ENTRY            C2545   20200502                             C197C254500000001 
SUBENT        C2545001   20200502                             C197C254500100001 
BIB                 12         58                                 C254500100002 
TITLE      Excitation functions for production of heavy           C254500100003 
           actinides from interactions of 18O with 248Cm and 249CfC254500100004 
AUTHOR     (D.Lee,K.J.Moody,M.J.Nurmia,G.T.Seaborg,               C254500100005 
           H.R.Von Gunten,D.C.Hoffman)                            C254500100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,27,2656,1983)                                  C254500100007 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.27.2656                          C254500100008 
REL-REF    (M,A0173001,D.Lee+,J,PR/C,25,286,1982) Previous paper  C254500100009 
           and experimental techniques.                           C254500100010 
INSTITUTE  (1USABRK,2SWTWUR,2SWTUBE,1USALAS)                      C254500100011 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USABRK) The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 88-   C254500100012 
           inch cyclotron.                                        C254500100013 
METHOD     (ACTIV,CHSEP) The 248Cm and 249Cf targets were         C254500100014 
           irradiated at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory         C254500100015 
           88-inch cyclotron with 97-, 104-, 113-, and 122-MeV    C254500100016 
           180 ions. In addition, the 249Cf was irradiated with   C254500100017 
           91- and 150- MeV 18O ions.                             C254500100018 
CORRECTION All quoted energies have been corrected for the total  C254500100019 
           energy loss of about 15 MeV in the Havar window,       C254500100020 
           cooling gas, and Be target backing. No corrections     C254500100021 
           were made for the energy losses of 1 to 2 MeV in the   C254500100022 
           targets.                                               C254500100023 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The standard deviation associated with the  C254500100024 
           quoted absolute cross sections is estimated to be      C254500100025 
           +-12%, in addition to the statistical standard         C254500100026 
           deviation s given in the tables, which is based on     C254500100027 
           the decay analysis.                                    C254500100028 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty as given in the table  C254500100029 
RAD-DET    ((10.)99-ES-253,A)                                     C254500100030 
           ((14.)100-FM-254,A)                                    C254500100031 
           ((15.)100-FM-255,A)                                    C254500100032 
           ((16.)98-CF-248,A)                                     C254500100033 
           ((17.)99-ES-253,A)                                     C254500100034 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)97-BK-245,,DG,0.253,0.31)                         C254500100035 
           ((2.)97-BK-246,,DG,0.799,0.61)                         C254500100036 
           ((3.)97-BK-248-M,,DG,0.551,0.05)                       C254500100037 
           ((4.)97-BK-250,,DG,0.989,0.45)                         C254500100038 
           ((5.)97-BK-251,,B-,0.177)                              C254500100039 
           ((6.)98-CF-246,,A,6.76,1.0)                            C254500100040 
           ((7.)98-CF-248,,A,6.26,1.0)                            C254500100041 
           ((8.)98-CF-250,,A,6.03,0.96)                           C254500100042 
           ((9.)98-CF-252,,A,6.12,0.97)                           C254500100043 
           ((10.)98-CF-253,,B-)                                   C254500100044 
           ((10.)99-ES-253,,A,6.63,1.0) Daughter of 98-CF-253.    C254500100045 
           ((11.)98-CF-254,,SF,,1.0)                              C254500100046 
           ((12.)99-ES-252,,A,6.63,0.73)                          C254500100047 
           ((13.)99-ES-253,,A,6.63,0.98)                          C254500100048 
           ((14.)99-ES-254-M,,B-)                                 C254500100049 
           ((14.)100-FM-254,,A,7.19,1.0) Daughter of 99-ES-254-M. C254500100050 
           ((15.)99-ES-255,,B-)                                   C254500100051 
           ((15.)100-FM-255,,A,7.01,0.99) Daughter of 99-ES-255.  C254500100052 
           ((16.)100-FM-252,,A)                                   C254500100053 
           ((16.)98-CF-248,,A,6.26,1.0) Daughter of 100-FM-252.   C254500100054 
           ((17.)100-FM-253,,EC)                                  C254500100055 
           ((17.)99-ES-253,,A,6.63,0.98) Daughter of 100-FM-253.  C254500100056 
           ((18.)100-FM-254,,A,7.06/7.19,1.0)                     C254500100057 
           ((19.)100-FM-255,,A,6.89/7.02,0.99)                    C254500100058 
           ((20.)100-FM-256,,SF,,0.92)                            C254500100059 
HISTORY    (20200502C) BP                                         C254500100060 
ENDBIB              58          0                                 C254500100061 
COMMON               1          3                                 C254500100062 
DATA-ERR                                                          C254500100063 
PER-CENT                                                          C254500100064 
       12.0                                                       C254500100065 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C254500100066 
ENDSUBENT           65          0                                 C254500199999 
SUBENT        C2545002   20200502                             C197C254500200001 
BIB                  4         33                                 C254500200002 
REACTION   (96-CM-248(8-O-18,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                    C254500200003 
SAMPLE     Similar to EXFOR entry A0173: The target contained     C254500200004 
           0.924 mg/cm2 of 'Cm' /96.5% 248-Cm,3.5% 246-Cm/ in     C254500200005 
           the form Cm-F/3 deposited with a diam. of 6.5 mm on    C254500200006 
           2.65 mg/cm2 'Be' foil.                                 C254500200007 
           (96-CM-248,ENR=0.965)                                  C254500200008 
           (96-CM-246,ENR=0.035)                                  C254500200009 
           Gold foils, 19.5 mm in diam. and 2 mg/cm2 thick, were  C254500200010 
           placed 3 mm from the target to catch the recoiling     C254500200011 
           products.                                              C254500200012 
FLAG       (1.) No absolute gamma-ray intensity data are          C254500200013 
           available for the 0.177-MeV photon which we measured,  C254500200014 
           but the 0.177-MeV level in 251Cf is deexcited by a     C254500200015 
           0.177-MeV gamma transition (72.5%) and a 0.153-MeV     C254500200016 
           gamma transition (27.5%) . The total conversion        C254500200017 
           coefficient for the 0.177 gamma transition was         C254500200018 
           estimated to be =8 based on a measured alphaK of 6.0   C254500200019 
           and an estimated (alphaL+alphaM) of 1.7 for an M1(+    C254500200020 
           E2) transition. The decay of 251Bk is assumed to       C254500200021 
           primarily populate the 0.177- MeV level. If there is   C254500200022 
           appreciable feeding of the ground state or other       C254500200023 
           levels which do not deexcite via the 0.177-MeV         C254500200024 
           transition, our quoted cross sections will be          C254500200025 
           correspondingly too 1ow.                               C254500200026 
           (2.) Corrected for contribution from the Bk parent.    C254500200027 
           (3.) Radiation from daughter activity was measured.    C254500200028 
           (4.) Corrected for contribution from decay of the Cf   C254500200029 
           parent.                                                C254500200030 
           (5.) Corrected for contribution from decay of the Es   C254500200031 
           parent.                                                C254500200032 
           (6.) Corrected for contribution from 7.04-MeV alpha    C254500200033 
           group of 252Fm.                                        C254500200034 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I, page 2657.                            C254500200035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 C254500200036 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C254500200037 
DATA                 9         80                                 C254500200038 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     EN         DATA       ERR-S      C254500200039 
DATA-MIN   FLAG       DECAY-FLAG                                  C254500200040 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MEV        MICRO-B    PER-CENT   C254500200041 
MICRO-B    NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C254500200042 
       97.0      245.0                  97.0        0.3       20.0C254500200043 
                              1.0                                 C254500200044 
       97.0      245.0                 104.0        2.0       10.0C254500200045 
                              1.0                                 C254500200046 
       97.0      245.0                 113.0        5.8        5.0C254500200047 
                              1.0                                 C254500200048 
       97.0      245.0                 122.0        8.7       20.0C254500200049 
                              1.0                                 C254500200050 
       97.0      246.0                  97.0        5.9       10.0C254500200051 
                              2.0                                 C254500200052 
       97.0      246.0                 104.0       15.0        5.0C254500200053 
                              2.0                                 C254500200054 
       97.0      246.0                 113.0       50.0        6.0C254500200055 
                              2.0                                 C254500200056 
       97.0      246.0                 122.0       56.0        5.0C254500200057 
                              2.0                                 C254500200058 
       97.0      248.0        1.0       97.0      137.0        6.0C254500200059 
                              3.0                                 C254500200060 
       97.0      248.0        1.0      104.0      360.0        5.0C254500200061 
                              3.0                                 C254500200062 
       97.0      248.0        1.0      113.0      690.0        6.0C254500200063 
                              3.0                                 C254500200064 
       97.0      248.0        1.0      122.0      586.0       10.0C254500200065 
                              3.0                                 C254500200066 
       97.0      250.0                  97.0     1080.0        8.0C254500200067 
                              4.0                                 C254500200068 
       97.0      250.0                 104.0     1970.0        2.0C254500200069 
                              4.0                                 C254500200070 
       97.0      250.0                 113.0     1700.0        5.0C254500200071 
                              4.0                                 C254500200072 
       97.0      250.0                 122.0      546.0        3.0C254500200073 
                              4.0                                 C254500200074 
       97.0      251.0                  97.0                  13.0C254500200075 
      180.0        1.0        5.0                                 C254500200076 
       97.0      251.0                 104.0                  15.0C254500200077 
      420.0        1.0        5.0                                 C254500200078 
       97.0      251.0                 113.0                  21.0C254500200079 
      125.0        1.0        5.0                                 C254500200080 
       97.0      251.0                 122.0                  14.0C254500200081 
       65.0        1.0        5.0                                 C254500200082 
       98.0      246.0                  97.0       0.05       14.0C254500200083 
                              6.0                                 C254500200084 
       98.0      246.0                 104.0        0.1       20.0C254500200085 
                              6.0                                 C254500200086 
       98.0      246.0                 113.0        0.5       14.0C254500200087 
                              6.0                                 C254500200088 
       98.0      246.0                 122.0       0.85       24.0C254500200089 
                              6.0                                 C254500200090 
       98.0      248.0                  97.0       54.0       22.0C254500200091 
                   2.0        7.0                                 C254500200092 
       98.0      248.0                 104.0       93.0        3.0C254500200093 
                   2.0        7.0                                 C254500200094 
       98.0      248.0                 113.0      210.0       20.0C254500200095 
                   2.0        7.0                                 C254500200096 
       98.0      248.0                 122.0      152.0       13.0C254500200097 
                   2.0        7.0                                 C254500200098 
       98.0      250.0                  97.0      930.0        7.0C254500200099 
                   2.0        8.0                                 C254500200100 
       98.0      250.0                 104.0     1300.0       27.0C254500200101 
                   2.0        8.0                                 C254500200102 
       98.0      250.0                 113.0      900.0       25.0C254500200103 
                   2.0        8.0                                 C254500200104 
       98.0      250.0                 122.0      713.0       41.0C254500200105 
                   2.0        8.0                                 C254500200106 
       98.0      252.0                  97.0      287.0       20.0C254500200107 
                              9.0                                 C254500200108 
       98.0      252.0                 104.0      337.0        5.0C254500200109 
                              9.0                                 C254500200110 
       98.0      252.0                 113.0      310.0       30.0C254500200111 
                              9.0                                 C254500200112 
       98.0      252.0                 122.0      186.0        5.0C254500200113 
                              9.0                                 C254500200114 
       98.0      253.0                  97.0       49.0       27.0C254500200115 
                   3.0       10.0                                 C254500200116 
       98.0      253.0                 104.0       40.0        4.0C254500200117 
                   3.0       10.0                                 C254500200118 
       98.0      253.0                 113.0       37.0       22.0C254500200119 
                   3.0       10.0                                 C254500200120 
       98.0      253.0                 122.0       13.0        4.0C254500200121 
                   3.0       10.0                                 C254500200122 
       98.0      254.0                  97.0        3.3       21.0C254500200123 
                             11.0                                 C254500200124 
       98.0      254.0                 104.0        2.5       20.0C254500200125 
                             11.0                                 C254500200126 
       98.0      254.0                 113.0        1.2       50.0C254500200127 
                             11.0                                 C254500200128 
       98.0      254.0                 122.0        0.4       13.0C254500200129 
                             11.0                                 C254500200130 
       99.0      252.0                  97.0        5.9       25.0C254500200131 
                             12.0                                 C254500200132 
       99.0      252.0                 104.0       20.0        8.0C254500200133 
                             12.0                                 C254500200134 
       99.0      252.0                 113.0       37.0       10.0C254500200135 
                             12.0                                 C254500200136 
       99.0      252.0                 122.0       26.0       16.0C254500200137 
                             12.0                                 C254500200138 
       99.0      253.0                  97.0       11.6        3.0C254500200139 
                   4.0       13.0                                 C254500200140 
       99.0      253.0                 104.0       28.8        3.0C254500200141 
                   4.0       13.0                                 C254500200142 
       99.0      253.0                 113.0       23.0        4.0C254500200143 
                   4.0       13.0                                 C254500200144 
       99.0      253.0                 122.0        9.6        7.0C254500200145 
                   4.0       13.0                                 C254500200146 
       99.0      254.0        1.0       97.0        6.5        3.0C254500200147 
                   3.0       14.0                                 C254500200148 
       99.0      254.0        1.0      104.0        9.2        2.0C254500200149 
                   3.0       14.0                                 C254500200150 
       99.0      254.0        1.0      113.0        4.1        2.0C254500200151 
                   3.0       14.0                                 C254500200152 
       99.0      254.0        1.0      122.0        0.9       11.0C254500200153 
                   3.0       14.0                                 C254500200154 
       99.0      255.0                  97.0       0.25       28.0C254500200155 
                   3.0       15.0                                 C254500200156 
       99.0      255.0                 104.0       0.31       23.0C254500200157 
                   3.0       15.0                                 C254500200158 
       99.0      255.0                 113.0        0.2       38.0C254500200159 
                   3.0       15.0                                 C254500200160 
       99.0      255.0                 122.0       0.08       38.0C254500200161 
                   3.0       15.0                                 C254500200162 
      100.0      252.0                  97.0        1.1       27.0C254500200163 
                   3.0       16.0                                 C254500200164 
      100.0      252.0                 104.0        1.2       17.0C254500200165 
                   3.0       16.0                                 C254500200166 
      100.0      252.0                 113.0        1.2       17.0C254500200167 
                   3.0       16.0                                 C254500200168 
      100.0      252.0                 122.0        0.4       30.0C254500200169 
                   3.0       16.0                                 C254500200170 
      100.0      253.0                  97.0        1.9       21.0C254500200171 
                   3.0       17.0                                 C254500200172 
      100.0      253.0                 104.0        1.9       21.0C254500200173 
                   3.0       17.0                                 C254500200174 
      100.0      253.0                 113.0        1.5       47.0C254500200175 
                   3.0       17.0                                 C254500200176 
      100.0      253.0                 122.0        0.9       22.0C254500200177 
                   3.0       17.0                                 C254500200178 
      100.0      254.0                  97.0        2.4        4.0C254500200179 
                   5.0       18.0                                 C254500200180 
      100.0      254.0                 104.0        3.1        6.0C254500200181 
                   5.0       18.0                                 C254500200182 
      100.0      254.0                 113.0        2.0        5.0C254500200183 
                   5.0       18.0                                 C254500200184 
      100.0      254.0                 122.0        0.6        5.0C254500200185 
                   5.0       18.0                                 C254500200186 
      100.0      255.0                  97.0        1.1       20.0C254500200187 
                   6.0       19.0                                 C254500200188 
      100.0      255.0                 104.0        1.1       14.0C254500200189 
                   6.0       19.0                                 C254500200190 
      100.0      255.0                 113.0        0.5       38.0C254500200191 
                   6.0       19.0                                 C254500200192 
      100.0      255.0                 122.0        0.2       43.0C254500200193 
                   6.0       19.0                                 C254500200194 
      100.0      256.0                  97.0        0.3       15.0C254500200195 
                             20.0                                 C254500200196 
      100.0      256.0                 104.0       0.33       23.0C254500200197 
                             20.0                                 C254500200198 
      100.0      256.0                 113.0       0.16       16.0C254500200199 
                             20.0                                 C254500200200 
      100.0      256.0                 122.0       0.04       33.0C254500200201 
                             20.0                                 C254500200202 
ENDDATA            164          0                                 C254500200203 
ENDSUBENT          202          0                                 C254500299999 
SUBENT        C2545003   20200502                             C197C254500300001 
BIB                  4         17                                 C254500300002 
REACTION   (98-CF-249(8-O-18,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                    C254500300003 
SAMPLE     (98-CF-249,ENR=1.0) The 249Cf target contained 0.52    C254500300004 
           mg/cm2 in the form of CfF3 deposited with a diameter   C254500300005 
           of 6.5 mm on 2.13 mg/cm2 Be foil.                      C254500300006 
FLAG       (1.) The total cross section for 250Es when both       C254500300007 
           isomers were not measured, the ratio of the cross      C254500300008 
           section of the 6+ (8.6 h) to the sum of the cross      C254500300009 
           sections of the 6+ and 1- (2.1 h) isomers was taken    C254500300010 
           to be 0.17+0.17 for the 91- and 97-MeV bombardments,   C254500300011 
           consistent with our measured values of 0.17- +0.05 at  C254500300012 
           104 MeV, 0.32+0.16 at 122 MeV, and 0.43-+0.13 at 150   C254500300013 
           MeV. An interpolated value of 0.25-+0.17 for 113 MeV   C254500300014 
           was used.                                              C254500300015 
           (2.) Radiation from daughter activity mas measured.    C254500300016 
           (3.) Corrected for contribution from 7.04-MeV alpha    C254500300017 
           group of 252Fm.                                        C254500300018 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II, page 2658.                           C254500300019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 C254500300020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C254500300021 
DATA                 9        105                                 C254500300022 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     EN         DATA       ERR-S      C254500300023 
DATA-MAX   FLAG       DECAY-FLAG                                  C254500300024 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MEV        MICRO-B    PER-CENT   C254500300025 
MICRO-B    NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C254500300026 
       97.0      245.0                  97.0        6.7       39.0C254500300027 
                               1.                                 C254500300028 
       97.0      246.0                  97.0       83.0       17.0C254500300029 
                               2.                                 C254500300030 
       97.0      248.0        1.0       97.0      104.0       32.0C254500300031 
                               3.                                 C254500300032 
       97.0      250.0                  97.0       10.5       20.0C254500300033 
                               4.                                 C254500300034 
       98.0      246.0                  91.0        0.4       21.0C254500300035 
                               6.                                 C254500300036 
       98.0      246.0                  97.0       35.0        4.0C254500300037 
                               6.                                 C254500300038 
       98.0      246.0                 104.0      129.0        2.0C254500300039 
                               6.                                 C254500300040 
       98.0      246.0                 113.0      270.0        1.0C254500300041 
                               6.                                 C254500300042 
       98.0      246.0                 122.0      260.0        1.0C254500300043 
                               6.                                 C254500300044 
       98.0      246.0                 150.0      141.0        2.0C254500300045 
                               6.                                 C254500300046 
       98.0      248.0                  91.0     2840.0        1.0C254500300047 
                               7.                                 C254500300048 
       98.0      248.0                  97.0    10800.0        9.0C254500300049 
                               7.                                 C254500300050 
       98.0      248.0                 104.0    17500.0        1.0C254500300051 
                               7.                                 C254500300052 
       98.0      248.0                 113.0    22900.0        1.0C254500300053 
                               7.                                 C254500300054 
       98.0      248.0                 122.0    19200.0        1.0C254500300055 
                               7.                                 C254500300056 
       98.0      248.0                 150.0     9150.0        1.0C254500300057 
                               7.                                 C254500300058 
       98.0      250.0                  91.0    24500.0        2.0C254500300059 
                               8.                                 C254500300060 
       98.0      250.0                  97.0    38700.0        2.0C254500300061 
                               8.                                 C254500300062 
       98.0      250.0                 104.0    34100.0        3.0C254500300063 
                               8.                                 C254500300064 
       98.0      250.0                 113.0    38700.0       10.0C254500300065 
                               8.                                 C254500300066 
       98.0      250.0                 122.0    37800.0        2.0C254500300067 
                               8.                                 C254500300068 
       98.0      250.0                 150.0    40700.0        3.0C254500300069 
                               8.                                 C254500300070 
       99.0      249.0                  91.0        2.0       50.0C254500300071 
       99.0      249.0                  97.0      103.0        4.0C254500300073 
       99.0      249.0                 104.0      480.0       13.0C254500300075 
       99.0      249.0                 113.0     1175.0        6.0C254500300077 
       99.0      249.0                 122.0     1030.0        8.0C254500300079 
       99.0      249.0                 150.0      650.0       10.0C254500300081 
       99.0      250.0                  91.0      430.0       13.0C254500300083 
                   1.0                                            C254500300084 
       99.0      250.0                  97.0     3850.0       22.0C254500300085 
                   1.0                                            C254500300086 
       99.0      250.0                 104.0     6730.0        9.0C254500300087 
                   1.0                                            C254500300088 
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       99.0      253.0                  97.0       27.0        7.0C254500300121 
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       99.0      253.0                 104.0       29.0       18.0C254500300123 
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       99.0      253.0                 150.0        4.9       20.0C254500300129 
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      100.0      252.0                 104.0     2400.0       20.0C254500300159 
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      100.0      252.0                 150.0       89.0       17.0C254500300165 
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      100.0      253.0                  97.0      477.0        4.0C254500300169 
                   2.0        17.                                 C254500300170 
      100.0      253.0                 104.0      526.0        3.0C254500300171 
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      100.0      253.0                 150.0       19.0       10.0C254500300177 
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      100.0      254.0                  91.0       12.3        4.0C254500300179 
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      100.0      254.0                  97.0       80.0        1.0C254500300181 
                              18.                                 C254500300182 
      100.0      254.0                 104.0      103.0        1.0C254500300183 
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      100.0      254.0                 113.0       56.0        2.0C254500300185 
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      100.0      254.0                 122.0       24.5        3.0C254500300187 
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      100.0      256.0                  97.0        1.2        3.0C254500300205 
                              20.                                 C254500300206 
      100.0      256.0                 104.0        1.5        7.0C254500300207 
                              20.                                 C254500300208 
      100.0      256.0                 113.0        0.9       22.0C254500300209 
                              20.                                 C254500300210 
      100.0      256.0                 122.0        0.5       20.0C254500300211 
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