV (p.1165) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246900900009 ENDBIB 7 0 C246900900010 COMMON 1 3 C246900900011 MASS C246900900012 NO-DIM C246900900013 135. C246900900014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246900900015 DATA 7 8 C246900900016 E-EXC-CMP E-EXC-C-MN E-EXC-C-MX ELEMENT DATA DATA-ERR C246900900017 DATA-MAX C246900900018 MEV MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246900900019 NO-DIM C246900900020 15.0 18.0 54. 0.22 0.010 C246900900021 C246900900022 15.0 18.0 55. C246900900023 0.009 C246900900024 23.0 54. 0.333 0.009 C246900900025 C246900900026 23.0 55. 0.014 0.004 C246900900027 C246900900028 26.8 54. 0.381 0.009 C246900900029 C246900900030 26.8 55. 0.032 0.004 C246900900031 C246900900032 39.3 54. 0.523 0.010 C246900900033 C246900900034 39.3 55. 0.098 0.006 C246900900035 C246900900036 ENDDATA 20 0 C246900900037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C246900999999 SUBENT C2469010 20200225 C190C246901000001 BIB 4 7 C246901000002 REACTION (90-TH-232(A,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY,,FRC) C246901000003 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of Th232. C246901000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The quoted errors are the standard C246901000005 deviations in the measured ratios plus any uncertainty C246901000006 in the relative chain yield used in deriving the C246901000007 fractional chain yield. C246901000008 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.IV (p.1165) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246901000009 ENDBIB 7 0 C246901000010 COMMON 2 3 C246901000011 MASS ELEMENT C246901000012 NO-DIM NO-DIM C246901000013 135. 53. C246901000014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C246901000015 DATA 5 4 C246901000016 E-EXC-CMP E-EXC-C-MN E-EXC-C-MX DATA DATA-ERR C246901000017 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM MEV MEV C246901000018 15.0 18.0 0.78 0.02 C246901000019 23.0 0.653 0.015 C246901000020 26.8 0.586 0.012 C246901000021 39.3 0.376 0.009 C246901000022 ENDDATA 6 0 C246901000023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C246901099999 SUBENT C2469011 20200225 C190C246901100001 BIB 6 17 C246901100002 REACTION (90-TH-232(A,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,FRC) C246901100003 ANALYSIS Observed independent yields were converted to C246901100004 fractional yields by dividing by the relative total C246901100005 chain yield for that particular mass chain. C246901100006 SAMPLE Target consisted of 0.001-in. metal foil of Th232. C246901100007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The quoted errors are the standard C246901100008 deviations in the measured ratios plus any uncertainty C246901100009 in the relative chain yield used in deriving the C246901100010 fractional chain yield. C246901100011 DECAY-DATA ((1.)35-BR-80,,B-,,0.92) Corrected for branching decay C246901100012 ((2.)53-I-126,,B-,,0.44) Corrected for branching decay C246901100013 ((3.)53-I-128,,B-,,0.936) Corrected for branching decayC246901100014 ((4.)53-I-130,,B-) Corrected for independent yield of C246901100015 daughter C246901100016 ((5.)53-I-128,,B-,,0.936) Corrected for branching decayC246901100017 and for independent yield of daughter. C246901100018 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.V (p.1166) in Phys.Rev.,172,1160,1968. C246901100019 ENDBIB 17 0 C246901100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 C246901100021 DATA 9 54 C246901100022 E-EXC-CMP E-EXC-C-MN E-EXC-C-MX ELEMENT MASS DATA C246901100023 DATA-ERR DATA-MAX DECAY-FLAG C246901100024 MEV MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246901100025 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246901100026 15.0 18.0 55. 136. 0.0223 C246901100027 0.0035 C246901100028 21.0 35. 82. 0.0056 C246901100029 0.0014 C246901100030 21.0 53. 128. 0.0019 C246901100031 0.0002 3. C246901100032 21.0 53. 130. 0.0273 C246901100033 0.0030 C246901100034 26.8 55. 134. 0.0076 C246901100035 0.0007 C246901100036 26.8 55. 136. 0.111 C246901100037 0.006 C246901100038 28.7 35. 80. C246901100039 0.00054 C246901100040 28.7 35. 82. 0.00674 C246901100041 0.00051 C246901100042 28.7 53. 126. C246901100043 0.000054 2. C246901100044 28.7 53. 128. 0.0045 C246901100045 0.0003 3. C246901100046 28.7 53. 130. 0.0660 C246901100047 0.0018 4. C246901100048 31.1 35. 82. 0.0073 C246901100049 0.0004 C246901100050 31.1 53. 128. 0.0062 C246901100051 0.0004 3. C246901100052 31.1 53. 130. 0.0806 C246901100053 0.0019 4. C246901100054 32.1 53. 128. 0.0023 C246901100055 0.0005 3. C246901100056 32.1 53. 130. 0.0354 C246901100057 0.0021 4. C246901100058 32.1 55. 134. C246901100059 0.0068 C246901100060 32.1 55. 136. 0.0713 C246901100061 0.0045 C246901100062 33.1 35. 82. 0.0081 C246901100063 0.0004 C246901100064 33.1 53. 126. C246901100065 0.00011 2. C246901100066 33.1 53. 128. 0.0082 C246901100067 0.0004 3. C246901100068 33.1 53. 130. 0.0957 C246901100069 0.0025 4. C246901100070 33.1 54. 129. C246901100071 0.00064 C246901100072 35.1 35. 80. C246901100073 0.00063 1. C246901100074 35.1 35. 82. 0.0096 C246901100075 0.0004 C246901100076 35.1 53. 128. 0.0103 C246901100077 0.0004 3. C246901100078 35.1 53. 130. 0.114 C246901100079 0.002 4. C246901100080 35.1 54. 129. 0.00066 C246901100081 0.00022 C246901100082 37.1 35. 82. 0.0120 C246901100083 0.0006 C246901100084 37.1 53. 126. 0.00019 C246901100085 0.00006 2. C246901100086 37.1 53. 128. 0.0129 C246901100087 0.0005 3. C246901100088 37.1 53. 130. 0.129 C246901100089 0.002 4. C246901100090 39.3 35. 80. C246901100091 0.00076 1. C246901100092 39.3 35. 82. 0.0137 C246901100093 0.0003 C246901100094 39.3 36. 81. C246901100095 0.00030 C246901100096 39.3 37. 86. 0.00267 C246901100097 0.00022 C246901100098 39.3 53. 126. 0.00028 C246901100099 0.00005 2. C246901100100 39.3 53. 128. 0.0165 C246901100101 0.0005 3. C246901100102 39.3 53. 130. 0.149 C246901100103 0.002 4. C246901100104 39.3 54. 129. 0.00122 C246901100105 0.00013 C246901100106 39.3 55. 132. 0.00137 C246901100107 0.00011 C246901100108 39.3 55. 134. 0.0302 C246901100109 0.0013 C246901100110 39.3 55. 136. 0.230 C246901100111 0.008 C246901100112 39.3 61. 150. 0.025 C246901100113 0.003 C246901100114 43.5 35. 82. 0.0183 C246901100115 0.0015 C246901100116 43.5 53. 128. 0.0219 C246901100117 0.0006 3. C246901100118 43.5 53. 130. 0.180 C246901100119 0.004 4. C246901100120 43.5 54. 129. 0.0029 C246901100121 0.0003 C246901100122 57.0 35. 80. C246901100123 0.0025 1. C246901100124 57.0 35. 82. 0.0400 C246901100125 0.0026 C246901100126 57.0 53. 126. 0.0039 C246901100127 0.0004 2. C246901100128 57.0 53. 128. 0.0633 C246901100129 0.0013 5. C246901100130 57.0 53. 130. 0.315 C246901100131 0.004 4. C246901100132 57.0 54. 129. 0.0082 C246901100133 0.0004 C246901100134 ENDDATA 112 0 C246901100135 ENDSUBENT 134 0 C246901199999 SUBENT C2469012 20240405 C231C246901200001 BIB 8 22 C246901200002 REACTION (92-U-235(A,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY,,FRC) C246901200003 ANALYSIS Observed independent yields were converted to C246901200004 fractional yields by dividing by the relative total C246901200005 chain yield for that particular mass chain. C246901200006 CORRECTION All yields corrected for isotopic composition of the C246901200007 target. C246901200008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.93) C246901200009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.07) C246901200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The quoted errors are the standard C246901200011 deviations in the measured ratios plus any uncertainty C246901200012 in the relative chain yield used in deriving the C246901200013 fractional chain yield. C246901200014 DECAY-DATA ((1.)35-BR-80,,B-,,0.92) Corrected for branching decay C246901200015 ((2.)53-I-126,,B-,,0.44) Corrected for branching decay C246901200016 ((3.)53-I-128,,B-,,0.936) Corrected for branching decayC246901200017 ((4.)53-I-130,,B-) Corrected for independent yield of C246901200018 daughter C246901200019 ((5.)53-I-128,,B-,,0.936) Corrected for branching decayC246901200020 and for independent yield of daughter. C246901200021 STATUS (TABLE,,J.A.McHugh+,J,PR,172,1160,1968) Table VI C246901200022 HISTORY (20230721A) Headings ELEMENT and MASS swapped C246901200023 (20240405U) On. DECAY-DATA field moved. C246901200024 ENDBIB 22 0 C246901200025 NOCOMMON 0 0 C246901200026 DATA 7 23 C246901200027 EN ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX C246901200028 DECAY-FLAG C246901200029 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C246901200030 NO-DIM C246901200031 28.0 35. 82. 0.0192 0.0014 C246901200032 C246901200033 28.0 53. 126. 0.00071 0.00015 C246901200034 2. C246901200035 28.0 53. 128. 0.0204 0.0008 C246901200036 3. C246901200037 28.0 53. 130. 0.164 0.005 C246901200038 4. C246901200039 28.0 54. 129. 0.0018 0.0001 C246901200040 C246901200041 33.8 35. 82. 0.0295 0.0015 C246901200042 C246901200043 33.8 53. 126. 0.0021 0.0002 C246901200044 2. C246901200045 33.8 53. 128. 0.0421 0.0014 C246901200046 5. C246901200047 33.8 53. 130. 0.251 0.006 C246901200048 4. C246901200049 33.8 54. 129. 0.0039 0.0002 C246901200050 C246901200051 38.0 35. 80. 0.00074 C246901200052 1. C246901200053 38.0 35. 82. 0.0410 0.0016 C246901200054 C246901200055 38.0 53. 126. 0.0041 0.0004 C246901200056 2. C246901200057 38.0 53. 128. 0.0689 0.0018 C246901200058 5. C246901200059 38.0 53. 130. 0.318 0.006 C246901200060 4. C246901200061 38.0 54. 129. 0.0075 0.0003 C246901200062 C246901200063 43.6 35. 80. 0.0012 0.0003 C246901200064 1. C246901200065 43.6 35. 82. 0.0525 0.0015 C246901200066 C246901200067 43.6 36. 81. 0.00015 C246901200068 C246901200069 43.6 53. 126. 0.0067 0.0005 C246901200070 2. C246901200071 43.6 53. 128. 0.0938 0.0015 C246901200072 5. C246901200073 43.6 53. 130. 0.376 0.006 C246901200074 4. C246901200075 43.6 54. 129. 0.0132 0.0004 C246901200076 C246901200077 ENDDATA 50 0 C246901200078 ENDSUBENT 77 0 C246901299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 C246999999999