ENTRY C2615 20211109 C208C261500000001 SUBENT C2615001 20211107 C208C261500100001 BIB 11 36 C261500100002 TITLE Polarization and angular distribution of the neutrons C261500100003 from 14C(p,n) reaction and the tensor force C261500100004 AUTHOR (C.Wong,J.D.Anderson,V.A.Madsen,F.A.Schmittroth, C261500100005 M.J.Stomp) C261500100006 INSTITUTE (1USALRL,1USAORU) C261500100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,3,1904,1971) C261500100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.3.1904 C261500100009 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USALRL) C261500100010 REL-REF (I,O0493001,B.D.Walker+,J,PR,137,B347,1965) C261500100011 COMMENT The proton beam energy spread due to energy loss in C261500100012 the gas targets varied between +-0.18 MeV at Ep = 7.2 C261500100013 MeV and +-0.14 MeV at Ep = 13.3 MeV. C261500100014 SAMPLE (6-C-14,ENR=0.91) C261500100015 The cell filled with CO2 gas to a pressure of 1.5 atm. C261500100016 For the lower-energy measurements, Ep = 7.2, 8.8, and C261500100017 10.4 MeV, the gas target is 2.5x2.5-cm gas cell lined C261500100018 with Ta. The entrance window was 0.0013-cm Ta and was C261500100019 supported by a gold grid whose transmission was C261500100020 approximately 90%. The cell was filled with 14CO2 gas C261500100021 to a pressure of 1.5 atm. C261500100022 For the measurements at Ep = 10.4, 11.7, 12.6, and C261500100023 13.3 MeV, a 2.5x2.5-cm target with nickel entrance and C261500100024 windows (9-mg/cm2 unsupported Ni windows) was used. TheC261500100025 beam stopper was also nickel and was located some 30 cmC261500100026 from the gas cell. The cell was filled with 14CO2 gas C261500100027 to a pressure of two atm. C261500100028 METHOD (TOF) C261500100029 (MAGFR) The method consists of precessing the neutron C261500100030 magnetic moment plus and minus 90 degrees with a C261500100031 suitably designed solenoid to obtain the equivalent C261500100032 "left" and "right" scattering measurements. C261500100033 (DSCAT) The analyzer was liquid helium, and the angle C261500100034 of scattering from the helium was 60 degrees. C261500100035 DETECTOR (SCIN) The neutron detector was a 5x5-cm stilbene C261500100036 scintillator located 30 cm from the helium scatterer. C261500100037 HISTORY (20210807C) OG C261500100038 ENDBIB 36 0 C261500100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 C261500100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 C261500199999 SUBENT C2615002 20210810 C208C261500200001 BIB 5 16 C261500200002 REACTION (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,POL/DA) C261500200003 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-14,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.) C261500200004 (7-N-14,E-LVL=2.31,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) C261500200005 (7-N-14,E-LVL=3.95,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.) C261500200006 CORRECTION The values of polarization have been corrected for C261500200007 multiple scattering; these corrections varied between C261500200008 8 and 12%. C261500200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error on polarization was computed from C261500200010 the statistical counting error on the product P(He)*P, C261500200011 where P(He) is the polarization of the neutrons C261500200012 scattered from the helium and P is the polarization of C261500200013 the neutrons from the (p,n) reaction, since the C261500200014 statistical counting errors are much larger than the C261500200015 uncertainties in the values of P(He). C261500200016 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 (p.1909) in Phys.Rev/C,3,1904,1971 was C261500200017 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C261500200018 ENDBIB 16 0 C261500200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 C261500200020 DATA 5 189 C261500200021 E-LVL EN ANG DATA DATA-ERR C261500200022 MEV MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C261500200023 0. 7.2 0.009 0.056 0.086 C261500200024 0. 7.2 8.431 -0.066 0.106 C261500200025 0. 7.2 18.778 -0.160 0.088 C261500200026 0. 7.2 19.065 -0.237 0.085 C261500200027 0. 7.2 28.354 -0.194 0.106 C261500200028 0. 7.2 37.749 0.000 0.133 C261500200029 0. 7.2 37.929 -0.255 0.144 C261500200030 0. 7.2 48.282 -0.231 0.144 C261500200031 0. 7.2 58.249 -0.186 0.163 C261500200032 0. 7.2 68.132 0.085 0.162 C261500200033 0. 7.2 77.241 0.378 0.213 C261500200034 0. 7.2 88.228 -0.436 0.255 C261500200035 0. 8.8 0.507 0.025 0.123 C261500200036 0. 8.8 4.532 -0.154 0.076 C261500200037 0. 8.8 9.629 -0.115 0.084 C261500200038 0. 8.8 19.613 -0.237 0.081 C261500200039 0. 8.8 29.488 -0.507 0.089 C261500200040 0. 8.8 39.888 -0.476 0.130 C261500200041 0. 8.8 40.163 -0.545 0.130 C261500200042 0. 8.8 49.388 -0.425 0.141 C261500200043 0. 8.8 59.349 -0.807 0.184 C261500200044 0. 8.8 69.384 -0.357 0.168 C261500200045 0. 8.8 78.909 -0.230 0.149 C261500200046 0. 10.4 0.255 0.021 0.054 C261500200047 0. 10.4 9.449 -0.084 0.079 C261500200048 0. 10.4 19.225 -0.130 0.094 C261500200049 0. 10.4 29.392 -0.175 0.107 C261500200050 0. 10.4 39.265 -0.464 0.110 C261500200051 0. 10.4 48.552 -0.155 0.099 C261500200052 0. 10.4 59.012 0.000 0.131 C261500200053 0. 10.4 68.788 0.251 0.126 C261500200054 0. 10.4 78.270 0.714 0.181 C261500200055 0. 11.7 0.008 0.104 0.068 C261500200056 0. 11.7 9.766 -0.337 0.229 C261500200057 0. 11.7 19.501 -0.625 0.221 C261500200058 0. 11.7 29.340 -0.791 0.309 C261500200059 0. 11.7 39.672 -0.956 0.221 C261500200060 0. 11.7 49.342 -0.513 0.155 C261500200061 0. 11.7 59.098 -0.364 0.160 C261500200062 0. 11.7 69.631 -0.444 0.219 C261500200063 0. 11.7 78.356 0.852 0.420 C261500200064 0. 12.6 0.555 -0.012 0.062 C261500200065 0. 12.6 10.076 -0.230 0.211 C261500200066 0. 12.6 19.858 -0.350 0.192 C261500200067 0. 12.6 29.964 -0.639 0.291 C261500200068 0. 12.6 30.146 -0.299 0.211 C261500200069 0. 12.6 39.804 -0.451 0.234 C261500200070 0. 12.6 40.141 -0.547 0.227 C261500200071 0. 12.6 49.247 -0.497 0.205 C261500200072 0. 12.6 59.762 -0.486 0.192 C261500200073 0. 12.6 69.734 -0.231 0.333 C261500200074 0. 12.6 79.279 -0.990 0.400 C261500200075 0. 12.6 89.689 -0.986 0.691 C261500200076 0. 13.3 0.475 0.011 0.113 C261500200077 0. 13.3 9.693 -0.017 0.156 C261500200078 0. 13.3 9.814 0.312 0.113 C261500200079 0. 13.3 19.190 0.312 0.191 C261500200080 0. 13.3 19.449 0.210 0.198 C261500200081 0. 13.3 29.471 0.093 0.216 C261500200082 0. 13.3 29.597 0.195 0.315 C261500200083 0. 13.3 39.754 -0.225 0.262 C261500200084 0. 13.3 40.143 -0.359 0.258 C261500200085 0. 13.3 49.393 -0.466 0.216 C261500200086 0. 13.3 49.645 -0.239 0.237 C261500200087 0. 13.3 59.792 -0.225 0.230 C261500200088 0. 13.3 70.074 -0.480 0.258 C261500200089 2.31 7.2 -0.009 -0.014 0.078 C261500200090 2.31 7.2 9.379 -0.466 0.070 C261500200091 2.31 7.2 18.294 -0.518 0.052 C261500200092 2.31 7.2 19.336 -0.558 0.069 C261500200093 2.31 7.2 29.152 -0.441 0.040 C261500200094 2.31 7.2 38.178 -0.341 0.065 C261500200095 2.31 7.2 39.166 -0.321 0.065 C261500200096 2.31 7.2 48.857 -0.138 0.046 C261500200097 2.31 7.2 58.638 0.001 0.033 C261500200098 2.31 7.2 68.954 0.210 0.053 C261500200099 2.31 7.2 78.727 0.352 0.075 C261500200100 2.31 7.2 88.553 -0.084 0.099 C261500200101 2.31 8.8 0.494 0.012 0.066 C261500200102 2.31 8.8 4.451 -0.381 0.060 C261500200103 2.31 8.8 9.707 -0.640 0.039 C261500200104 2.31 8.8 19.400 -0.751 0.055 C261500200105 2.31 8.8 29.504 -0.616 0.055 C261500200106 2.31 8.8 39.230 -0.420 0.045 C261500200107 2.31 8.8 39.338 -0.308 0.063 C261500200108 2.31 8.8 49.371 0.059 0.055 C261500200109 2.31 8.8 59.200 0.317 0.063 C261500200110 2.31 8.8 69.111 0.442 0.063 C261500200111 2.31 8.8 78.591 0.140 0.063 C261500200112 2.31 8.8 79.081 0.229 0.081 C261500200113 2.31 10.4 -0.009 0.018 0.066 C261500200114 2.31 10.4 10.030 -0.184 0.039 C261500200115 2.31 10.4 19.303 -0.521 0.055 C261500200116 2.31 10.4 29.659 -0.516 0.071 C261500200117 2.31 10.4 39.526 -0.539 0.102 C261500200118 2.31 10.4 49.109 -0.124 0.105 C261500200119 2.31 10.4 58.889 0.364 0.120 C261500200120 2.31 10.4 68.464 0.996 0.132 C261500200121 2.31 10.4 78.339 0.780 0.102 C261500200122 2.31 11.7 -0.136 0.059 0.063 C261500200123 2.31 11.7 9.692 -0.167 0.104 C261500200124 2.31 11.7 19.315 -0.292 0.165 C261500200125 2.31 11.7 29.527 -0.532 0.405 C261500200126 2.31 11.7 39.348 0.063 0.280 C261500200127 2.31 11.7 48.971 -0.164 0.232 C261500200128 2.31 11.7 59.409 -0.967 0.402 C261500200129 2.31 11.7 69.300 0.407 0.600 C261500200130 2.31 11.7 78.925 0.759 0.251 C261500200131 2.31 12.6 -0.005 -0.122 0.059 C261500200132 2.31 12.6 -0.003 -0.072 0.071 C261500200133 2.31 12.6 10.295 -0.538 0.187 C261500200134 2.31 12.6 20.068 -0.188 0.276 C261500200135 2.31 12.6 29.520 0.328 0.373 C261500200136 2.31 12.6 29.978 0.536 0.175 C261500200137 2.31 12.6 40.139 0.182 0.122 C261500200138 2.31 12.6 40.153 0.384 0.131 C261500200139 2.31 12.6 49.246 0.414 0.074 C261500200140 2.31 12.6 59.731 0.006 0.095 C261500200141 2.31 12.6 70.213 -0.440 0.169 C261500200142 2.31 12.6 79.337 0.020 0.392 C261500200143 2.31 12.6 89.699 0.922 0.071 C261500200144 2.31 13.3 0.417 -0.111 0.128 C261500200145 2.31 13.3 10.472 0.274 0.295 C261500200146 2.31 13.3 10.562 0.920 0.252 C261500200147 2.31 13.3 19.703 -0.043 0.157 C261500200148 2.31 13.3 19.959 0.011 0.155 C261500200149 2.31 13.3 30.149 0.073 0.136 C261500200150 2.31 13.3 30.292 0.001 0.158 C261500200151 2.31 13.3 39.906 0.382 0.122 C261500200152 2.31 13.3 40.242 0.236 0.138 C261500200153 2.31 13.3 49.430 0.067 0.115 C261500200154 2.31 13.3 49.778 -0.002 0.132 C261500200155 2.31 13.3 59.807 -0.152 0.142 C261500200156 2.31 13.3 70.496 0.101 0.320 C261500200157 3.95 8.8 0.258 -0.009 0.067 C261500200158 3.95 8.8 4.601 -0.027 0.071 C261500200159 3.95 8.8 9.764 -0.216 0.073 C261500200160 3.95 8.8 19.477 -0.113 0.076 C261500200161 3.95 8.8 29.342 -0.344 0.105 C261500200162 3.95 8.8 38.793 -0.360 0.071 C261500200163 3.95 8.8 39.609 -0.415 0.128 C261500200164 3.95 8.8 49.491 -0.500 0.118 C261500200165 3.95 8.8 59.101 -0.453 0.139 C261500200166 3.95 8.8 69.106 -0.320 0.157 C261500200167 3.95 8.8 78.918 -0.194 0.191 C261500200168 3.95 10.4 0.908 0.044 0.057 C261500200169 3.95 10.4 10.914 0.092 0.099 C261500200170 3.95 10.4 20.497 0.491 0.094 C261500200171 3.95 10.4 30.604 0.198 0.113 C261500200172 3.95 10.4 40.973 0.196 0.141 C261500200173 3.95 10.4 50.259 0.158 0.115 C261500200174 3.95 10.4 60.205 0.437 0.170 C261500200175 3.95 10.4 70.368 -0.028 0.194 C261500200176 3.95 10.4 80.058 -0.011 0.233 C261500200177 3.95 11.7 0.434 0.042 0.058 C261500200178 3.95 11.7 10.302 -0.166 0.088 C261500200179 3.95 11.7 19.703 -0.210 0.067 C261500200180 3.95 11.7 29.595 -0.248 0.088 C261500200181 3.95 11.7 39.775 -0.334 0.096 C261500200182 3.95 11.7 49.502 -0.111 0.133 C261500200183 3.95 11.7 59.425 0.120 0.200 C261500200184 3.95 11.7 69.704 -0.814 0.339 C261500200185 3.95 11.7 79.277 -0.218 0.240 C261500200186 3.95 12.6 0.560 -0.053 0.085 C261500200187 3.95 12.6 0.568 0.001 0.081 C261500200188 3.95 12.6 10.461 0.195 0.144 C261500200189 3.95 12.6 20.204 -0.006 0.171 C261500200190 3.95 12.6 30.246 -0.161 0.128 C261500200191 3.95 12.6 30.282 -0.599 0.184 C261500200192 3.95 12.6 40.000 -0.288 0.117 C261500200193 3.95 12.6 40.285 -0.344 0.133 C261500200194 3.95 12.6 49.722 -0.633 0.115 C261500200195 3.95 12.6 60.011 -0.442 0.131 C261500200196 3.95 12.6 70.125 -0.091 0.200 C261500200197 3.95 12.6 79.325 0.010 0.240 C261500200198 3.95 12.6 89.193 -0.007 0.170 C261500200199 3.95 13.3 0.540 0.045 0.094 C261500200200 3.95 13.3 10.419 0.005 0.171 C261500200201 3.95 13.3 10.764 -0.249 0.158 C261500200202 3.95 13.3 19.476 -0.058 0.188 C261500200203 3.95 13.3 19.814 -0.451 0.310 C261500200204 3.95 13.3 29.833 -0.336 0.267 C261500200205 3.95 13.3 29.945 -0.484 0.275 C261500200206 3.95 13.3 39.844 -0.379 0.201 C261500200207 3.95 13.3 40.183 -0.784 0.198 C261500200208 3.95 13.3 49.267 -0.270 0.129 C261500200209 3.95 13.3 49.621 -0.343 0.178 C261500200210 3.95 13.3 59.645 -0.119 0.152 C261500200211 3.95 13.3 70.113 -0.571 0.290 C261500200212 ENDDATA 191 0 C261500200213 ENDSUBENT 212 0 C261500299999 SUBENT C2615003 20210810 C208C261500300001 BIB 5 14 C261500300002 REACTION (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,POL/DA) C261500300003 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-14,E-LVL=2.31,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) C261500300004 CORRECTION The values of polarization have been corrected for C261500300005 multiple scattering; these corrections varied between C261500300006 8 and 12%. C261500300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error on polarization was computed from C261500300008 the statistical counting error on the product P(He)*P, C261500300009 where P(He) is the polarization of the neutrons C261500300010 scattered from the helium and P is the polarization of C261500300011 the neutrons from the (p,n) reaction, since the C261500300012 statistical counting errors are much larger than the C261500300013 uncertainties in the values of P(He). C261500300014 STATUS (CURVE) Figs.4-5 (p.1910) in Phys.Rev/C,3,1904,1971 C261500300015 were digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C261500300016 ENDBIB 14 0 C261500300017 COMMON 1 3 C261500300018 E-LVL C261500300019 MEV C261500300020 2.31 C261500300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261500300022 DATA 4 70 C261500300023 EN ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR C261500300024 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C261500300025 7.2 1.570 0.069 0.082 C261500300026 7.2 1.821 -0.014 0.043 C261500300027 7.2 12.275 -0.484 0.070 C261500300028 7.2 23.444 -0.575 0.029 C261500300029 7.2 25.154 -0.553 0.043 C261500300030 7.2 34.101 -0.463 0.034 C261500300031 7.2 45.123 -0.322 0.034 C261500300032 7.2 45.333 -0.351 0.046 C261500300033 7.2 55.179 -0.170 0.031 C261500300034 7.2 66.564 0.002 0.043 C261500300035 7.2 75.631 0.202 0.053 C261500300036 7.2 86.641 0.362 0.077 C261500300037 7.2 96.999 -0.093 0.100 C261500300038 8.8 1.622 -0.035 0.046 C261500300039 8.8 8.049 -0.405 0.060 C261500300040 8.8 12.914 -0.669 0.055 C261500300041 8.8 23.681 -0.787 0.058 C261500300042 8.8 34.954 -0.654 0.060 C261500300043 8.8 45.634 -0.454 0.053 C261500300044 8.8 45.789 -0.321 0.055 C261500300045 8.8 56.998 0.047 0.051 C261500300046 8.8 67.277 0.310 0.067 C261500300047 8.8 77.598 0.421 0.058 C261500300048 8.8 87.433 0.207 0.089 C261500300049 8.8 88.219 0.138 0.046 C261500300050 10.4 1.116 -0.018 0.038 C261500300051 10.4 12.215 -0.214 0.034 C261500300052 10.4 23.314 -0.569 0.055 C261500300053 10.4 34.246 -0.575 0.070 C261500300054 10.4 44.336 -0.581 0.102 C261500300055 10.4 55.099 -0.163 0.130 C261500300056 10.4 65.693 0.338 0.132 C261500300057 10.4 76.728 0.983 0.101 C261500300058 10.4 86.122 0.749 0.124 C261500300059 11.7 4.430 0.016 0.065 C261500300060 11.7 15.574 -0.187 0.111 C261500300061 11.7 25.763 -0.335 0.157 C261500300062 11.7 36.706 -0.594 0.440 C261500300063 11.7 48.171 0.039 0.301 C261500300064 11.7 57.193 -0.184 0.229 C261500300065 11.7 67.650 -0.995 0.401 C261500300066 11.7 79.630 0.381 0.780 C261500300067 11.7 90.087 0.719 0.317 C261500300068 12.6 1.759 -0.084 0.085 C261500300069 12.6 2.356 -0.154 0.047 C261500300070 12.6 12.307 -0.565 0.206 C261500300071 12.6 23.411 -0.204 0.279 C261500300072 12.6 33.070 0.521 0.173 C261500300073 12.6 33.706 0.303 0.380 C261500300074 12.6 44.748 0.153 0.111 C261500300075 12.6 44.888 0.359 0.143 C261500300076 12.6 55.881 0.403 0.070 C261500300077 12.6 65.646 -0.033 0.099 C261500300078 12.6 75.985 -0.449 0.165 C261500300079 12.6 86.673 0.026 0.400 C261500300080 12.6 96.876 0.890 0.288 C261500300081 13.3 0.269 -0.096 0.102 C261500300082 13.3 1.054 -0.196 0.102 C261500300083 13.3 12.189 0.282 0.266 C261500300084 13.3 12.690 0.889 0.229 C261500300085 13.3 22.542 -0.050 0.169 C261500300086 13.3 22.862 0.004 0.198 C261500300087 13.3 32.296 0.053 0.137 C261500300088 13.3 32.688 0.009 0.132 C261500300089 13.3 44.435 0.236 0.178 C261500300090 13.3 45.370 0.392 0.124 C261500300091 13.3 54.246 0.017 0.120 C261500300092 13.3 55.654 0.061 0.133 C261500300093 13.3 64.371 -0.166 0.154 C261500300094 13.3 74.569 0.095 0.339 C261500300095 ENDDATA 72 0 C261500300096 ENDSUBENT 95 0 C261500399999 SUBENT C2615004 20210810 C208C261500400001 BIB 4 5 C261500400002 REACTION (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,DA) C261500400003 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-14,E-LVL=2.31,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) C261500400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C261500400005 STATUS (CURVE) Figs.4-6 (p.1910-1911) in C261500400006 Phys.Rev/C,3,1904,1971 were digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C261500400007 ENDBIB 5 0 C261500400008 COMMON 1 3 C261500400009 E-LVL C261500400010 MEV C261500400011 2.31 C261500400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261500400013 DATA 4 69 C261500400014 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C261500400015 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C261500400016 7.2 7.087 5.167E+00 4.485E-01 C261500400017 7.2 20.349 9.886E+00 8.583E-01 C261500400018 7.2 36.336 1.955E+01 1.579E+00 C261500400019 7.2 54.246 2.258E+01 1.687E+00 C261500400020 7.2 69.611 1.868E+01 1.510E+00 C261500400021 7.2 85.153 9.863E+00 1.036E+00 C261500400022 7.2 100.113 5.691E+00 4.256E-01 C261500400023 7.2 115.121 9.744E+00 8.453E-01 C261500400024 7.2 129.946 2.190E+01 1.378E+00 C261500400025 7.2 145.536 3.507E+01 2.834E+00 C261500400026 8.8 4.984 6.566E+00 5.351E-01 C261500400027 8.8 17.786 6.425E+00 5.629E-01 C261500400028 8.8 34.259 7.606E+00 6.199E-01 C261500400029 8.8 49.772 7.873E+00 6.892E-01 C261500400030 8.8 66.064 7.706E+00 7.219E-01 C261500400031 8.8 82.559 6.669E+00 5.436E-01 C261500400032 8.8 98.081 6.002E+00 5.987E-01 C261500400033 8.8 112.833 5.023E+00 3.790E-01 C261500400034 8.8 126.412 4.807E+00 3.627E-01 C261500400035 8.8 141.706 7.116E+00 5.798E-01 C261500400036 10.4 4.734 2.100E+01 1.713E+00 C261500400037 10.4 17.415 1.565E+01 9.480E-01 C261500400038 10.4 33.140 6.604E+00 5.388E-01 C261500400039 10.4 48.527 2.774E+00 2.263E-01 C261500400040 10.4 64.420 2.007E+00 1.637E-01 C261500400041 10.4 80.145 2.160E+00 1.877E-01 C261500400042 10.4 96.039 4.506E+00 3.676E-01 C261500400043 10.4 111.087 5.988E+00 4.568E-01 C261500400044 10.4 124.952 4.419E+00 3.371E-01 C261500400045 10.4 138.816 2.829E+00 2.308E-01 C261500400046 11.7 7.033 3.039E+00 2.086E-01 C261500400047 11.7 19.991 1.571E+00 1.399E-01 C261500400048 11.7 35.344 3.532E-01 1.005E-01 C261500400049 11.7 51.306 7.011E-01 8.062E-02 C261500400050 11.7 67.458 2.676E-01 8.792E-02 C261500400051 11.7 83.610 5.255E-01 9.995E-02 C261500400052 11.7 99.572 3.097E+00 2.634E-01 C261500400053 11.7 114.584 4.178E+00 3.063E-01 C261500400054 11.7 128.076 3.148E+00 2.308E-01 C261500400055 11.7 141.758 2.532E+00 2.154E-01 C261500400056 12.6 18.722 1.287E+00 3.053E-01 C261500400057 12.6 34.433 9.112E-01 1.740E-01 C261500400058 12.6 50.825 3.451E+00 2.542E-01 C261500400059 12.6 66.556 3.301E+00 2.428E-01 C261500400060 12.6 82.577 8.419E-01 1.718E-01 C261500400061 12.6 97.535 6.508E-01 1.949E-01 C261500400062 12.6 113.166 2.334E+00 1.990E-01 C261500400063 12.6 126.797 1.784E+00 1.843E-01 C261500400064 12.6 140.106 1.941E-01 1.943E-01 C261500400065 13.3 3.541 1.145E+00 2.640E-01 C261500400066 13.3 16.236 2.198E+00 1.794E-01 C261500400067 13.3 32.426 3.966E+00 2.761E-01 C261500400068 13.3 48.515 3.653E+00 2.762E-01 C261500400069 13.3 64.308 1.737E+00 1.314E-01 C261500400070 13.3 80.339 5.932E-01 9.305E-02 C261500400071 13.3 96.119 1.266E+00 1.034E-01 C261500400072 13.3 110.552 2.513E+00 1.752E-01 C261500400073 13.3 124.866 2.912E+00 2.378E-01 C261500400074 13.3 138.706 1.557E+00 1.460E-01 C261500400075 18.3 3.604 1.365E+00 1.826E-01 C261500400076 18.3 16.533 1.067E+00 1.106E-01 C261500400077 18.3 32.206 1.981E+00 1.859E-01 C261500400078 18.3 48.216 4.147E+00 3.227E-01 C261500400079 18.3 64.587 2.823E+00 2.509E-01 C261500400080 18.3 79.809 9.463E-01 1.198E-01 C261500400081 18.3 95.608 4.180E-01 9.829E-02 C261500400082 18.3 109.610 8.463E-01 1.202E-01 C261500400083 18.3 124.451 8.323E-01 1.247E-01 C261500400084 18.3 138.845 3.989E-01 1.303E-01 C261500400085 ENDDATA 71 0 C261500400086 ENDSUBENT 85 0 C261500499999 SUBENT C2615005 20210810 C208C261500500001 BIB 4 5 C261500500002 REACTION (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,DA) C261500500003 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-14,E-LVL=3.95,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.) C261500500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C261500500005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.7 (p.1912) in Phys.Rev/C,3,1904,1971 C261500500006 was digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C261500500007 ENDBIB 5 0 C261500500008 COMMON 1 3 C261500500009 E-LVL C261500500010 MEV C261500500011 3.95 C261500500012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261500500013 DATA 4 57 C261500500014 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C261500500015 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C261500500016 10.4 7.882 2.437E+00 C261500500017 10.4 21.414 2.265E+00 C261500500018 10.4 37.741 2.565E+00 C261500500019 10.4 53.496 2.421E+00 C261500500020 10.4 69.565 1.766E+00 C261500500021 10.4 84.990 1.167E+00 C261500500022 10.4 99.930 1.358E+00 C261500500023 10.4 110.299 2.278E+00 C261500500024 10.4 129.769 3.317E+00 C261500500025 10.4 143.461 3.775E+00 C261500500026 11.7 6.434 5.500E+00 C261500500027 11.7 19.022 4.330E+00 C261500500028 11.7 35.414 3.306E+00 C261500500029 11.7 51.029 2.716E+00 C261500500030 11.7 67.086 1.717E+00 C261500500031 11.7 82.992 2.058E+00 C261500500032 11.7 112.204 2.298E+00 C261500500033 11.7 127.020 2.233E+00 C261500500034 11.7 141.032 2.620E+00 C261500500035 12.47 3.580 1.977E+00 C261500500036 12.47 18.045 2.088E+00 C261500500037 12.47 34.772 1.715E+00 C261500500038 12.47 66.795 2.400E+00 C261500500039 12.47 82.799 1.513E+00 C261500500040 12.47 96.771 2.566E+00 C261500500041 12.47 112.551 3.583E+00 C261500500042 12.47 127.018 3.323E+00 C261500500043 12.47 139.731 2.993E+00 C261500500044 12.55 5.477 1.910E+00 C261500500045 12.55 18.703 1.849E+00 C261500500046 12.55 35.455 1.368E+00 C261500500047 12.55 66.192 2.143E+00 C261500500048 12.55 82.350 1.367E+00 C261500500049 12.55 96.736 2.010E+00 C261500500050 12.55 111.422 3.141E+00 C261500500051 12.55 126.555 2.813E+00 C261500500052 12.55 139.498 2.390E+00 C261500500053 13.3 6.032 2.387E+00 2.569E-01 C261500500054 13.3 19.047 2.196E+00 1.817E-01 C261500500055 13.3 35.723 1.968E+00 1.467E-01 C261500500056 13.3 51.586 3.950E+00 3.755E-01 C261500500057 13.3 67.448 3.620E+00 3.143E-01 C261500500058 13.3 83.175 2.281E+00 1.794E-01 C261500500059 13.3 97.682 1.604E+00 1.395E-01 C261500500060 13.3 112.053 3.100E+00 2.821E-01 C261500500061 13.3 127.780 4.055E+00 2.859E-01 C261500500062 13.3 141.473 3.690E+00 2.154E-01 C261500500063 18.3 4.019 3.744E-01 2.316E-01 C261500500064 18.3 17.243 2.008E+00 1.845E-01 C261500500065 18.3 33.235 2.215E+00 1.850E-01 C261500500066 18.3 49.495 2.489E+00 2.496E-01 C261500500067 18.3 65.413 1.977E+00 1.651E-01 C261500500068 18.3 80.394 1.400E+00 8.255E-02 C261500500069 18.3 95.508 1.014E+00 1.016E-01 C261500500070 18.3 110.540 1.122E+00 1.030E-01 C261500500071 18.3 124.691 8.344E-01 9.778E-02 C261500500072 18.3 139.323 8.721E-01 1.363E-01 C261500500073 ENDDATA 59 0 C261500500074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 C261500599999 SUBENT C2615006 20210810 C208C261500600001 BIB 4 5 C261500600002 REACTION (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,DA) C261500600003 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-14,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.) C261500600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C261500600005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.8 (p.1912) in Phys.Rev/C,3,1904,1971 C261500600006 was digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C261500600007 ENDBIB 5 0 C261500600008 COMMON 1 3 C261500600009 E-LVL C261500600010 MEV C261500600011 0.0 C261500600012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261500600013 DATA 4 58 C261500600014 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C261500600015 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C261500600016 10.4 3.227 9.032E+00 5.552E-01 C261500600017 10.4 16.691 8.310E+00 6.238E-01 C261500600018 10.4 33.276 6.478E+00 3.979E-01 C261500600019 10.4 49.836 5.788E+00 3.292E-01 C261500600020 10.4 65.654 4.361E+00 3.469E-01 C261500600021 10.4 81.195 2.736E+00 1.927E-01 C261500600022 10.4 96.632 1.285E+00 9.057E-02 C261500600023 10.4 112.111 1.148E+00 9.672E-02 C261500600024 10.4 126.913 1.423E+00 1.264E-01 C261500600025 10.4 142.051 1.526E+00 1.076E-01 C261500600026 11.7 2.863 2.403E+00 C261500600027 11.7 15.916 2.327E+00 C261500600028 11.7 33.032 2.019E+00 C261500600029 11.7 49.677 3.737E+00 3.341E-01 C261500600030 11.7 65.859 3.269E+00 2.670E-01 C261500600031 11.7 81.562 1.447E+00 C261500600032 11.7 96.249 9.557E-01 1.289E-01 C261500600033 11.7 111.475 9.338E-01 C261500600034 11.7 127.246 1.316E+00 C261500600035 11.7 142.130 1.499E+00 C261500600036 12.47 3.432 3.076E+00 1.780E-01 C261500600037 12.47 16.181 2.904E+00 C261500600038 12.47 32.826 2.032E+00 C261500600039 12.47 49.089 2.038E+00 C261500600040 12.47 65.052 1.801E+00 C261500600041 12.47 81.005 1.065E+00 C261500600042 12.47 96.433 3.976E-01 C261500600043 12.47 111.771 5.883E-01 C261500600044 12.47 126.823 1.077E+00 C261500600045 12.47 141.189 1.564E+00 C261500600046 12.55 15.532 3.299E+00 C261500600047 12.55 33.015 2.180E+00 C261500600048 12.55 49.150 2.379E+00 C261500600049 12.55 65.346 1.945E+00 C261500600050 12.55 80.401 9.780E-01 C261500600051 12.55 95.917 2.406E-01 2.514E-01 C261500600052 12.55 111.283 5.323E-01 2.019E-01 C261500600053 12.55 127.246 1.316E+00 C261500600054 12.55 141.232 1.275E+00 C261500600055 13.3 5.240 3.970E+00 3.516E-01 C261500600056 13.3 18.102 4.130E+00 3.088E-01 C261500600057 13.3 33.912 2.529E+00 1.662E-01 C261500600058 13.3 50.275 2.269E+00 1.388E-01 C261500600059 13.3 65.722 2.178E+00 1.828E-01 C261500600060 13.3 81.087 1.251E+00 1.167E-01 C261500600061 13.3 94.165 8.062E-01 8.641E-02 C261500600062 13.3 110.844 6.616E-01 9.300E-02 C261500600063 13.3 125.918 1.066E+00 9.438E-02 C261500600064 13.3 140.245 1.584E+00 1.623E-01 C261500600065 18.3 16.285 1.569E+00 1.122E-01 C261500600066 18.3 32.417 1.217E+00 1.156E-01 C261500600067 18.3 48.125 6.833E-01 8.115E-02 C261500600068 18.3 57.559 8.358E-02 8.650E-02 C261500600069 18.3 78.928 2.287E-01 5.076E-02 C261500600070 18.3 94.234 3.436E-01 1.134E-01 C261500600071 18.3 109.417 3.849E-01 1.075E-01 C261500600072 18.3 123.862 3.505E-01 7.748E-02 C261500600073 18.3 138.847 6.232E-01 1.403E-01 C261500600074 ENDDATA 60 0 C261500600075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 C261500699999 SUBENT C2615007 20210810 C208C261500700001 BIB 5 14 C261500700002 REACTION (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,POL/DA) C261500700003 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-14,E-LVL=3.95,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.) C261500700004 CORRECTION The values of polarization have been corrected for C261500700005 multiple scattering; these corrections varied between C261500700006 8 and 12%. C261500700007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error on polarization was computed from C261500700008 the statistical counting error on the product P(He)*P, C261500700009 where P(He) is the polarization of the neutrons C261500700010 scattered from the helium and P is the polarization of C261500700011 the neutrons from the (p,n) reaction, since the C261500700012 statistical counting errors are much larger than the C261500700013 uncertainties in the values of P(He). C261500700014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.9 (p.1913) in Phys.Rev/C,3,1904,1971 was C261500700015 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C261500700016 ENDBIB 14 0 C261500700017 COMMON 1 3 C261500700018 E-LVL C261500700019 MEV C261500700020 3.95 C261500700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261500700022 DATA 4 43 C261500700023 EN ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR C261500700024 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C261500700025 10.4 11.971 -0.040 0.141 C261500700026 10.4 22.776 0.558 0.162 C261500700027 10.4 33.852 0.100 0.186 C261500700028 10.4 44.209 0.086 0.219 C261500700029 10.4 55.074 0.051 0.178 C261500700030 10.4 65.859 0.451 0.279 C261500700031 10.4 75.887 -0.243 0.301 C261500700032 10.4 86.248 -0.208 0.356 C261500700033 11.7 0.997 0.019 0.057 C261500700034 11.7 11.598 -0.177 0.179 C261500700035 11.7 22.723 -0.245 0.084 C261500700036 11.7 33.340 -0.270 0.095 C261500700037 11.7 44.078 -0.371 0.106 C261500700038 11.7 55.101 -0.145 0.131 C261500700039 11.7 65.869 0.084 0.234 C261500700040 11.7 75.892 -0.848 0.350 C261500700041 11.7 85.669 -0.260 0.237 C261500700042 12.6 0.733 -0.072 0.034 C261500700043 12.6 10.573 -0.194 0.067 C261500700044 12.6 20.440 -0.024 0.173 C261500700045 12.6 33.221 -0.172 0.135 C261500700046 12.6 33.692 -0.624 0.199 C261500700047 12.6 43.317 -0.299 0.116 C261500700048 12.6 43.442 -0.325 0.127 C261500700049 12.6 54.160 -0.649 0.111 C261500700050 12.6 65.052 -0.458 0.141 C261500700051 12.6 75.577 -0.089 0.187 C261500700052 12.6 84.800 0.019 0.238 C261500700053 12.6 95.545 0.004 0.144 C261500700054 13.3 0.259 0.029 0.075 C261500700055 13.3 0.388 0.062 0.068 C261500700056 13.3 12.124 0.004 0.174 C261500700057 13.3 12.325 -0.261 0.158 C261500700058 13.3 22.448 -0.490 0.309 C261500700059 13.3 23.549 -0.085 0.195 C261500700060 13.3 33.039 -0.498 0.252 C261500700061 13.3 33.232 -0.361 0.275 C261500700062 13.3 44.347 -0.412 0.188 C261500700063 13.3 44.677 -0.818 0.215 C261500700064 13.3 54.360 -0.290 0.159 C261500700065 13.3 54.800 -0.347 0.173 C261500700066 13.3 65.364 -0.141 0.175 C261500700067 13.3 75.598 -0.594 0.335 C261500700068 ENDDATA 45 0 C261500700069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 C261500799999 SUBENT C2615008 20210810 C208C261500800001 BIB 5 14 C261500800002 REACTION (6-C-14(P,N)7-N-14,PAR,POL/DA) C261500800003 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-14,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.) C261500800004 CORRECTION The values of polarization have been corrected for C261500800005 multiple scattering; these corrections varied between C261500800006 8 and 12%. C261500800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error on polarization was computed from C261500800008 the statistical counting error on the product P(He)*P, C261500800009 where P(He) is the polarization of the neutrons C261500800010 scattered from the helium and P is the polarization of C261500800011 the neutrons from the (p,n) reaction, since the C261500800012 statistical counting errors are much larger than the C261500800013 uncertainties in the values of P(He). C261500800014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.10 (p.1913) in Phys.Rev/C,3,1904,1971 was C261500800015 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C261500800016 ENDBIB 14 0 C261500800017 COMMON 1 3 C261500800018 E-LVL C261500800019 MEV C261500800020 0.0 C261500800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261500800022 DATA 4 42 C261500800023 EN ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR C261500800024 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C261500800025 10.4 10.395 -0.108 0.097 C261500800026 10.4 20.997 -0.151 0.107 C261500800027 10.4 32.102 -0.204 0.126 C261500800028 10.4 42.802 -0.513 0.137 C261500800029 10.4 53.442 -0.190 0.121 C261500800030 10.4 63.559 -0.036 0.142 C261500800031 10.4 73.939 0.213 0.152 C261500800032 10.4 83.839 0.700 0.187 C261500800033 11.7 0.142 0.120 0.088 C261500800034 11.7 10.670 -0.373 0.241 C261500800035 11.7 21.614 -0.637 0.228 C261500800036 11.7 32.317 -0.818 0.300 C261500800037 11.7 42.773 -0.971 0.207 C261500800038 11.7 53.320 -0.543 0.163 C261500800039 11.7 63.572 -0.389 0.183 C261500800040 11.7 73.407 -0.470 0.219 C261500800041 11.7 84.081 0.765 0.228 C261500800042 12.6 1.911 -0.061 0.086 C261500800043 12.6 1.955 0.027 0.046 C261500800044 12.6 11.862 -0.240 0.218 C261500800045 12.6 21.443 -0.371 0.193 C261500800046 12.6 33.329 -0.657 0.265 C261500800047 12.6 33.510 -0.294 0.211 C261500800048 12.6 43.770 -0.573 0.237 C261500800049 12.6 44.323 -0.469 0.233 C261500800050 12.6 54.332 -0.496 0.228 C261500800051 12.6 64.474 -0.510 0.183 C261500800052 12.6 74.125 -0.250 0.362 C261500800053 13.3 0.355 0.100 0.098 C261500800054 13.3 0.404 0.019 0.095 C261500800055 13.3 10.575 0.306 0.129 C261500800056 13.3 10.739 -0.036 0.179 C261500800057 13.3 20.903 0.306 0.214 C261500800058 13.3 21.418 0.207 0.203 C261500800059 13.3 31.506 0.100 0.199 C261500800060 13.3 31.955 0.191 0.304 C261500800061 13.3 41.997 -0.228 0.274 C261500800062 13.3 42.391 -0.374 0.265 C261500800063 13.3 52.454 -0.256 0.243 C261500800064 13.3 52.730 -0.470 0.206 C261500800065 13.3 63.156 -0.216 0.211 C261500800066 13.3 83.088 -0.496 0.277 C261500800067 ENDDATA 44 0 C261500800068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 C261500899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 C261599999999