ENTRY            C2584   20201123                             C200C258400000001 
SUBENT        C2584001   20201123                             C200C258400100001 
BIB                 10         46                                 C258400100002 
TITLE      First direct measurement of 22Mg(alpha,p)25Al and      C258400100003 
           implications for X-ray burst model-observation         C258400100004 
           comparisons                                            C258400100005 
AUTHOR     (J.S.Randhawa,Y.Ayyad,W.Mittig,Z.Meisel,T.Ahn,         C258400100006 
           S.Aguilar,H.Alvarez-Pol,D.W.Bardayan,D.Bazin,          C258400100007 
           S.Beceiro-Novo,D.Blankstein,L.Carpenter,M.Cortesi,     C258400100008 
           D.Cortina-Gil,P.Gastis,M.Hall,S.Henderson,J.J.Kolata,  C258400100009 
           T.Mijatovic,F.Ndayisabye,P.O'Malley,J.Pereira,         C258400100010 
           A.Pierre,H.Robert,C.Santamaria,H.Schatz,J.Smith,       C258400100011 
           N.Watwood,J.C.Zamora)                                  C258400100012 
           3BZLUSP)                                               C258400100014 
           (1USAUSA) Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant  C258400100015 
REFERENCE  (J,PRL,125,202701,2020)                                C258400100016 
FACILITY   (CYCTM,1USAMSU) Experiment was carried out using       C258400100017 
           coupled cyclotrons at the NSCL East Lansing. This      C258400100018 
           facility served to produce 22Mg ions.                  C258400100019 
           (LINAC,1USAMSU) 22Mg ions were injected into the ReA3  C258400100020 
           reaccelerator and accelerated to 5 MeV/u               C258400100021 
SAMPLE     Sample was an Active-Target time projection chamber    C258400100022 
            (TPC) filled with mixture of 95% He and 5% CO2 at     C258400100023 
           the pressure of 600 torr. The active volume of the     C258400100024 
           TPC is cylinder of length 1 m and of a radius 29.2 cm. C258400100025 
DETECTOR   The time projection chamber was at the same time He    C258400100026 
           target as well as the detector of reaction products.   C258400100027 
           Cylindrical TPC is placed in uniform magnetic field    C258400100028 
           of 1.9T produced by solenoidal magnet. The sensor      C258400100029 
           plane consisted of approx. 10000 equilateral triangle  C258400100030 
           pads which provided x-y information of the particle    C258400100031 
           track. Drift time of the electrons provided            C258400100032 
           longitudinal z component of the track.                 C258400100033 
           (IOCH) A thin ionization chamber placed in front of th C258400100034 
           TPC, filled with isobutane at 10 torr was used to      C258400100035 
           record the beam intensity aand identified the beam     C258400100036 
           contaminants. Signal from ionization chamber was used  C258400100037 
           also for time reference of the TPC signals.            C258400100038 
METHOD     Inverse kinematics was used.                           C258400100039 
INC-SOURCE 22Mg was produced from the fragmentation of a 24Mg     C258400100040 
           primary beam accelerated by the coupled cyclotrons     C258400100041 
           and selected by the A1900 fragment separator. The      C258400100042 
           22Mg fragments were stopped in gas cell and            C258400100043 
           transported to electron beam ion source. The ions      C258400100044 
           from ion source were injected to ReA3 reaccelerator    C258400100045 
           and accelerated to cca 5 MeV/A with average beam       C258400100046 
           intensity of 900 pps.                                  C258400100047 
HISTORY    (20201123C) Compiled by S.H.                           C258400100048 
ENDBIB              46          0                                 C258400100049 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C258400100050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 C258400199999 
SUBENT        C2584002   20201123                             C200C258400200001 
BIB                  3          5                                 C258400200002 
REACTION   (12-MG-22(A,P)13-AL-25,,SIG)                           C258400200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C258400200004 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty                       C258400200005 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertaity                               C258400200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference        C258400200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 C258400200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C258400200009 
DATA                11          5                                 C258400200010 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      +ERR-T     -ERR-T     ERR-SYS    C258400200011 
+ERR-SYS   -ERR-SYS   ERR-S      +ERR-S     -ERR-S                C258400200012 
MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB         MB         C258400200013 
MB         MB         MB         MB         MB                    C258400200014 
        3.2        2.5                   2.3        1.8           C258400200015 
        0.9       0.9                    2.1        1.6           C258400200016 
        4.8        26.        12.                              11.C258400200017 
                           6.                                     C258400200018 
        6.6        64.        27.                              25.C258400200019 
                           10.                                    C258400200020 
        8.6        69.        29.                              26.C258400200021 
                           11.                                    C258400200022 
       10.6        80.        33.                              31.C258400200023 
                           12.                                    C258400200024 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 C258400200025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 C258400299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C258499999999